PC Agenda 8th December 2015


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

A meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council will be held at Salcott Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 8th December 2015

Apologies for absence: Bob Holmes, Nicky Ellis, John Walker, Robert Davidson,

Minutes of the last meeting

Zone Wardens Report

Borough and County Councillors

Public-Have Your Say

Declarations of Interest

Items for Discussion

1.   Neighbourhood Watch

  • To note any interest in setting up a scheme in any of our villages following the request for coordinators?
  • Decision required: Should we take this any further at this time and if so how?

2.   Playgrounds and Playing Fields

  • Reports on both play areas and fields
  • Any work completed or ongoing including Community Group work on Moss Hay
  • Decision required: Is there anything that needs immediate attention?

3.   Salcott Flooding

  • To note any recent correspondence on the matter
  • To note our letter sent to all authoritative personnel at CBC expressing our concerns and requests to be considered in the new CBC Local Plan
  • Decision required: What further action can the PC take at this time?

4.   Total Transport Project/FutureGov

  • Improving transport availability and communication
  • Decision required: Should we engage with them and possibly invite someone to a meeting to discuss our residents travel needs? 

5.   Bus Timetable Changes/Transportation Meeting Representative

  • Discuss lack of notification and changes to Peldon bus service
  • Note our current representative for attendance to meetings
  • Decision required: What action should we take other than attend meetings?

6.   Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities

  • Discuss the new legislation requirements and how we will address them
  •  Decision required: Agree on what is appropriate for us in order to comply fully.

7.   Actions and Reminders List – update


  • Bradwell Local Community Liaison Council (LCLC) Meetings- Bob will be our representative and attend meetings next year enabling the PC to keep abreast of the situation and our residents informed.

Planning Decisions:

152170 Proposal: Living room and bedroom extension at Fourways Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott
152121 Proposal: Outline application for a proposed 3 bedroom dwelling at site adjacent Peartree Cottage, Rose Lane, Salcott – Approve conditional


101855 Business Services at CAS Ltd. – Insurance£1,102.31
101856 R S Pullen – December salary£375.65
101857 Society of Local Council Clerks – annual subs£69.87

The next meeting will be on Tues 12th January 2016 at 7.30pm at Abbotts Hall Farm, Great Wigborough


PC Agenda 8th September 2015


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

A meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council will be held at Salcott Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 8th September 2015

Apologies for absence:

Minutes of the last meeting

Zone Wardens Report

Borough and County Councillors

Public-Have Your Say

Declarations of Interest

Items for Discussion

1.   Playgrounds and Playing Fields

  • Reports on both play areas and fields
  • Progress on work completed and work ongoing including footpath quotes and possible funding, rubber, hedge work, etc. on Moss Hay
  • Decision required: Are we interested in A & L old equipment?

2.   Emergency Plan

  • New information to update our plan 
  • Decision required: Are we happy with this version and do we consider that everything is included?

3.   Standing Orders

  • Updated as necessary to include statutory requirements
  • Decision required: Is everyone in agreement with this final version for this moment in time?

4.   Grass cutting statement

5.   Speeding and Accidents

  • Campaign suggestion following accidents along the Peldon to Salcott road.

6.   Essex Rural Strategy Consultation Event

  • Report

7.   Finances for Year 2014/15

  • Externally audited, displayed as required on noticeboards and website
  • Suggestion of ‘Sink Fund’

8.   Abberton Reservoir Rights of Way

  • Meeting report on progress

9.   Actions and Reminders List – update


  • Essex Police reply to our letter of concern
  • Salcott Saltmarsh Event 4th Oct
  • Rural Housing – Housing Company
  • CBC – Individual Electoral Registration
  • The Essex Playing Field – Summer 2015
  • Thank you from Great and Little Wigs PCC

Planning Applications:


Proposal: Infill to create entrance hall and relocate bathroom at Beckton House Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott


Proposal: removal on condition 02 of planning permission COL/102275/FUL to allow the building to be used as a B1, B2 & B8 at Pantiles Farm, Peldon Road, Abberton


Proposal: Restore an outbuilding to its original function as a stand-alone studio. Remove asbestos roof and replace with reclaimed clay tiled roof, with 2 Velux roof light replacing current corrugated plastic roof light and render end wall. Demolish poor quality brick, timber and blockwork extension and level floor at Cob Cottage, Salcott Street, Salcott – Withdrawn


Proposal: New roof structure, cladding and works at Waterways, Mersea Road, Peldon


Proposal: Gable roof to right hand projection to create a balanced shape and form to the overall dwelling at Fourways Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott


Proposal: Building for recreational games room and covered poolside seating in connection with existing dwelling and residence at Fourways Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott



Mr B Gooding – play insp x 6



R S Pullen – Aug and Sept salary



R S Pullen – expenses (ink, phone, petrol etc.)


The next meeting will be on Tues 13th October 2015 at 7.30pm at Abbotts Hall Farm, Great Wigborough to include attendance from Neighbourhood Watch representative and report from meeting at EA offices re Salcott flooding.


PC Agenda 14th July 2015


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

A meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council will be held at Peldon Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 14th July 2015

Apologies for absence:

Minutes of the last meeting

Zone Wardens Report

Borough and County Councillors

Public-Have Your Say

Declarations of Interest

Items for Discussion

1.    Playgrounds and Playing Fields

  • Reports on both play areas and fields
  • Progress on work completed and work ongoing including footpath quotes if any received, hedge work, etc. on Moss Hay
  • Decision required: Any other matters that require attention?

2.    Emergency Plan

  • New information to update our plan noted  
  • Decision required: Are we happy with this version and do we consider that everything is included? 

3.    Standing Orders

  • Updated as necessary to include statutory requirements 
  • Decision required: Is everyone in agreement with this final version for this moment in time? 

4.    Small Project Ideas

  • Discuss possible projects for applying for Borough Councillor money?

5.    Grass cutting

  • Discuss all grass cutting

6.    Operation of Speed Watch

  • Have we received any interest for training with the speed gun?

7.    Neighbourhood Watch Schemes

  • Have we received any interest in either joining or assisting in setting up a scheme?

8.    Salcott Flooding

  • Results so far with Environmental Agency
  • Decision required: Anything else we can do at this stage?

9.    Abberton Reservoir Rights of Way – update

10.   Broadband – update

11.   Actions and Reminders List – update

Planning Decisions:

150726 (and 150727 Listed Building application) Proposal: Demolition of existing greenhouse and construction of a single storey residential annexe at East Anglian Farm Rides, Moor Farm, Colchester Road, Peldon – Approve conditional
150927 Proposal: Two dormer windows to first floor to improve internal daylight/ventilation bedroom environment at Fourways Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott – Approve Conditional


101836 Peldon PCC – churchyard upkeep£200.00
101837 Salcott PCC – churchyard upkeep£200.00
101838 Great and Little Wigboroughs PCC – churchyards upkeep£400.00
101839 R S Pullen – July salary£375.65

The next meeting will be on Tues 8th September 2015 at 7.30pm at Salcott Village Hall


PC Agenda 9th June 2015


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

A meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council will be held at Abbotts Hall Farm, Great Wigborough at 7.30pm on Tuesday 9th June 2015

Apologies for absence:

Minutes of the last meeting

Zone Wardens Report

Borough and County Councillors

Public-Have Your Say

Declarations of Interest

Items for Discussion

1.    Playgrounds and Playing Fields

  • Reports on both play areas and fields
  • Progress on work completed and work ongoing including signage for the new equipment, footpath, hedge work, etc. on Moss Hay
  • Decision required: Any other matters that require attention?

2.    Emergency Plan

  • New information to update our plan noted
  • Decision required: Are we happy with this version and do we consider that everything is included?

3.    Standing Orders

  • Updated as necessary to include statutory requirements
  • Decision required: Is everyone in agreement with this final version for this moment in time?

4.    Operation of Speed Watch

  • Decision required: Do we wish to take control of this operation and if so how would it be implemented?

5.    Neighbourhood Watch Schemes

  • Discuss local crime and any way we can help to address it
  • Decision required: Are Neighbourhood Watch Schemes the way forward and if so who would do the organization?

6.    Donations to Churches

  • Discuss the parish council donation to each Church in our villages
  • Decision required: Should we continue with the same level of donations?

7.    Abberton Reservoir Rights of Way – update

8.    Broadband – update

9.    Actions and Reminders List – update

Planning Decisions:


Proposal: Removal of 3 no. existing barns/piggeries and hard standing to be replaced with a re-sited proposed feed and storage barn at The Grove, Maldon Road, Great Wigborough – Approve conditional



R S Pullen – May salary


The next meeting will be on Tues 14th July 2015 at 7.30pm at Peldon Village Hall


PC Agenda 12th May 2015


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

A meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council will be held at Salcott Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 12th May 2015 which will be:

The Annual Parish Assembly

Electors and Organisations are invited and can contribute to this meeting.

Addresses from any of the following may take place: County Councillors, Borough Councillors, Police and any other body or organisation.

Followed by:

Parish Council AGM

Election of Chairman, Vice Chairman, Financial and Responsible Officer; elected, co-option or resignation of Parish Councillors and signing of all necessary forms and declarations.

New Parish Councillors welcomed and gratitude expressed to those outgoing.

Apologies for absence: Nicky Ellis

Minutes of the last meeting

Police and Zone Wardens reports

Borough and County Councillors reports

Chairman’s Report

Financial Report

Public-Have Your Say:

Declarations of Interest:

Items for Discussion

1.   Playgrounds and Playing Fields

  • Reports on both play areas and fields
  • Annual Report from Anglia Inspection Services and ensuing work required
  • Progress on work completed and any ongoing at Moss Hay
  • Decision required: Any other matters that require attention?

2.   External Audit Return

  • To note internal auditor report
  • Minute agreement on our Financial Regulations and Risk Assessment
  • Confirm and agree Accounting Statements 2014/15
  • Complete Annual Governance Statement.

3.   Abberton Reservoir Rights of Way – update

4.   Broadband – update

5.   Actions and Reminder List – updated

Planning Applications:
150665 Proposal: Replacement of existing 50 year old prefabricated hall with a new multi-use community building incorporating solar panels and air source heat pump. Modified design of permission no 110076 granted 26/08/15 Peldon Village Hall
150726 Proposal: Demolition of existing greenhouse and construction of a single storey residential annexe at East Anglian Farm Rides, Moor Farm, Colchester Road, Peldon
150727 Proposal: Listed building application as above
Planning Decisions:
150358 Proposal: Gable to existing roof side elevation to improve feasible loft area enlarging approved bedroom slightly at Fourways Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott – Approve conditional
146560 Proposal: Replacement window and doors at Sampton Wick, Wigborough Road, Peldon – Approve conditional


101829R S Pullen – clerk’s salary for May£375.65
101830 Anglia Inspection Services Ltd – annual play areas insp.£234.00
101831 Essex Association of Local Councils – annual subs£278.31
101832 R C Laurie – internal audit£ 60.00

The next meeting will be on Tues 9th June 2015 at 7.30pm at Abbotts Hall Farm, Great Wigborough


PC Agenda 14th April 2015


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

A meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council will be held at Peldon Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 14th April 2015

Apologies for absence: Bob Holmes

Minutes of the last meeting

Zone Wardens Report – to include ditch clearance responsibilities

Borough and County Councillors

Public-Have Your Say

Declarations of Interest

Items for Discussion

1.   Salcott Flooding

  • Update on any further correspondence and/or meetings received or taken place.

2.   Playgrounds and Playing Fields

  • Reports on both play areas and fields
  • Progress on work completed and work ongoing including signage for the new equipment, footpath, hedge work, etc. on Moss Hay
  • Decision required: Any other matters that require attention?

3.   Affordable Housing

  • RCCE enquiring as to whether we should carry out another  housing needs survey nearly 5 years on from the last and also Moira offering to attend a meeting
  • Decision required: Should we carry out another Housing Needs Survey?
  • Decision required: If so should we do any work to promote this in advance?
  • Decision required: Should we ask Moira to attend a future meeting?

4.   Footpaths in Peldon

  • Progress on Footpath 13 from Church Road to St Ives Road
  • Any others to be discussed

5.   Speed Watch in Peldon

  • Have we enough data now for ECC to use to assess need for survey strips?

6.   Co-opting a Peldon Councillor

  • Have we received any interest?

7.   Abberton Reservoir Rights of Way – update

8.   Broadband – update

9.   Actions and Reminders List – update


1. Salcott resident phone call on various issues.

2. Local Government Boundary Commission – Electoral Review of Colchester Borough Council – Final Recommendations http://consultation.lgbce.org.uk.

Planning Applications
150358 Proposal: Gable to existing roof side elevation to improve feasibility loft area enlarging bedroom slightly at Fourways Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott
Planning Decisions:
150112 Proposal: Demolition of existing ground floor extension. Erection of two storey rear extension and first floor side extension at 6 Peldon Crescent, Mersea Road, Peldon – Approve conditional
146271 (& 150092 Listed Building application) Proposal: Installation of 3KW solar photo voltaic system 2 rows of 6 panels located on inner west and inner east facing pitches of a M roof at Malting Cottage, Malting Road, Peldon – Approve conditional


101824 R S Pullen – April salary£375.65
101825 R S Pullen – office expenses- heat light, etc£250.00
101826 Peldon Village Hall – hire£80.00
101827 CALC – annual subs£35.00

The next meeting will be on Tues 12th May 2015 at 7.30pm at Salcott Village Hall which will also be the Annual Assembly Meeting


PC Agenda 10th March 2015


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

A meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council will be held at Abbotts Hall Farm, Great Wigborough at 7.30pm on Tuesday 10th March 2015

Apologies for absence:

Minutes of the last meeting

Zone Wardens Report

Borough and County Councillors

Public-Have Your Say

Declarations of Interest

Items for Discussion

1.   Salcott Flooding

  • Update on any correspondence and meetings that have taken place. 
  • Decision required: Anything we can or should do to encourage results? 

2.   Playgrounds and Playing Fields

  • Reports on both play areas and fields
  • Progress on work completed and work ongoing including signage for the new equipment, footpath, hedge work, etc. on Moss Hay
  • Decision required: Any other matters that require attention?

3.   CALC  Meeting – report 

4.   Abberton Reservoir Rights of Way – update 

5.   Broadband – update

6.   Actions and Reminders List – update

Planning Applications
150363 Proposal: 2 storey extension to provide ground WC utility and study, first floor bedroom and en suite. Demolition of existing garage and external WC at 2 Sharlands Row, The Street, Salcott
146560 Proposal: Replacement of window and doors at Sampton Wick, Wigborough Road, Peldon
Planning Decisions:
146599 Proposal: Listed building application for demolition of unsafe storm damaged outbuilding at Kemps Farmhouse, Mersea Road, PeldonApprove conditional


101821 R S Pullen – March salary£375.65
101822 R S Pullen – expenses (petrol, phone, ink, paper, etc)£174.29

The next meeting will be on Tues 14th April 2015 at 7.30pm at Peldon Village Hall



PC Agenda 10th February 2015


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

A meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council will be held at Salcott Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 10th February 2015

Apologies for absence:

Minutes of the last meeting

Zone Wardens Report

Borough and County Councillors

Public-Have Your Say

Declarations of Interest

Items for Discussion

1.   Police Messaging, Posters and Emails

  • Discuss who and what we receive 
  • Decision required: What should we pass on and how? 

2.   Quotations

  • Decision required: Clarification on how these are dealt with?  

3.   Request for bin at Salcott crossroads

  • Discuss request and options
  • Decision required: Should we take this further?

4.   Playgrounds and Playing Fields

  • Reports on both play areas and fields
  • Progress on work completed and work ongoing including signage for the new equipment, rubber installation, hedge work, etc. on Moss Hay
  • Decision required: Any other matters that require attention?

5.   Abberton Reservoir Rights of Way – update 

6.   Broadband – update

7.   Actions and Reminders List – update

Planning Applications
150092 Proposal: Listed building application for installation of 3KW solar photo voltaic system 2 rows of 6 panels located on inner west and inner east facing pitches of an M roof at Malting Cottage, Malting, Peldon
150112 Proposal: Demolition of existing ground floor extension. Erection of two storey rear extension and first floor side extension at 6 Peldon Crescent, Mersea Road, Peldon


  1. CBC Local Plan Issues and Options – consultation till 27th February 2015
101817 R S Pullen – February salary, plus back dated sums£405.35
101818 Essex Wildlife Trust – meeting room hire£96.00
101819 Webhosting UK COM Ltd. – domain renewal£38.97

The next meeting will be on Tues 10th March 2015 at 7.30pm at Abbotts Hall Farm, Great Wigborough


PC Agenda 13th January 2015


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

A meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council will be held at Peldon Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 13th January 2015

Apologies for absence:

Minutes of the last meeting

Zone Wardens Report

Borough and County Councillors

Public-Have Your Say

Declarations of Interest

Items for Discussion

1.    Presentation from Tony King – Community Agents Essex

2.    Precept 2015/2016

  • Consider our requirements for the next financial year 
  • Decision required: In addition to grants from CBC how much do we consider to be necessary to continue providing the same quality of service?  

3.    Chairman and Vice-Chairman

  • Following Charles’ move and subsequent resignation discussion on who will take on the role of chair and who will be vice-chairman?
  • Decision required: To appoint new candidates if possible. 

4.    Playgrounds and Playing Fields

  • Reports on both play areas and fields
  • Progress on work completed and work ongoing including signage for the new equipment, rubber installation, hedge work, etc. on Moss Hay
  • Decision required: Any other matters that require attention?

5.    Speed Reducing Options

  • Discuss what options are available and what we consider to be the most desirable and precise location for installation for maximum impact.
  • Decision required: Ask Kevin to take forward any decisions.

6.    Review of Village Design Statement and Parish Plan

  • Discuss changes to our villages and possible updating
  • Review Action Point List
  • Decision required: What changes should be made to the plan and what actions from the list can we take further?

7.    Peldon Brick Bus Shelter

  • Discuss any quotes obtained to date 
  • Decision required: To agree contractor if quotes are in. 

8.    Clerk’s Salary

  • Following new information from NALC and SLCC 2014-2016 National Salary Award that  National Joint Council and Local Government Services has reached an agreement – consider these guidelines for the clerk 
  • Decision required: Should we award the clerk as per attachment?  

9.    Abberton Reservoir Rights of Way – update 

10.   Broadband – update

11.   Actions and Reminders List – update

Planning Applications
146599Proposal: Listed building application for demolition of unsafe storm damaged outbuilding at Kemps Farmhouse, Mersea Road, Peldon
Planning Decisions
146240Proposal: Listed building application for installation of secondary double glazing to 7 no. windows at Sleyes, Church Road, PeldonApprove Conditional


  1. CBC Development Policies and Core Strategy revised July 2014
  2. NHS Forum Focus and Care Closer to Home/Urgent Care
  3. CBC Grounds Maintenance Contractors


101809 Salcott Village Hall – hire x 4£120.00
101810 St Mary the Virgin, Peldon – mag entries£150.00
101811 SLCC – annual subs£69.87
101812 R S Pullen – January salary£367.57
101813 David J Kingaby – website work£348.00



The next meeting will be on Tues 10th Feb 2015 at 7.30pm at Salcott Village Hall


Parish Council Meetings 2015

2015-calendarDates for Parish Council Meetings 2015

The Wintred Hundred Parish Council has announced the dates of its meetings duriug 2015 as below.  Each of these meetings inlcude the opportunity for local electors to raise issues and concerns during a brief ‘Have Your Say’ section prior to the main agenda items being discussed.

  • Tuesday 13th January  –  Peldon Village Hall,
  • Tuesday 10th February  –  Salcott Village Hall,
  • Tuesday 10th March  –  Abbotts Hall Farm, Great Wigborough,
  • Tuesday 14th April  –  Peldon Village Hall,
  • Tuesday 12th May  –  Salcott Village Hall,
  • Tuesday 9th June  –  Abbotts Hall Farm, Great Wigborough,
  • Tuesday 14th July  –  Peldon Village Hall,
  • Tuesday 8th September  –  Salcott Village Hall,
  • Tuesday 13th October  –  Abbotts Hall Farm, Great Wigborough,
  • Tuesday 10th November  –  Peldon Village Hall,
  • Tuesday 8th December  –  Salcott Village Hall.

All meetings commence at 7.30pm. unless otherwise stated
