Beauty & the Beast

beauty-and-the-beastBeauty and the Beast by Stuart Arden adapted for the Peldon Players, will be performed in Peldon Village Hall for 5 performances; Wed 25 to Sat 28 Jan starting at 7.30pm and running to about 9.50pm.  The Saturday Matinee starts at 2.30 pm and should be over by 4.50pm.

The two Saturday performances are already sold out with a waiting list, a few tickets remain for Thursday and Friday nights with plenty still available for Wednesday but we do tend to sell out so it is best to contact Mel Newton on Email: [email protected] Tel:  01206 736118/07738 000378 if you fancy coming along. 

Prices are: 

  • Adults  – Wed & Thu – £5.00; Fri & Sat – £7.00
  • Concessions – Wed & Thu – £3.50; Fri & Sat – £5.00 (OAPs, children 14 and under)

Adapted and Directed by Alison Biegel, Angela Buckley and Mel Newton, this annual entertainment has been a part of the village calendar for 25 years, involves local residents from 7 to 70 and is a terrific way to spend a dreary January evening. Oh yes it is!


Recycling Centre Changes

recycling centreEssex Council have asked us to let you know about changes to opening hours of their Recycling Centres for Household Waste. As of 9th January 2012 the following changes will commence:

  • All sites will open at 9am rather than the current 8am.
  • Winter opening times (from 9th January 2012– 29th February 2012) for all centres will be 9am to 4pm.
  • Summer opening times (1st March – 15th October) will be 9am to 5pm.
  • Late night opening on Tuesdays during a limited period over the summer will no longer take place.
  • Some recycling centres in the county will be closed on certain days of the week from the 9th January 2012 (including West Mersea – closed on Sunday, Wednesday & Thursday).

For further information on recycling centres or to find details about any specific centre either visit or contact 0845 603 7625.


PAWS – December Xmas Dinner report


paws-dec11-4We didn’t have a meeting in December but we did have our members’ Christmas Dinner which was on the 13th December in the Balkerne Restaurant at Colchester Institute. 42 of us enjoyed a cocktail before tucking into a wonderful 4 course meal. (see photo’s above). At the end of which we were entertained by a singer (student) with keyboard accompaniment  (see photo below).  At 10.00pm our coach promptly arrived to take us home. It was another very enjoyable night.

Our next meeting is on 10th January 2012 when Rebecca Perry from Colchester Zoo is coming to talk to us (details of all our meetings and speakers can be found on the diary on the home page of the Winstred 100 website).

Membership is currently full, but visitors are very welcome at a cost of £3.50.

If you would like any further information about P.A.W.S. please ring any of us on any of the following numbers. Alice 01206 735510, Jane 01206 735004, Julia 01206 735053  or Sue 01206 735212.

It just remains, on behalf of the committee, to wish all our members and visitors a Merry Christmas and a very Happy and Prosperous New Year.



PC Agenda 13th December 2011


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

A meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council will be held at Peldon Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 13th December 2011.

Apologies for absence:

Minutes of the last meeting

Borough Councillors

Public-Have Your Say

Declarations of Interest

Items for Discussion

1. Playgrounds

  • Report and update on both play areas.

2. Salcott Meadow/Creek

  • Reports and correspondence received from authoritative bodies re suggestions of fencing along the creek edge.
  • 1st decision required: Our final decision on this matter now all reports have been received.

3. Police

  • Reports of crimes in our villages if available
  • Decision required: Any crimes we feel we should report

4. Chairmanship and Vice for the next 2 year period from May

  • Discuss who is willing and/or able to take on these positions
  • Decision required: Do we need to change our Standing Orders accordingly?

5. Broadband Update – any further developments

6. Precept/Grant for 2012/2013

  • Consider the spending so far and for the remainder of the year, also the forthcoming grant withdrawal matter.
  • Decision required: How much do we need for this next financial year?

7. CALC meeting report

8. Affordable Housing Enabler meeting report

9. Actions and Reminders List including Website progress

  • Update


  • EALC County Update November 2011 including courses
  • ECC Making the Links December 2011
  • The Playing Field Autumn 2011
  • ECC Waste Development Document November 2011
  • RCCE Oyster Autumn 2011
  • ECC Local Bus Tender Round 2012 – Table of Services
  • NALC Localism Act


112135 Proposal: Two storey extension to provide additional kitchen and wc in study space at ground floor also incorporating a utility room. First floor additional bedroom at 9 Sharlands Row, The Street, Salcott

Notice of Planning Decisions:

111662 Proposal: Extension to dwelling to provide additional accommodation at Fourways Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott – Permission Refused

111830 Proposal: Front garden wall and improved existing access to residential frontage only at Beckton House Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott – Permission Refused

Appeal: APP/A1530/A/11/2163764NWF against refusal of planning permission by CBC at Beckton House Farm for proposed agricultural building to store hay crop produced by the farm.

Appeal: APP/A1530/D/11/2164288 against refusal of planning permission by CBC at Beckton House Farm for proposed extensions and alterations to existing dwelling.

Appeal Decision: APP/A1530/A/11/2154584 against planning conditions imposed by CBC at Fourways Farm – Appeal Dismissed


101635 – SLCC – annual subs                                                                               £97.00

101636 – Mr B J Gooding – play insp and repairs to goal post on Moss Hay                  £89.72

101637 – Tollesbury (St Mary’s) PCC – mag entries                                                  £55.00

101638 – R S Pullen – clerk’s fee for December                                                     £353.53

101639 – T Hedger – trim of Salcott meadow roadside hedge                                   £40.00

The Chairman would like to invite everyone back to The Plough for a Christmas drink and nibbles after the meeting.

The next meeting will be held at Salcott Village Hall on Tues 10th January 2011 at 7.30pm


PAWS – November Cycling & Journalism report

paws-1111-roger-st-pierreAt our meeting on Tuesday 22nd November, we had a very entertaining and much travelled speaker.  Roger St Pierrre was born in Dorset and grew up in Essex.  At an early age he developed a passion for cycling and at the age of seven rode from Romford to Southend!  The famous cyclists of his youth became his heroes and he longed to be one of them; his knowledge was so extensive that local journalists enlisted his help in identifying cyclists in races.  At the age of 15 he was asked to write a regular column on cycling for the Romford Recorder and this later blossomed into a career in journalism lasting a number of years and including papers such as the Mirror, The Mail and the London Evening News.  Work on Music for Pleasure led him to write about all the pop stars of the time like Jerry Lee Lewis, Diana Ross, Aretha Franklin and Glen Campbell to name but a few.  During his time as a music writer he met and wrote about many of the big names from both pop and classical music and travelled to America and beyond for interviews.

wtm-1111-08We don’t have a meeting in December but we do have our members’ Christmas Dinner to look forward to which is in the Balkerne Restaurant at Colchester Institute on Tuesday 13th December. Our next meeting is on 10th January 2012 when Rebecca Perry from Colchester Zoo is coming to talk to us. Membership is currently full but visitors are very welcome at a cost of £3.50.

If you would like any further information about P.A.W.S. please ring any of us on any of the following numbers. Alice 01206 735510, Jane 01206 735004, Julia 01206 735053 or Sue 01206 735212.

It just remains, on behalf of the committee, to wish all our members and visitors a Merry Christmas and a very Happy and Prosperous New Year.



PC Minutes 13th September 2011


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Salcott Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 13th September 2011.

Present: Jane Banks, John Walker, Netty Knill-Jones, Nicky Ellis, Jinny Gale, Charles Dymond, Phil Gladwin and 3 members of the public

Apologies for absence: Kevin Bentley, Andrew Ellis, Les Lapwood, Lynne Simmons

Minutes of the last meeting were agreed by all and signed by the chairman

Borough Councillors: Their report encouraged us, along with all parish and town councils, to write strongly expressing our objections to CBC’s intention to withdraw the grant funding.  Andrew will give us examples of other responses. We will, however, supply them with a copy of our accounts/finances for the last financial year as requested as these are open for anyone to view anyway.

Following the Flood Summit meeting that took place the drive-round to the problem areas will take place soon. We urged for this to be sooner rather than later as winter is approaching fast.

The bulk salt scheme (item 9) has worked well when piloted by ECC.

Public-Have Your Say: Concern was expressed about people living in caravans in this area at this worrying time of increasing numbers of caravans on any one site.  This will be looked into.

Geese from a property at Salcott have been coming onto Salcott meadow rather a lot and making a mess, so the owner of these geese will be written to requesting that he keeps them on his own property.

The goal posts on Salcott meadow need painting and so Terry will do this job.

The owner of the old garage site at Peldon will be sort to request cutting back of the hedge on the corner as it is becoming a danger to road users.

Declarations of Interest: None

1. Withdrawal of Revenue Grant Funding by CBC – the meeting held at Messing to discuss this matter with Tina Dopson, the CBC councillor who has put this idea forward, was attended by us and many other parish councils and our borough councillors and just magnified that all parish councils are of one mind on this and are thoroughly outraged with this proposal.  It was apparent that Tina Dopson had absolutely no idea about what parish councils do and how they go about their business. A working party of parish councillors and borough councillors has been set up to discuss with Tina Dopson the matter further. We will be writing a very strong felt letter to CBC and will invite Tina Dopson to attend one of our meetings.

    2. Playgrounds – Terry has completed a good job of painting the equipment, mending the fence and nearly all the other outstanding work. A top-up of bark surfacing is required so to help us decide whether to buy play bark or an alternative product of rubber clippings some of us will pay a visit to Boxted playground where they have the latter. Phil proposed, John seconded and all agreed to buy which ever is the preferred product as prices are very similar.

    Peldon playground is in good order.  We have received a request for certain additions of equipment on Moss Hay as there are several older children there now. Unfortunately nets for the goal posts get stolen or damaged very quickly, roundabouts are no longer allowed due to Health & Safety legislation.  We will look into the cost of bike ramps but fear these are very costly particularly in these hard times.

    3. Salcott Meadow/Creek and Grass Cutting – as we are still waiting for a ‘water risk assessment report’ from RoSPA to complete our requested information it was decided to suspend this matter until we have that report.

      Grass cutting will be carried out when it is needed bearing in mind that our funds require constant monitoring.

      4. Police – reporting very little crime in our villages but reminding people to report suspicious vehicles with registration details as catalytic converters and diesel thefts continue to occur in rural area.

        5. Broadband Conference – being mainly a commercial exercise was very well attended and various ways for everyone to receive a better broadband signal was discussed at length.  BT will be contacted about updating exchanges and copper wiring capability.

        6. Declaration of Acceptance of Office book – John now has the old book which is full and will take it to a book binder to find out the cost of rebinding with additional pages. So next month’s agenda for a decision.

          7. Polling Station Review – CBC review polling station sites every 4 years. As the Great Wigborough site is the village hall car park and this site is being dealt with now we will reply to CBC with suggested wording as for its availability from the Rector who is on the committee for the village hall.

          8. Bus stop at Peldon and Wigborough Notice Board – we await decisions on the bus shelters from CBC and ECC.

            Great Wigborough notice board has come adrift in the last stormy weather and is being looked at for repair and refixing.

            9. CBC’s offer of a tonne of salt for this winter – we will enquire as to whether, if we agree to this scheme, that this would be the total amount we receive instead of the usual fill up to start the winter with or if it is an amount to follow up with.  If we do agree to this we have a storage place offered and distribution will be carefully monitored for fairness and is strictly for highway use only.

              10. Abberton Reservoir – equestrian rides and footpaths will be completed at the end of the programme.

                Abbotts Hall – have submitted a planning application for meeting rooms that could have possibly been of use to us if it weren’t for security on the site.

                11. CBC Homefinder Scheme – after careful consideration it was felt that we should leave advertising a scheme of this nature to CBC.

                  12. Agree leave of absence for Les – it was agreed that Les should be excused from duties for the foreseeable future and hopefully return in a while.  We will review the situation around Christmas time.  Charles and Netty will oversee the playground.

                  13. The Way We Work – we clarified that Jane would oversee training and our Emergency Plan, John would deal with the website and a more detailed spreadsheet will be carried out to explain the finances more easily.

                    14. Actions and Reminders List – updated


                    111367 Proposal: Insertion of new staircase ground to first floor, also first to second floor inclusive by way of amendment to staircase location as previously approved under reference LB/COL/03/0426 at Seaborough House, Great Wigborough

                    111495 Proposal: Proposed extensions and alterations to existing dwelling at Beckton House Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott

                    111602 Proposal: Conversion of an existing, redundant pool house to create new meeting rooms. Demolition of an existing storage building. Construction of two extensions to accommodate kitchen, cloak and toilet facilities associated with the proposed meeting room at Abbotts Hall Farm, Maldon Road, Great Wigborough

                    Notice of Planning Decisions:

                    110912 Proposal: Extension to provide accommodation for dependent relative at Lovedowns Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott – Permission Refused

                    111082 Proposal: Removal of existing conservatory and replace with an extension to existing kitchen. Side extension involving the removal of a window to the existing toilet and associated wall to form new side entrance and boot room. Replacement of existing windows to part north elevation with new timber windows. Erection of new rear all glass extension and forming door opening thereto at New Hall, Cop Hall Lane, Little Wigborough – Permission Granted

                    111083 Proposal: Listed Building application for above – Permission Consented

                    A1530/A/11/2154584/NWF Appeal against CBC for planning conditions for application- Proposal: Reallocation of land uses (residential/equestrian purposes), and upgrade of existing access to unclassified road and erection of equine and cart store at Fourways Farm, Salcott


                    101620 – Playsafety Ltd. – RoSPA inspection and report                                         £252.00

                    101621 – Anglia Inspection Services – inspection and report                                      £60.00

                    101622 – Peldon Village Hall – hire                                                                          £94.00

                    101623 – St Mary the Virgin Peldon – Gold addition of mag                                      £100.00

                    101624 – R S Pullen – clerk’s fee for Aug and Sept                                                 £707.06

                    101625 – T Simmons – painting, repairs, fence posts & paint, hedge, insp                  £664.51

                    The next meeting will be held at Peldon Village Hall on Tues 11th October 2011 at 7.30pm


                    PC Minutes 11th October 2011


                    Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

                    Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Peldon Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 11th October 2011.

                    Present: Phil Gladwin, Jinny Gale, Jane Banks, Charles Dymond, Netty Knill-Jones, Lynne Simmons, John Walker, Terry Sutton and 3 members of the public

                    Apologies for absence: Les Lapwood, Nicky Ellis, Kevin Bentley, Andrew Ellis

                    Minutes of the last meeting were agreed by all and signed by the chairman

                    Borough Councillors: We were urged to reply to CBC expressing strongly our disapproval of their intention to withdraw the Revenue Grant which we are in the process of doing. We were also urged to agree to receive the bulk load of salt from ECC for our own distribution for icy roads during this winter which we have done.

                    Public-Have Your Say: Several residents in Peldon had received a letter from ECC telling them to remove large stones placed on or near their front boundaries.  The writer of these letters will be approached by Borough Councillor, Terry Sutton for further explanation as some of these stones have been in position for many years even up to forty years and are put there to protect the properties from lorries etc.

                    Some time ago the bus stop at the junction of St Ives Hill and Malting Road was requested to be moved along the road a little way to avoid a large puddle.  This is still being dealt with and hopefully a conclusion will be reached before too long.

                    Declarations of Interest – None

                    1. Playgrounds – a visit was made to Boxted playground to look at rubber clippings there with a possible view to having them at Salcott.  The general feeling was that this is a good product but that all the old bark would have to be removed first and therefore a fairly large quantity of the rubber would be required. All aspects of this will be further investigated with regard to quantity needed for the necessary depth and the cost.  The gate spring at Salcott will be mended shortly.

                      Peldon is in good condition. A request for a  bike/skate ramp was discussed but considered far too expensive for these worrying times of cut backs.

                      2. Salcott Meadow/Creek – unfortunately we are still waiting for a ‘Water Report’ from RoSPA to make our decision with regard to the request to fence off the creek.

                        3. Police – minor thefts are the only crimes reported in our villages.  A reminder that metal, catalytic converters and diesel are still popular for thieves.

                        4. Broadband update – BT has no plans to update the Peldon exchange at present.  More ideas for improvement to our broadband speed will be further explored.

                          5. Declaration of Acceptance of Office Book – Phil proposed, Lynne seconded and all agreed to have our old book rebound to include new pages if the cost can be matched to that of a completely new book of £105.  It was also agreed that this book was a necessary record of past parish councillors dating back to 1972.

                          6. Greener Parishes Scheme – taking part in this scheme 2 or 3 trees for planting on Salcott meadow may be obtained at no cost to the parish council.

                            7. Essex Wildlife Meeting – was attended by our representative. A meeting room there is likely to be made available for hire and local use would be welcomed.  Blackthorn bushes are being planted and an application to resume wildfowling is still being considered.

                            8. Abberton Reservoir Liaison Meeting – was also attended by our representative.  There will be more traffic lights on the causeway for a long period of time to incorporate the new Visitor Centre before the final road set up is complete.  The pipe line from Wormingford is almost complete.  Two applications had been received for the Community Funds from Abberton Church and Peldon Church. Phil was given the Parish Council’s full support and backing for his attendance of the meetings and any necessary decision making on its behalf.

                              9.    EALC re government changes to planning legislation – we will give a response on this matter.

                              9. Actions and Reminders List – updated


                                111662 Proposal: Extension to dwelling to provide additional accommodation at Fourways Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott

                                111830 Proposal: Front garden wall and improved existing access to residential frontage only at Beckton House Farm

                                111837 Proposal: Retro-fit of PV Solar Array onto flat roof of existing outbuilding at Spital Acre, The Street, Salcott


                                101626 – R S Pullen – clerk’s fee for October                                                           £353.53

                                101627 – Audit Commission – external audit                                                             £342.00

                                101628 – T Simmons – play insp, grass cut, repair Wig’s notice board                             £80.00

                                The next meeting will be held at Salcott Village Hall on Tues 8th November 2011 at 7.30pm


                                PC Minutes 8th November 2011

                                WINSTRED HUNDRED PARISH COUNCIL

                                Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

                                Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Salcott Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 8th November 2011.

                                Present: Nicky Ellis, Charles Dymond, Jane Banks, Lynne Simmons, Netty Knill-Jones, Jinny Gale, Phil Gladwin, John Walker and 14 members of the public.

                                Apologies for absence: Terry Sutton, Kevin Bentley, Andrew Ellis

                                Minutes of the last meeting were agreed by all and signed by the chairman.

                                Borough Councillors: A report sent stated that due to the reservoir work birdwatchers were creating a problem by parking in the passing lay-bys in School Lane, Great Wigborough.

                                Any salt bins without the initial fill up for winter will be reported for action.

                                The ditch along the top end of the footpath at Butcher’s View, Peldon has been filled with rubble and will be looked onto.

                                Public-Have Your Say: Missing or broken 30mph signs at Lodge Lane will be reported.  Signs asking people to take care and/or slow down along St Ives Hill will be erected for next year’s fireworks display.

                                Residents from 2 households in Salcott spoke at length at their dissatisfaction of the Parish Council’s comments on their planning applications.  It was explained to them that we follow planning law guidelines to the best of our ability but occasionally misjudge a situation and get things wrong.  Certain statements made by us were requested to be retracted from the CBC website. One we have agreed on and another will be looked into for accuracy before any appropriate action taken.

                                Declarations of Interest: None

                                Items for Discussion

                                1. Playgrounds – Charles proposed, Nicky seconded and all agreed to buy a top-up amount of 100ml depth of rubber clippings for Salcott at a cost of  £750.

                                  2. Salcott Meadow/Creek – all requested reports from authoritative bodies with regard to the suggestion of fencing off the creek have still not been received but hopefully will be by next month’s meeting.

                                  3. Police – no report received and we have not heard of any crimes in our villages.

                                    4. CBC response to Red House meeting questions re withdrawal of Revenue Grant – their answers were deemed unsatisfactory and we will say as much in our reply to the working party and CBC.  Also their request for certain costing of services will be given with a detailed explanation of our circumstances.  CALC meeting will be attended where our thoughts can be discussed with other parish councils.
                                    5. Abberton Reservoir Liaison Meeting Report – no meeting had taken place

                                    6. Abberton Reservoir Community Fund Meeting – an application had been submitted for a house in Layer to install double glazing to reduce noise from the works.  This particular work would be finished in a few months so this application was considered by us to be inappropriate for this fund.

                                    Peldon Church, having submitted an application for a grant from these funds was well represented at our meeting explaining in detail their intentions which included toilet facilities, water supply and storage facilities.  The view from the tower of the reservoir is the main asset plus exhibitions and toilets for walkers and cyclists etc. The plans can be viewed by anybody in the Church.

                                    Peldon Village Hall is in the process of submitting an application for a grant from these funds towards the building of a new hall.  This will be for the benefit of all the community including reservoir meetings and information displays also car parking facilities.  The Parish Council unanimously agreed to give both these projects its support but it was mentioned that it might be considered that these two applications overlap in certain aspects.

                                    7. Winter Salt Scheme – having received a pack on distribution of the tonne of salt delivered from ECC Highways to Garr House Farm it was decided that collection for refills of the boxes would be at the discretion of Phil Gladwin on 07973 102146.  Please see note below.

                                      8. Actions and Reminders List – updated including website and broadband progress.


                                      111972 Proposal: Demolition of existing single storey extension, erection of two conservatory style extensions to the rear of the property with single storey cloakroom between and detached double garage to the front of the property at The Farmhouse, Abbots Wick Lane, Great Wigborough

                                      112023 Proposal: 1st floor extension to rear over existing g/floor 2 storey extension to side at The Briars, Peldon Road, Peldon

                                      Notice of Planning Decisions:

                                      111074 Proposal: Agricultural building to store hay crop produced by the farm at Beckton House Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott – Permission Refused

                                      111495 Proposal: Extensions and alterations to existing dwelling at Beckton House Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott – Permission Refused

                                      111602 Proposal: Conversion of existing, redundant pool house to create new meeting rooms.  Demolition of an existing storage building. Construction of two extensions to accommodate kitchen, cloak and toilet facilities associated with the proposed meeting room at Abbotts Hall Farm, Great Wigborough – Permission Granted

                                      111837 Proposal: Retro-fit of PV Solar Array onto flat roof of existing outbuilding at Spital Acre, The Street, Salcott – Permission Granted


                                      101629 – R S Pullen – clerk’s expenses (paper, ink, postage, etc)                              £269.73

                                      101630 – R S Pullen – clerk’s fee for November                                                       £353.53

                                      101631 – Keith Banks – 5 grass cuts on Moss Hay                                                    £200.00

                                      101632 – Peldon Village Hall – hire                                                                            80.00

                                      101633 – Mr B Gooding – 3 x play insp                                                                      90.00

                                      101634 – Suffolk Acre Services – annual insurance including Sparklers                      £1,441.53

                                      The next meeting will be at Peldon Village Hall on Tues 13th December 2011, 7.30pm

                                      The Parish Council would like to emphasize that the salt in the boxes is to be used for the highways only and not for homeowners’ paths etc.  It should also be noted that it needs to be applied sparingly and only where necessary.  If everyone is careful and considerate we will hopefully, manage the winter better this year than last.  To collect a refill for an empty box please phone Phil Gladwin on 07973 102146 who has a limited supply.


                                      PC Agenda 13th September 2011

                                      WINSTRED HUNDRED PARISH COUNCIL

                                      Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

                                      A meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council will be held at Salcott Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 13th September 2011.

                                      Apologies for absence:

                                      Minutes of the last meeting

                                      Borough Councillors

                                      Public-Have Your Say

                                      Declarations of Interest

                                      Items for Discussion

                                      1. Revenue Grant Funding from CBC

                                        • Report from the meeting at Messing where Tina Dopson, our Borough Councillors and many Parish Councillors were in attendance
                                        • Report from CALC meeting re working party on this matter
                                        • Decision required: Do we wish to write a letter to CBC at this time and if so to who and what should we say?

                                        2. Playgrounds

                                          • Report and update on both play areas particularly outstanding work at Salcott, also consider letter from Bill on extra equipment
                                          • 1st Decision required: Do we wish to buy rubber tyre clippings instead of bark at a price of £562 for 7.5 tons for Salcott playground or bark as before at a price of £580 for 10.8 cu metres?
                                          • 2nd Decision required: Are there any further jobs that need doing?
                                          • 3rd Decision required: Are we going to look at prices for more equipment?

                                          3. Salcott Meadow/Creek and Grass Cutting

                                            • Reports and correspondence received from authoritative bodies re suggestions of fencing along the creek edge
                                            • 1st decision required: Our final decision on this matter if all reports have been received.
                                            • 2nd decision required: Is the grass cutting satisfactory now and how do we balance requests from residents to have regular frequent cuts against our budget?

                                            4. Police

                                              • Reports of crimes in our villages if available
                                              • Decision required: Any crimes we feel we should report?

                                              5. Broadband Conference report

                                                • Any further progress on improvements to our signal?
                                                • Decision required: Is there anything we can do to help the situation?

                                                6. Declaration of Acceptance of Office book

                                                  • The old book started in 1972 is full
                                                  • Decision required: Do we wish to purchase a new book with double the number of entries for £105 or increase the life of the old book by adding pages and rebinding at a cost of? (John to say)

                                                    7. Polling Station Review

                                                    • To note the form of words Wigboroughs Village Hall Management Committee would like us to use in responding to the CBC enquiry?

                                                    8. Bus stop at Peldon

                                                    • Report on any further development on this matter
                                                    • Decision required: Anything more to be considered?

                                                    9. CBC’s offer of a tonne of salt for this winter

                                                    • Decision required: Do we want to accept this offer and if so where will we keep it and how will it be distributed fairly and by whom?

                                                    10. Abberton Reservoir Liaison Meeting and Abbotts Hall Meeting

                                                    • Report from meeting attended if any and discussion on planning application no. 111602 for Abbotts Hall Farm (as below)

                                                    11. CBC Homefinder Scheme

                                                    • Decisions required: Do we feel we should help with publicizing this?

                                                    12. Agree leave of absence for Les

                                                    • Decision required: What cover do we need to arrange?

                                                    13. The Way We Work

                                                    • Decision required: To confirm agreements about who will lead on various topics

                                                    14. Actions and Reminders List

                                                      • Update


                                                        • EALC County Update August 2011 including courses and AGM 27th Sept 2011
                                                        • ECE Footpath 4 confirmation
                                                        • Essex Heritage News Summer 2011
                                                        • National Trust reply on walks
                                                        • RCCE Oyster Summer 2011
                                                        • Peldon Church thank you (Wigs phoned to say thank you)
                                                        • English Rural Bulletin Summer 2011
                                                        • The Playing Field Summer 2011


                                                        111367 Proposal: Insertion of new staircase ground to first floor, also first to second floor inclusive by way of amendment to staircase location as previously approved under reference LB/COL/03/0426 at Seaborough House, Great Wigborough

                                                        111495 Proposal: Proposed extensions and alterations to existing dwelling at Beckton House Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott

                                                        111602 Proposal: Conversion of an existing, redundant pool house to create new meeting rooms. Demolition of an existing storage building. Construction of two extensions to accommodate kitchen, cloak and toilet facilities associated with the proposed meeting room at Abbotts Hall Farm, Maldon Road, Great Wigborough

                                                        Notice of Planning Decisions:

                                                        110912 Proposal: Extension to provide accommodation for dependent relative at Lovedowns Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott – Permission Refused

                                                        111082 Proposal: Removal of existing conservatory and replace with an extension to existing kitchen. Side extension involving the removal of a window to the existing toilet and associated wall to form new side entrance and boot room. Replacement of existing windows to part north elevation with new timber windows. Erection of new rear all glass extension and forming door opening thereto at New Hall, Cop Hall Lane, Little Wigborough – Permission Granted

                                                        111083 Proposal: Listed Building application for above – Permission Consented

                                                        A1530/A/11/2154584/NWF Appeal against CBC for planning conditions for application- Proposal: Reallocation of land uses (residential/equestrian purposes), and upgrade of existing access to unclassified road and erection of equine and cart store at Fourways Farm, Salcott


                                                        101620 – Playsafety Ltd. – RoSPA inspection and report                                         £252.00

                                                        101621 – Anglia Inspection Services – inspection and report                                     £60.00

                                                        101622 – Peldon Village Hall – hire                                                                         £94.00

                                                        101623 – St Mary the Virgin Peldon – Gold addition of mag                                     £100.00

                                                        101624 – R S Pullen – clerk’s fee for Aug and Sept                                                £707.06

                                                        The next meeting will be held at Peldon Village Hall on Tues 11th October 2011 at 7.30pm
