Peldon Great Wigborough Little Wigborough Salcott Virley
Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Peldon Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 10th September 2013
Present: Netty Knill Jones, Lynne Simmons, Phil Gladwin, Jinny Gale (chair), Jane Banks, Andrew Ellis, Zone Warden and 2 members of the public
Apologies for absence: Andy Beharrell, Charles Dymond, John Walker, Nicky Ellis, Kevin Bentley
Minutes of the last meeting were agreed by all and signed by the chairman
Police Report: None received but we have had information of burglaries in our villages.
Borough and County Councillors: Various signs for Salcott will be erected in time. The flooding matter in School Lane is to receive attention from Anglian Water. There were no other flooding matters reported during or after the recent heavy rain. S106 monies from the garage site will hopefully be available in due course.
Public-Have Your Say: The overgrown hedge obscures the bus stop sign at Malting Road, a half dead tree in front of the Peldon Church needs attention and the hedge and ditch along the front of the houses at Peldon Hall Farm, Malting Road need attention. All these matters will be dealt with in due course.
Declarations of Interest: None
1. CBC Zone Wardens – The gift bench will be installed on Moss Hay shortly. Dog fouling on Moss Hay will be monitored and appropriate action taken for culprits. The fallen road sign in Great Wigborough will be reported.
2. Playgrounds and Playing Fields – Monthly reports were submitted and work on both sites is ongoing. Supply of steel rope will be investigated and ordered for the Salcott site. A meeting with a playground representative is to take place tomorrow to discuss possible pieces of equipment requested by older children using grant money for funding.
3. Grass cutting at Drakes Corner, Great Wigborough – ECC will be contacted to request a slightly wider swipe at this corner when cutting the verges in keeping with their safety specifications.
4. Broadband update – A proof leaflet of information was distributed but we will express our sincere disappointment to County Broadband for the slow progress this is making particularly considering the money they have already received for this project.
5. Closing of 5 Lakes sports arena – We will contact Maldon District Council to enquire as to the planning regulations with regard to the closing of the sports arena as this was a community facility.
6. Clerk’s Salary – Deferred till next month when more councillors will be in attendance for the discussion and decision.
7. Junctions at Lodge Lane and St Ives Road in Peldon – Kevin will be asked if he has had a reply from Highways with regard to these junctions.
8. Abberton Reservoir Community Fund, Rights of Way Meeting, Walk – There are 3 new applications for the Community Fund, a new car park for Great Wigborough Church and 2 for safety measures in Layer coming into the village from the new ‘fast’ road. We give Phil a mandate to vote for these applications, and as usual, with the proviso that if new information arises at the funding meeting he will use his judgment accordingly. Part of the footpath has been walked and the views are spectacular but there is a section still to be established and many other issues.
9. CALC meeting report – This meeting was attended by our representative and the lack of paper planning applications from CBC was discussed again and as a result in future the agents will be asked to submit a paper copy. Also the draft document on CBC’s new development policies was handed out.
10. Actions and Reminders List – Updated
Planning Applications: |
131315 | Proposal: Replacement dwelling at Hill Farm, School Lane, Great Wigborough | |
131334 | Proposal: Listed building application for demolition of derelict conservatory and replacement with 2 storey side extension as approved under 121007 but to include approval for window alterations at Haxells Farmhouse, Peldon Road, Peldon. | |
131027 | Proposal: Single storey rear and side extensions at Honeysuckle Cottage, Maldon Road, Great Wigborough | Withdrawn |
Planning Decisions: |
131040 | Proposal: Single storey rear extension at The Paddocks, Lower Road, Peldon | Approve Conditional |
131315 | Proposal: Erection of an outbuilding containing a swimming pool, gym and home cinema at Hall Barn, Peldon Road, Peldon | Permission Refused |
Appeals and Decisions: |
APP/A1530/D/13/2203019 | Proposal: Single storey dependent relative annex and structural support to existing dwelling (130557, resubmission of 110912 & 121258) at Lovedowns Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott | Appeal against refusal of planning permission |
APP/A1530/D/13/2202740 | Proposal: Alterations and extension to first floor over the existing single storey element to provide an additional bedroom and en-suite facility (130601) at Honeywood, Mersea Road, Peldon | Appeal against refusal of planning permission |
APP/A1530/D/13/2198804 | Proposal: Infill extension to form additional bedroom for use by existing residents’ children, in part replacing former demolished extension – resubmission of 121120 at Fourways Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott (130116) | Appeal dismissed |
101733 | R S Pullen – salary for Aug and Sept | £707.06 |
101734 | Peldon Village Hall – hire | £80.00 |
101735 | Mr B Gooding – 2 x insp, cut up tree, paint bench, cut grass | £344.80 |
101736 | Lappset – parts for play equipment on Moss Hay | £285.38 |
101737 | PKF Littlejohn LLP – external audit | £120.00 |
The next meeting will be on Tues 8th October 2013 at 7.30pm at Salcott Village Hall