Peldon Great Wigborough Little Wigborough Salcott Virley
Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Salcott Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 11th September 2018
Present: Liz Davidson, Netty Knill-Jones, Clare Lauwerys, Jinny Gale, Phil Gladwin (chair), David Taylor, Wendy Ritherdon, Robert Kean
The chairman welcomed our new parish councillors who were duly co-opted onto the Parish Council and completed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office forms. The completed Register of Members’ Interests forms will be sent to CBC in due course.
The chairman expressed the parish council’s sincere sympathy to the Simmons family for their sad loss. He also spoke of all the work both Lynne and Terry have carried out for the parish council and in particular the residents of Salcott and Virley for many years.
Apologies for absence: John Walker, Robert Davidson, Zone Warden
Minutes of the last meeting was agreed by all and signed by the chairman
Zone Warden Report: None received but following constant fly tipping on Pete Tye Common car park the parish council will look into the cost of installing a CCTV camera.
Borough Councillor Report: The CBC Draft Local Plan is still in disarray and some way off being approved by the Inspectors.
Public-Have Your Say: There has been several complaints about County Broadband of late owing to poor connection resulting in resident’s broadband dropping out and subsequent communication with the company has been very poor and unacceptable. A new main aerial in Salcott should improve things around that location. The company will be invited to send a technical representative to our November meeting which will be held in Peldon.
Declarations of Interest: Liz Davidson for planning application no. 181498
- Playgrounds and Playing Fields – Peldon playground report has been received and all is in order. Surrounding field hedges will be addressed in due course. The new contractor for grass cutting at Salcott is proving to be excellent and a new playground maintenance person will be found as soon as possible.
It is extremely unfortunate that recently installed pigeon spikes on all the play equipment at Salcott to keep the seats and surrounding areas pigeon mess free were vandalized immediately after costly installation. If anyone has any information as to who could have done this would they please inform the clerk.
The Community Group continue to carry out very good work having tackled an overgrown footpath and areas around the church. - Communications Working Party has met and a general overhaul of our communication avenues will take place, resulting in a central method of sending out uniform information but with more appeal to the various points including social media and the website which will also be given a more up to date appearance. We are delighted to have a technology expert amongst who can steer this project on and train others to enable them to operate the new system.
- Solar Light and Plaque have now been installed in the brick bus shelter at Peldon and we are pleased to receive the generous contribution from Mrs Hedger who had requested this work to remember her husband Terry who had carried out work for the parish council over many years.
- Painted Village Signs – it has been noted that Great Wigborough village sign needs repainting and in the next month the other village signs will be looked at closely to see if any others need repainting.
- Peldon and Wigboroughs Community Hall – Phil proposed, Netty seconded and all agreed to appoint Robert Kean as the parish council Peldon trustee for the new charity once it is created.
- Actions and Reminder List – updated
- The parish council is delighted that the new children’s nursery at Peldon is up and running following a brilliant opening day.
- Peldon Telephone Box was not used enough, has therefore been emptied of equipment by BT and will be removed in due course.
- Great Wigborough post box will eventually be installed following utilities surveys.
Planning Applications:
181545 | Proposal: Application to remove conditions 14 and 16 of planning permission 132330 at Langenhoe Hall |
181665 | Proposal: Single storey pitched rear extension of existing house at Hillside Cottage, Colchester Road, Great Wigborough |
181498 | Proposal: Change of use of agricultural barn to allow storage of agricultural chemicals and erection of portacabin at New Pots Farm, Lower Road |
Planning Decisions:
181416 | Proposal: Extensions to dwelling (revision to approved scheme 171283) at Willowbank, The Street, Salcott – Approve conditional |
181665 | Proposal: Single storey pitched rear extension of existing house at Hillside Cottage, Colchester Road, Great Wigborough – Approve conditional |
101983 | Tree and Lawn Company Ltd. – hedge, tree, weeds cut back | £360.00 |
101984 | Tree and Lawn Company Ltd. – Salcott grass cut | £90.00 |
101985 | Peldon Village Hall – hire | £20.00 |
101986 | Mr T Newman – play insp x 3 | £90.00 |
101987 | R S Pullen – Clerk’s salary Aug and Sept | £879.46 |
101988 | Tree and Lawn Company Ltd. | £90.00 |
101989 | R S Pullen – exp incl petrol, ink, phone, spikes, plaque fit | £386.11 |
The next meeting will be on Tuesday 9th October 2018 at 7.30pm at Abbotts Hall Farm, Great Wigborough