Wigs Village Hall Delayed AGM

Date of Annual General Meeting

Our Governing Document states that:

 …. if in any year an AGM shall not be convened and held in the month of June the AGM for that year shall be held as soon as practicable after the month of June.

Since the previous AGM in November 2014 the committee has struggled with agreeing a recommended way forward for what has become a very challenging problem.

Given the schisms in both the community and the committee we sought help from the Charity Commission in the good management of the Charity and advice from a lawyer who specialises in Charity Commission work.

The lawyer stated that the Charity has been in breach of its objectives since the hall first became unusable over 20 years ago because the trustees have not managed the hall for residents to use nor provided the alternative benefits which the Governing Document allows for.  He therefore advised that selling the land to enable the release of alternative benefits was a priority task to comply with the objectives of the Charity.  Further that if residents did not agree to sell the land the Charity would effectively become  ungovernable because the trustees would be unable to take action to correct the breach of duty.  In that case the Charity Commission would advise on what action should be taken.

We are currently seeking further help from the Charity Commission and the lawyer.

The committee and the community have suffered from ill-founded rumour in the past and the trustees want to be sure that any information given is both correct and legal.

We feel that although this is delaying the AGM it is in the best interests of the Charity to resolve the outstanding issues before moving forward.


Jinny Gale
Chairman WVHMC


Companion Dog Show 2015

Companion Dog Show 2015

Details for the Five Parishes Companion Dog Show 2015, which is held under Kennel Club Rules and Show Regulations in aid of Dogs for the Disabled are now availble to download in full (link below).  Summary details are:

  1. Entries open at 11am on Sunday 2nd August,
  2. Judging starts at 1pm,
  3. 4 pedigree classes (Kennel Club registration not required),
  4. 8 ‘novelty’ classes,
  5. Rosettes for 1st – 5th in each class.

Download the full details by clicking this link.

The Organisers are also keen for all to be aware of the following:


Your dog is vulnerable and at risk during hot weather and the Kennel Club offers the following guidance for travelling to and whilst at Kennel Club licensed events.

  • When travelling to a show please take a moment to consider whether the route to the show is on a busy holiday route and leave earlier to avoid increased time in traffic jams.
  • If your vehicle is not air-conditioned seriously consider whether travelling to the show is a good idea at all.
  • The vehicle should be as fully ventilated as possible and plenty of stops should be taken with lots of water available to drink.
  • Ensure your dog is not sitting in full sunlight.  There should be plenty of free flowing air around the dog.
  • When at the show never leave your dog in the vehicle.
  • Keep the dog in the shade.  Take your own shade – for example a large umbrella – and always have plenty of water available to drink so your dog stays well hydrated.
  • Avoid your dog taking part in unnecessary exertion or standing in exposed sunlight for extended lengths of time.

Remember if you feel hot your dog is likely to feel much hotter and dehydrated and this could lead to dire results.  Please look after your dog’s welfare.

WARNING:  if your dog is found to be at risk, forcible entry to your vehicle may be necessary without liability for any damage caused.

Anyone whose dog is entered at a Kennel Club licensed event should take all reasonable steps to ensure the needs of their dog(s) are met and should not put a dog’s health and welfare at risk by any action, default, omission or otherwise.  Breach of Kennel Club Regulations in this respect may be referred to the General Committee for disciplinary action under Kennel Club Regulations.


PC Agenda 14th July 2015


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

A meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council will be held at Peldon Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 14th July 2015

Apologies for absence:

Minutes of the last meeting

Zone Wardens Report

Borough and County Councillors

Public-Have Your Say

Declarations of Interest

Items for Discussion

1.    Playgrounds and Playing Fields

  • Reports on both play areas and fields
  • Progress on work completed and work ongoing including footpath quotes if any received, hedge work, etc. on Moss Hay
  • Decision required: Any other matters that require attention?

2.    Emergency Plan

  • New information to update our plan noted  
  • Decision required: Are we happy with this version and do we consider that everything is included? 

3.    Standing Orders

  • Updated as necessary to include statutory requirements 
  • Decision required: Is everyone in agreement with this final version for this moment in time? 

4.    Small Project Ideas

  • Discuss possible projects for applying for Borough Councillor money?

5.    Grass cutting

  • Discuss all grass cutting

6.    Operation of Speed Watch

  • Have we received any interest for training with the speed gun?

7.    Neighbourhood Watch Schemes

  • Have we received any interest in either joining or assisting in setting up a scheme?

8.    Salcott Flooding

  • Results so far with Environmental Agency
  • Decision required: Anything else we can do at this stage?

9.    Abberton Reservoir Rights of Way – update

10.   Broadband – update

11.   Actions and Reminders List – update

Planning Decisions:

150726 (and 150727 Listed Building application) Proposal: Demolition of existing greenhouse and construction of a single storey residential annexe at East Anglian Farm Rides, Moor Farm, Colchester Road, Peldon – Approve conditional
150927 Proposal: Two dormer windows to first floor to improve internal daylight/ventilation bedroom environment at Fourways Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott – Approve Conditional


101836 Peldon PCC – churchyard upkeep£200.00
101837 Salcott PCC – churchyard upkeep£200.00
101838 Great and Little Wigboroughs PCC – churchyards upkeep£400.00
101839 R S Pullen – July salary£375.65

The next meeting will be on Tues 8th September 2015 at 7.30pm at Salcott Village Hall


CBC Summer News 2015

summer-2015-activitiesWhat’s On Summer 2015

Colchester Borough Council report on a number of activities throughout the upcoming Summer holidays ranging from comedy, activity workshops, events at country parks, doggy activities and more.  They advise you check their websites (links below) to find out more:

Activities at Leisure World Colchester include animation workshops, swimming, arts, crafts, dance, tennis and much more!  There’s also water fun for all the family – fly down flumes, travel along a crazy river of waves, plunge down drops in the crazy outside rapids, dodge the water cannons and more in the leisure pool!  As they say:

We’ll take care of the kids!

Colchester Museums have lots of fantastic events the summer, including Go Live! Week, mediaeval medicine, Roman Food, Archery and much more.  Don’t forget you can visit one of our three museums where history comes alive through displays, technology and hands on activities.  Their site has a handy calendar so you can see what is on any day of the holidays.

Colchester’s Country Parks offer a host of activities and events for you and your family to enjoy at from learning about foraging and making your own den or dream-catcher to wildlife and health walks. Why not make the most of warmer weather by coming along to one of our wonderful parks to enjoy all the great outdoors has to offer!

jimmy-carrJimmy Carr – Funny Business at Charter Hall

On Friday 31 July Charter Hall, Colchester’s premier events venue, is excited to welcome back Jimmy Carr with his live show ‘Funny Business’. Tickets are £25, book now at www.charter-hall.co.uk. Street Life! presented by School of Street (SOS) are performing on Sunday 5 July and tickets are now on sale for Robot Wars: The 2015 Live Show on Saturday 19 & Sunday 20 September.

Bark in the Park

Come and have fun with your pet pooch on Sunday 9 August, from 10am in Colchester’s Castle Park. K9 Aqua Sports UK, three show rings, dog agility and doggie trade stands. £5 adults, kids and dogs FREE. Enter your dog into one of our shows, for FREE, Best Young Handler, Smiliest Dog, Handsomest Dog, Prettiest Bitch, Calmest Tail and Best Trick. Book your dog into a show & book tickets.

past-inhabitantsLooking for something a little different?

Colchester’s Visitor Information Centre has a fantastic range of guided tours so you can find out more about Colchester’s fascinating history. Listen to the lives and times of characters from Colchester’s past as they take you through the dread, drama and dismay of Colchester’s important history. Theme tours are great fun for all age groups!  Visit their website for themes, dates and booking information.


Green Living – Food and Volunteering

Green Living – Food and Volunteering

Amongst other topics Food and Volunteering feature in Colchester Borough Council’s latest Green Living newsletter:

Save big on tasty food this summer

Are you planning tasty garden BBQs and picnics out?  Make your money go further – get the most from the food you buy, store and cook.  Find easy tips, recipes and more to help you Love Food and hate waste. Over the year it could save you £hundreds – perhaps enough to enjoy a family holiday!  Visit the Love Food hate waste website to find out more.

Share your Green Home experiences

If you’ve already started greening your home through heating, lighting or power initiatives, big or small, why not show it off to others wanting to save £££ on energy bills?  Register as a Green Open Home host for the forthcoming September event. A great way to share tips, techniques and experiences of green technologies, and discover new sustainable living ideas.  You can see homes in the Colchester have already registered on the Green Open Homes website which also gives you the opportunity to register your own home.

Fresh air, new friends, feel great

This summer and year-round there are lots of ways to enjoy Colchester’s great outdoors, while giving a little back too. Whether you’re a budding gardener, enjoy walking or want to get stuck in to something practical there’s a volunteering opportunity for you!  From the town to the countryside and however long you’d like to be involved including:

  • Volunteering as a Countryside Volunteer Ranger,
  • Health walk leader,
  • The Big Garden – organic community garden (pictured right),
  • Castle Park volunteers,
  • Conservation volunteers.

Find out more on the CBC website.

Go green – go online

Did you know? Going online for services is better for the environment and can save you money on travel, postage and through online discounts! Switch to take up core Council services online – whether you need to find information, make a payment or provide us with your details, its easy and secure with an online account. Plus if you need to, enjoy free friendly help at events borough-wide to brush-up your internet skills for shopping, finding local events, services and more.


ECC Update 26Jun15

Latest News from Essex County Council

Burning questions

Essex County Fire and Rescue Service wants your views on how it keeps you safe in your home and community.

Residents are being urged to have their say in the future redesign of Essex County Fire and Rescue Service (ECFRS), through a 12 week consultation that starts today (Monday June 15) and ends on Sunday September 6.

The consultation process, the main element of the Fire Authority’s Integrated Risk Management Plan (IRMP), aims to address several key issues impacting on the fire service such as the declining number of call-outs and the need to increase the focus on preventing fires and emergencies from happening.

It will also look at major issues such as response times, and the ambitious target of having a working smoke alarm in every Essex home.

Have your say here.

If you’re happy and you know it

Baby and Toddler Rhymetime veteran volunteer Peter Cave is 91 and is living proof you are never too old to volunteer, Peter Cave has been volunteering at the Baby and Toddler Rhymetime session at Chelmsford Library since earlier in the year and intends to carry on his sterling singing and storytelling role after he turns 91 – why not get involved yourself?

Better service, same price

Frozen prices, more options and an improved Meals on Wheels service is coming your way.

Essex County Council (ECC) took a decision that will see prices for Meals on Wheels frozen and the service improved, following today’s Cabinet meeting.

As part of the decision, a one year extension has been agreed to the county’s existing Meals on Wheels service.

Get exploring!

Go on an adventure in one of our country parks and send us a picture from your trip to win free parking for six months!

Colchester Local Highways Panel funding

Colchester Local Highways Panel (LHP) is set to benefit from a £1million boost which will enable a variety of small highways schemes to get underway.  Essex County Council is allocating the funding to Colchester LHP for 2015/16.

Projects will include upgrading the public footpath near Wivenhoe railway station to provide disabled access, building a new wooden bus shelter on St Ives Road in Peldon and pedestrian crossing improvements on Plume Avenue in Prettygate.


PAWS June – Propagation Masterclass


Propagation Masterclass

39 members and 1 visitor attended our June meeting when Chris South came along to give us a talk and demonstration on “Masterclass in Propagation”.

Chris tutors at Elmstead Market and was very knowledgeable and passionate about horticulture. She showed us the best way to sow seeds (most of us sow too many) and a number of cuttings. She also showed us how it was possible to take several cuttings from one leaf of a houseplant. Even the most avid gardener amongst us felt that we learnt a great deal and I’m sure lots of people will now be trying out her ideas.

Mad Hatter’s Tea Party

Our next meeting is on 28th July and is our annual social night. This year’s theme is “Mad Hatters Tea Party”.  This is an opportunity for those of you who wish to dress as your favourite character from ‘Alice in Wonderland’ or ‘Alice Through the Looking Glass’ or please just come and enjoy the evening. There will be Themed Goodies to eat and Drink, Quizzes and of course a Raffle appropriate to the occasion. Have you considered making a ”Mad Hat” to wear to the Party – there’s a thought……………..

Cost to non-members is £5.00 and we would appreciate knowing in advance to assist with catering. Contact numbers are below.

Details of all our meetings and speakers can be found on the diary of the home page of the Winstred 100 website. If you would like further information about P.A.W.S please ring either of the following committee members: Alice Holmes 01206 735510 or Jane Anderson 01206 735505.


Essex Police & DogLost

Essex Police & DogLost

Essex Police, in collaboration with DogLost are running a campaign to help reunite dogs with their owners however, preventing their loss in the first place is a better outcome all around and so they also offer the following advice:

  • Don’t tie your dog up outside a shop.
  • Don’t leave your dog alone in the car.
  • Make sure your dog has been micro chipped (from April 2016, your dog MUST be chipped).
  • Your dog should always wear a collar and ID tag with your name and address on it.  Avoid putting your dogs name on the disc.
  • Take clear photographs of your dog from various angles, and update them regularly.  Make a note of any distinguishing features.
  • Vary your times of walks and routes; some dogs are actually targeted and snatched during walks.
  • Fit a bell to your garden gate so you hear if anyone opens it.
  • Keep your dog in view in the garden, don’t leave them unsupervised.

If the worst happens and you have a lost or stolen dog:

  • Report stolen dogs to the police as soon as possible by calling 101.
  • Register your lost or stolen dog free of charge with www.doglost.co.uk or call 0844 800 3220 and access their help page for advice.
  • Contact your local dog warden.

NHS Consults on Restricting Services

ne-essex-ccgClinicians want to hear local views on plans to restrict services

Clinicians at North East Essex CCG are seeking local people’s views on their plans to restrict IVF services in the future – and they are inviting everyone to give their feedback.  Under the plans, they are proposing restrictions to the current IVF service as it does not provide sufficient benefit to the overall health economy.

Certain groups of patients would still be able to access IVF: for instance, those patients who are undergoing medical treatment that would leave them infertile.

They also propose that couples experiencing difficulties in conceiving could still seek medical advice through their GP in the first instance.

Dr Hasan Chowhan, Clinical Director at the North East Essex CCG, said:

We recognise that infertility is a very difficult issue for those affected by it and we have not taken this proposal lightly or without engagement with other clinical professionals.  We fully intend to review this decision in the near future.

Between 2013/14, the CCG paid for 107 fertility procedures which amounted to £386k – the equivalent of:

  • 25 drug treatment courses available for breast cancer;
  • 15 community nurses;
  • 104 hip replacements;
  • 108 patients being admitted to an acute stroke unit at Colchester General Hospital.

Samantha Hepplewhite, Acting Chief Officer at the North East Essex CCG, said:

We have managed to achieve around £35m savings over recent years.  However this challenge will continue as we need to find a further £14m savings each year for the next four years.

We have a requirement to stay within budget and if we do not implement these decisions and further proposals then we would have to select other services to restrict.  Current local demands for healthcare services are costing more money than is currently available.

In addition, the CCG is also intending to restrict the following services:

  • Any Qualified Provider – Spinal Service – The CCG would control activity and expenditure for manual therapy and spinal services, ahead of these services moving to the lead provider arrangement in April 2016.
  • Clinical Priorities Policy – The purpose of this policy is to provide a mechanism for deciding whether referral of an individual patient for a specific assessment and treatment should be funded, based on clinical effectiveness. We are reviewing this policy to bring it in line with other NHS commissioners.
  • Continuing Healthcare – We believe that new patients requiring NHS continuing healthcare care at home, should be entitled to up to 10% above what it would cost for the same care in a residential or nursing home setting.
  • Gluten free – The CCG is restricting the prescribing of gluten free foods to young people, pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers and stopping prescribing these products altogether to all other adults.  These products are now available in shops and there is a variety of alternatives widely available.
  • Threshold for elective procedures – All patients being referred for non-urgent elective surgery and who are smokers should be referred to smoking cessation services at the initial referral/assessment/appointment.  Meanwhile, overweight and obese patients should be strongly encouraged to lose weight before their operation.  Failure to attend smoking cessation or weight loss programmes may have an impact on whether individuals could undergo their procedure.
  • Vasectomy and female sterilisation – The community vasectomy and female sterilisation services are being reviewed by the CCG as these services have no or limited clinical value – rather they are considered as one of many forms of contraception.  Both vasectomy and female sterilisation will however be available in cases of complex health needs.

Please see our consultation document with further details at www.neessexccg.nhs.uk

The CCG is holding a number of engagement events over the coming weeks aimed allowing local people to find out more about its plans.

Friday 26 June (3pm)Clacton – Sam’s Hall, CVST, Rosemary Road, Clacton CO15 1NZ
Tuesday 7 July (6pm)Colchester – Room 12a, Primary Care Centre, Turner Road, Colchester CO4 5JR
Friday 10 July (2pm)Clacton – Princes Theatre, Town Hall, Station Road, Clacton CO15 1SE
Thursday 16 July (6.30pm)Clacton – Princes Theatre, Town Hall, Station Road, Clacton CO15 1SE

Please email to confirm your attendance at any of the above events –

[email protected]

The closing date for feedback on our IVF proposal is Monday 7 September 2015.  If you have any feedback in relation to these changes, please email your comments to [email protected] or write to PALS, North East Essex CCG, Primary Care Centre, Turner Road, Colchester CO4 5JR.
