Peldon Great Wigborough Little Wigborough Salcott Virley
Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Abbotts Hall Farm, Great Wigborough at 7.30pm on Tuesday 13th May 2014.
Present: Netty Knill-Jones, Lynne Simmons, Phil Gladwin, Nicky Ellis (chair), Jinny Gale, Terry Sutton, Robert Davidson, Andrew Ellis, Police officer and 7 public members
Apologies for absence: Charles Dymond, John Walker, Andy Beharrell
Minutes of the last meeting were agreed by all and signed by the chairman
Police Report: There had been several unlawful entries to various sheds and outbuildings and a house in Great Wigborough and Peldon where items have been stolen. The doors from a Land Rover had been stolen and there were a couple of road traffic accidents but no serious injuries. A man has been seen selling from the back of a vehicle and a parking issue at the junction of Mill Lane and The Street in Salcott has been monitored and noted for further action.
Zone Warden Report: The culprit of fly tipping in School Lane has now been prosecuted and given a six month conditional discharge and ordered to pay costs. The Wardens will continue to focus on fly tipping, dog fouling and other unsociable activities.
Borough Councillors: Black sack delivery has been delayed until the end of the month. The agents for the Solar Park project have asked for a formal view from the CBC Policy Team. There is now a new round of Community Initiative Funding available. There are 2 allotments available for rent at Abberton and Langenhoe, enquiries to the clerk.
The Parish Council wished Terry Sutton well in his retirement and thanked him for always being available to assist us in any way he could. He expressed his enjoyment at working in rural villages.
County Councillor: Essex Highways are working their way through repairs and resurfacing of the major highways and the minor routes will follow. Road signs at Salcott crossroads will be adjusted for clarification and a damaged manhole cover at the crossroads will be dealt with. Rodney Bass (Portfolio Holder for Highways and Transportation) will be holding surgeries at Essex County Hall for anyone to attend.
Public-Have Your Say: There has been horse riding on Pete Tye Common spoiling the footpaths, this will be investigated further. There has been a dog, sometimes two, chained to a tree in a front garden in all weathers at Mill Lane, Virley which will be reported to the appropriate authorities. Cutting of the verges was mentioned as was the army helicopter manoeuvres; unfortunately both are beyond our control.
Declarations of Interest: None
1. Churchyards Upkeep Donations – Phil proposed, Jinny seconded and all agreed to donate the same amount as usual (£200 per churchyard) to help with the upkeep of the churchyards in all our villages
2. Playgrounds and Playing Fields – following the Annual Inspection the fence posts at Salcott will be investigated for quotes for various materials which we can discuss on site at our July meeting. Other necessary work will carried out soon. The new equipment is due to be installed on Moss Hay shortly which may cause a slight disruption. Quotes for rubber chippings for the Peldon play area are being sought. We have been given S106 money to fund both these projects. The Parish Council understands that Liz Davidson very kindly cut the grass on Moss Hay all last year and is continuing to do it this year for which we expressed our thanks.
3. Website disc space – in the future we may need more website disc space and so Phil proposed, Jinny seconded and all agreed for an extra £20 to be available to our website operator for when he feels it necessary.
4. Finances for the year – Phil proposed, Jinny seconded and all agreed to approve our finances for the last year. The End of Year Return for the external auditor was duly completed by the chairman and our thanks where expressed to Steve Copeland for carrying out the internal audit for us again and without cost.
5. Actions and Reminders List – updated
Planning Applications: |
142493 | Proposal: Erection of detached granny annexe and extension of existing storage building at Homeview, Mersea Road, Peldon | Withdrawn |
144576 | Proposal: Demolition of existing garage and erection of new detached garage/car port and alteration to bedroom one providing sliding patio door and Juliette balcony at Whitethorn, Mersea Road, Peldon | |
143677 | Proposal: Single storey rear conservatory extension at Ashleigh, Lower Road, Peldon | |
Planning Decisions: |
142142 | Proposal: Two dormer windows to existing dwelling at Green Farm, The Street, Salcott | Approve conditional |
142455 | Proposal: Small building to house Biomass environmentally friendly renewable fuel boilers at Fourways Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott | Approve conditional |
142947 | Proposal: Replacement dwelling, resubmission of 131529 at Hill Farm, School Lane, Great Wigborough | Permission Refused |
142511 | Proposal: Listed building application for replacement of 3 no. windows and one front door at New Hall, Copt Hall Lane, Little Wigborough | Approve conditional |
101765 | R S Pullen – salary for May | £367.57 |
101766 | Anglia Inspection Services Ltd | £192.00 |
101767 | Essex Wildlife Trust – hall hire | £96.00 |
101768 | Mrs E Davidson – 8 x grass cuts last year, 2 x cuts this year | £400.00 |
101769 | CALC – subs | £35.00 |
The next meeting will be on Tues 10th June 2014 at 7.30 pm at Peldon Village Hall which will be the Annual Parish Assembly.