Results of Parish Elections

At the election on 27th May 2010 six candidates stood for election to four places representing the ward of Peldon.   There was a huge turnout of 31% and 146 people voted. The successful candidates were:

  • Jane Banks,
  • Charles Dymond,
  • Nicky Ellis and
  • John Walker.

Our congratulations to them and commiserations and thanks to Frances Fergus and Robert Kean.

Uncontested elections on 6th May 2010 for Salcott, Virley and the Wigboroughs returned Lynne Simmons, Phil Gladwin and Jinny Gale to office.

Vacancies still exist for councillors at Virley and Salcott.


PAWS – May Report


38 members and 2 visitors attended our May meeting where we met Mr. W. Jones from the “Palace of Knightsbridge” – more commonly known as “Harrods”.  He entertained us with stories covering his 40 years with them, having started work as a Trainee in September 1963 and retiring in 2003 as the Licensee.   He was wearing a rather fetching frock coat which had been made for him, at a cost of £750, with a crest on the pocket bearing the store’s motto “All things to all people everywhere”.   He gave us the history of the store from when Charles Henry Harrod took it over in 1849, when it was in financial difficulty and not in the best of areas, but seeing the potential as wealthy Victorians were building houses to be near to the Royal family.  By 1883 his Son Charles Digby was running the business (Dad sold it to him for £600) and expanded it greatly employing some 150 staff.  7 days before Christmas it burnt down taking most of Knightsbridge with it.  By 1889 it was rebuilt and claimed amongst its customers Oscar Wilde and Lilly Langtry who were given store credit cards.  By now he had taken on a Managing Director – Richard Burbridge who had lots of new ideas re advertising and publicity and one of these was to kit out the solders for the Boar War – what a novel idea.  Between 1910 and 1920 Harrods was rebuilt to be the biggest and best store. Because electricity and water supplies could be erratic, and so his customers would never be inconvenienced, he had wells drilled and a power house installed in the basement.   In 1955 the Burbridge family lost control of Harrods to the Al Fayed family and as we all know it was sold again recently for 1.5Billion.

Next month is our annual social night on 27th July.  This years theme is South American, so join us for Salsa and fun with Mark Moore and Partner.  We will also have refreshments and a light themed Supper.  There will be a prize for the best dressed, so raid your wardrobes ladies and whilst there don’t forget your dancing shoes!  As usual we meet at 7.30pm in Peldon Village Hall, Church Road, Peldon.  Membership is currently closed.  Visitors are welcome cost £5.00 by pre-booking on any of the following numbers.  Alice 01206 735510, Jane 01206 735004, Julia 01206 735053 or Sue 01206 735212.



Flower Arranging Classes – July 2010

tropical-flower-arrangementFlower Arranging & Floristry Classes

After the success of our first Class, we will be holding our second in the series of 4 seasonal Master Classes on Saturday, 3rd July. This will again be held @ 10am in St Stephens, Gt Wigborough. Each Class consists of 2 hours – 1 hour of flower arranging and 1 hour of floristry and will be limited to 12 people so book your place early and come and enjoy the fun. Not only did we learn but it was good opportunity to catch up & chat with people we have not seen for a while & also meet new people. There will also be a small sales table.

The cost is £20.00 including refreshments. We would ask that a non-refundable deposit of £10.00 be paid before the day to avoid buying flowers unnecessarily.

Contact Sue on 735607 or Annette on 735526 for further details.

(Proceeds towards St Stephens Tower Project)


Strawberry Tea & Craft Fayre

strawberry-fayre-jun10The Wigborough’s Strawberry Tea & Craft Fayre is taking place at Keston’s Farm, Maldon Road on Sunday 20th. June 2010 between 2 p.m. – 5 p.m.  Proceeds will be going to the PCC of Great & Little Wigborough in aid of St. Stephen’s Church.  Entrance is for a £1.00 donation (children free).

Attractions include:

  • Strawberry Cream Teas
  • Local Crafts with demonstrations
  • Art Exhibition
  • Photographic Competition on theme of Reflections (details here)
  • Children’s Competitions
  • Children’s Colouring Competition Display (details and download here)
  • Luxury Tombola
  • Cake Stall
  • Home Produce Stall
  • Hot Dogs & other Stalls

The event is taking place by kind permission of Wendy Mitchell at Kestons Farm, Maldon Road, Great Wigborough CO5 7RE


Sponsored Walk – 25th July 2010

Peldon Village Hall Management Committee are organising a sponsored walk to raise funds for the new village hall.  The walk will be round Mersea Island and take place on Sunday 25th July 2010.  The distance is approximately 14 miles.  We intend to start at 9am from the footpath near to the Strood.  There will be several scheduled stops to take on refreshment and supplies.

So far four members of the Committee have taken up the challenge and we would be happy to welcome as many people as possible to participate.  Please call Keith Banks on 735004 for more details and sponsorship forms.  If you can’t manage the walk, you are welcome to to sponsor one of the committee.

If you can’t manage the entire 14 miles, join us for part of the walk, even if its just between The Coast and The Victory!!  Dogs also welcome.

It’s a great opportunity to get some exercise, enjoy our beautiful countryside, to chat with friends and neighbours and raise some money for a good cause.


PC Minutes 11th May 2010


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Salcott Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 11th May 2010.

Present: Frances Fergus, Jane Banks, Jinny Gale, Phil Gladwin, Lynne Simmons, Sam Knill Jones, Nicky Ellis, Kevin Bentley and 5 members of the public

Apologies for absence: Robert Davidson, Andrew Ellis

Minutes of the last meeting were agreed and signed by the chairman

Police Report: A report on crime and speeding figures was read out.  Unfortunately, an extremely unhelpful person put out a notice warning drivers about a speed check that was being carried out in Peldon.  We would be interested to know who did this.

Borough Councillors: Repair work to the many pot holes is still in progress.

The flooding issues at Salcott are receiving attention, the meeting with relevant bodies is to be arranged and hopefully a map of ownership of ditches and culverts will be produced.

Planning applications for Bellwood are still being dealt with and we are constantly monitoring this site and further developments within the planning and enforcement process.

The Abberton Reservoir fund for local projects is explained on their website and we will be submitting the cost of our website and possibly other projects.  The huge heaps of concrete that have caused some complaints are only temporary.

Replacement missing road signage will be chased up.

Public-Have Your Say: The dangers of Salcott crossroads were expressed again. We have asked many times for some kind of traffic calming/signage for this spot but it has always been turned down.

Declarations of Interest: Phil for item 4.

The Annual Parish Assembly and the Parish Council AGM are postponed until our meeting on 8th June due to the Peldon parish election taking place on 27th May.

  1. Finance report – finances for the year were explained and had been internally audited by Steve Copeland.  Phil proposed, Jane seconded and all agreed to accept this financial report as a true and accurate account of our finances for the last financial year.  We are, as always, very grateful to Steve for carrying out this task for us and at no cost to the parish council.
  2. Parish councillors and election – as we are to have an election at Peldon, with 6 people standing for 4 places, to take place on Thursday 27th May 2010, our parish council will be all new 4 days after that election.  Therefore we will have our AGM and sign in new councillors at our June meeting. 
  3. Moss Hay footpath refurbishment is almost completed plus the digging out of the ditch along side it.  By all account a very good job has been done for us.  The drainage pipe will be done at a later date so as not to mess up the ground now.
  4. Quotations for Moss Hay basket ball pad were considered, Nicky proposed, Jane seconded and all agreed to use the same contractor for this job as the footpath.  We obtained £2,000 from this year’s grant scheme for this and have just discovered that we can use surplus money from last year’s grant scheme to make up the difference so it will all be paid for with grant money.
  5. Request for raised pavements at bus stops in Peldon will be looked into with ECC.
  6. Request for crossing/signage for children going to Moss Hay will also be looked into with ECC Highways.
  7. Life belt to be situated on the bridge at Mill Lane, Virley was requested – Lynne proposed, Phil seconded and all agreed for us to have this additional life belt.  Terry was asked to do this and fit plastic ropes to the belts we already have in place.
  8. Telephone Boxes – the process of adoption is going through, Salcott box for us and two people have shown an interest in buying the Wigborough box from us.
  9. Playgrounds – have had their annual inspection.  Barry has done a magnificent job of repairs and painting work at Peldon.  New bark will follow.
  10. St Ives Road/ Butchers View footpath – a post was erected by us to prevent use of large equipment along this path which has since been removed as soon as we discovered that it was privately owned. Terry was thanked for his quick response to both requests firstly to fit and then remove the post.
  11. Water Awareness Session held on 27th April was not as well attended as we had hoped but those who did attend found it interesting and informative and we sent our thanks to CBC Emergency Planning Officers who took the trouble to arrange this.
  12. Annual Report – due to the parish council election our report will be in July’s addition of the magazine.  Distribution and our sponsorship on the cover are to be clarified.
  13. Website – is being constantly altered and tweaked for best results
  14. Rolling Actions and Reminders List – several items were crossed off as completed. Additions to be made from this meeting.
  15. Request for better 30mph signage along Church Road, Peldon was made which we will forward to ECC Highways.


091245 Proposal: Conservation woodland and meadow with support facilities (AMENDED PLANS) at Bellwood, Colchester Road, Great Wigborough

100864 Proposal: Demolish existing garages. Build single storey Granny Annex at The Bungalow, Colchester Road, Virley

Notice of Planning Decisions:

100161 Proposal: Removal of condition 2 of planning application 072151 at HOS Plant Ltd. St Ives Road, Peldon  –  Permission Granted

100427 Proposal: Demolition of existing single garage and extension to chalet bungalow to provide extra bedroom and living space 1 ½ storey extension at Rowans, Church Road, Peldon  –  Permission Granted

100458 Proposal: Two storey side and rear extension at Leeward, Church Road, Peldon  –  Permission Granted


101540  Peldon PCC  –  churchyard upkeep                                                            £200.00

101541  Great & Little Wigborough PCC  –  churchyards upkeep                                £400.00

101542  Salcott PCC  –  churchyard upkeep                                                            £200.00

101543  R S Pullen  –  clerks fee for May                                                                £353.53

101544  Peldon Village Hall  –  hire                                                                          £80.00

101545  T Simmons  –  play area insp. and fitting and removal of post                        £140.12

The next meeting will be the Parish Assembly and Parish Council AGM and will be held at Peldon on Tuesday 8th June 2010 at 7.30pm.
