You have arrived at this page because you have used an address that is no longer supported on this site. The Parish Council has decided to refocus its website to support the activities of the Parish Council rather than the wider community as a whole. This decision has been taken for two reasons:
- the general move towards community engagement via Social Media, and
- to ensure costs of maintaining the website are manageable.
Old Material No Longer updated
As a consequence of the above a number of pages that contained ‘community’ information were removed from the menu. In case it was of particular interest to you, we have archived it in downloadable files below – please note that this material has not been updated for some time.
- Village Halls (past & present),
- Places of Interest,
- Earthquake (1884) & Zeppelin Landing (1916),
- The Five Parishes Show,
- Community Pages, Events, Clubs & Businesses,
- COVID-19.