PAWS’ February meeting on 28th February was when Ann Hardy was due to reveal the “Secrets of the Royal Jewels”, but unfortunately due to ill-health she had to cancel and we were fortunate to enlist John Knight for the evening who told us about “America’s First Ladies.”
John proved to be a very able and knowledgeable speaker who has spent a lot of time in the U.S.A and indeed had a photo of his wife and himself with Bill Clinton taken in 2004, together with photographs of the portraits of the 13 First Ladies that are in the gallery of the Whitehouse. He told us a lot of background information about the First Ladies from Eleanor Roosevelt through to Michelle Obama and that the average age of an incoming President was 58 with his wife being 52. When most of us are thinking about taking things easy, or retiring, these people are taking on the most powerful job in the USA if not the world. A most interesting evening and hopefully we’ll see Ann next year.
Our next meeting is actually our AGM and therefore it is for Members only and is on 27th March. We will be having a St. Trinians Night (so get out all the old school uniforms ladies). A Fish and Chip Supper will be provided and a Quiz. Details of all our meetings and speakers can we found on the diary on the home page of the Winstred 100 website.
Membership is currently full, but visitors are very welcome at a cost of £3.50, at any other meeting other than March.
If you would like any further information about P.A.W.S. please ring any of us on any of the following numbers. Alice 01206 735510, Jane 01206 735004, Julia 01206 735053 or Sue 01206 735212.