Peldon Great Wigborough Little Wigborough Salcott Virley
Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Salcott Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 13th March 2012.
Present: Netty Knill Jones, Lynne Simmons, Phil Gladwin, Jinny Gale, Nicky Ellis, Jane Banks, Charles Dymond, Kevin Bentley, 1 Police Officer and 4 members of the public
Apologies for absence: John Walker, Andrew Ellis
Minutes of the last meeting were agreed by all and signed by the chairman with the alteration of Phil Gladwin being absent (not present) and the additional wording to Declarations of Interest: ‘and left the room when this was discussed.’
Borough Councillors: The structure of the Police force will be changing with the appointment of a Police and Crime Commissioner who will have overall responsibility for financial affairs, crime figures etc.
Essex has been picked for trials for the Community Budget in joining up of some government public bodies with ECC with the aim of reducing spending in certain areas. Civil Servants from Whitehall have come to County Hall for this purpose.
Abberton Reservoir Liaison Group meet tomorrow and our application for funds to improve our broadband will be discussed.
Lighting at the new Visitor Centre will be brought up for complaint. We’ve heard since that this was due to the time switch not working correctly and it should therefore not be a problem in future as the lights will only be used on occasions.
School Lane has had repair work carried out and all pot holes are being repaired more sensibly by repairing all in an area rather than the worst ones first and then returning for lesser ones later.
CBC have sent further letters to residents about cost of works that must be carried out in clearing drains and culverts to help in potential flooding problem areas.
Certain missing road signs will be reported for reinstating.
Public-Have Your Say – None
Declarations of Interest – None
1. Playgrounds – inspections have been routinely carried out and arising matters will be dealt with. Rubber clippings for Salcott have yet to be organized. Salcott goalposts have been repainted.
2. Village Design Statement – the completed work was presented to everyone for approval. With the alteration of a couple of minor details the parish council agreed unanimously to adopt this document. A very big thank you was given to all the team who contributed to the completion of this splendid piece of work. All households in our villages will receive a copy and it will be put on our website.
3. Police – there has been hare coursing locally, some children damaged a fence and the theft of diesel and catalytic converters still continues.
4. Website update – next month due to John’s absence.
5. CALC Meeting – was attended by two parish councillors where there was a presentation from CBC Tree Preservation Officer.
6. Broadband update – Parish Councillors have had a meeting with Lloyd Felton from County Broadband to discuss a scheme taking in some surrounding parish councils for faster broadband. It was agreed by all for Phil to represent us in our bid for a grant from the Reservoir Community Funds for this project. There was a suggestion for a display at the Peldon May Festival. A vote of thanks was given to John and Phil for their extensive work on this so far.
7. Les Lapwood – due to family commitments has resigned and therefore the correct procedure will be followed to enable us to fill the vacancy. A letter of thanks will be written to him. See below.
8. Flooding matters – as above in Borough Councillors.
9. Standing Orders – alterations to the wording to accommodate changes to our rotation of villages for chairman arrangement will be discussed next meeting.
10. Actions and Reminders List – updated.
Planning Applications:
120413 Proposal: Two storey side extension at Mill Cottage, The Strood, Peldon
Planning Decisions:
112327 Proposal: 3 vehicle detached garage at Fourways Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott – Permission Granted
112422 Proposal: Demolition of existing and erection of replacement dwelling with attached garage at The Farmhouse, Abbots Wick Lane, Great Wigborough – Permission Refused
Appeal no. A1530/A/12/2171150 against the above CBC decision
Appeal no.A1530/D/12/2170062 against the refusal of proposed extension to dwelling to provide additional accommodation at Fourways Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott.
101650 – R S Pullen – clerk’s fee for March £353.53
101651 – R S Pullen – clerk’s expenses, stationary etc. £204.50
101652 – T Simmons – play insp and repainting goal posts £113.27
The next meeting will be held at Peldon Village Hall on Tues 10th April 2012 at 7.30pm
We now have a vacancy for a Salcott Parish Councillor who must live within 3 miles of the boundary of Salcott. Anyone interested please contact the clerk Sue Pullen on 01206 735367.