Peldon Great Wigborough Little Wigborough Salcott Virley
Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Peldon and Wigboroughs Community Hall meeting room on Tuesday 11th February 2025 at 7.30pm
Present: Cllrs Robert Davidson, Liz Davidson, Phil Gladwin, Jinny Gale (chair), Clare Lauwerys, Roger Pittock, Catherine Sprott, Netty Knill Jones
Apologies for absence: City Cllrs Andrew Ellis, Martin Parsons, Carl Powling, County Cllr Kevin Bentley
The minutes of January 2025 meeting were agreed and confirmed and signed by the chairman
City Councillor Report: A meeting of the Local Plan Committee will be held on 17th Feb2025. See link below and Appendix B -Preferred Options Draft Reg 18 Plan- 17 Feb 2025 Local Plan Committee ” and a consultation period of six weeks.
Prior to and during the consultation period the Parish Council will be active in helping residents understand any issues. It is probable that a public meeting will be called to enable residents and councillors to share their views. It is important that as many residents as possible return their individual opinions in addition to any submission made by the Parish Council. Colchester City Council has allocated 25 houses for Peldon in their preferred options but none in any of the other villages in this parish council.
Essex has secured first tranche of the Local Government Reform plan with unitary divisions with various options still being discussed.
Public-Have Your Say and Electronic Communications:
A defibrillator was requested from a resident for installation on The Rose Inn following a government initiative with the British Heart Foundation and as only certain organisations can apply it was agreed that the parish council would apply on behalf of the resident and The Rose landlady on the condition that they take over installation, maintenance checks, funding, etc.
Buses servicing our villages are very unreliable. The Salcott from Tollesbury bus sometimes does not come at all, the Peldon bus throwing children off in the wrong place giving unacceptable excuses and by-passing Peldon on a whim. We will forward all complaints to County and City Councillors to follow up. Also, we will support the multi-PC initiative to get the services improved being led by Tony Johnstone, an associate of Mersea TC.
Police visited Salcott for a ‘Let’s Talk Salcott’ session but did not advertise this or book the hall so the officer sat in his car for a while which served no purpose at all. We will request a further visit with prior notification to enable the residents to attend.
Accidents are happening at the Salcott crossroads more frequently these days. Already there is heavy usage but possibly increased as Potters holds events quite often and drivers, who are unfamiliar with the road, are passing through. Data of accidents will be collected for the parish council to yet again request better signage, a reduced speed limit, etc. Over the last twenty years or so the parish council has requested a safer junction at Salcott crossroads and a reduced speed limit on the whole stretch of the road numerous times.
Notification of pending road works that have not happened as stated has been a problem, Causeway is the website to get updates of any future roadworks and diversions.
Declarations of Interest: None
- Playgrounds and Playing Fields – both playgrounds and fields are in good order and repair work at Moss Hay will take place soon and rubber chips will be ordered for Salcott in the spring.
- Buses – complaints received about the local bus services, both for Salcott and Peldon (different companies) – as above.
- Parish Councillor Vacancy – no further update on vacancy for Peldon ward
- Tree Project – the landscape company owner visited and suitable trees were discussed for the three sites. A further visit to the tree supplier’s yard is required and planting options and costs will be considered.
- Website – on-going project
- Actions and Reminder List – updated including to note the hedges at Hillside Farm, Great Wigborough and Peldon Hall houses have been cut well back. Still outstanding requests: dropped kerb at Salcott Village Hall, blocked drain at Malting Road junction and fallen 30 mph signs at Peldon
Planning Applications and Decisions:
242314 | Amendment to applicationfor replacement of an existing building at Tronoh House, Church Road, Peldon |
242314 | Decision for above – Approve conditional |
242374 | Decision for replacement windows at Malting Cottage, Malting Road, Peldon – Approve conditional |
Schedule of payments for February 2025
R S Pullen – clerk’s salary | £702.00 |
Glasdon – new bench for Layer Breton – money received from Locality Budget | £978.67 |
Wicksteed – new chain and seat for zip wire | £364.08 |