
homefinder_schemeJoin Colchester Borough Council’s (CBC’s) Homefinder scheme today and you could secure a steady return on your property with no arrangement fee. CBC urgently need landlords for families waiting to be housed. Many of their customers want to rent in the private sector. This is a positive choice and CBC can help them, and you, sustain a positive tenancy.

Before CBC put any families forward for a private tenancy they check they are capable of sustaining a tenancy and make sure that this is the best option for them.

When you join Homefinder you can choose either:

  • a full property and tenancy management service which offers guaranteed rent, together with regular property checks and protection against tenant damage…. Call 01206 244700 OR
  • if you’d prefer to manage your property yourself, we can give you peace of mind with our free property checks and the first month’s rent and deposit paid directly to you…Call 01206 506513

Download the Homefinder leaflet by clicking here.


PAWS – July Great Britain Report

paws-jul11-241 members and 18 visitors, in a wonderful creation of hats, attended our July “Great Britain Night” on the 26th July. We were welcomed with a glass of Pimms before being entertained by Singer Helen Abbey (pictured right) and Ted Beameant on the Piano with renditions from Summertime, Down at the Old Bull and Bush,  A Nightingale sang in  Berkeley Square and Roll out the Barrel to name but a few. Hopefully something for everyone.

paws-jul11-1Between the music sessions we had a lovely selection of sandwiches and cakes made once again by talented member of the committee. The best hat, as judged by Helen and Ted, went to Marianne Smith in her own creation as seen on the left. It was another lovely evening.

Our next get together will be on September 27th at 7.30pm and Linda Scoles will be telling us about “Around the World in 23 Years”. Membership is full but visitors are very welcome, at a cost of £3.50.


Peldon Village Hall – annual report

Home made sausage rollsThe annual report and accounts of the Peldon Village Hall management committee are now online to review on the Peldon Village Hall webpage.  Reviewing the year the committee’s chairman, Keith Banks, considers the progress made towards building of a new Village Hall as well as the huge amount of work needed going forward to turn it into a reality.  He gives thanks to volunteers perhaps the most notable being 79-year-old Ethel Miller who, whilst standing down from the committee, still intends volunteering as a cleaner and regular provider of home made cheese straws and sausage rolls.  Yum!


Colchester Customer Survey – be heard

cbc-survey-jul11Colchester Borough Council has launched a Customer Service Survey to understand why residents access Council Services in the way that they do. From 11th July the Council begun to gather customer feedback to ensure it is providing the right services at the right location. Customers visiting the Customer Service Centre, High Street will be asked to take the opportunity to have their say, by participating in the survey and shaping the future delivery of Council services. The Customer Service Survey asks:

  • Why customers prefer to visit their office rather than use the phone or email and
  • Where they have travelled from and what mode of travel they use when they come into town to visit CBC.
  • Whether they would prefer to access Council Services within their local community from locations such as library or Parish Council premises.

Cllr Beverley Oxford, Portfolio Holder for Customers, said: “The Council is committed to providing excellent customer service to residents and the business community, and wants to future proof its services so that we can ensure we are providing customer service in a format and location that meets our customers changing needs. “Residents’ views are very important in helping us to shape the future of Council services. Complete our customer survey and communicate your priorities and needs to the Council.”  

Customers can also complete the survey online at www.colchester.gov.uk/customersurvey until 2 September 2011. Following the 2 September we will collate and consider responses as part of the first stage of the Council’s customer services consultation. 



Essex Police 101 & other updates

Essex Police Authority - bannerFrom July 1st, Essex Police becomes one of the first forces to switch to the new, national, police non-emergency 101 telephone number (replacing 0300 333 4444).  You can use this number if you need to contact Essex Police about any non-emergency crime issue, to contact your local Neighbourhood Policing Team, to seek crime prevention or personal safety advice, contact your nearest police station or to speak to us about any other non-emergency issue.

Please be assured that the emergency 999 number remains. unchanged and should continue be used if you have an emergency

Essex Police is currently undergoing a major change programme in order to save money, whilst continuing to provide a first class service to the public, and has already begun to make positive changes. The views of those who visit, live or work in Essex are extremely important to Essex Police and Essex Police Authority to enable them to take this programme forward and they would therefore be grateful if you could take a couple of minutes to answer the questions in their public on-line survey.  To do this, please go to www.essex.police.uk/authority and click on the Reform Survey link which will take you into the survey, or go directly to www.surveymonkey.com/s/7GSFLG5. This public survey is open to everyone and they are committed to seeking the views of as many people across Essex as they can and hope representation will be wide and varied. So, if you know of someone who you think might be interested in having their say and making a difference in their community, could you please take a moment to pass these details on to them and ask them to do the same with their contacts?


PAWS – July Search & Rescue Report


37 members and 4 visitors attended our June meeting when Matt Cloke, Chairman of Essex Search and Rescue, came along to tell us all about this worthwhile charity. He explained that it was run by a highly trained and experienced group of volunteers who came from all sorts of backgrounds and work alongside the police to help search for high risk and vulnerable people that go missing in Essex and the surrounding area.   We were surprised to hear that every year this is some 5,000-6,000 people.  They receive no public funding but manage on donations, street collections, grants and the lottery.  Their most recent involvement was with the Steven Reis case in June this year, a local Rowhedge man, which involved 500 man hours over 6 days covering some 375 acres of land but resulting tragically in his body being found by a member of the public.  Matt was very obviously passionate about his work and was very interesting to listen to.

Our next meeting is at 7.30pm on July 26th when we will be having our annual Social Night. This year’s theme is “Great Britain Evening” and we will be having music and singing provided by Helen Abbey and her accompaniment and suitable refreshments.  There will also be a prize for the best hat!  Membership is full but visitors are very Welcome, at a cost of £5.00 for July’s evening, by contacting any of the following committee members.

If you would like any further information about P.A.W.S. please ring any of us on any of the following numbers. Alice 01206 735510, Jane 01206 735004, Julia 01206 735053 or Sue 01206 735212.



The 79th 5 Parishes Show 2011

Sponsored by es-water
Sunday, 7th August 11.00 a.m -5.00 p.m
(By kind permission of the Commander Defence Training Estate East)
Attractions include:
  • 5-parishes-iconsMedieval Combat Display team
  • Tall Guy (Country & Western)
  • Colchester Birds of Prey
  • Suffolk Kite Flyers
  • Colchester Model Flying Club
  • Tendring Dog Agility Display Team
  • Annie’s Fantasies
  • Suffolk Punches
  • Carriage Display
  • East Anglian Fighting Vehicles
  • Colchester History Alive
  • Horse Show
  • Exemption Dog Show
  • Go Karts
  • Mega Slide
  • Archery
  • Licensed Bar
  • Lazer Shooting
  • Horticultural Marquee (Entries on Saturday, 6th August)
  • Food Stalls
  • Over 60 Stalls and Side Shows


5-parishes-mapMain show schedules available as PDF download (print 2-sided on A4 to make A5 booklet) or from:
  • Sally Abbott –Tel : 01206 735931
Horse show schedules from: 
  • Linda May –Tel: 01206 735552

Dog show contact

  • Jinny Gale – 01206 735846




PAWS – June Waifs & Strays Report

jane_maylon46 members and 6 visitors attended our May meeting when Jane Maylon (right in the photo) told us all about “Adopting an Attitude”.  It was a most intriguing title and most of us had guessed incorrectly when Jane proceeded to tell us all about her Adoption in the mid 50’s, at the tender age of just 6 weeks from the “Waifs and Strays” now known as “The Childrens Society.”  She talked about the change in attitude to adoption relaying many amusing stories along the way.  She also told us how she had tracked down her birth Mother in Canada, and having written to her for several years, finally meeting her.  It was a very uplifting experience and Jane was a delight to listen to.

Our next meeting is at 7.30pm on June 28th when Matt Cloke will tell us all about “Search and Rescue.”  We will also be having a silent auction of new and nearly new items.  Membership again is full but visitors are very welcome at a cost of £3.50.



PAWS – May Beeb Report

brian curtois44 members and 3 visitors attended our April meeting when Brian Curtois told us all about his “30 years with the BBC.”  Brian started his early career as a Reporter with a small newspaper in Hornchurch before progressing onto the Ilford Recorder.  He then moved to Nottingham before returning to London as part of the Press Agency. He covered a number of major events including the Great Train Robbery and the wedding of Peter Sellers to Britt Ekland. On his first attempt at joining the BBC he got a rejection letter but one year later his second attempt to be offered the post of General News Reporter. For 3 years he covered the Middle East and then Northern Ireland. Over the years he has interviewed numerous people including Ian Paisley, Margaret Thatcher, Mohammad Ali and Bruce Forsythe to name but a few and worked with people like Alan Freeman and Terry Wogan on Late Night Extra and David Dimbleby when working as the Political Correspondent at Westminister. He saw lots of changes over the years with the change from radio to television and relayed several amusing stories.   Another very enjoyable evening.

Our next meeting is at 7.30pm on June 28th when Matt Cloke will tell us all about “Search and Rescue.” We will also be having a silent auction of new and nearly new items.  Membership again is full but visitors are very welcome at a cost of £3.50.

If you would like any further information about P.A.W.S. please ring any of us on any of the following numbers. Alice 01206 735510, Jane 01206 735004, Julia 01206 735053 or Sue 01206 735212.
