PAWS – June Report

paws31 members and 3 visitors attended our June meeting where Piers Graham from Fintry Wines provided us with a selection of 9 wines for our Wine Tasting.  Piers has been in the business for 10 years originally setting up on Mersea but recently he has moved to Colchester. He currently has 650 wines available to buy online on his website, the most expensive being Penfold Grange at a cost of £175 a bottle (and he has 17 of these). The wines he had selected for us to try came from lesser known areas of France, mainly from the South West Costal areas, and from the Vin De Pays d’oc region, more commonly known as French Country Wines and very nice they were too hic!

Next month, as it’s the peak summer month August, there is no meeting but we will be back to normal on September 28th when we will be “Hop Picking at Horseman’s Den” with Barbara Faulkner returning once again.  As usual we meet at 7.30pm in Peldon Village Hall, Church Road, Peldon. Membership is currently closed but visitors are very welcome at a cost of £3.50 and a waiting list is in operation.

In the meantime we have our annual croquet night on the 13th July and a visit to the Town Hall and Hollytrees on the 16th August to look forward to.

If you would like any further information about P.A.W.S. please ring any of us on any of the following numbers. Alice 01206 735510, Jane 01206 735004, Julia 01206 735053 or Sue 01206 735212


Peldon May Festival 2010

A windswept day with ‘interesting’ weather did not dampen to enthusiasm to enjoy the annual Peldon May Festival.  The following pictures were taken on the day.

Peldon Councillor Nicky Ellis with the Colchester Mayor Sonia Lewis and her escort Keith Lewis
Youngsters enjoying the new playground
Mayoral couple with Peldon Councillors Nicky Ellis and Jane Banks and Wigboroughs Councillors Phil Gladwin and
Jinny Gale at the new playground

The 78th 5 Parishes Show 2010

Sponsored by es-water
Sunday, 1st August 11.00 a.m -5.00 p.m
(By kind permission of the Commander Defence Training Estate East)
Attractions include:
  • 5-parishes-iconsThe Sealed Knot
  • Ipswich Youth Steel Band
  • Birds of Prey
  • Suffolk Kites
  • Colchester Model Flying Club
  • Tendring Dog Agility Display Team
  • Annie’s Fantasies
  • Suffolk Punches
  • Carriage Display
  • Vintage Tractors
  • Horse Show
  • Exemption Dog Show
  • Licensed Bar
  • Lazer Shooting
  • Horticultural Marquee (Entries on Saturday, 31stJuly)
  • Food Stalls
  • Kiddi Bikes
  • Mega Slide
  • Over 60 Stalls and Side Shows


5-parishes-mapMain show and dog show schedules available from:
  • Pam & Jim Foakes – Tel: 01206 735692
  • Sally Abbott –Tel : 01206 735931
Horse show schedules from: 
  • Linda May –Tel: 01206 735552




Recycle Week 21-27June 2010


Colchester Borough Council is supporting Recycle Week and is encouraging residents to recycle their small electrical and electronic equipment (anything with a battery or plug) at local Recycling Centres for Household Waste.

What can be recycled?

Waste electrical and electronic equipment that can be recycled includes:

  • kitchen appliances including kettles and toasters
  • power tools
  • tv’s
  • music equipment
  • electronic children’s toys
  • battery powered clocks and watches
  • fluorescent tubes and low energy light bulbs

Nearly 40% of UK residents say they are ‘electrical lovers’ with a quarter missing out on time with family and friends, and 33% losing sleep to spend time with gadgets such as laptops, mobile phones and iPods.  Each of us accumulates an average of three new electrical items a year, or 173 million nationally, but only 1 in 5 small electrical items gets recycled each year.  The valuable materials such as silver that these items contain can be used again which saves precious new resources from being used.  When recycled, just one toaster can provide enough steel to make 25 new cans.

Where can residents reuse or recycle electrical and electronic equipment?

Recycling Centres for Household Waste in the Colchester area are at Shrub End, West Mersea and Lawford.  Click here to find the nearest site and information on all items that are accepted there.

Alternatively unwanted working electrical and electronic equipment can find a new home by donating them to charities, including the British Heart Foundation, or on reuse websites.  Click here for charity and reuse website contacts.

De-clutter your e-clutter

Nearly 40% of UK residents have at least one electrical item from the last decade stored unused at home.  So whether clearing out cupboards, the attic or shed during Recycle Week or throughout the year residents can give all their old, broken or unwanted small electricals the chance to be useful again.  There’s no need to hang on to these items due to not being sure of what to do with them or hoping they will come in handy one day.

Residents can to pledge to recycle their waste electrical and electronic equipment, enter a prize draw and find more interesting facts and tips by visiting the Recycle Week website.


Web Updates

w100-headerThere have been a few recent changes and additions to the website that you might like to check out.

  1. The Parish Council annual report is now on-line – access it here
  2. Wigborough Traditional Meats have provided yet another news update from the farm (always worth a read)
  3. Sharpe Graphics now have a page entry on this site here
  4. There have been some Club updates here.

Remember to come back to the site frequently to keep up with what is happening locally.  If you have news to contribute, please contact us through the links at the bottom of this page.


Annual Report for 2009/2010

Winstred Hundred Parish Council



We are sorry to lose Kevin Bradshaw, Robert Davidson, Frances Fergus, and Sam Knill Jones as Parish Councillors.  We thank them for their contributions and hope they will continue to support us from within the community.  We welcome Charles Dymond as a new Parish Councillor and John Walker as a returning one.  We also welcome Terry Sutton as the new Pyefleet, and therefore Peldon, Borough Councillor.  At the time of writing we have vacancies for one Councillor in Virley and one in Salcott.

Archie Moore also retired as one of the Council’s invaluable independent workers this year and maintenance of the Moss Haye playground has been taken over by Barry Gooding.

The Council also welcomes PC Melanie Wilson as our new Birch and Layer Neighbourhood Specialist Police Officer.


We extend our thanks to all the people who support and help the Parish Council in its work, including our Clerk, the Borough Councillors, Steve Copeland and all those members of the public who help us with specialist knowledge and through their comments, complaints and occasional praise keep us in touch with our communities.


The accounts to 31st March 2010 are attached.  At the time of publication they have been internally audited but we await final confirmation from our external auditors.   Our policy is to hold funds in hand approximately equal to one year’s precept.  This year we are slightly below that amount but decided not to request an increase in the precept.

The Council achieved a considerable reduction in its insurance premium by contracting to deal with Zurich via Suffolk Acre rather than with Zurich directly and by committing to a five year period.


The Parish Council e-mail service now has some 80 users and the website was finally launched during the year.  It is being further developed and populated with material all the time.   A ‘Gold Edition’ of the Peldon and Wigboroughs Parish News, containing the Annual Report, was sponsored by the Parish Council and distributed to every house in the Parish, including houses in Salcott and Virley.

Village Design Statement

Preparation of the Village Design Statement is funded by the Parish Council and is led by Nicky Ellis.  At the outset we were perplexed by how long  it had taken other groups to produce such documents.  Faced with a high questionnaire return and a small group of volunteers we now understand.  Work continues but more slowly than we would like.


During the year most of the Parish Councillors attended some excellent planning training organised by Colchester Borough Council.  We have also agreed a new process for agreeing responses to be made by the Parish Council to local planning applications.  The process gives the weight of the decision to the relevant ward Councillors but allows other Councillors to review and comment so that the whole Council can comfortably accept cabinet responsibility for the official reply.  The Council has reviewed and commented on nearly 30 local planning applications.


Once again flooding, particularly in Salcott and Virley, has been a persistent concern throughout the year.  Parish and Borough Councillors and members of the public have all tried to help with specific problems but it has become clear that a major review of all aspects of the problem across the whole area, involving representatives from all the agencies having any involvement in water management and drainage, is required.  We await the scheduling of such a meeting which is likely to take place during the summer.

A Water Awareness Session held at Salcott Village Hall and delivered by the Borough Council’s Emergency Planning Team underlined the dangers in still and moving water and advised about modern products which can be purchased and used in place of the more traditional sandbags.

The Council has also purchased and installed new lifebelts at key points in Salcott and Virley.  

peldon-may-festival-2010-007Works at Moss Haye

The Council has used grant money to relay the path and clear the adjoining ditches and to undertake major replacement and refurbishment of the playground equipment.   We also commissioned British Trust for Conservation Volunteers to cut back some of the encroaching shrubs and bushes around the central area and to remove rubbish.  We were pleased to show the results of this activity to the Mayor at the Peldon May Festival and hope that residents young and old will respect the investments made by keeping the area clear of dog mess and dissuading people from using the field for inappropriate activities.  We hope to replace the basketball square and provide better drainage arrangements for the play area during the coming year.

The Wigboroughs Village Hall

The Trustees of the old Village Hall in School Lane have all died and the Parish Council agreed with the Charity Commissioners that it would undertake the organisation of getting the Trust re-established on a proper footing.  Eight people have expressed an interest in being involved and will meet for the first time in June 2010.

Other activities

  • Parish and Borough Councillors have pressed hard, and will continue to do so, to get potholes filled and road surfaces repaired.
  • Councillors have continued to attend meetings of the Essex Wildlife Trust, the Abberton Reservoir Liaison Committee and the Colchester Association of Local Councils.  The Clerk has regularly attended the Clerks’ Forum.
  • The Clerk, Chairman and Vice Chairman have undergone computer training designed to improve their knowledge of managing storage and archiving of files and data.
  • The Council has invited bids for the purchase of the BT red telephone box currently situated in Maldon Road, Great Wigborough.
  • The Council has committed to undertake an Affordable Housing Needs Survey in the parish in partnership with the Rural Community Council of Essex.
  • Regular local and independent inspections of the play areas in Salcott and Peldon have continued.
  • Grass cutting of public areas continues to be paid for from the precept.

(Click next for Financial reports)


PC Minutes 8th June 2010


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Peldon Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 8th June 2010.

Present: Jane Banks, Charles Dymond, Jinny Gale, Nicky Ellis, Lynne Simmons, John Walker, Kevin Bentley, Terry Sutton and 3 members of the public

The Annual Parish Assembly

The chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Everyone was invited to speak on any matters they wished.

Kevin Bentley (County and Borough Councillor) spoke of a busy year for himself and Andrew.  The winter proved challenging with long periods of snow and flooding which in turn causing many potholes. The mobile unit for dealing with these with temporary repairs was prompt for which he thanked ECC Highways Department and permanent repairs are gradually taking place as is resurfacing of some roads.

He thanked us as we thanked him and Andrew for our working well together achieving  good results where ever possible with the tasks that have come our way.

Terry Sutton (Borough Councillor) thanked Robert for his long service both as a Parish and Borough Councillor.  He expressed his intention to serve and support us whenever and with whatever was needed.

Parish Council AGM

Nicky proposed, Jane seconded and all agreed for Jinny to continue as Chairman.  Jinny proposed, Jane seconded and all agreed for Nicky to continue as Vice-Chairman. Jinny proposed, Jane seconded and all agreed for the clerk to continue as Responsible and Financial Officer. All necessary forms of declarations and interests were given out and have or will be completed.

Apologies for absence: Phil Gladwin, Andrew Ellis

Minutes of the last meeting were agreed and signed by the chairman

Chairman’s annual report – Jinny said goodbye to and thanked the leaving councillors, Robert, Kevin, Sam and Frances and welcomed the new, Charles and John. Archie Moore who retired this year had been an invaluable worker and supporter of the parish council and our thanks go to him.  Barry Gooding has now taken over the maintenance of Moss Hay playground. PC Mel Wilson was also welcomed who is our new Birch and Layer Neighbourhood Specialist Police Officer. Thanks were also given to those who have supported or helped us and in anyway including an input of comments, requests etc.  The completed financial report has been internally audited by Steve Copeland, for which we are very grateful, and it is now being externally audited.  Communications by us to the people have improved greatly with an email service, our recently launched website and the ‘Gold Edition’ of the Peldon and Wigboroughs Parish News that contains this Annual Report in full, and will again be sponsored by us and delivered to every household in all our villages including Salcott and Virley.  Other issues dealt with by us this year are a Village Design Statement, planning applications, flooding, work at Moss Hay, Wigboroughs Village Hall, training in several areas, the adoption of BT phone boxes, and attended numerous meetings of various bodies.

Public – Have Your Say: Frances read out a thank you and goodbye and expressed her desire to continue with projects dear to her heart.  She had enjoyed being a parish councillor but was happy to leave it to the new ones now.

Borough Councillors:

Kevin: The Peldon Festival was a most enjoyable event.  Missing fingerposts have been ordered and Salcott sign looked into again.  The hump in St Stephens Lane, Great Wigborough has been repaired.  Submissions for Abberton Reservoir funds need to be put forward.  Visit Essex is the new organisation for tourism.

Bellwood – CBC are now waiting for amended plans to be submitted by the applicant for one of the applications, which is totally unacceptable as far as we are all concerned, so with our agreement Kevin and Andrew will pursue complaints to CBC and to the Ombudsman if necessary.

Terry:  A certain planning application at St Ives Farm was discussed and will be brought before CBC Planning Committee as we have requested.

Police Report – two thefts took place in Great Wigborough, one in Salcott and a fraud regarding online transactions in Peldon.  A speed check has been carried out in Church Road, Peldon after a complaint about speeding causing an accident. The highest speed recorded was 37mph and average speed was 27 – 28.

Declarations of Interest: None

Items for Discussion

  1. The Way We Work – email protocol and our planning application response procedure were given to the new parish councillors as will our Standing Orders and Code of Conduct.
  2. Filling vacancies for Salcott and Virley was discussed and leaflets will be delivered to all houses to enquire as to any interest.  If not it may be that we look into Winstred Hundred becoming a non-warded parish, but that is a big decision that would need careful consideration.
  3. Playgrounds annual inspection reports have been received. Retrospective approval was agreed for purchase of bark that completed the refurbishment of Moss Hay and other works for the Mayor’s visit at the Peldon Festival.  Salcott also had some bark but more is needed and will be bought.
  4. Road and speeding signage in School Lane, Great Wigborough and Church Road, Peldon will be considered for adequacy by ECC Highways Dept. after correspondence received.
  5. Website – Jinny proposed, Nicky seconded and all agreed to accept the setting up cost of our website plus support and development up to the end of the year, £300 agreed initially and £200 for the extra work.
  6. Dog poo on Moss Hay is very annoying and inconsiderate for all. CBC Dog Warden will be contacted for signs spelling out the dangers to children of this unsociable behaviour. Quad bikes on Pete Tye Common have been reported to the Police a couple of times and hopefully the culprits will eventually be caught in the act.  This area is for dog walkers, children playing and horse riders and therefore totally unsuitable for bikes roaring around as is Moss Hay and Peldon Common.
  7. Bellwood – as above, Kevin and Andrew will express our views most strongly about the latest events on this matter.
  8. Cutting of the roadside hedge at the old garage site at Peldon was agreed that immediate action was required.  The front and side hedges at Salcott meadow and the growth at the Kings Head corner will also be dealt with soon.
  9. Edward Gittins & Associates has submitted sites again for public consultation to be considered in the CBC – LDF which were not originally supported by CBC.  The process allows them to do this but sustainability appraisal work must be carried out.  The parish council will explain to everyone in full the details and later make a response.
  10. Theatre tickets to be donated by the Water Board will be allocated  by means of a draw placing names of suitably worthy people in a hat.
  11. Rolling Actions List updated.


100915 Proposal: Variation of condition 2 attached to approval 072151 (use for the overhaul, repair, sale and maintenance of contractors plant etc) to permit the use for the sale of packaging tape, bubble wrap, shrink wrap and stock boxes and manufacture of bespoke cardboard boxes at St Ives Farm, Peldon

100940 Proposal: Change of use to B2 from B1 with restriction Condition 2 removed. The use of the building to be restricted to occupation by Swiftboats at Unit 2, Building 2, St Ives Farm, Peldon

100941 Proposal: Change of use to B2 from B1 with restriction Condition 2 removed. The use of the building to be restricted to occupation by Popper and Carter at Building 4, St Ives Farm, Peldon

101012 & 101013 Proposal: New planning permission to replace exant permission F/COL/07/0328 & LB/COL/07/0329 for demolition of existing lean-to conservatory and replacement with a permanent single storey extension to the existing sitting room at Haxells Farm, Peldon Road, Abberton

Notice of Planning Decisions:

100503 Proposal: For erection of a one bay timber framed car port with small log store/shelter to rear of the construction. Timber frame to be open on two sides with one number weatherboard to the side and back delineating the log store. Existing dilapidated post-war garage to be demolished and removed from site before new car port can be constructed at Cobb Cottage, The Street, Salcott  –  Permission Granted


101546  David J Kingaby  –  website                                                                              £500.00

101547  R S Pullen  –  clerk’s fee for June                                                                      £353.53

101548  Hill Farm Landscapes Ltd.  –  Moss Hay footpath and associated ditch                   £1762.50

101549  R S Pullen  –  padlock and extra keys                                                                  £29.69

101550  CPA Horticulture Ltd.  –  play bark                                                                    £718.04

101551  Anglia Inspection Services  –  playgrounds annual inspection                                 £155.00

101552  B J Gooding  –  work to Moss Hay playground                                                     £880.69

101553  T Simmons  –  2 x grass cuts, play insp, bark spreading, life rings & boxes               £323.50

101554  T Hedger  –  cutting of roadside hedge at Peldon old garage site                          £35.00

Received from CBC grant payment for Lappset playground refurbishment works               £3895.00

The next meeting will be at Salcott Village Hall on Tuesday 13th July 2010 at 7.30pm


Walking for a sports legacy

It’s not too late to join us on our sponsored walk around Mersea Island on 25th July. We will start the walk at 9am at the Strood. There will be plenty of opportunity for refreshment stops. Dogs on leads are welcome. Sponsorship forms available from Keith Banks on 01206 735004.

We are holding this event in conjunction with Essex Legacy from the 2012 Games. We have been awarded £350 by them in order to promote sport and physical activity in our village.

Please join us for the walk, get some fresh air and exercise, enjoy the company of friends and help us raise some money for the new Peldon Village Hall.

Information is available on this and other events on Also see original posting on this site here.
