PC Agenda 9th February 2016

Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley
Website: www.winstred100.org

A meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council will be held at Peldon Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 9th February 2016 to which the Councillors are summoned to attend.

Apologies for absence:

Minutes of the last meeting – to be confirmed as a true record of the meeting

Zone Wardens Report

Borough and County Councillors

Public-Have Your Say

Declarations of Interest

Items for Discussion

1   Playgrounds and Playing Fields

  • Reports on both play areas and fields
  • Any work completed or ongoing that needs discussing including Salcott playground fencing quotes received and forthcoming for installation
  • Decision required: Is there anything that needs immediate attention?
  • Decision required: Installation of Salcott fencing/ using any available funding.

2   Peldon Parish Councillor Vacancy

  • Discuss how, where and for how long we should advertise the vacancy

3   Vehicle Racing along new stretch of Reservoir Road

  • Discuss what we can do about this if anything
  • Decision required: Who could/should we contact on the matter?

4   Standing Orders, Media Policy, Transparency Code

  • Discuss any documents we have prepared and ready
  • Decision required: To agree and adopt where appropriate
  • Decision required: To agree to Transparency Fund application

5   Wigborough Zeppelin Event Saturday 24th September 2016

  • To note  the programme and how it will affect the local area

6   Courses Reports

  • To receive reports from Planning Training and Transparency Code
  • To approve Transparency Fund application form

7   Actions and Reminders List – update including website information


  • CBC – Local Plan update

Planning Applications:

152293 Proposal: Single storey side extension at Elm Tree Cottage, Church Road, Peldon


101866 Webhosting UK COM Ltd.£38.97
101867 Peldon Village Hall – hire incl for Community Group£185.00
101868 EALC – Course/briefing£15.00
101869 Information Commissioner – Data Protection£35.00
101870 T Simmons – playground insp£30.00
101871 R S Pullen – Clerk’s February salary£375.65
101872 Salcott Village Hall – hire£120.00

The next meeting will be on Tues 8th March 2016 at 7.30pm at Salcott Village Hall


Sport Relief Grants

Sport Relief via Essex Community Foundation

Sport Relief Community Cash grant

Apply now for a Sport Relief Community Cash grant

Comic Relief brings Sport Relief Community Cash to North Essex and Suffolk. The Fund is now available, with Essex Community Foundation working with Comic Relief to get the cash to the groups that need it most.

Cash grants of £500 to £1,000 are available to small grassroots community organisations in North Essex (Colchester, north Braintree and Tendring) that are doing great work to help local people living tough lives. It is not only sporting projects or organisations that can apply, but groups across the whole of the community.

Applications for Sport Relief Community Cash need to be submitted by Monday 15th February 2016. Interested groups should click here for the grant criteria and guidance on how to apply.

Please do not hesitate to contact the Grants Team on 01245 356016 or [email protected] should you have any questions.

Essex Community Foundation are:

an independent charitable trust improving the quality of life of people in our community by investing and distributing funds on behalf of a wide range of donors.  Since 1996 our donors have invested £26 million of charitable funding directly into Essex, Southend and Thurrock making it a great place to live, work, learn and grow.

Further information about the Fund is also available at www.essexcommunityfoundation.org.uk


Five Parishes AGM

5-parishes-hort-socFive Parishes AGM 2016

The AGM of the Five Parishes Show Committee will take place at 19:30 in Peldon Village Hall on Tuesday 2nd February 2016.

All are welcome.  Why not come along and hear what happened during 2015 when we had, by common opinion, one of our best shows ever.  Use the chance to ask questions, make suggestions and maybe even volunteer to get involved.

Jinny Gale
on behalf of Mike Watson (President) and Paul Bryan (Chairman)


PC Minutes 12th January 2016


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

Website: www.winstred100.org

Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Abbotts Hall Farm, Great Wigborough at 7.30pm on Tuesday 12th January 2016.

Present: John Walker, Bob Holmes, Phil Gladwin, Lynne Simmons, Jinny Gale, Liz Davidson, Nicky Ellis, Netty Knill-Jones, Andrew Ellis, Zone Warden and 1 member of the public

Apologies for absence: Kevin Bentley, Robert Davidson

Minutes of the last meeting were agreed by all and signed by the chairman

Zone Wardens Report: Litter picking equipment has been distributed to those who carry out this very valuable job in our villages and teams can be organised for a thorough blitz of particularly bad areas.

Borough Councillor: The Locality Budget and S106 monies will be looked into for funding the Salcott playground equipment area.

Public-Have Your Say: None

Declarations of Interest: None

1.    Precept/Grant 2016/2017 – following a thorough appraisal of our previous and forecasted expenses Bob proposed, Phil seconded and all agreed to increase our grant/precept for the following year by £100, taking into account the increase in housing. A company was set up by local government bodies to appoint new auditors on our behalf for 2017 onwards unless we choose to opt out which we have agreed not to do.

2.    Playgrounds and Playing Fields  – The Community Group have carried out some sterling work for us in Peldon, for which the organisers will be thanked,  surplus mud etc will be disposed of and any associated costs will be met by the parish council. It is unfortunate that work at Moss Hay has damaged the entrance but this was unavoidable and it will recover in time and be reinstated accordingly if necessary.  The vandalized Dog Fouling sign will be reinstated yet again.  The bench with a rotten leg will be addressed. Future work for the Community Group will be tree guard removal on Pete Tye Common and grass cutting outside Peldon Church possibly on a regular basis.

3.    Bradwell – Local Community Liaison Council (LCLC) Meetings – Bob will attend these meetings on behalf of the parish council to enable us to keep up to date with proceedings and inform the residents when appropriate.

4.    Emails to the PC on a variety of random subjects – distribution to all councillors and answer as deemed appropriate.  

5.    Planning Comments Process – all councillors will endeavour to follow the agreed process as written in the final draft.

6.    Neighbourhood Watch – following further interest in setting up a scheme the information received by us at the presentation has been forwarded to these residents and if an interest is still there the parish council will arrange a meeting to assist in setting up a scheme but then take no further involvement.

7.    NALC Model Code – Media Policy – subject to checking other codes and policies that we have or should adhere to for any contradictions the parish council will adopt this Media Policy at the next meeting.

8.    Actions and Reminders List – updated and noting that owing to the Parish Council’s tireless efforts the Environment Agency has agreed to carry out a Flood Modelling Study for Virley Brook. Also, there are posters on the noticeboards about drop-in sessions held by Natural England to inform of their project to improve public access along the Essex coast.

Planning Applications:

152799Proposal: Erection of detached one and a half storey 4 bedroom dwelling with single storey utility room and garage, landscaping and access at Salcot Cottages, The Street, Salcott

Planning Decisions:

152363Proposal: Insertion of windows and doors into existing garage structure, with alterations and ground floor extension to provide ancillary accommodation for dependent relatives – resubmission of application no. 15111 at Bucklands, Copt Hall Lane, Little Wigborough – Refused
152318Proposal: Vehicle access to and from highway at The Bungalow, Mersea Road, Peldon – Approve conditional


101863 R S Pullen – Clerk’s January salary£375.65
101864 David J Kingaby – website management£444.96
101865 David J Kingaby – urgent migration£270.90

The next meeting will be on Tues 9th February 2016 at 7.30pm at Peldon Village Hall


PAWS January – Barney’s Bobbies

Michael Benning talked about Barney's Bobbies
Michael Benning talked about Barney's Bobbies
Michael Benning

PAWS January – Barney’s Bobbies

Relating the story of Barney’s Bobbies, Michael joined the police force in 1969 and was paid the princely sum of £17 per week. He spent the first 5 years of his career ‘on the beat’ and spent many nights rattling shop doors and was in trouble from sergeant Barney if he did not detect some sort of crime on his shift! The sergeant was very hot on discipline and correct uniform and his ‘Bobbies’ were some of the best on the force.

Michael soon had a new job on Cycle Patrol, which was great except that the bike was far too big. On telling his sergeant that he could not reach the pedals even if he could get on the bike, he was told to just wheel it around until he grew! There were no personal radios in those days so he had to phone in to the station every hour to get instructions using a Police Box (Tardis).

TV programmes such as Dickson of Dock Green and later The Bill were good representations of how the Police worked. Michael finished his career on the hijack team at Stansted Airport and ran many marathons in the Police team. He also gave us an insight into how things had changed in the Police Force over the years and of some of the amusing and sometimes dangerous incidents that he had been involved in.

Our next meeting is on the 23rd February when our speaker Stacey Belbin will tell us about “Lady Grace the boat.” Visitors are welcome at a cost of £5.00. Details of all our meetings and speakers can be found on the diary of the home page of the Winstred 100 website.

If you would like further information about P.A.W.S please ring either of the following committee members: Alice Holmes 01206 735510 or Jane Anderson 01206 735505.


Energy Switch, Funding & More

Energy Switch, Funding & More

Offers to help you join Energy Switch and Funding opportunities are just two of many subjects in the numerous news updates Essex County & Colchester Borough Councils issue every week, the following are extracts that might be of particular interest.

Save hundreds in the Essex Energy Switch

An energy-saving initiative which has already saved Essex residents almost £1 million has reopened for new applications. Register now for the Essex Energy Switch to potentially save hundreds of pounds on your energy bills.

Registration is open till 1 February 2016. After this, energy providers will bid against one another in an auction with the winning bidder being the company offering the lowest price to all applicants. Following last year’s Switch, residents saved approximately £263 per household.

Anyone who pays for energy is eligible to take part. Signing up takes just a few minutes online. Visit www.essex.gov.uk/energyswitch for more information and to find out how to take part.

Funding available for community projects

Colchester’s Big Choice funding application process is now open! Bid for a share of £200,000 to fund new or existing community projects in Colchester. Finalists will be entered into a public vote at the end of February 2016 to decide on the winners.

If you have a project that could be eligible CBC needs to know more about it. Not all applications will go through to the final vote but in order to qualify CBC needs to know who you are, what you do and how your idea will benefit the residents of Colchester Borough.

Completing this online application form will guide you through the information CBC needs so please complete it carefully and take note of the deadlines as CBC has to stick to them. The online application form needs to be completed and received by CBC by 12 noon on the 15th January 2016.   Click here to find out more

#InstaEssex – Capturing the culture of Essex

What best describes Essex culture to you? Is it some of our buildings and architecture; our artwork and theatres; local street and contemporary social culture; or perhaps there’s an iconic image you think sums up the county? Whatever it is, the #InstaEssex campaign wants to capture it with a photography competition that’s open to both amateur and professional photographers.

15 winning images will be displayed at London Liverpool Street station and at branch line stations across Essex. From these winners the top three will be awarded cash prizes of £1,000 (first prize), £500 (second prize) and £250 (third prize).

If you’re stuck for inspiration why not take a look at the Explore Culture website.  Or if you’d like to brush up on your photography skills, why not take part in one of the #InstaEssex workshops.

If you don’t fancy submitting a photo but still want to share your thoughts, you can join the discussions on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter using #Instaessex.  The competition is open until Mon 15 February 2016 so there’s plenty of time to get snapping!

How to avoid a cold (caller) this winter

Free “No Cold Caller” stickers are now available at Essex libraries to help vulnerable people protect themselves from rogue traders.

Local Health Matters Meetings

Taking place twice a month in various parts of the North East Essex area, these meetings are free to attend without prior booking and give you an opportunity to discuss matters of concern or interest to you regarding Local Health matters.  The minutes of the recent meeting in Colchester will give you an idea of what they are about:

Boost Your Online Skills

If you were fortunate enough to receive a new smartphone, tablet or PC at Christmas and you’d like help to get online, then why not brush up your IT skills for free at CBC’s digital bazaar events and online drop-in sessions beginning this month and running throughout 2016.

At CBC’s digital bazaar events and online drop in sessions, you are encouraged to bring your own device where you will receive professional help with setting it up.

Computers are available at all of the events and staff are there to support and teach you and undertake tasks such as setting up email addresses. You will also have the opportunity to meet some of CBC’s dedicated multi-skilled Zone Teams who have in-depth knowledge of local areas.

One to One Support

CBC also offer one-to-one support at any of the library hubs across Colchester. To book a free one hour session please complete CBC’s online form or call 01206 282222.

Winter’s on its way

The unseasonal mild spell is coming to an end. Are you ready for wintry conditions on the roads? Keep up to date with road conditions via Essex County Council’s website or Twitter accounts.

Visit ECC’s winter travel web page for useful information about salt bins, salting (gritting) routes and links to other winter-related advice about school closures, flooding alerts and health. Follow @Essex_Travel and @EssexGritters for all the latest winter road updates from Essex County Council on Twitter. ECC does not manage the A12, A120, M11 and M25. Visit the Highways Agency website for information about these roads.

At midday every day during winter a weather report comes in to Essex County Council and the decision is made whether to send gritters out onto the Essex roads.  Essex County Council has 59 gritters which grit 2,500 miles of roads in the county using a mixture of salt and brine. Find out how the gritting service works in a feature which appeared in the East Anglian Daily Times this week.

Remember to always drive to the weather conditions to keep safe on the roads this winter.


PC Agenda 12th January 2016

Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley
Website: www.winstred100.org

A meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council will be held at Abbotts Hall Farm, Great Wigborough at 7.30pm on Tuesday 12th January 2016.

Apologies for absence:

Minutes of the last meeting

Zone Wardens Report

Borough and County Councillors

Public-Have Your Say

Declarations of Interest

Items for Discussion

 1    Precept/Grant 2016/2017

  • To consider  last year’s finances and our requirements for the next financial year
  • Decision required: Taking into account a further reduction of grants from CBC how much do we feel is necessary to carry out the same standard of services?

2    Playgrounds and Playing Fields

  • Reports on both play areas and fields
  • Any work completed or ongoing including Community Group work on Moss Hay
  • Decision required: Is there anything that needs immediate attention?

3    Bradwell – Local Community Liaison Council (LCLC) Meetings

  • Discuss the PC’s view on this topic for our representative (Bob) to take on board when  attending future meetings

4    Emails to the PC on a variety of random subjects

  • Discuss how we should deal with them
  • Decision required: Who, what and how will take anything further?

5    Planning Comments Process – final draft

6    Neighbourhood Watch – report

7    NALC Model Code – Media Policy

  • Discuss all wording and decide if this is appropriate for us
  •  Decision required: Do we adopt this in its entirety or with some alterations?

8    Actions and Reminders List – update including website information


  • Environment Agency – Latest proposals for Virley Brook
  • ECC Highways – List of highways maintenance works on local roads
  • Natural England – Improvements to public access along Essex coast
  • EALC – New Audit Scheme – some clarification still to come

Planning Applications:

152799 Proposal: Erection of detached one and a half storey 4 bedroom dwelling with single storey utility room and garage, landscaping and access at Salcot Cottages, The Street, Salcott

Planning Decisions:

152363 Proposal: Insertion of windows and doors into existing garage structure, with alterations and ground floor extension to provide ancillary accommodation for dependent relatives – resubmission of application no. 15111 at Bucklands, Copt Hall Lane, Little Wigborough – Refused
152318 Proposal: Vehicle access to and from highway at The Bungalow, Mersea Road, Peldon – Approve conditional


101863 R S Pullen – Clerk’s January salary£375.65
101864 David J Kingaby – website management£444.96
101865 David J Kingaby – urgent migration£270.90

The next meeting will be on Tues 9th February 2016 at 7.30pm at Peldon Village Hall


PAWS December – Xmas at The Fox

Christmas at The Fox 1Christmas at The Fox 2 Christmas at The Fox 3

PAWS December – Xmas at The Fox

36 members arrived at The Fox on Mersea Island on Tuesday 8th December for the PAWS Christmas Meal.  Those who could not attend missed a treat!  There was lots of laughter and chat, with everyone enjoying the chance to relax and talk to other members.  The room was decorated for the occasion and the tables were very festive.  We had a quiz with lots of banter as to who had the correct answer, particularly as to how many points a snowflake has.  Everyone had a silly present from the lucky dip but the balloons proved to be a bit of a challenge with no one succeeding in blowing one up!  All agreed that we had a super evening.  Hope you enjoyed spending your Debenhams voucher! Jane.

Our next meeting is on the 12th January, 2016 (earlier than normal due to the pantomime) and our speaker will be Michael Benning & his topic “Barney’s Bobbies” – ‘Barney’ was Michael Benning’s  first Sergeant and the talk is an amusing and lighthearted look at the changes and differences in policing from the 1960s to the present day with some barely believable Sgt Barney ‘war stories’ and policing anecdotes.

Visitors are welcome at a cost of £5.00.  Details of all our meetings and speakers can be found on the diary of the home page of the Winstred 100 website.  If you would like further information about P.A.W.S please ring either of the following committee members: Alice Holmes 01206 735510 or Jane Anderson 01206 735505.


Trees for Years 2016

Red Stem Dogwood, available in Trees for Years 2016
Red Stem Dogwood, on the 2016 list

Trees for Years 2016

Returning for it’s tenth year, Colchester Borough Council have 2016 free trees and fruit bushes to give away in its popular Trees for Years giveaway.  The free plants are available to Colchester Borough residents, community groups and parish councils. Residents can collect up to three plants per household and up to 15 per community group, school or parish council.

Species available this year are:

  • Raspberry Canes.
  • Gooseberry Bush.
  • Acer campestre – Field Maple.
  • Betulapendula – Silver Birch.
  • Cornusalba ‘Siberica’ – Red Stem Dogwood.
  • Cornusstolonifera ‘Flaviramea’ – Yellow Stem Dogwood.
  • Blackcurrant Canes.
  • Forsythia x intermedia ‘Spectabilis’.
  • Prunuspadus – Bird Cherry.
  • Corylusavellana – Hazel Cob Nut.​

If you are unsure about which plants would be suitable for your garden, members of the Parks Department will be available to give advice on which plants would be suitable for different size gardens.  There will also be a useful pamphlet giving care guidelines, the following is for the 2015 event which has some of this years plants as well:

The 2016 bare root trees and fruit bushes will be available on a first come first served basis.

Trees must be planted on private property. Postcodes will be recorded to monitor the distribution.

The event takes place on Saturday 30 January, from 10am to 1pm, in the car park of Colchester Borough Council’s offices at Rowan House, in Sheepen Road, Colchester.

Trees for Years has previously been funded through sponsorship by OfficeIS, but CBC are looking for new sponsors for future years.


R&B/Jazz Musical Delight

Jackie Rawe
Jackie Rawe
Crissy Lee, Jazz and R&B drummer
Crissy Lee

R&B/Jazz Musical Delight

If R&B or Jazz rocks your boat then you are in for a treat at the Peldon Village Hall on Friday 15th January 2016.

Organised by the Peldon Village Hall Management Committee, The Crissy Lee Quartet will be playing between 8-11pm with tickets available for just £10.  As well as Crissy Lee, who is widely acclaimed as being the UK and Europe’s finest female drummer, the evening will also feature Jackie Rawe, former Shakatak member, who has also supported stars such as Suzi Quatro, Sheena Easton & Imagination.  There will also be a licensed bar.

To book tickets, please call 01206 735510 or 735505 or email [email protected].  You are advised to book early to avoid disappointment.


