In an earlier news update we advised that a roll of 52 black bags should be delivered to every household by the end of May. We have now heard that because CBC have been let down by their bag suppliers the dates are going back. Instead of deliveries in Winstred Hundred happening in w/c 6th May it will now be w/c 27th May. The date for complaining yours haven’t come goes back from 20th June to 11th July.
Making Connections in the Wigoroughs
St Stephen’s Church, Great Wigborough, is hosting a series of events between May 16th – 18th to encourage local residents to get to know each other.
Friday 16th May – Meet Your Neighbours
Meet over drinks and canapés – tower opens 6:30 – 8:30pm.
Saturday 17th May – Puppets come to Tea
This family oriented activity is a family event for all ages starting at 3pm – free tickets are available from Louise – call 735136.
Sunday 18th May – Café-style service
Faith stories from local ministers at 4pm.
NHS NE Essex Care Strategy
The NE Essex CCG have recently published a new strategy for caring for adults, their families and carers who are facing conditions with limited life expectancy. This is part of a whole series of initiatives designed to customise NHS Service Provision for NE Essex’s needs – more can be found on their website at
Part of the introduction of this end-of-life strategy document makes clear its objectives:
This document is a 5 year strategy detailing the future commissioning of end of life services across the health and social care economy. The document identifies the importance of raising the profile of achieving ‘a good death’ and putting mechanisms in place to achieve this.
The Department of Health End of Life Care Strategy acknowledges that there are many challenges to be overcome to ensure that everyone attains ‘a ‘good death’ irrespective of their background. The focus for the North East Essex Clinical Commissioning Group End of Life Strategy is to ensure that all patients achieve ‘a good death’ and their families and carers feel supported.
The full document can be downloaded here – NE Essex CCG End of life strategy 2014.
Cancer Drop-In Day
Free Health And Wellbeing Event For People Living With And Beyond Cancer
Colchester’s Mayor Cllr Colin Sykes, and his wife Cllr Laura Sykes, will open the event at 10.30am
For the first time in North Essex and surrounding areas cancer patients and their families who are living with and beyond cancer are being invited to a free health and wellbeing drop in cancer information day taking place on Saturday 26 April at the St John’s Community Centre, St John’s Close, Colchester, CO4 OHP between 10.30am and 3.30pm to find out about all there is available for those affected by cancer. There will be free parking and refreshments. Macmillan Cancer Support and Colchester Hospital University NHS Foundation Trust have joined forces to host this major cancer event to provide people, who have undergone or completed treatment for cancer, no matter how long ago or for what type of cancer, with the opportunity to find out about what support, information, advice and facilities are available, to help them adjust to life with, and beyond, cancer. This event is linked to a new Self-Managed After Care service launched on the 1st April by the Trust and Macmillan Cancer that will provide one of the most comprehensive support and information services to cancer patients and their families in the UK. The event is funded by Macmillan Cancer and supported by more than 20 local organisations such as Macmillan Welfare Benefits, CHAPS – Men’s Health, Age UK, Breast Care, St Helena Hospice, Health Professionals, Equipment Suppliers, Cancer Support Groups, Marie Curie, St John’s Church Community Centre, Essex Carer Support and many more. The day will include four 45 minute presentations and question times on Benefits Advice, Counselling, Men’s Health, Physiotherapy & Exercise.
Peter Carrington, Lead Volunteer at the Macmillan Cancer Support, Drop-In & Information Centre, based at Essex County Hospital, said:
We are encouraging people and their families affected by cancer to come along to the event, so they are better informed about how they can make a positive difference to their every-day life. No one with cancer should have to face it alone; they should have easy access to high quality care, treatment, information and support, to meet their medical, practical, emotional and financial needs. Research has shown how important health and wellbeing is to the recovery and long-term health of cancer patients. For more information please phone 01206 744401.
Debbie Farthing, Macmillan Information & Support Manager said:
The cancer journey can be a particularly difficult time for many patients and their families and they need to know there is a robust safety net of support throughout diagnosis, treatment, survivorship, rehabilitation and beyond enabling them to return to everyday life and activities. This event will empower people to live more independently knowing our support and help is always available no matter when on how they need our help. We meet or talk to approximately 5,000 people, families and health professional per year and give out 18,000 plus information booklets with 309 patients and their families receiving on-going daily support from our volunteers with fast track access to health professionals where needed.
East of England Ambulance Request
The East of England AMbulance Service are inviting feedback, if you have any comments (good or bad) to offer them, for example, on subjects such as:
- Staff attitude,
- Accidents,
- Waiting times,
- Damage to property.
Then either
Phone : 0800 028 3382
Email : [email protected]
Write : Patient Services Team, East of England Ambulance Service, Bedford Office,
Hammond Road, Bedford, MK41 0RG
Run a stall at Peldon Festival 2014?
This year’s Peldon Festival is on Saturday 14th June. As usual we have Punch & Judy, animals, food, stalls, games etc.
We have also booked some craft stalls but are looking for local people who may want a stall and wonder if you know of anyone? Maybe a couple of people want to share a stall?
Could you please put anyone in touch with me on this email [email protected] or 01206 735505 Or Kate on [email protected] or 01206 736043.
It would be nice to get local people involved. We are always needing help on the day, so if you fancy a day out let me know!
Jane Anderson
Job Vacancy – Community Agents
Community Agents Essex
Four Voluntary and Community Sector organisations have come together and formed a partnership to deliver a new and targeted service to help older people in Essex. The “Community Agents Essex” service will create a countywide network of agents and volunteers who will support older people and informal carers to find and develop independent living solutions from within their local community.
Community Agent (24 posts)
- Salary £8.26 per hour plus travelling expenses
- Flexible working hours between 10 and 20 hours per week (Minimum 10 hours)
We are looking for Community Agents to operate in all parts of Essex. Full training and support will be provided but you will need to know your own locality well. Applicants must be able to demonstrate that they can proactively engage with and support older people in the community often on a one to one basis. Working as part of a team you must have excellent spoken and written communication skills and possess the ability to solve problems. You must have good IT skills, a full driving licence and use of your own car.
All appointments will be subject to a DBS check.
Interviews for these posts will be held on 12th and 13th May 2014
The closing date for all applications is: 2nd May 2014.
For more information about how to apply for one of these posts please visit
BBC1 Homes & CBC tenants news
There seems to have been a little flurry of news themed around Homes of late, and this news update is a distillation of it:
BBC TV Programme
BBC One are looking for people who live in interesting homes in across Essex and would be happy to try a home swap holiday for a new TV series.
Do you live in an interesting home you’d be happy to swap with someone elsewhere in the UK for a short break? Would you like the chance to have a new experience and discover local cuisine, sight-seeing that goes beyond the guide book, and an authentic place to stay?
Do you:
- Live in an interesting property such as a conversion, a charming cottage, a super-modern apartment, a historic building, a period house or have an unbelievable view?
- Want a short UK break and chance to discover a new area?
- Like the idea of a house swap holiday, but have never tried it?
For an application form please email [email protected] with your contact details.
Please also see the link to the show’s page at the BBC:
Colchester Borough Homes
Do you know a Council tenant or leaseholder who:
- takes an active interest in their community,
- makes a positive difference where they live,
- is always looking to make things better,
… then they could be just the person we’re looking for to join our Board! Tenant Board Members serve for a period of three years and bring a resident’s perspective to decisions about the future of the Company.
More information about the role and an application pack will shortly be available on our website:
If you would like us to send out information in the post to you or an interested tenant or leaseholder, please emai l[email protected] with details.
Thank you for your time! J
Berkeley Young
Board Assurance Officer
(Working days: Mon-Thu)
Colchester Borough Homes
1st Floor, Rowan House
33 Sheepen Road
Colchester CO3 3WG
Tel: (01206) 282518
Fax: (01206) 506924
(Typetalk users dial 18001 followed by the full number that you wish to call)
Wigboroughs Village Hall Consultation Results – April 2014
Thank you again to everyone who completed and returned the recent questionnaire. Its object was to help us focus our efforts on the projects which people most supported. Projects will only remain on our agenda if they prove to be viable and financially sound and meet the objectives of the Charity’s governing document. For purposes of clarification I quote these in full. The original donation of the Old Village Hall said that it was to be used for
.. physical and mental training and recreation and social moral and intellectual development through the medium of reading and recreation rooms library lectures classes recreations and entertainments or otherwise as may be found expedient for the benefit of the inhabitants of the Parishes of Great and Little Wigborough in the County of Essex and its immediate vicinity”. If the premises were sold the proceeds were to be “applied either in the purchase of other premises approved by the Committee and to be held upon the trust for the purposes and subject to the provisions hereintobefore set forth or as near thereto as circumstances will permit or towards such other charitable purposes or objects for the benefit of the inhabitants of the Parishes of Great and Little Wigborough as may be approved by [the Charity Commisssion].
Based on declared first choices there were 35.5 supporters for the Church Nave project, 33 for Peldon Village Hall, 20 for the Donated Land and 9.5 for the Investment project. Halves arise from indicating support for two projects equally. The full list of responses, minus personal details but including the many interesting comments made, will be available for study at the 2014 Annual General Meeting.
Given the results the Committee decided unanimously to undertake further work on the Church Nave and Peldon Village Hall projects and to do no further work on the Donated Land and Investment projects.
It is apparent that there are some misunderstandings circulating around the villages and I should like to set the record straight on these.
The questionnaire is a guide for the next stage of our work and not a mandate to implement anything. We cannot proceed with any investment activity without the approval of both the community and the Charity Commission. The process will be that the Committee will make recommendations to the community, which will be asked to vote on them and so define a way forward. If the community supports the recommendations they will then be referred to the Charity Commission asking for them to approve our plans.
The Committee regrets that some residents did not understand the questionnaire or its significance. In total 102 people did. Full details of all the Committee members were provided so that help was available. Some people took advantage of that.
As set out above the proceeds from the sale of the School Lane site have to be used to provide benefits for the Wigboroughs residents as near as possible to those envisaged by the original purchasers of the School Lane site. We use the convenient shorter description of ‘community facilities’ to encompass these. Colchester Borough Council has also made it clear that planning permission to develop the School Lane site will depend on the sale money realised being re-invested in community facilities.
Any suggestion that support for the Peldon Village Hall project involves handing money over to Peldon and then walking away from it is incorrect. If eventually a decision is made by the community, through the voting process, to invest money in the Peldon Village Hall redevelopment project it will be done in a strictly legal manner with merging of the two Village Hall Committees and the shared development and ownership of a Peldon and Wigboroughs Village Hall. This approach has the approval of the Peldon Village Management Committee. With this project money would therefore be invested in the tangible assets of a building and land just as it was originally in School Lane. If years down the track such a new shared hall became derelict or unused there would be legacy money to be recovered by selling that site in a repeat of the School Lane history.
Jinny Gale
Chairman WVHMC
Car Park Closure May 2014
The Wigboroughs Village Hall Management Committee
The old Village Hall in
To affirm this, at least once a year, for a period of at least one week, the car park will be closed.
This is advance notice that the next period of closure will be from 25th May to 1st June 2014. No access or egress will be possible during that period.
Jinny Gale