Keen to bolster their rebuilding fund (just over half-way now), the Peldon Village Hall Management Committee are running two great events for all the family early in July.
An evening of Live Music – 5th July
You are invited to relax, dine and dance to the sizzling sounds of summer at Brickhouse Farm, Lower Road, Peldon. Starring the Crissy Lee All Star Band and featuriug Liz Oki (recently seen on the BBC’s The Voice) the lovely Lesley Arden will also be there to entertain at the start of the evening. Doors open at 5:30pm with music from 6:30pm and food served from 7pm. Tickets to be booked in advance from Bob Holmes (01206 735510 or [email protected]) and cost £20 including a 2 course supper.
There will be a licensed bar and free parking.
Family Fun Day – 6th July
Also taking place at Brickhouse Farm this event runs from 11am to 2pm.
- Football,
- Treasure Hunt
- Bouncy Castle & Inflatables,
- Crafts
- 11.30am – 4 years & under races
- 12.30pm – 5-7 years races
- 1.30pm – 8 years and over races
- 2pm – Tug of war
- Adults £2
- Children £3 (3-15 yrs),
- Children under 3 yrs free
Thanks go to Robert & Liz Davidson for tthe use of their house and garden for these events.