Peldon Great Wigborough Little Wigborough Salcott Virley
Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Abbotts Hall Farm, Great Wigborough at 7.30pm on Tuesday 9th July 2013
Present: Charles Dymond, Andy Beharrell, Phil Gladwin, Jinny Gale, Lynne Simmons, John Walker, Nicky Ellis (chair), Andrew Ellis, Kevin Bentley and three public members
Apologies for absence: Jane Banks, Netty Knill Jones, Zone Warden
Minutes of the last meeting were agreed by all and signed by the chairman with the addition at the end of the sentence of 1. ECC Highway Rangers…….like them to do for us ‘at the Kings Head junction and Peldon bus stop triangle’.
Police Report: No reported crimes in our villages but please be alert and aware that in neighbouring villages outbuildings have been broken into. We have three volunteers from Peldon who have undertaken the speed gun training so will be out and about soon.
Borough Councillors: The ‘no through road’ signs for Salcott are on the list to be fitted. Other missing signage will be reported and or chased up. Along with all the other parish councils our displeasure at the withdrawal by CBC of paper copies of planning applications to parish councils will be supported by the Borough Councillors and brought up at their next Borough meeting. Verge cutting along Salcott Street and Mill Lane has been overlooked so will be requested. The S106 money or so called ‘bedroom tax’ will be available from various building projects in our villages for local community based spending for which Salcott Village Hall have already made a request for some improvements.
County Councillor: At County level further savings have still to be made but hopefully without cutting services. Rodney Bass is now the Portfolio Holder for ECC Highways and a quarterly surgery will be held for County Councillors to meet engineers with their list of jobs that need doing in their respective areas. The ECC Broadband project is progressing having carried out an extensive survey but the roll out date will not be for some time. The proposed 40 mph limit along Mersea Road in Peldon and Colchester Road to the Strood will be taken up with Rodney Bass with our support for this to materialise soon.
Public-Have Your Say – None
Declarations of Interest – None
1. CBC Zone Wardens: Charles met them on Moss Hay to discuss a siting for a bench very kindly given to us by them with cost of fitting to be arranged.
2. Playgrounds and Playing Fields – having just spent a quite a lot of money on necessary repairs at Moss Hay play area and further work is required due to vandalism we are reluctant to buy new equipment until this problem has been resolved. Also having obtained quotes of a small skateboard ramp requested by a group of children it has proved to be very expensive and so our intentions are to investigate possible alternative equipment and meet the children on site to talk to them about this. The bark at Moss Hay is low and so rubber clipping, as we bought for Salcott, would seem to be the obvious choice as the life span is much longer if not indefinite. It was agreed to wait awhile before buying this as money from S106 will be available and could possibly be of help with this.
3. Winter Salt Bag Scheme: as we still have plenty from the year before last it was agreed to decline the offer this time.
4. Broadband update – John providing us with a sheet of information including Mast locations and confirmed CAPs (Community Access Points) locations in all our villages with a couple more to be confirmed. The project is moving forward generally to plan and the launch event at Peldon Village Hall is still set for 28th September 2013. Yet again, we give enormous thanks to John for his tireless work on this brilliant project that will be of benefit to all.
5. Junctions at Lodge Lane and St Ives Road in Peldon – Kevin will take this up with Highways for any possible solutions for these difficult junctions.
6. Abberton Reservoir Community Fund – Friends of the Wigboroughs were granted the money for their tables and chairs, Layer de la Haye was granted the money for their hall but money raised from events will be knocked off the total cost.
Reservoir Expansion: all concrete work will be finished by October.
Rights of Way Meeting was attended; there will be a Project Manager to ensure that this job is done professionally with proper consideration to everything required.
7. Actions and Reminders List updated
Planning Applications: | |
131040 | Proposal: Single storey rear extension at The Paddocks, Lower Road, Peldon |
131315 | Proposal: Erection of an outbuilding containing a swimming pool, gym and home cinema at Hall Barn, Peldon Road, Peldon |
Appeal against refusal: | |
APP/A1530/D/13/2198804 | Proposal: Infill extension to form additional bedroom for use by existing residents’ children, in part replacing former demolished extension – resubmission of 121120 at Fourways Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott |
101730 | R S Pullen – salary for July | £353.53 |
101731 | Mr B Gooding – 3 x insp and repairs | £522.50 |
101732 | T Simmons – play insp, grass cutting, bench painting, hedge cutting | £160.00 |
The next meeting will be on Tues 10th September 2013 at 7.30pm at Peldon Village Hall
Following complaints we have received we would like to request that all event organizers please take down the posters they have put up after the event has taken place and also to refrain from using a staple gun as these are very difficult to get out and therefore look unsightly.