Peldon Great Wigborough Little Wigborough Salcott Virley
Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Peldon and Wigboroughs Community Hall meeting room on Tuesday 9th July 2024 at 7.30pm
Present: Roger Pittock, Clare Lauwerys, Jinny Gale (chair), Netty Knill Jones, Liz Davidson, Rober Davidson, City Cllr Andrew Ellis
Apologies for absence: Catherine Sprott, Phil Gladwin, City Cllr Martin Parsons, County and City Cllr Kevin Bentley
The minutes of June 2024 meeting were agreed by all and signed by the chairman
City Councillor Report: Enforcement matters are being addressed. Locality and S106 funds are available for suitable projects. Matters from the public comments below will be looked into.
Public-Have Your Say: A Salcott resident has complained about the buses that travel past Salcott crossroads and into Colchester being cancelled and with no warning as this resident does not have internet access. A parish councillor has offered to help with notification from the internet when possible.
There had also been a complaint about very smelly and smoky bonfires. Therefore, we request that residents who have bonfires show consideration to their neighbours.
Declarations of Interest: None
- Playgrounds and Playing Fields – both are in good order. Thanks were expressed to the young volunteer who has cut Moss Hay grass recently.
- Himalayan Balsam at Salcott Creek – Thanks were expressed to Virley Farm employee who has addressed a significant amount of this invasive weed. EA will be contacted for recompense for this work and to enquire as to when they intend to do the remainder which needs attention badly.
- Salcott field roadside hedge has been cut back for easy passing on the pavement.
- Annual Playground Inspections – The Play Inspection Company at a cost of £250 for both sites was agreed. This will take place in due course.
- Other matters at Salcott will be addressed shortly, adjusting a piece of gym equipment, reinstalling Water Warning signs at the creek and a bench in disrepair and at Peldon the zip wire will be tightened as soon as this can be arranged.
- A discussion took place on a non-agenda item about possible new arrangements between the Parish Council and Peldon PCC regarding use of the Community Group.
- Website – the content is almost finalised giving a clear and precise new look.
- Communications/Facebook – the new Facebook Group, ‘Winstred Hundred Parish Council Conversations’ has been launched thanks to Clare and Jinny. Do please join if you live or work in our villages, Peldon, Great and Little Wigborough, Salcott and Virley.
- Actions and Reminder List – updated
Planning Applications:
241243 | Application to Determine if Prior Approval is required for proposed change of use from agricultural buildings to flexible commercial use at Pantiles Farm, Peldon Road, Abberton |
Planning Decision:
240118 | Proposal: Change of use of existing garage to short term holiday let at 1 Rose Inn Cottages, Mersea Road, Peldon – Approve conditional |
Finances: Schedule for July 2024 payments:
R S Pullen – clerk’s salary – July | £600.00 |
R S Pullen – expenses – petrol, ink, ground work materials | £188.21 |
Virley Farm – Himalayan Balsam clearance | £450.00 |
R Playle – Salcott hedge trim | £84.00 |