PC Minutes 9th October 2012


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

Draft minutes for the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Salcott Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 9th Oct 2012.

Present: Lynne Simmons, Netty Knill-Jones, Jinny Gale, Phil Gladwin, Nicky Ellis (chair), Jane Banks, Charles Dymond, John Walker, Andrew Ellis, Carys Handley (Zone Warden) and one member of the public

Apologies for absence: Kevin Bentley

Minutes of the last meeting were agreed by all and signed by the chairman

Borough Councillors: Andrew has arranged that the Zone Warden Supervisor would attend a meeting of our choice to answer our queries about their role if we so wished.

Certain matters are being chased up with ECC Highways, a missing road sign, flood management issues and letters written to residents with regard to this matter at Salcott. Also a letter has been written to Highways about our issues with regard to road resurfacing and associated signage.

Public-Have Your Say: None

Declarations of Interest: None  

1. Police – no report of crimes that we are aware of but the message, as always, is to be alert for suspicious behaviour and particularly theft of heating oil now that the weather has turned colder.

2. Playgrounds and Playing Fields – both playgrounds are in need of a bit of weeding but this will be dealt with shortly as the project of bark topping up at Peldon and the rubber clipping being delivered to Salcott will be carried out in the next week or so. Thanks were given to Charles for planting grass seed on the surrounding area of the basketball pad to make good.  Thanks were also expressed to Colchester Borough Council and Peldon Borough Councillor Terry Sutton for their generous donation towards the new basketball pad.  Thanks also to ECC Big Society Fund for the grant for the majority of this project.

3. Zone Wardens and Revenue Cuts – Carys Handley explained that they do not intend to duplicate matters that we already have in hand but can operate as a quick response team with matters such as dog fouling, graffiti, fly tipping, etc.  We asked for them to carry out litter picking along our roadsides where hedge cutting has revealed quite a lot of rubbish.  After discussion it was decided to email the Zone Warden boss, Cassandra to ask for their job description so that we can be sure of exactly what they are able to tackle.  It would seem that much to our disappointment on losing our CBC Revenue Grant contribution which we have tried in vain to retain the Zone Wardens are here to stay so we must use them to our benefit.

4. Code of Conduct – most of our parish councillors have now filled in the necessary form.  Andrew Weavers, CBC Monitoring Officer will be consulted for confirmation.

5. Abberton Reservoir Footpath Committee Meeting – thanks were given to two of our parish councillors for attending this meeting.  It transpired that the map of the land and proposed footpath that had been drawn up was inaccurate in several places so will be corrected.  Work is still going on to acquire land necessary for the completion of a footpath round the whole of the reservoir. Ducks require an exclusion zone of 200 yards or a high hedge if the path cannot be of the correct distance away. 

6. Gold Magazine Edition – further discussion on cost will take place following a request to the treasurer for magazine finances.  Jinny had carried out a questionnaire from email participants and drawn up a comprehensive results sheet on feedback which was very useful and we thanked her for this excellent piece of work. It was agreed that this is still a very good way of getting our annual report to everyone in all the villages.

7. Broadband – John was thanked again for all his sterling work on this very complicated and involved project. Abberton and Langenhoe have at last put in their application to join us for funding from the reservoir money which will probably be paid out in stages as work progresses. A booklet will be acquired from County Broadband for all the parish councillors for a better understanding of this project which will hopefully enable us to answer questions from inquiring public.

8. Virley Councillor Vacancy – having received no interest at all we will draw up a leaflet explaining the role of a parish councillor that will be delivered to all the houses in Salcott and Virley in a hope of attracting people.

    Actions and Reminders List – updated

    Planning Applications:

    121768 Proposal: swimming pool, pool equipment building, garden shed, greenhouse, potting shed, 3 chicken coops and 2 horse field shelters at Fourways, Barnhall Road, Salcott

    Planning Decisions:

    120845 Proposal: Creation of gateway off Wigborough Road to provide safer access for agricultural vehicles at Sampton Wick, Wigborough Road, Peldon – Permission Granted

    120916 & 120917 (Listed Building) Proposal: Erection of 2 storey side extension. Minor internal remodelling; lowering of section of ground floor at Sampton Wick, Wigborough Road, Peldon – Permission & Consent Granted

    121251 Proposal: Replacement of a derelict conservatory with a 2 storey side extension at Haxells Farm, Haxells Farm Cottage, Peldon Road, Peldon – Permission Granted


    101678 EALC – Chairman’s Day 1 Course


    101679 Keith Banks – Moss Hay grass cuts x 4


    101680 R S Pullen – clerk’s fee for October


    101681 St Mary the Virgin, Peldon – Gold mag entry


    101682 Peldon Village Hall – hire


    101683 T Simmons – play insp


    The next meeting will be held at Peldon Village Hall on Tues 13th Nov 2012 at 7.30pm.

