Peldon Great Wigborough Little Wigborough Salcott Virley
Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Peldon Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 12th February 2013.
Present: Phil Gladwin, Nicky Ellis (chair), Jane Banks, Charles Dymond, Netty Knill-Jones, Andy Beharrell, John Walker, 1 Police Officer and 5 members of the public
Apologies for absence: Lynne Simmons, Jinny Gale, Kevin Bentley, Andrew Ellis
Minutes of the last meeting: With the correction of the penultimate sentence in the Borough and County Councillor piece to read ‘The collapsed edge on St Ives Hill has not yet been repaired and will be chased up along with Copt Hall Lane for a similar problem’ was agreed by all and signed by the chairman.
Police: No crimes to report. The problem junction (agenda item 3) had been looked at and there is nothing they can do about it.
Borough & County Councillors: A detailed County report had been received.
Public-Have Your Say: St Ives Hill collapsed verge was discussed again and Terry Sutton (Borough Councillor for Peldon) will be contacted expressing the need for urgent repairs here. The exposed pipe or cable will be checked for safety.
Footpaths in and around Peldon had not received any attention as previously requested so this will be chased up with the ECC Rights of Way Officer.
Puddle problem at Malting Road bus stop has been addressed.
Declarations of Interest: None
Phil proposed, John seconded and all agreed to co-opt Andy Beharrell on to the Parish Council for the ward of Virley. Appropriate forms were and will be completed.
1. Playgrounds and Playing Fields – ‘No Dog Fouling’ sign had been taken down on Moss Hay and will be re-instated. The Community Service team will resume their work this coming Sunday and for all Sundays in March. Terry will be asked to clear Great Wigborough bus shelter area for growth and rubbish. Archie will attend to two dead trees on Moss Hay.
2. Request to use the meadow at Salcott for wedding celebrations – the parish council has no objection to this as long as our insurance is in agreement with it which will be checked out. We would request it is left in good condition afterwards.
3. St Ives Road/Malting Road/Church Road Junction including bus shelters – this junction was discussed at length for possible ways to improve safety. An island, give way signs, a mirror were all ideas put forward. The home owner of the corner property agreed to prune back growth from trees but not take down the wall. A log of accidents here will be made in an attempt to get ECC Highways to consider one or other of our suggestions.
4. Abberton Community Fund and Liaison Group – no meetings. Any possible footpaths, bridle paths and cycle ways around the reservoir will not be decided until after a public consultation.
5. Flooding – no new problems reported
6. Broadband update report – a contract, which includes details of installation, costs, etc. has been drawn up between Winstred Hundred and Layer Breton Parish Councils and County Broadband Ltd. and was presented for parish councillors to sign after all have looked at it closely.
7. Trees – Church Road, Peldon – following a request concerning two trees on the verge outside a property we will ask CBC Arboriculturist to give us an opinion as to whether these need attention.
8. Actions and Reminders List – updated
Planning Applications:
130021 | Proposal: Installation of 14no. Solar panels to the south-eastern aspect of the roof of a stable/barn at Elmdale, Peldon Road, Little Wigborough |
130116 | Proposal: Infill extension to form additional bedroom for use by existing residents’ children, in part replacing former demolished extension – Resubmission of 121120 at Fourways Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott |
130141 | Proposal: Single storey rear extension to form study at Bluebell Cottage, Mersea Road, Peldon |
130147 | Proposal: Single storey side extension at Willow Creek Farm, Colchester Road, Virley |
130150 | Proposal: New outbuilding to provide tractor/cow shed and demolition of 2no. existing outbuildings at Willow Creek Farm, Colchester Road, Virley |
122083 | Demolition of existing bungalow and erection of 2no. two and a half storey semi-detached dwellings at Old Barn Burrows, The Bungalow, The Street, Salcott – Withdrawn |
The next meeting will be held at Salcott Village Hall on Tues 12th March 2013 at 7.30pm.