2018 Documents
This page contains meeting minutes & agendas and other public documents produced by or for Winstred Hundred Parish Council and made available to the public in accordance with Freedom of Information requirements during 2018.
To view documents issued in any other year please click the submenu above for the year you are interested in.
Please note that all Minutes have draft status until approved (or amended) at the following Parish Council meeting.
- PC Agenda 9th January 2018;
- PC Minutes 9th January 2018;
- PC Agenda 13th February 2018;
- PC Minutes 13th February 2018;
- PC Agenda 13th March 2018;
- PC Minutes 13th March 2018;
- PC Agenda 10th April 2018;
- PC Minutes 10th April 2018;
- PC Agenda 8th May 2018 – includes Annual Parish Assembly and Annual Council Meeting;
- PC Minutes 8th May 2018;
- PC Agenda 12th June 2018;
- PC Cancelled Meeting 12th June 2018;
- PC Agenda 10th July 2018;
- PC Minutes 10 July 2018;
- PC Agenda 11th September;
- PC Minutes 11th September 2018;
- Annual Governance Accountability Return 2017/18 (AGAR);
- PC Agenda 9th October 2018;
- PC Minutes 9th October 2018;
- PC Agenda 13th November 2018;
- PC Minutes 13th November;
- PC Agenda 11th December 2018;
- PC Minutes 11th December 2018;