PC Agenda 14th September 2010


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

A meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council will be held at Peldon Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 14th September 2010.

Apologies for absence:

Borough Councillors:

Public-Have Your Say:

Declarations of Interest:

Co-opt and welcome to Nettie

Items for Discussion

  1. Bellwood – up date
  2. Wigboroughs Village Hall – update and next steps
  3. Affordable Housing survey and letter – update and circulation
  4. Salcott vacancy – any interest – what next?
  5. CALC meeting report
  6. Edward Gittins & Assoc. – CBC LDF – responses and possible results
  7. Salcott flooding – update including works carried out
  8. Playgrounds – update
  9. Moss Hay goal posts – old repaired or new ones
  10. Salcott crossroads bus shelter alterations – cost
  11. Individual jobs for individual parish councillors – suggestions
  12. Actions and Reminders list – up dated to follow


  • ECC Changing Essex
  • EALC County Update, courses, AGM 29th Sept Foakes Hall, Great Dunmow
  • NALC Report of the Chief Executive
  • English Rural The Bulletin summer 2010
  • ECC Making the Links September 2010
  • Environment Agency Seawalls Vegetation Clearance
  • No Need for Nuclear
  • Essex Playing Fields Association Newsletter
  • CBC Forward Plan of Key Decisions 1 Aug to 31 Dec 2010
  • Autism Anglia Newsletter Summer
  • ECC Essex Speed Management Strategy

    Planning applications:

    101417 Proposal: Temporary use of mobile home as monitoring accommodation for free range chicken egg unit at Bellwood, Colchester Road, Great Wigborough

    101423 Proposal: Loft conversion, new porch and alterations to attached garage at Longacre, School Lane, Great Wigborough

    101433 Proposal: Demolish existing garages, build single store granny annexe at The Bungalow, Colchester Road, Virley

    101612 Proposal: Replacement house at Grove Bungalow, Maldon Road, Gt Wigborough

    101837 Proposal: Removal of condition 2 of planning permission 072151 restricting the use for overhaul and repair, sale and maintenance of contractors’ plant, sale of associated spare parts and associated offices, all as stated in the application and for no other purpose at St Ives Farm, St Ives Road, Peldon

    Notice of Planning Decisions:

    100854 Proposal: Erection of single storey kitchen extension, insertion of new doors and internal alterations at The Old Rectory, Mill Lane, Virley – Permission Granted

    101423 Proposal: Loft conversion, new porch and alterations to attached garage at Longacre, School Lane, Great Wigborough – Permission Granted

    101372 Proposal: Double storey side extension and front porch at 2 Fourreleet Cottages, Whitehouse Hill, Salcott – Permission Refused


    101563 Colchester Association of Local Councils – annual subs                                  35.00

    101564 Suffolk Acre – insurance for Wigborough Hall                                              60.37

    101565 CBC – election costs                                                                              598.23

    101566 Audit Commission – external audit                                                            158.63

    101567 R S Pullen – clerk’s fee for August and September                                     707.06

    101568 R S Pullen – clerk’s expenses                                                                   240.22

    101569 Barry Gooding – play insp x 3 months                                                         90.00

    The next meeting will be held at 7.30pm on Tues 12th Oct 2010 at Salcott Village Hall


    PC Minutes 13th July 2010


    Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

    Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Salcott Village Hall at 7.30pm. on Tuesday 13th July 2010.

    Present: Phil Gladwin, Jinny Gale, Lynne Simmons, Charles Dymond, John Walker, Andrew Ellis, Moira Groborz and 10 members of the public

    Apologies for absence: Jane Banks, Nicky Ellis, Kevin Bentley, Vince Pearce

    Minutes of the last meeting were agreed by all with an alteration at item 5. Website – which should read £500 (not £300) agreed initially and £300 (not £200) for the extra work, and signed by the chairman.

    Borough Councillors: School Lane, Great Wigborough is to be closed for repairs in August, hopefully some resurfacing. Thanks were expressed to Andrew and Kevin who, along with ourselves, have been constantly pursuing this and other road repairs.

    Flood matters meeting will be take place in the next month or so.

    With regard to the Edward Gittins & Ass. submissions of sites for inclusion in the CBC  Local Development Framework our parish council was thought to be the only one to inform the public so well and have an open meeting. Andrew also answered questions at this meeting which was well attended by the concerned public.

    Missing finger posts are on order and pot holes in Salcott have been completed.

    There is no money for grants from CBC for next year but the precept will not be capped. Everyone can help cut costs, for example, by litter picking and other community minded activities. Parish councils will have to tighten their belts where ever possible.

    Public – Have Your Say: a member of the public enquired as to why he was subjected to scrutiny by CBC Planning Enforcement Officers and Andrew explained that a new officer was extremely vigilante. This officer has been going over the whole of Colchester to clear up unlawful behaviour such as For Sale and To Let signs that were everywhere particularly in the Hythe area. Also unlawful living in barns is being checked.  Andrew will talk further to this parishioner when delivering flood warning signs that he has very kindly offered to erect at the Salcott crossroads when the occasion arises.

    Another member of the public questioned the parish council’s donating to churchyards upkeep with regard to the need for cutting costs.

    Declarations of Interest: Jinny and Phil for item 3.

    1. Bellwood – Vince Pearce, CBC Planning Officer, was unable to attend for this item as previously arranged.  Jinny had, along with Andrew and Kevin attended a meeting with him and therefore could explain some of the circumstances of this matter.
    2. Affordable Housing – Moira Groborz, RCCE Rural Housing Enabler explained matters again for the benefit of our new  parish councillors.  Our joint letter from  RCCE and the parish council was agreed and will accompany the needs assessment survey along with a freepost envelope returning completed surveys to RCCE in complete confidence and separating needs for each village.  The cost will be £12 per household.  These will be delivered on the weekend of 11th and 12th September 2010 with a deadline date for returns of 1st October 2010.
    3. Wigboroughs Village Hall – our first meeting of those people who expressed an interest was quite lively with much discussion and conflicting views. A Management Committee will formed, as stipulated in the rules, with two members from the parish council and one from the PCC if they wish, who have subsequently accepted the invitation. John proposed, Charles seconded and all agreed for our two Wigborough parish councillors, Jinny and Phil, to be our representatives on this committee. John proposed, Charles seconded and all agreed that the parish council should pay the sum of £60.37 to insure the hall for public liability only as this was deemed necessary and there is no other body or funds at this stage to pay, possibly to be returned at a later date.
    4. Salcott and Virley Parish Councillor vacancies – we have received a letter from one interested person who Phil proposed, Charles seconded and all agreed for Nettie Knill Jones to be co-opted on to the council for Virley.  Jinny proposed, Charles seconded and all agreed for us to look into co-opting Robert Kean onto the parish council for Salcott as no other interested person has come forward.  Robert is from Peldon and just missed out at the voting there.  He is a regular attendee of our meetings and has a wide knowledge of highways matters that is very useful.
    5. Theatre Tickets – Peldon panto youth performers were suggested for these tickets offered by Essex and Suffolk Water for the Mercury Theatre. Alison Biegel will be approached on the matter.
    6. RCCE membership – Phil proposed, Jinny seconded and all agreed for us to continue our membership for another year.
    7. Playgrounds – purchase of additional bark for Salcott was agreed and obtained during the past month. Dog fouling signs are being made for erection on Moss Hay as it continues to be a problem there. Benches on Moss Hay need attention which is in hand. A new company for annual inspections has been investigated and will be looked into further before the due date next year.
    8. Telephone boxes – the Salcott box has been adopted by us. The Wigborough box adoption will be finalised soon and we will advertise for any prospective buyers.
    9. Abberton Reservoir Liaison meeting – no meeting has been held since last month.
    10. CALC – Jinny proposed, Phil seconded and all agreed to continue our membership for another year.
    11. Parish Grants/ Budget/ Precept – was discussed at length earlier in the meeting. We will submit our response to the proposals from CBC in agreement with CALC.
    12. Unplanned expenditure – we must make every effort to only incur expenditure that has been formally agreed at meetings unless an unforeseen emergency arises.
    13. Topsoil for Salcott meadow was discussed and will be looked into further.
    14. LDF Allocation Sites – we have made our response to the Edward Gittins & Associates consultation in the required time.
    15. Youth Awards – deferred to the next meeting.
    16. Actions and Reminders List – updated.


    101179 Proposal: Application to vary the wording of condition 32 on planning permission 080194, condition relates to noise mitigation for plant machinery at Wormingford Pumping Station and to replace condition 121 which relates to a noise limit at the Rye Borrow Pit gravel processing plant at Land from Wormingford to Abberton including Abberton Reservoir, Abberton Reservoir Scheme, Peldon Road, Abberton, Colchester

    101082 Proposal: Prior notification of agricultural development – erection of detached agricultural store at Moor Farm, Colchester Road, Peldon

    100941 Proposal: Change of use to B2 from B1 with restriction Condition 2 removed. The use of the building to be restricted to occupation by Popper and Carter at Building 4, St Ives Farm, St Ives Road, Peldon – This application has now been withdrawn.

    101372 Proposal: Double storey side extension & front porch at 2 Fourreleet Cottages, Whitehouse Hill, Salcott

    Notice of Planning Decisions:

    100864 Proposal: Demolish existing garages, build single storey Granny Annex at The Bungalow, Colchester Road, Virley – permission refused

    100940 Proposal: Change of use to B2 from B1 with restriction Condition 2 removed. The use of the building to be restricted to occupation by Swiftboats at Unit 2, Building 2, St Ives Farm, Peldon – permission granted

    100915 Proposal: Variation of condition 2 attached to approval 072151 (use for the overhaul, repair, sale and maintenance of contractors plant etc. to permit the use for the sale packaging tape, bubble wrap, shrink wrap and stock boxes and the manufacture of bespoke cardboard boxes at St Ives Farm, Peldon – permission granted


    101555 R S Pullen – play bark for Salcott                                                                      £126.90

    101556 Rural Community Council of Essex – annual subs                                                   £55.00

    101557 Keith Banks – 4 cuts of Moss Hay                                                                     £160.00

    101558 R S Pullen – clerk’s fee for July                                                                         £353.53

    101559 Peldon Village Hall – hire                                                                                  £184.00

    101560 T Hedger – Salcott meadow roadside hedge trim                                                 £45.00

    101561 T Simmons – 2 x grass cuts, 1 play insp, trim at Kings Head, paper & ink                £135.00

    101562 simmonsprinters – leaflet distributed to all houses re LDF                                      £161.00

    The next meeting will be at Peldon Village Hall on Tues 14th Sept 2010 at 7.30pm.


    Dragons to baroque and more

    dragonboatOur parish diary has been updated with a wealth of events over coming weeks ranging from snap-action, dragons and some baroque as well.

    The Bank Holiday weekend (29th to 30th) brings an added attraction to Mersea with the Mersea Camera Club’s Exhibition at Mersea Museum.  Members of the Club will be in attendance so you can ‘talk photography’ as well as have a look at the members’ work. Any questions contact Chris Moore on 01206-735-228.

    Talking of photography, Bank Holiday Sunday (29th) brings a great photo-opportunity for you snappers with the Annual Essex Air Ambulance Dragonboat Races.

    Mid-September (Friday 17th) sees the UK’s biggest cycle race of the year passing just a few miles away with Stage 7 of the Tour of Britaintour_of_britain running between Tiptree and East Hill, Colchester (via Smythe’s Green, Birch, Heckfordbridge) between approximately 13:15 & 13:45.  Why not turn out to line the route and cheer on these international athletes – and best of all, it’s free!

    Looking further ahead, we see the Annual Roman River (music) Festival offer a wide programme of concerts in and around the area with the opening concert taking place in St Stephen’s, Great Wigborough on Sunday 3rd October.

    If you have an event(s) or regular activity you want advertised on the parish diary please contact us through the links at the bottom of this page.



    Picture report from Five Parishes


    Pictorial report from the 2010 Five Parishes Show



    {besps_c}0|5parishes001.jpg|Suffolk Punches walking to arena| {/besps_c}

    {besps_c}0|5parishes002.jpg|Suffolk Punch walking to arena| {/besps_c}

    {besps_c}0|5parishes003.jpg|Suffolk Punch family, foal’s first outing| {/besps_c}

    {besps_c}0|5parishes004.jpg|Suffolk Punches ready to walk on| {/besps_c}

    {besps_c}0|5parishes005.jpg|Sealed Knot in training| {/besps_c}

    {besps_c}0|5parishes006.jpg|Muskets & Pikes at ready| {/besps_c}

    {besps_c}0|5parishes007.jpg|”That modern uniform will never catch on”| {/besps_c}

    {besps_c}0|5parishes008.jpg|Young riders ready to compete| {/besps_c}

    {besps_c}0|5parishes009.jpg|Best-in-class round of in-hand| {/besps_c}

    {besps_c}0|5parishes010.jpg|My (webmaster’s) favourite in-hand| {/besps_c}

    {besps_c}0|5parishes011.jpg|In-hand class| {/besps_c}

    {besps_c}0|5parishes012.jpg|Where did that other carriage go?| {/besps_c}

    {besps_c}0|5parishes013.jpg|Behind you! Careful on the corners please.| {/besps_c}

    {besps_c}0|5parishes014.jpg|Are we catching up?| {/besps_c}

    {besps_c}0|5parishes015.jpg|Getting bored now, can’t we zig-zag at least.| {/besps_c}

    {besps_c}0|5parishes016.jpg|Who’s behind me?| {/besps_c}

    {besps_c}0|5parishes017.jpg|When you are quite ready can we make a start?| {/besps_c}

    {besps_c}0|5parishes018.jpg|… up and over the bridge…| {/besps_c}

    {besps_c}0|5parishes019.jpg|… A-frame …| {/besps_c}

    {besps_c}0|5parishes020.jpg|… and weave – keep focus on the finish!| {/besps_c}

    {besps_c}0|5parishes021.jpg|If that dog (webmaster’s) gets any closer I’ll eat him!| {/besps_c}

    {besps_c}0|5parishes022.jpg|Who are you looking at?| {/besps_c}

    {besps_c}0|5parishes023.jpg|Hawks, falcons & owls galore.| {/besps_c}

    {besps_c}0|5parishes024.jpg|Spitfire| {/besps_c}

    {besps_c}0|5parishes025.jpg|Spitfire again – OK I like them (webmaster)| {/besps_c}

    {besps_c}0|5parishes026.jpg|Spitfire landing – oops, no undercarriage| {/besps_c}

    {besps_c}0|5parishes027.jpg|Spitfire getting a taxi back to the line-up| {/besps_c}

    {besps_c}0|5parishes028.jpg|Spitfire again| {/besps_c}

    {besps_c}0|5parishes029.jpg|Red Arrows BAE Systems Hawk T1| {/besps_c}

    {besps_c}0|5parishes030.jpg|Aero L-39C Albatros in VX-9 squadron livery| {/besps_c}

    {besps_c}0|5parishes031.jpg|The holding/display area| {/besps_c}

    {besps_c}0|5parishes032.jpg|USAF P38 Lightning| {/besps_c}

    {besps_c}0|5parishes033.jpg|Finalists puppy class| {/besps_c}

    {besps_c}0|5parishes034.jpg|Sporting Dog class| {/besps_c}

    {besps_c}0|5parishes035.jpg|… and there were greyhounds; lots of them!| {/besps_c}

    {besps_c}0|5parishes036.jpg|A good turn-out of fruit & veg as well| {/besps_c}

    {besps_c}0|5parishes037.jpg|And there were kites, some with passengers| {/besps_c}

    {besps_c}0|5parishes038.jpg|In full flight down the field| {/besps_c}

    {besps_c}0|5parishes039.jpg|Kites in traditional and more eccentric designs| {/besps_c}

    {besps_c}0|5parishes040.jpg|Kites of all colours against the grey clouds| {/besps_c}

    {besps_c}0|5parishes041.jpg|Clogs at the ready with Annies Fantasies| {/besps_c}

    {besps_c}0|5parishes042.jpg|Circle your partner carefully, sticks aloft| {/besps_c}

    {besps_c}0|5parishes043.jpg|Left foot forward| {/besps_c}

    {besps_c}0|5parishes044.jpg|… and keep smiling.| {/besps_c}

    {besps_c}0|5parishes045.jpg|But the real stars were the Suffolk Punches| {/besps_c}

    {besps_c}0|5parishes046.jpg|Suffolk Punch pushing the log around the arena| {/besps_c}

    {besps_c}0|5parishes047.jpg|Suffolk Punch, mother & foal| {/besps_c}

    {besps_c}0|5parishes048.jpg|And so it’s goodbye for another year.| {/besps_c}


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    Abberton Reservoir Update



    We have some news about future workings from the latest meeting of the Reservoir Liaison Committee.

    Work on the B1026 causeway is due to start on 6th September 2010.

    Initially a 60m section over the culvert area will be designated as single lane controlled by traffic lights.  This is to dam the culvert on the east side.  The process will then be repeated on the other side and the culvert will be drained and cleaned out.

    The next stage is to dig up the carriageway on the west side to enable rebuilding of the culvert which will house the pumps needed to empty the central section of the reservoir.  The culvert is at present too weak for its purpose.  This activity will then be repeated on the east side of the carriageway.

    The traffic lights are bound to delay journeys at busy times but they are to be radar assisted to minimise waiting during periods of light traffic.

    The good news is that this stage is scheduled to be completed by Christmas.

    It is then hoped to re-open both lanes of the carriageway although they will be narrower than before and there will be no footpath on the western side.

    At the same time work will be progressing on constructing the road which will form the new causeway to the west of the existing road.

    The target for completing this work is June 2011.

    Change of working hours

    Essex and Suffolk Water have requested, via the Abberton Reservoir Liaison Meeting, a change to agreed working times.  Neither Colchester Borough Council nor any of the Parish Council representatives objected to the request so the following working hours have now been agreed.

    Summer Months April – September (BST) Monday to Friday – 07.00 to 19.00 (this is a change from 07:30 to 19:30)

    The Borough Council has also agreed that the restriction on construction and delivery traffic driving through the village during school “picking up” and “dropping off” times does not apply during the period of school holidays.



    PAWS – July Salsa report

    paws-salsa-20100740 members and several visitors, including a group from Layer Ladies, joined us for our Salsa night at our July meeting on the 27th.  Mojito’s and a light themed supper were enjoyed, together with a quiz based on South American Flags before Mark Moore explained a little about the history of Salsa music.  As a fusion of traditional African and Cuban and other Latin-American rhythms it travelled from the islands (Cuba and Puerto Rico) to New York during the migration, somewhere between the 1940s and the 1970s resulting in the two main styles danced today.  There are no strict rules of how salsa should be danced and it has a pattern of six steps danced over eight counts of music.  In Salsa, turns have become an important feature and it has more of a side to side feel.

    Once Mark had explained the basic moves, with his partner Jo, we were invited to join in, which many did.  Watching from the sidelines it was obvious that everyone enjoyed the evening and I think one or two even mastered the basic technique!  So well done everyone who helped to make the evening so enjoyable, and also to Alex Henderson who won the best dressed.

    Our next get together is on September 28th when we will be “Hop Picking at Horseman’s Den” with Barbara Faulkner returning once again.  As usual we meet at 7.30pm in Peldon Village Hall, Church Road, Peldon. Membership is currently closed but visitors are very welcome at a cost of £3.50 and a waiting list is in operation.

    If you would like any further information about P.A.W.S. please ring any of us on any of the following numbers. Alice 01206 735510, Jane 01206 735004, Julia 01206 735053 or Sue 01206 735212.



    UPDATE: School Lane, Gt Wigborough Closure

    This will be good long-term news for all the residents and users of School Lane, Great Wigborough, even though it will be a nuisance in the short term.

    Essex County Council have advised us that the whole of School Lane will be closed for five days from 2nd August 2010 for much needed repairs. The works will be subject to weather conditions and we will keep you posted as and when we hear anything further.

    Our thanks are due to our Borough Councillors, Andrew Ellis and Kevin Bentley, who have agitated continuously to get these repairs undertaken as a priority when there are so many demands on limited resources. Guys – our suspensions and wheel rims and dodgy backs all thank you.


    Essex County Council have now issued the Public notice in which they advise:

    • The closure is scheduled to be for 5 days (subject to weather);
    • The alternative route will be via Maldon Road – B1026 Layer Road and vice versa;
    • Access for emergency service vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians will be maintained at all times during the closure.

    A message from The Peldon Rose

    peldon-rose-logoA message from The Peldon Rose in respect of their Licence variation

    As you may be aware we have recently made an enquiry to the Licensing Authority to vary our current licence.

    Subsequently there has, in our opinion quite rightly, been some interest in the manner in which the application has been portrayed.

    This has stemmed from the method in which we were advised to submit our application.

    It seems the Authority guidelines offer an ‘all or nothing’ approach.

    Our original intention was, and still is, purely to comply fully with the Law in respect of such matters as clarinet or instrument players in the garden for summer BBQ’s, occasional wedding or small private functions with music and such occasions as New Year’s Eve.

    We fully understand that such phrases as ‘live music’, ‘dancing indoors and outdoors’ and ‘the periods displayed on the public notice’ cause immediate concern in the locality. This is not our intention or desire.

    Let us reassure all those who are concerned that The Peldon Rose has no intention other than to run as a local Country Inn serving our respected clients with excellent hospitality and fine cuisine, working in harmony with those around us, and providing a respected service to all.

    We are sure you will have noticed the changes recently effected to this end and the pride we have reflected in the overall building.

    In order to bring this matter swiftly to heel, we have today advised Colchester Licensing Authority that our intentions have been incorrectly portrayed, the current application has been terminated in order to be modified to our correct requirements.

    In turn we have agreed to meet with their representative within the next few weeks to find a way through the bespoke documentation and submit the correct application, which will simply cover the matters described above.

    On a lighter note we appreciate your concern and would be pleased to see you whenever you so desire.

    With regards

    Michael Handley

    Director  –   for and on behalf of The Peldon Rose                                     30 June 2010
