pawsPAWS AGM 2019

This month was PAWS AGM followed by a Quiz.  After the outgoing President’s report and the report by the Treasurer, Jane Anderson, Bry Mogridge was elected as the new President.  One of Bry’s first duties was to present Caroline Wilson, the outgoing President, with a beautiful bouquet of flowers.

Pam Foakes stepped down from the committee after several years in various roles; the last one as our very valued outings organiser.  Pam is still going to be involved with the committee as a silent member.  Caroline presented Pam with a beautiful basket of scented roses as a special thank you for all her help during the past year and her kind support.

Two members, Marianne Smith and Helene Gooding have bravely agreed to become new members of the committee.

Following the AGM business, we tucked into delicious savoury nibbles and cheeses organised by Caroline Wilson, not forgetting the wine of course, before starting the Quiz hosted by Kate Nevill.

The evening ended with a chocolate-themed Easter Raffle.

Next Meeting

PAWS’ next meeting in Peldon Community Hall will be on Tuesday, April 23rd when Mr Steve Scruton, BBC Essex Radio Presenter, will be talking about his ‘Life in Radio’.

Details of all meetings and speakers are on the calendar of the home page of this website. If you would like further information about PAWS please ring either of the following committee members:

  • Lorraine Davies 01206 735348, or
  • Jane Anderson 01206 735239.


