PC Minutes 12th March 2013


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Salcott Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 12th March 2013.

Present: Charles Dymond, John Walker, Jane Banks, Andy Beharrell, Nicky Ellis (chair), Phil Gladwin, Lynne Simmons, Netty Knill-Jones, I Police Officer, I CBC Zone Warden and 2 members of the public.

Apologies for absence: Kevin Bentley, Jinny Gale, Andrew Ellis

Minutes of the last meeting were agreed by all and signed by the chairman

Police: There had been a number of petty thefts, mainly from unlocked vehicles, in Salcott and Virley and also a theft from a property in Great Wigborough

Borough & County Councillors: Kevin Bentley’s report explained that he had met with the Cabinet Member for Highways to express his concerns with regard to the poor condition of our roads and he was assured that when the dryer weather arrives we should start to see improvements (The Parish Council will be writing to ECC Highways to complain about the huge pot holes on our roads, the shoddy repairs to many pot holes and the poor surface dressing that was applied to the road in Great Wigborough).

Colchester High Street will undergo new Traffic Regulation Orders for an experimental period of 18 months.

ECC and CBC will not be increasing their parts of the Council Tax this year.

Essex Libraries are looking for volunteers aged 14 and above to help children keep reading in the summer holidays, see website for details: www.essex.gov.uk/libraries

Public-Have Your Say: One of the life belts has gone missing from the creek on Salcott meadow.  A new one will be bought and fitted soon.

Declarations of Interest: None

1.         Playgrounds and Playing Fields – the playgrounds are in reasonably good order considering the weather with just the goal post in Salcott needing attention.  The Community Service people undertook more clearance work last Sunday on Moss Hay.  When they have finished we will write to express our sincere gratitude.

2.         Request to use the meadow at Salcott for wedding celebrations – with changes to their plans our insurance company will be contacted again and with their approval Phil proposed, Andy seconded and all agreed that the parish council would give them permission but ask for the cost of a grass cutting for the occasion.

3.         Zone Wardens – coffee mornings are still going ahead for people to discuss problems. The wardens wish to work with the parish council and in some areas have more authority than us, for example with issuing tickets for litter and dog fouling. We have asked for help with a couple of problems, one of which is a ditch full of rubbish. Our main Zone contact is Steve Day 07949 783823.

4.         Abberton Community Fund – Abberton and District Cricket Club have submitted an application for £15,000 for improvements to facilities for which the parish council supports and gave Phil a mandate to vote for this, but of course, only if it fits all the necessary criteria.  The meeting to decide this is tomorrow.

5.         Trees in Church Road, Peldon – Phil proposed, Jane seconded and all agreed to accept the lowest of 3 quotations for felling these two trees that need attention owing to disease and dead wood. We will not have the stumps poisoned allowing for regrowth.

6.         Broadband update report – stage 1 has taken place with the erection of a mast behind the church on Mr Sawdon’s land, stage 2 is forthcoming.

7.         Actions and Reminders List – the exposed cable in Peldon was reported, investigated and BT has now dealt with it.  The footpath officer has been approached again for impassable footpaths and will be taking appropriate action in due course and has also contacted the resident who brought this problem to our attention.  Village signs, one in Salcott, two in Great Wigborough and one in Peldon have all been reported for reinstating or repairing.

Planning Applications:


Proposal: Change of use A2 offices to 3 bedroom house at 2 Abbotts Hall Cottages, Maldon Road, Great Wigborough


Proposal: Relocation of approved pool equipment room to be attached to end of garage at Fourways Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott


Proposal: Erection of detached dwelling, garage access and landscaping at Salcot Cottage, The Street, Salcott

Planning Decisions:


Proposal: Installation of 14no. Solar panels to the south-eastern aspect of the roof of a stable/barn at Elmdale, Peldon Road, Little Wigborough – Permission Granted

The next meeting will be held at Abbotts Hall, Great Wigborough on Tuesday 9th April 2013 at 7.30pm.

