The Future of Essex Policing

Essex-PoliceThe Future of Essex Policing

The future of policing in Essex will be the subject of a public lecture given later this month by the Police and Crime Commissioner for Essex.

In a public lecture as he approaches the end of his term in office PCC Nick Alston will reflect on his time as PCC as he looks ahead to how Essex police will need to respond to the changes in crime across Essex and to the many other demands on police resources.

The lecture, entitled “Policing in Essex: The way ahead and the role of the PCC”, will also look at the developing role of the PCC and at the crucial links between Essex Police and other agencies in seeking to prevent crime and bring offenders to justice.

The event takes place on Thursday March 17 from 6.30pm to 7.30pm at Chelmsford’s Anglia Ruskin University.
The lecture will take place in the Lord Ashcroft building at Anglia Ruskin University in Bishop Hall Lane, Chelmsford, CM1 1SQ.

Refreshments will be available from 6pm with the lecture beginning at 6.30pm.

The event is free and open to all. To book your place visit the EventBrite website.  If you have any questions please contact [email protected]


Recycling & Waste Consultation

recycle for colchesterRecycling & Waste Consultation

Colchester Borough Council is about to commence a consultation on its current waste and recycling service. Borough residents are being asked for their views to help Colchester Borough Council consider how best to reduce waste and increase recycling in the coming years.

All residents are invited to give their views through the online survey at between Monday 7 March and 5pm Friday 3 June 2016.

Help to complete the survey is available at free Online Skills events across the borough listed at .  Residents with accessibility needs can request assistance from a Customer Advisor at the Community Hub in the town centre.

From 7 March to 29 March and Monday 9 May to Friday 3 June selected homes across the borough with kerbside or communal bin collections will also be visited.  Face to face feedback on recycling and waste collections will be gathered from around 1,000 residents.

Home visits will take place borough-wide between 9am and 8pm, Monday to Saturday to households representative of Colchester’s demographic mix.

All survey responses will be used to help the Council understand what residents think including: satisfaction with the type and number of containers used for home storage and collection of waste and recycling; frequency of collections; and ideas for improvement that would help residents send less waste to landfill and recycle more.  Household characteristics, including number of residents at the property and availability of outdoor and container storage areas, will also be gathered.

The consultation is part of a full review of the Council’s waste and recycling service including considering different collection methods and best practice nationally.


PAWS February – Lady Grace

Stacey with Pam, President
Stacey being applauded by Pam (President)

PAWS February – Lady Grace

28 members attended our February meeting when Stacey Belbin gave us a talk on “Lady Grace”.  Her dad was a commercial fisherman and ever since she can remember she helped her dad clean and mend nets and catch fish.  When she left school she worked for a Bank. Her life was all about her career until she met her husband, then she realised life is for living and not for working all the time.

She met Scott at 18, his dad had brought him up in the angling world and hers had brought her up in the netting world.  On their first date, Scott took her angling and since then, her dad lost his crew and they decided to buy their own boat, “Galloper”, to take people angling at weekends.  They both had their day jobs, Scott as a carpenter and Stacey in the bank, but they used to spend weekends running the fishing trips.

Stacey on board
Stacey on board

As the business grew she decided it was time to get her own toy to play with.  In March 2011 they bought “Lady Grace”, it took until the end of August to get her ship-shape for passengers and then she ran her at weekends and continued her weekday job.  In 2012 she then worked “Lady Grace” during the May and October half terms and the full 6 weeks school holidays.  After running “Lady Grace” for 6 weeks solid during the school holidays, in January 2013 she made the decision to give up the day job from the April and run Lady Grace 7 days a week 364 days a year.

Lady Grace off West Mersea
Lady Grace off West Mersea

The first year was testing, but rewarding. Stacey loves working on “Lady Grace”, which was evident by her passionate talk, and every day and every trip being a different one, meeting different people and a forever changing scenery with the tide coming in or going out and the different birdlife visiting through the year. She is also a photographer of all things beautiful on the water, whether it be a landscape, sunrise, sunset or wildlife.

You can follow Stacey and “Lady Grace” on Facebook.

Next Meeting

Our next meeting is on the 22nd March and is our AGM and therefore a closed meeting.  However visitors are welcome afterwards from 8.00pm, for a Quiz and Nibbles, at a cost of £5.00. Details of all our meetings and speakers can be found on the diary of the home page of the Winstred 100 website. If you would like further information about P.A.W.S please ring either of the following committee members: Alice Holmes 01206 735510 or Jane Anderson 01206 735505.


Vote For Peldon Village Hall

Artist's Impression of the new hall taken from the latest architectural plans.  Courtesy of Steve Sharpe Graphics
Artist’s Impression of the new hall taken from the latest architectural plans. Courtesy of Steve Sharpe Graphics

Vote For Peldon Village Hall

Voting is now open for “Colchester’s Big Choice”, vote for Peldon Village Hall!

The project to rebuild Peldon Village Hall is one of 12 shortlisted projects that are competing for a share of £200,000 of funding being provided by Colchester Borough Council for community projects in the Borough under its ‘Big Choice’ scheme. Local residents will decide who the winning projects are by voting for their favourites. Voting will be open between Monday 22 February and Friday 4 March, and the winning projects will be announced the following week.

We have pitched for £50,000 of the ‘Big Choice’ funding and, if we are successful, we should then have enough to allow us to start work. But whether or not we’ll succeed depends on how many people vote for our project.

Why Vote for Peldon Village Hall ?

The current hall in Peldon was built in the 1960’s and is a timber-framed, flat roofed building that is gradually deteriorating, despite our best efforts to maintain it. It’s well used by a variety of community groups and private hirers, attracting not just Peldon residents, but people from the surrounding villages and from Mersea. We recognised a few years ago that it needed replacing, not just to allow the current uses to continue, but also to provide the opportunity for new activities which we know that community would welcome. So we’ve drawn up plans for a new, larger building that will be at the heart of our community for the next 100 years.

How do I vote?

There are two ways you can vote for us, online or in person. You can go on-line to the Council’s website and follow the link there. Alternatively, you can visit Colchester library where voting forms will be available. If neither of these methods is convenient, please call Bob Holmes on 01206 735510 and we’ll help you to cast your vote.

Who Can Vote?

Voting is open to anyone who is a resident in the area covered by Colchester Borough Council, whatever their age (including children) and you do not have to be on the electoral register. You will need to confirm your name, address and/or postcode when you vote.


New Councillor Sought For Peldon

New Parish Councillor Sought for PeldonNew Councillor Sought For Peldon

A new Parish Councillor is needed for Peldon Village

If you would like to attend the next Parish Council Meeting it will be held at Salcott Village Hall, Tuesday 8th March, 7.30pm. The closing dates for applications is 31st March.

The Winstred Hundred Parish Council comprises Peldon, Great and Little Wigborough, Salcott and Virley and requires nine councillors.  Meetings are held 11 times each year alternating between Abbotts Hall Farm, Great Wigborough, Peldon and Salcott Village Halls.  The responsibilities of the Parish Council are integral with CBC and have a strong community aspect.

The Parish Council is the most micro-element of this Country’s democratic process.  Normally Councillors are elected but when a vacancy arises mid term, applicants will be selected by the Council and co-opted onto the committee without an election process.  Councillors come from all walks of life, there are no specific criteria applied to those individuals wishing to be considered.

If you enjoy living in your Village and want to become involved in your community then a place on the Parish Council could be exactly right for you.  For full details please telephone our Secretary Sue Pullen on 01206 735367 or email [email protected].


PC Minutes 9th February 2016

Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Peldon Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 9th February 2016.

Present: Liz Davidson, Bob Holmes, Jinny Gale, Lynne Simmons, Nicky Ellis, Netty Knill-Jones, Phil Gladwin, John Walker, Robert Davidson, Andrew Ellis, Kevin Bentley, Zone Warden and 4 members of the public

Apologies for absence: None

Minutes of the last meeting were agreed by all and signed by the chairman

Zone Wardens Report: ‘Clean for the Queen’ litter picking is to take place on the weekend of 5th and 6th March and local people are taking part.

Borough Councillors: Colchester Borough Council is not increasing its part of the Council Tax but there will be an increase of 3.99% from other sections.

County Broadband is in the process of being updated to accommodate new customers as it is running at full capacity at present.

Natural England is holding meetings at present to listen to suggestions for their Coastal Access Scheme.

There has been mention of nuisance horses and motor bikes on Pete Tye Common which will be looked into further.

At the Local Community Action Panel it was suggested that for a relatively small cost per household a PSO could be funded to assist with the lack of a Police presence in and around our villages.

S106 funds can be used for new fencing required for the play area at Salcott and with some Locality Budget money.

Certain planning enforcement issues will be looked into.

County Councillor: The County Budget was explained in detail and reasons for the increase. No frontline budget has been cut and as always a substantial part the budget is spent on social care.

At the recently held Local Highways Panel meeting funding was allocated for speed assessment strips in St Ives Road and Lower Road in Peldon.

The potholes in Salcott, bridge at Mill Lane and missing finger posts in Great Wigborough are being redirected for possible results.

Public-Have Your Say: None

Declarations of Interest: Lynne for item

1.   Playgrounds and Playing Fields – Quotation to be received for Salcott fencing and installation in time for available funding datelines. A bench needing repair at Peldon will be looked into for possible removal.

2.   Peldon Parish Councillor Vacancy – This vacancy will be advertised in the normal manner on noticeboards, magazines, etc and the closing date for applications to be received by the clerk will be 31st March.

3.   Vehicle Racing along new stretch of Reservoir Road – This nuisance behavior was discussed and will be reported when it is actually happening if at all possible for any positive action to take place.

4.   Standing Orders, Media Policy, Transparency Code – A newly set up working group will address these complicated documents for completion of our versions hopefully in two months’ time for adopting and putting on the website in an orderly manner to comply with the Transparency Code. Bob proposed, Jinny seconded and all agreed to the completed application form for the Transparency Fund.

5.   Wigborough Zeppelin Event Saturday 24th September 2016 – The event was explained fully and it was noted that the National Trust and Stow Maries are completely in control of the necessary procedures and precautions.

6.   Courses Reports – were received from recently attended courses. CBC Planning Dept. had also sent a power point presentation.

7.   Actions and Reminders List – updated, website to be discussed next month.

Planning Applications:

152293 Proposal: Single storey side extension at Elm Tree Cottage, Church Road, Peldon


101866 Webhosting UK COM Ltd.£38.97
101867 Peldon Village Hall – hire incl for Community Group£185.00
101868 EALC – Course/briefing£15.00
101869 Information Commissioner – Data Protection£35.00
101870 T Simmons – playground insp£30.00
101871 R S Pullen – Clerk’s February salary£375.65
101872 Salcott Village Hall – hire£120.00

The next meeting will be on Tues 8th March 2016 at 7.30pm at Salcott Village Hall


February Half term 2016

February Half  Term 2016

With February half term next week Colchester Museums, Leisure World and Essex Outdoors are all running extra activities to keep the kids occupied:

Colchester Museums

Colchester Museums have events running every day with art and craft workshops at Hollytrees Museum, storytelling and castle making at the Castle and monkey and fossil activities at the Natural History Museum:

Mon 15 FebHollytrees MuseumPortraits in Shadow
Work as a group to turn your shadow into a striking silhouette portrait. Minimum age 4 years old
Workshops at 10.30am, 11.30am, 12.30pm, 2pm and 3pm£3 per personRequired, please call 01206 282941
Mon 15 FebColchester CastleQueen of the Iceni
Come and meet Boudica, the brave warrior Queen.
Storytelling at 11am, 1pm and 3pmFree after normal admission price to the CastleNot required
Tue 16 FebHollytrees MuseumMini Model Homes
Be inspired by our Victorian doll’s house and make your own room in miniature.
Workshops at 10.30am, 11.30am, 12.30pm, 2pm and 3pm£3 per personRequired, please call 01206 282941
Wed 17 FebNatural History MuseumMonkey Business
Celebrate the Chinese Year of the Monkey with us at the Natural History Museum. Create, personalise and take home your own glove monkey.
Workshops at 10.30am, 11.30am, 12.30pm, 2pm and 3pm£3 per personRequired, please call 01206 282941
Thurs 18 FebNatural History MuseumGo Live! Fantastic Fossils
Are you fascinated by fossils? Come and meet the fossil experts and have your own fossils identified.
Drop in 10-12pm and 2-4pmFree eventNot required
Fri 19 FebColchester CastleCrafty Castles
From rubbish to ramparts, discover how the Normans built Colchester Castle out of recycled material. Make your own castle out of recycled items.
Workshops at 10.30am, 11.30am, 12.30pm, 2pm and 3pm£2 per person after normal castle admissionRequired, please call 01206 282941

Leisure World

As well as its regular activities, Leisure World (call 282000 for bookings and more information) offers further half-term ones including art & craft and sports related as follows:

Mon 15 Feb1.30 – 3.00 Arts & Crafts – Fun and mess with hands on activities using creativity and imagination5 – 11 yrs£5.80
Tue 16 Feb3.00 – 4.00 Creative Dance – Come along and sing and dance. Use your imagination while developing skills of movement and dance1.5 – 4yrs£4.20
4.00 – 5.00Mini Street5 – 7 yrs£4.20
4.00 – 6.00Whiz Kids – Fun activities for children with disabilities, including trampolining, bouncy castle, basketball, football and much much more0 – 16 yrs£4.60
Wed 17 Feb1.30 – 3.00Team Games – Join in with a variety of sports and games: running, jumping, throwing and catching, but most off all having fun!7 – 12 yrs£6.50
Thurs 18 Feb1.30 – 3.00Badminton & Short Tennis – Two fun ways to enjoy racket sports and learn new skills7 – 12 yrs£6.50
Fri 19 Feb1.30 – 3.00Arts & Crafts – Fun and mess with hands on activities using creativity and imagination 5 – 11 yrs £5.80

Base Camp

With different activities every day including such as multi sports, leisure pool, cinema visit etc., Base camp runs from 58am until 5:30pm for £30 a day.

Kid’s Camp

For school years 1 – 6 only these offer action packed days running from 9am to 3pm for £25 or 8am to 5:30pm for £30 per day.

Essex Outdoors

Essex Outdoors’ action-packed activity day experiences run at our 4 centres during the school holidays  and are the ideal way for young people aged 8-16 to try exciting new experiences in the outdoors!

Working in groups of around 10 young people, your child will have the opportunity to take part in up to four fun and challenging activities each day, ranging from archery, canoeing and climbing to mountain biking, high ropes and zip wire.

Constant supervision during the day by our professional instructors will give parents peace of mind and ensure kids have a memorable day!  All technical equipment is provided – participants just need to bring, comfortable (and waterproof!) clothing and footwear as well as a packed lunch and a drink.

Special offer for February Half Term – School Holiday Activity Days will be just £15 per child, per day, a saving of 50%.


  • Tuesday 16th February – High Ropes & Archery.  Book online.


  • Monday 15th February – Archery, Aerial Trekking, Bushcraft & Obstacle Course
  • Tuesday 16th February – BMX, Zip Wire, Problem Solving & Climbing Wall
  • Wednesday 17th February – Low Ropes, Climbing Wall, Archery & Zip Wire
  • Thursday 18th February – Mountain Biking, Orienteering, Bushcraft & Aerial Trekking
  • Friday 19th February – Archery, Bushcraft, BMX & Zip Wire

Book online.


  • Monday 15th February – Aerial Runway, Archery, Climbing & Team Challenge
  • Thursday 18th February – Climbing, Aerial Runway, Low Ropes & Team Challenge
  • Friday 19th February – Adventure Course, Aerial Runway, Archery & Caving.

Book online.

Short Breaks for Disabled Children

  • Saturday 13th February – Activity Day at Mersea
  • Thursday 18th February – One Night Break at Bradwell

More information here.

Essex County Council

Fri 12 Feb
Lantern Walk on Hadleigh Downs, Hadleigh ParkMake a colourful lantern then join other families in a lantern-lit walk across the Olympic mountain bike venue.£5 per child Book now to attend phone 0345 603 7624. Suitable for age 3+
Sat 13 Feb
10am – 5pm
Raspberry Pi Event, Chelmsford  LibraryWe will have interesting activities for all ages and abilities and activities suitable for primary school children/beginners upwards in using a Raspberry Pi. Put on by Essex Libraries and the Southend Raspberry Jam.Book now to attend for free. Phone 0345 603 7628
Sat 13 Feb to
Sat 21 Feb
10.15am – 2pm
Secret Story Walk, starts from Thorndon Country Park South Pavilion CaféExplore and experience the woods on this this self- guided trail. The story of your own creature develops as you
enjoy our play activities in the outdoors. You can really use your imagination.
£3 per trail guide. No need to book.
Suitable for children ages 3-9
Sat 13 Feb to
Sat 21 Feb
10am – 3pm
Mini rangers trail, Weald Country ParkBuy a Trail booklet from the Visitor Centre, follow the map and stamp each page as you complete your Ranger jobs. Then return to the Visitor Centre to collect a well done gift. Please dress for a walk in the park with lots of mud. Body carriers are advised for small children as not all paths are suitable for buggies.£3 per booklet, no need to book
Mon 15 Feb

10.30am – 3pm

Art Workshop at Loughton LibraryCome along to lessons in drawing and colouring, held by professional artists.£6 per person. Book now by phoning 0345 603 7628
Suitable for Ages 7+
(Parents welcome although they must book and participate)
Mon 15 Feb
10.30am – 3pm
Recycle Themed Dinosaur Events, Witham LibraryCome and visit Steggy, the Stegosaurus Rex made up completely from recycled electronic materials. Come along for quizzes, treasure trails and moreNo need to book; drop in any time for free entry
Mon 15 Feb
2 – 3pm
Harry Potter Night of Spells, Wickford LibraryJoin us to celebrate the magic of the Harry Potter series with crafts, colouring, and activities to entertain young witches and wizards aged 7 and up. It would be Riddikulus to miss this!Ages 7 and over. No need to book; drop in any time for free entry.
Mon 15 FebPop up Drama, Harlow LibraryA unique drama and art workshop that will stretch your child’s imagination, build their confidence and
teach them invaluable art and drama skills.
Book now by phoning 0345603 7628. £10 per child
Mon 15 Feb
Teddy Bears picnic at Southminster LibraryMake your own Paddington Bear, quiz trail and other activities. Bring a snack and decorate a cake for a teddy
bears picnic storytime.
Free of charge, no need to book.
Suitable for under fives However elder siblings are welcome.
Mon 15 Feb
10.30am – 12 noon and 1.30pm – 3pm
How to Draw and How to Colour, Loughton LibraryChildren’s workshopsMust book before-hand.
Phone 01992 564000
Mon 15 Feb to
Fri 19 Feb
Bear Hunt, Great Baddow libraryGoing on a Bear Hunt’ themed week including Teddy bears story time – bring your teddy, find the famous bear trail and teddy bear crafts.Open to all children aged 0-11 years old.
No need to book. Drop in for free.
Mon 15 Feb to
Sat 20 Feb
Harry Potter Week, Chelmsford LibraryDrop in to participate in a load of fun, Harry Potter related activities such as word scrabble, colouring, and making your own Hogwarts tieNo need to book. Drop in any time for free entry.
Tue 16 Feb
10am – 12pm
Knex workshop, Frinton LibraryCreate Knex models using your problem solving skills, imagination and communication.Limited spaces. Pop in or phone to book a place on 01255  672581.
Tue 16 Feb
10.30am to 12.00pm
Bugs and Other Creepy Crawlies, Maldon LibraryEvent will involve story time, making bug related craft, and making fresh fruit kebabs.Children up to 11 years old. Free entry and no need to book.
Tue 16 Feb
2pm – 3pm
Real Life Fireman, Sible Hedingham LibraryCome and meet a REAL fireman, hear some great stories and make your own fire engine!Aimed at under sevens and is free of charge. No need to book.
Tue 16 Feb
2pm to 4pm
Knex Workshop, Clacton LibraryCreate Knex models using your problem solving skills, imagination and communication.Ticketed event. To book, phone 0345 603 7628.
Wed 17 Feb
10am – 11.30am
Where’s Wally? trail, quizzes, crafts and fun, Broomfield LibraryBe the best dressed Wally in red and whiteFree entry and no need to book. Suitable for ages up to eight.
Wed 17 Feb 11am – 1pmHarry Potter Event, Rayleigh LibraryCome in costume and join in with the activities for childrenNo need to book. Drop in any time for free. Suitable for children ages 5-9.
Wed 17 Feb
11am – 2pm
Wild Wednesday, Danbury Country ParkFree children’s activities, including making dens and mud pies, wading in the stream, splashing in puddles, kicking leaves, forest crafts, finding fish and more.Free of charge. No need to book.
Wed 17 Feb
Paddington Bear story time and Activities Event, Wickham BishopsJoin in with story time, colouring and craft activitiesFree entry and no need to book. Suitable for under fives. However, elder siblings are welcome.
Wed 17 Feb
Family Bike Ride, Hadleigh ParkThis is a fun ride for families, taking in the beautiful landscape of the Hadleigh Downs and Thames estuary. Helmets MUST be worn – “no helmet, no ride”. Please ensure your bike is in a safe riding condition.Book now to attend. Phone 01702 551076. This event is free if you bring your own bike. Alternatively bike hire is available – please reserve a bike in advance by phoning 01702 551076.
Suitable for families with children aged 10+ (all children must be accompanied)
Thu 18 Feb
10am – 12 noon
Kite Making, Hadleigh ParkMake your very own kite with the help of the rangers, then send it soaring over the downs.Suitable for ages 4+£5 per kite. No need to book.
Thu 18 Feb
10am – 12 noon
Drop in Pirate and Princess Event, Brightlingsea LibraryDrop in Pirate and Princesses Event at Brightlingsea Library. Children welcome to dress up. Story time at 11am. Crafts between 10 –12.No need to book. Drop in anytime for free. Children of all ages welcome.
Thu 18 Feb
Harry Potter Event, Brentwood LibraryCome along and take part in our Harry Potter quizzes and join us as we make a spell trailNo need to book. Drop in any time for free entry.
Fri 19 Feb
2pm – 4pm
Owls From Plop to Hedwig, Danbury LibraryFree children’s crafts – make an owl. Share a story. Learn more about owls by following our puzzle trail.No booking required. Drop in for free.
Sat 20 Feb
10am – 12 noon
Hour of Code Event, Rayleigh LibraryTake the opportunity to spend a fun hour learning to code with Star Wars, Minecraft or Frozen.For children aged 7-11.
Sat 20 Feb
2.30pm – 4.30pm
Reading Dangerously, Colchester LibraryCome along to an afternoon with the Year of Reading Dangerously team, who will be sharing their enthusiasm for writers from around the world, through a number of activities, including speed- dating with books. Includes afternoon tea and a chance to chat to other readers.Drop in  for free. No booking required.
Sun 21 Feb
1pm – 3.30pm
Iron Age Roundhouse Open Afternoon, Hadleigh ParkExplore our replica Iron Age roundhouse and learn how your ancestors lived 2000 years ago. Find out how charcoal was made – without it, there wouldn’t have been an Iron Age. Drop in event.Free entry to Roundhouse.

Colchester’s Big Choice – Vote Now!

Peldon Village Hall
Peldon Village Hall is looking for £50,000 towards rebuilding the village hall so they can accommodate larger activities which the community would like to provide.

Peldon Village Hall’s bid for Colchester’s “ Big Choice ” funding needs your support!!!!

Great news! – the project to rebuild Peldon Village Hall is one of 12 shortlisted projects that are competing for a share of £200,000 of funding being provided by Colchester Borough Council to provide funds for community projects in the Borough under its “ Big Choice ” scheme. Colchester residents will decide who the winning projects are by voting for their favourites. Voting will be open between Monday 22 February and Friday 4 March, and the winning projects will be announced the following week.

We have pitched for £50,000 of the funding. If we are successful, this money, together with the money we’ve already raised, should be enough to allow us to start rebuilding our hall (at last!). But whether or not we’ll succeed depends on how many people vote for our project when the voting opens. So it’s really important that we mobilise as much support as we can.

We’re working hard to ensure that our project is promoted widely throughout the Borough. Please support us when voting opens and pass on this message to your friends, relations and anyone else you know who lives in the Borough.

The Council will be promoting the scheme during the next 4 weeks, so look out for it in the local press and on radio. You can see who we’re competing against by visiting where all 12 projects are listed.

I’ll be sending out more information about how to cast your vote before voting opens, but if you’d like to know more about what we’re doing or are able to help us in any way, please get in touch with me on 01206 735510 or [email protected].

Thanks for your support!

Bob Holmes
Peldon Village Hall Management Committee


Wigboroughs’ February Church Update

Wigboroughs’ February Church Update

In the entrance porch of St. Stephen’s Church, Gt Wigborough, we now have a Prayer tree. If you have a prayer request for yourself, or someone else, you are invited to hang a leaf upon our prayer tree with your request and we will include it in our prayers on a Sunday morning. You will find the leaves and pens in the porch. Your request need not be named; we can still pray for you.

Another new event is the Café service which we are starting on 28th February!  This will be relevant for all ages, with particular activities for children.

The services planned for the next few weeks are…

  • 31 Jan., 10am, Benefice service at Rowhedge church (postcode: CO5 7EB), led by Revd Patrick McEune
  • 7 Feb., 11am, LW, Holy Communion led by Revd Brian Snelling
  • 14 Feb., 9.30am, GW, Morning Prayer with Bible discussion led by Anne and Peter Owen
  • 21 Feb, 9.15am, GW, Holy Communion led by Revd Patrick McEune
  • 28 Feb, 10am, GW, Café-style all age worship with activities for children, led by Anne and Peter Owen

Messy ChurchThe next Messy Church will take place at 2.30pm on Saturday April 2nd at St Stephens church, Great Wigborough.  This is the weekend after Easter, so hopefully lots of families will be able to come!  We are planning this event together with Peldon, and will be holding the following Messy Church in Peldon at Harvest time.

L33 Zeppelin in LIttle WigboroughPlans for the Zeppelin Commemoration event around Copt Hall, Little Wigborough, on September 24 and 25 are progressing, with the National Trust keen to be involved.  Contacts from the WW1 Aerodrome at Stow Maries are also helping us.  Please let us know if you would like to volunteer and be involved in any way!


With best wishes,
Anne and Peter

Anne Owen
Tel.: 01206 383843
