PC Minutes 11th February 2014


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Abbotts Hall Farm, Great Wigborough at 7.30pm on Tuesday 11th February 2014.

Present: Nicky Ellis (chair), Lynne Simmons, Netty Knill-Jones, Charles Dymond, Andy Beharrell, Phil Gladwin, John Walker, Jinny Gale, Andrew Ellis, Kevin Bentley, Zone Warden and 8 members of the public.

Apologies for absence: Jane Banks has retired so we all signed a card to wish her well and thank her for her valued contribution to the Parish Council for many years.

Minutes of the last meeting were agreed by all and signed by the chairman

Police Report: None received

Borough Councillor: Andrew had attended a meeting on the proposed Solar Park and is now waiting for a response from a CBC Planning Officer.  Changes to the existing plan would have to be made with regard to positioning and height. But if at all detrimental to the area then it will not be acceptable. Parish Councillors will attend the consultation event in Birch Village Hall on 11th March.

County Councillor: ECC held their budget meeting and there is to be a freeze on Council Tax again.  One of the biggest costs is Adult Social Care, followed by schools, learning and physical disabilities, highways, flooding and apprenticeships. Illegal parking, particularly near schools, is being targeted and speed checks are being carried out in our villages.

Public-Have Your Say: Maritime assets were spoken about and lack of policing the waters.

Residents from Abbots Wick Lane spoke against the proposed Solar Park expressing the need to preserve the beautiful countryside as it is at present.

Two Peldon residents came to ask our thoughts on planters with bulbs and flowers to be put out by volunteers to make the village more appealing. The parish council thinks this is a wonderful idea but we have asked Kevin to check if this is in order as ECC own the land for the proposed first lot of pots.

Two CBC officers, one a Land Drainage Technician, have met with a parish councillor to discuss flooding issues that are long standing in Salcott. Hopefully a meeting with the Environment Agency will follow. Blocked drains and gullies are the main cause of the problems.

We will write to Progressive Homes to request that they reinstate the verge opposite the new building on the old garage site in Lower Road, Peldon.

Permission for Saltmarsh 75 Event to finish at Salcott meadow as per last year was agreed.

The ‘no through road’ sign at the Salcott crossroads has been erected up on top of a high pole, this will be looked into.

Declarations of Interest: Phil and Jinny on planning application 132631 as they are on the Wigborough Village Hall Management Committee.

1.  CBC Zone Wardens – fly tipping at Pete Tye car park and School Lane will be dealt with. Also rubbish in a ditch at Malting Road will be cleared. Dog fouling and dogs in the play area at Moss Hay will be monitored.  

2.  Broadband update: Some are already connected to this super-fast broadband and hopefully more will sign on for it soon. The launch event is this coming Saturday at Peldon Village Hall where people can come with or without their own devices to get an experience of the new system.

3.  Playgrounds and Playing Fields – a grant from Cory Environmental Trust has been secured to part fund the two new pieces of equipment for Moss Hay which will be installed as soon as the weather permits. A mother with child and dog was seen in the play area on Moss Hay, dogs are not allowed in this area for obvious reasons.  There has also been dog fouling again on Moss Hay which is a fineable offence and will be dealt with accordingly if the offending dog owners are spotted.

4.  Salcott Telephone Box – has been vandalized and the door frame needs replacing, quotes for this will be sought and also English Heritage contacted for any interest on the matter. Discussion on lighting or repositioning so that the box can be insured in future will follow.  

5.  Abberton Reservoir Community Fund, Rights of Way Meeting – there has been no meetings to attend.  

6.  Neighbourhood/Local Plans – we are seeking advice from CBC Spatial Planning Team as to whether we should carry out a Neighbourhood Plan bearing in mind that we have completed a Village Design Statement and Parish Plan just a year or so ago.

7.  Clerk’s salary – it was unanimously agreed to increase the clerk’s salary by one Spinal Column Point from March 2014.

8.  Actions and Reminders List updated

Planning Applications:

132753 Proposal: Resurfacing car park with grass reinforcement Truckpave and associated work at St Stephens Church, Great Wigborough

132631 Proposal: Demolition of existing village hall and erection of 2 no. 3 bedroom dwellings at Great Wigborough Village Hall

140346 Proposal: Erection of a glazed link between approved outbuilding and existing dwelling at Hall Barn, Peldon Road, Peldon

140475 Proposal: Two storey side extension and single storey rear extension at Honeysuckle Cottage, Maldon Road, Great Wigborough



101756David J Kingaby – website£253.20
101757R S Pullen – salary for Feb£357.07
101578Mr B Gooding – play insp x 8£240.00

The next meeting will be on Tues 11th March 2014 at 7.30pm at Peldon Village Hall
