Winstred Hundred PC Minutes – 8th November 2022


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at St Stephen’s Church, Great Wigborough on Tuesday 8th November 2022 at 7.30pm

Present: Clare Lauwerys, Jinny Gale (chair), Liz Davidson, Netty Knill Jones, Robert Davidson, Catherine Sprott, Phil Gladwin, Roger Pittock

Apologies for absence: Kevin Bentley, Andrew Ellis

The minutes of the meeting held on 11th October 2022 were agreed by all and signed by the chairman

Borough Councillor Report: Both Borough and County Councillors have Locality Budget funds to allocate. Constituency boundaries are being considered but ours will probably remain the same. There is energy support for those who are in need and details can be found on CBC website.

Continue reading “Winstred Hundred PC Minutes – 8th November 2022”

PC Minutes – 9th July 2019


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Abbotts Hall Farm, Great Wigborough 7.30pm on Tuesday 9th July 2019.

Present: Wendy Ritherdon, Clare Lauwerys, John Walker, Robert Kean, Jinny Gale, Netty Knill-Jones, Phil Gladwin, Dave Piper, Lead Ranger for Essex and Suffolk Countryside and 32 members of the public

Apologies for absence: Kevin Bentley, Andrew Ellis, Jackie McClean, Robert Davidson, Liz Davidson, Dave Taylor

Minutes of the last meeting were agreed by all and signed by the chairman

Zone Warden Report: None received and no outstanding issues as the horsebox at Pete Tye Common will be moving on. Continue reading “PC Minutes – 9th July 2019”


PC Agenda 9th July 2019


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

A meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council will be held at Abbotts Hall Farm, Great Wigborough 7.30pm on Tuesday 9th July 2019 to which the Councillors are summoned to attend.

Apologies for absence:

Minutes of the last meeting:

Zone Warden Report:

County and Borough Councillor Reports:

Public-Have Your Say:

Declarations of Interest:

Items for Discussion

1.  National Trust at Copt Hall Lane

Continue reading “PC Agenda 9th July 2019”


PC Minutes – 11th June 2019


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Salcott Village Hall 7.30pm on Tuesday 11th June 2019.

Present: Liz Davidson, Clare Lauwerys, Jinny Gale, Robert Kean, Dave Taylor, Phil Gladwin, Netty Knill-Jones, Wendy Ritherdon, Andrew Ellis and 2 members of the public

Apologies for absence: John Walker, Kevin Bentley, Robert Davidson

Minutes of the last meeting were agreed by all and signed by the chairman

Zone Warden Report: Nothing reported and no outstanding issues

County Councillor Report: A public meeting, with the attendance of ECC Officers and the Police, to discuss speeding is being arranged and will hopefully take place in July at the Peldon and Wigboroughs Community Hall. As Essex Highways Cabinet Member, a pavement scheme has been launched to spend extra money on repairing footways. The parish council will forward a list for repairs. Continue reading “PC Minutes – 11th June 2019”


PC Agenda 11th June 2019


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

A meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council will be held at Salcott Village Hall 7.30pm on Tuesday 11th June 2019 to which the Councillors are summoned to attend.

Apologies for absence:

Minutes of the last meeting:

Zone Warden Report:

County and Borough Councillor Reports:

Public-Have Your Say:

Declarations of Interest:

Items for Discussion

1.  Playgrounds and Playing Fields

Continue reading “PC Agenda 11th June 2019”


PC Minutes – 9th April 2019


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Abbotts Hall Farm, Great Wigborough 7.30pm on Tuesday 9th April 2019

Present: Robert Kean, Liz Davidson, John Walker, Phil Gladwin, Wendy Ritherdon, Jinny Gail, Robert Davidson, Kevin Bentley and 2 members of public

Apologies for absence: Dave Taylor, Netty Knill-Jones, Clare Lauwerys

Minutes of the last meeting were agreed by all and signed by the chairman

Zone Warden Report: The two dog bins at Copt Hall Lane are now installed in the correct places and thanks were expressed to the wardens for achieving this.

Borough Councillor Report: More money is being allocated to the Local Highways Panel for highways matters such as missing Continue reading “PC Minutes – 9th April 2019”


PC Agenda 9th April 2019


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

A meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council will be held at Abbotts Hall Farm, Great Wigborough 7.30pm on Tuesday 9th April 2019 to which the Councillors are summoned to attend.

Apologies for absence:

Minutes of the last meeting:

Zone Warden Report:

County and Borough Councillor Reports:

Public-Have Your Say:

Declarations of Interest:

Items for Discussion

1. Playgrounds and Playing Fields

Continue reading “PC Agenda 9th April 2019”


PC Minutes 12th February 2019


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Peldon and Wigboroughs Community Hall 7.30pm on Tuesday 12th February 2019.

Present: Netty Knill-Jones, Clare Lauwerys, Jinny Gale, Phil Gladwin, Wendy Ritherdon, Robert Kean, Liz Davidson, Dave Taylor, Robert Davidson, Andrew Ellis, Zone Warden and 3 members of the public

Apologies for absence: John Walker

Minutes of the last meeting were agreed by all and signed by the chairman

Zone Warden Report: The Great British Spring Clean will be held from 22nd March to 23rd April this year and volunteers are invited to join in in any way they can, form a group, or go out alone or contact the Zone Warden for joining other groups and all necessary equipment can be provided.

Litter Warriors for litter picking throughout Continue reading “PC Minutes 12th February 2019”


PC Agenda 12th February 2019


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

A meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council will be held at Peldon and Wigboroughs Community Hall 7.30pm on Tuesday 12th February 2018 to which the Councillors are summoned to attend.

Apologies for absence:

Minutes of the last meeting:

Zone Warden Report:

County and Borough Councillor Reports:

Public-Have Your Say:

Declarations of Interest:

Items for Discussion

1. Playgrounds and Playing Fields

Continue reading “PC Agenda 12th February 2019”


PC Minutes 14th November 2017


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Salcott Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 14th November 2017.

Present: Netty Knill-Jones, Lynne Simmons, Phil Gladwin (chair), Jinny Gale, Nicky Ellis, Robert Kean, Zone Warden and one member of the public

Apologies for absence: Bob Holmes, John Walker, Kevin Bentley

Minutes of the last meeting were agreed by all and signed by the chairman

Zone Warden Report: Colchester recycling is gradually improving but some are slow to readjust and are still filling up too many black bags. A local resident has been spotted dumping his surplus black bags on other people’s driveways which is of course unacceptable.  Identifying evidence found in such bags will result in a £100 spot fine.  If rubbish has not been collected by 4pm on the day it should have the CBC website has a place for reporting this and they will come soon after to collect.

There is to be no future pavement A-type advertising in Colchester for safety reasons.

County and Borough Councillor Reports: None given Continue reading “PC Minutes 14th November 2017”
