PC Agenda 9th October 2012


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

 A meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council will be held at Salcott Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 9th Oct 2012.

Apologies for absence:

Minutes of the last meeting:

Borough Councillors:

Public-Have Your Say:

Declarations of Interest:

Items for Discussion

1. Police

    • Report of crimes in our villages 
    • Decision required: Any problems or crimes we should report? 

    2. Playgrounds and Playing Fields

      • Reports from both playgrounds and fields and update on work outstanding particularly bark/rubber clippings for Salcott
      • Progress of grass planting surrounding basketball pad at Peldon
      • Decision Required: Is there anything that needs addressing?

      3. Zone Wardens and Revenue Cuts

        • Discuss their role, funding and any way in which they may be of assistance to us

        4. Code of Conduct

          • To ensure everyone has filled in the necessary form  

          5. Abberton Reservoir Footpath Committee Meeting Report

            • Attended by two parish councillors as our representatives on this committee

            6. Gold Magazine Edition

              • Discuss alternative options for our annual report circulation
              • Compare prices for any such options

              7. Broadband and Website

                • Thorough recap for those slow to grasp the project plus anything new

                8. Virley Councillor Vacancy

                  • Update on any interest if at all and what should we do now?

                  9. Actions and Reminders List – update


                    • EALC County Update Sept 2012 and  courses
                    • ECC Invitation to Parish Transport Meetings (Tues 23rd Oct for Colchester)

                    Planning Decisions:

                    120845 Proposal: Creation of gateway off Wigborough Road to provide safer access for agricultural vehicles at Sampton Wick, Wigborough Road, Peldon – Permission Granted

                    120916 & 120917 (Listed Building) Proposal: Erection of 2 storey side extension. Minor internal remodelling; lowering of section of ground floor at Sampton Wick, Wigborough Road, Peldon – Permission & Consent Granted

                    121251 Proposal: Replacement of a derelict conservatory with a 2 storey side extension at Haxells Farm, Haxells Farm Cottage, Peldon Road, Peldon – Permission Granted


                    101678 EALC – Chairman’s Day 1 Course£65.00
                    101679 Keith Banks – Moss Hay grass cuts x 4£160.00
                    101672 R S Pullen  –  clerk’s fee for October£353.53

                    The next meeting will be held at Peldon Village Hall on Tues 13th Nov 2012 at 7.30pm.



                    PC Minutes 11th September 2012


                    Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

                    Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Peldon Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 11th Sept 2012.

                    Present: John Walker, Lynne Simmons, Jinny Gale, Phil Gladwin, Nicky Ellis (chair), Jane Banks, Charles Dymond, Andrew Ellis, 1 Police Officer and 4 members of the public

                    Apologies for absence: Kevin Bentley, Netty Knill-Jones

                    Minutes of the last meeting: with the alteration at item 3. Code of Conduct, at the end should read ‘one Parish Councillor on the Complaints Panel who should have a vote’, was agreed by all and signed by the chairman

                    Borough Councillors: The online complaints procedure for ECC Highways is not being dealt with satisfactorily in many cases. County Councillor Kevin Bentley has party to a hot line for complaints so please phone or email the clerk with problems to be passed on. It was brought to Andrew’s attention for investigation that holes in the roads are not always being filled before resurfacing takes place and loose chippings following resurfacing are being wasted. Also the temporary signs for loose chippings are being left too long after the job has been finished and get knocked into the road causing obstructions.

                    Andrew will ask the head of Zone Wardens for a meeting with us to explain their roles within our community. Also we would like to know the cost from CBC of the Zone Wardens particularly as our precept/grant is being cut.

                    The missing Salcott-cum-Virley sign from along Colchester Road will be followed up and also CBC Simon High will be contacted for an update on drainage problems in Salcott and the poor state of the road in Salcott and bridge and road on Mill Lane in Virley.

                    Public-Have Your Say: Concern was expressed about speeding along Lower Road, Peldon. Training for speed gun use will hopefully be taking place shortly.  There was a suggestion for the triangle of grass area at the beginning of Peldon coming from Wigboroughs to be improved but this, unfortunately, is out of our hands as it is privately owned.

                    Declarations of Interest: None

                    1. Police – A house in The Glebe, Peldon had been burgled but there was no sign of forced entry. The Police urge people to make sure windows and doors are not left unlocked. No other crimes were reported.  The Police do use their speed gun periodically in order to help in reducing speeding through our villages.
                    2. Playgrounds and Playing Fields – Both playgrounds are in good order with minor jobs outstanding. The replacement chain tails have been fitted to the swings at Salcott. The bark removal will hopefully take place in the very near future in readiness for the rubber clippings. There had been a number of complaints about the grass being too long on Salcott meadow and the roadside hedge in need of a trim. This was explained that these jobs were carried out when it became possible after a spell of wet weather. The contractor has made a good job of the new basketball pad on Moss Hay for which we have obtained grants.  Charles will sow grass seed on the surrounding area to make good.  Children have asked for a net for the ring but unfortunately we have found in the past that nets are quickly broken by children swinging on them or rot too easily.
                    3. Code of Conduct – Some had completed the Registerable Interests Form but others still need to do this.  No one wished to be nominated for the Standards Board that takes on the onerous task of judging other parish councillors where there has been complaints received by CBC about them.
                    4. Great Wigborough illuminated 30 mph sign – no additional ones are available at present and moving the one in Wigborough will be considered but funds are short for this type of work so it will be sometime before anything happens if at all.
                    5. Gold Magazine Edition – we may need to make changes as to how we get our annual report to everyone due to costs, and so requirements and alternatives will be explored.
                    6. Broadband and Website – update from John to whom we again expressed our thanks for his tireless efforts on this broadband project.
                    7. Finances – to acknowledge completion of the approved external audit.
                    8. Abberton Reservoir Community Funds – we agreed on a mandate for Phil to vote for Abberton & Langenhoe’s application to join the broadband scheme, vote also for the expansion of A & L Village Hall following an improved application. The resident in Layer de la Haye who were inconvenienced and out of pocket for being unable to move on their arranged date because their driveway was blocked by reservoir vehicles, for this Phil was mandated to vote for this application if the evidence supported the claim.
                    9. Actions and Reminders List – updated


                    121251 Proposal: Replacement of a derelict conservatory with a 2 storey side extension at Haxells Farm, Haxells Farm Cottage, Peldon Road, Peldon

                    121245 Proposal: To erect a shed measuring about 2.4M x 3M x 2M high at peak of roof, in the garden to the south of the house. To be installed on supports driven into the ground. No concrete base. At Priests House, Church Road, Peldon

                    121561 Proposal: Dependant relative annexe to main dwelling comprising bedroom, bathroom and sitting room. All attached to main dwelling at rear at Beckton House Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott

                    Planning Decisions:

                    120074 Proposal: Replacement dwelling and garage following demolition of existing dwelling at Thornfleet, Church Road, Peldon – Permission Granted

                    120580 Proposal: Variation of condition 3 of planning permission 102366 to allow for amended ridge height of extension due to design fault on approved scheme at 2 Fourreleet Cottages, Whitehouse Hill, Salcott – Permission Granted

                    121007 Proposal: Listed building application for demolition of derelict conservatory and replacement with 2 storey side extension at Haxells Farm, Peldon Road – Consent Granted

                    121047 & 121043 Proposal: Part conversion of existing outbuildings to provide home office, WC, kitchen and storage areas at Seaborough House, Peldon Road, Great Wigborough – Permission and Consent Granted

                    121120 Proposal: Infill extension to create new bedroom – in part replacing demolished extension at Fourways, Barnhall Road, Salcott – Permission Refused

                    121099 Proposal: Replacement 3 bedroom dwelling and detached car port – Ref: COL/1397/81 at Ransomes, Wigborough Road, Peldon – Permission Granted

                    121070 Proposal: Variation of condition 2 of 102366 – to build porch with pitched gable roof as opposed to approval lean to roof (retrospective) at 2 Fourreleet Cottages, Whitehouse Hill, Salcott – Permission Granted

                    121258 Proposal: Extension to provide structural support to existing dwelling and additional dependant relative accommodation (resubmission of 110912) at Lovedowns Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott – Permission Refused

                    Appeal against CBC’s Decision: Proposal: Replacement front garden wall and improved vehicle access to residential area frontage only (resubmission of 111830) at Beckton House Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott


                    101671 Keith Banks – Moss Hay grass cuts x 4                                                            £160.00

                    101672 R S Pullen  –  clerk’s fee for August and September                                         £707.06

                    101673 David J Moore – new basketball pad at Moss Hay                                          £3,595.20

                    101674 Peldon Village Hall – hire x 2                                                                         £160.00

                    101675 Audit Commission – annual external audit                                                       £162.00

                    101676 T Simmons – 2 x play insp, 7 x grass cuts, cut hedge, fit swing parts                 £381.00

                    101677 B & S Chains –  swing parts                                                                            £53.88

                    The next meeting will be held at Salcott Village Hall on Tues 9th Oct 2012 at 7.30pm.


                    PC Agenda 11th September 2012


                    Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

                    A meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council will be held at Peldon Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 11th September 2012.

                    Apologies for absence:
                    Minutes of the last meeting:
                    Borough Councillors:
                    Public-Have Your Say:
                    Declarations of Interest:

                    Items for Discussion

                    1.  Police

                    •    Report of crimes in our villages
                    •    Decision required: Any problems or crimes we should report?

                    2.  Playgrounds and playing fields
                    •    Reports from both playgrounds and fields and update on work outstanding including fitting of swing tails and bark/rubber clippings for Salcott
                    •    Following complaints discuss Salcott work including cutting the meadow grass and hedge cutting
                    •    Report on basketball pad at Peldon
                    •    Decision Required: Do we wish to change the way we operate re complaints

                    3.  Code of Conduct
                    •    To make sure everyone has filled in the necessary form 
                    •     Decision required: Does anyone wish to be nominated for the Standards Board?

                    4.  Great Wigborough illuminated 30 mph sign
                    • Update on our request to move this sign and for an additional one at Peldon

                    5.  Gold Magazine Edition
                    • Discuss what happened this year and any new ideas for next

                    6.  Broadband and Website
                    • Update
                    7.  Finances
                    •    To acknowledge completion of the external audit
                    8.  Actions and Reminders List
                    • Update

                    • EALC County Update July and August 2012, EALC- AGM on 27th Sept 3pm, courses
                    • Priti Patel with contact details
                    • Autism Anglia Summer Newsletter
                    • ECC Sustainable Drainage Systems Design and Adoption Guide
                    • Thank you for the donation from Salcott Church
                    • ECC Notification of forthcoming consultation – Statement of Community Involvement www.essex.gov.uk/SCl
                    • ECC Highways notification of proposed 40mph speed limit
                    121251 Proposal: Replacement of a derelict conservatory with a 2 storey side extension at Haxells Farm, Haxells Farm Cottage, Peldon Road, Peldon
                    121245 Proposal: To erect a shed measuring about 2.4M x 3M x 2M high at peak of roof, in the garden to the south of the house. To be installed on supports driven into the ground. No concrete base. At Priests House, Church Road, Peldon
                    121561 Proposal: Dependant relative annexe to main dwelling comprising bedroom, bathroom and sitting room. All attached to main dwelling at rear at Beckton House Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott

                    Notice of Planning Decisions:
                    120074 Proposal: Replacement dwelling and garage following demolition of existing dwelling at Thornfleet, Church Road, Peldon – Permission Granted
                    120580 Proposal: Variation of condition 3 of planning permission 102366 to allow for amended ridge height of extension due to design fault on approved scheme at 2 Fourreleet Cottages, Whitehouse Hill, Salcott – Permission Granted
                    121007 Proposal: Listed building application for demolition of derelict conservatory and replacement with 2 storey side extension at Haxells Farm, Peldon Road – Consent Granted
                    121047 & 121043 Proposal: Part conversion of existing outbuildings to provide home office, WC, kitchen and storage areas at Seaborough House, Peldon Road, Great Wigborough – Permission and Consent Granted
                    121120 Proposal: Infill extension to create new bedroom – in part replacing demolished extension at Fourways, Barnhall Road, Salcott – Permission Refused
                    121099 Proposal: Replacement 3 bedroom dwelling and detached car port – Ref: COL/1397/81 at Ransomes, Wigborough Road, Peldon – Permission Granted

                    101671 Keith Banks – Moss Hay grass cuts x 4£160.00
                    101672 R S Pullen – clerk’s fee for August and September£707.06

                    The next meeting will be held at Salcott Village Hall on Tues 9th October 2012 at 7.30pm


                    PC Minutes 10th July 2012


                    Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

                    Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Salcott Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 10th July 2012.

                    Present: Jinny Gale, Netty Knill-Jones, Phil Gladwin, Nicky Ellis (chair), Kevin Bentley and 2 members of the public

                    Apologies for absence: Jane Banks, Charles Dymond, Lynne Simmons, John Walker, Andrew Ellis, Terry Sutton

                    Minutes of the last meeting were agreed by all and signed by the chairman

                    Borough Councillors: All reported pot holes and road repairs are being addressed systematically. www.essex.gov.uk/highways provides details of where and when this work will be carried out with maps.  Report any potholes noticed to the clerk to be sent on to ensure they receive attention.

                    Money from the Reservoir Community Fund allocated for an Education Centre is still in the early stages of discussion as there are many problems arising for this project to take off.

                    County broadband scheme is being held up by the EU Commission to agree.

                    A couple of matters were reported to Kevin to take up for us.

                    Public-Have Your Say: None

                    Declarations of Interest: Nicky for discussion on planning application 121099 and refrained from joining in the discussion

                    1. Police – no crimes reported in our villages
                    2. Playgrounds – replacement swing chain tails have been bought for Salcott and will be fitted shortly, also replacing the bark with rubber clippings at Salcott is in hand but the weather has not been suitable for this job and may not now be carried out before the school holidays as was originally planned.  It will be done as soon as possible. Terry will cut the hedge at Salcott meadow and Barry will be asked for similar work at Moss Hay.  Work at Peldon resulting from the annual report has all been carried out and also erection of Dog Fouling signs.
                      Having received a grant from the Big Society Fund Phil proposed, Jinny seconded and all agreed to go forward with the replacement of the basketball pad on Moss Hay and hopefully use the money from Terry Sutton for the shortfall if it fits the criteria.
                    3. Code of Conduct – councillors must fill in the Register of Interests form and the Parish Council should accept the new Code of Conduct.  We will inform Andrew Weavers (CBC Monitoring Officer) that we agree with West Bergholt Parish Council about the appointing of only one Parish Councillor on the Complaints Panel who would not have a vote.
                    4. Great Wigborough illuminated 30 mph sign – we will contact ECC Highways to enquire about moving this sign to face the other way and be near the start of the houses when approaching from Salcott and also request another sign for Peldon when approaching from Wigborough on the Lower Road.
                    5. Abberton Reservoir Liaison Group Meeting – all work has been slowed down due to the weather. Avocet nests have been found for the first time. Passing signs at the lay-bys have been erected along School Lane.
                      Community Fund – Phil has our agreement to vote for the Abberton & Langenhoe Village Hall extension application if the criteria for these funds are improved satisfactorily.
                    6. Possible funds from Borough Councillors for the Wigs and Salcott & Virley – Kevin and Andrew have yet to decide how to use their funds as they have several villages on their patch
                    7. Broadband and Website – Abberton and Langenhoe are to join forces with our project for high speed broadband.  John was absent for an update.
                    8. Actions and Reminders List – updated


                    121070 Proposal: Variation of condition 2 of 102366 – to build porch with pitched gable roof as opposed to approved lean-to roof at 2 Fourreleet Cottages, Whitehouse Hill, Salcott

                    121120 Proposal: Infill extension to create new bedroom – in part replacing demolished extension at Fourways, Barnhall Road, Salcott

                    121099 Proposal: Replacement three bedroom dwelling and detached car port. Ref: COL/1397/81 at Ransomes, Wigborough Road, Peldon

                    Planning Decisions:

                    120749 Certificate of Lawfulness has been completed for use of outbuilding as ancillary and incidental residential use at Sampton Wick, Wigborough Road, Peldon

                    120858 & 120860 (Listed Building) Proposal: Remove defective bow window to existing kitchen and replace with new timber window and remove all black paint/stain etc. from existing internal exposed oak beams, joists and studs via a gentle chemical free hot water vapour process at New Hall, Copt Hall Lane, Little Wigborough – Permission and consent granted

                    The next meeting will be held at Peldon Village Hall on Tues 11th September 2012 at 7.30pm.


                    PC Minutes 12th June 2012

                    Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council
                    Held at Peldon Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 12th June 2012.

                    Present: Jane Banks, Charles Dymond, Phil Gladwin, Jinny Gale, John Walker, Nicky Ellis (Chair), Netty Knill-Jones, Lynne Simmons, Terry Sutton (BC), Kevin Bentley (BC & CC) and 3 members of the public.

                    Apologies for absence: Andrew Ellis

                    Minutes of the last meeting were agreed by all and signed by the chairman

                    Borough Councillors: Terry Sutton (Pyefleet BC) has a Locality Budget Fund of £2,000 at his disposal to share amongst his 4 villages and has very kindly offered us £500 for a suitable community project for Peldon. Replacement basket ball pad or advertising our broadband scheme are two probable projects.  Similar funds may materialize for Salcott and Virley and the Wigboroughs.
                    Kevin told of an extra £11,000,000 that has been allocated to repairing potholes and defects in all the Essex roads. This is being carried out as quickly as the weather permits. Community Right to Challenge is a new scheme resulting from the Localism Bill where people can take over minor services in their village.

                    Public-Have Your Say: None

                    Declarations of Interest: Phil for Seaborough House planning application

                    1.    Police: No crimes in our villages have been reported that we know of.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

                    2.    Playgrounds: at Moss Hay all required action from the annual inspection has been carried out. Dog fouling signs have been erected.  The new CBC Zone Warden will be approached with regard to footpath and ditch maintenance and for the same type of work in Salcott.  Following the approval of our Expression of Interest application for the Big Society Fund we will be filling in the next required form with the addition of quotes for replacing the basket ball pad.  Salcott needs a couple of minor jobs carried out from the annual inspection and the bark/rubber clippings sorted when the weather is suitable.

                    3.    Broadband/Website project is progressing well. A list of interested people has been gathered and can be added to at any time.  There are several obstacles to overcome yet but these can be achieved.  It would be hoped that the reservoir will have a link to our website.

                    4.    Wigboroughs Village Hall Management Committee Representatives – Charles proposed and nominated that Phil and Jinny should continue to be our representatives on this committee for the next year.  Jane seconded and it was agreed by all.

                    5.    Abberton Reservoir Liaison Group and Rights of Way Committee – Jinny proposed, Charles seconded and all agreed for Jane to be our representative on the Rights of Way Committee.  Abberton and Langenhoe PC has submitted an application for a grant for Reservoir Community Funds for an extension to their village hall.  At present the parish council does not support this application as the link to the construction of the reservoir in the application is not strong enough as other application have been but the Reservoir Liaison Committee will decide if their application is satisfactory.

                    6.    Financial Report and necessary paperwork for 2011/12 was proposed by Phil, seconded by Nicky and all agreed to be complete and accurate.  Following Steve Copeland’s internal audit for us, for which we are as always very grateful, forms were signed by the chairman and clerk in readiness to send to the external auditor. Phil proposed, Nicky seconded and all agreed to the new appointed external auditor Littlejohn for the period of 2012/13 to 2016/17.

                    7.    Complaint to CBC about the Parish Councillors – To note that the CBC Allegations Sub-Committee of the Standards Committee decided that no action should be taken on the allegations against the Councillors against whom the complaint by Mr Bevan had been made.

                    8.    Standards after the Localism Act 2011 – To note that the new Code of Conduct will come in to force on 1 July 2012.  CBC’s version will form the basis for ours.  We will formally adopt our new Code of Conduct at our July meeting.

                    9.    RCCE annual subscription – Phil proposed, Netty seconded and all agreed that we      should not renew our membership at the cost of £55 due to our grant from CBC being cut therefore finances will be short.

                    10.    Actions and Reminders updated


                    120858 Proposal: Remove one defective bow window to existing kitchen and replace with new timber window and to remove all black paint/stain etc. from existing internal exposed oak beams, joists and studs via a gentle chemical free hot water vapour process at New Hall, Copt Hall Lane, Little Wigborough
                    120860 Proposal: Listed building consent for above
                    120845 Proposal: Creation of gateway off Wigborough Road to provide safer access for agricultural vehicles at Sampton Wick, Wigborough Road, Peldon
                    120916 & 120917 Proposal: Application & Listed building application for erection of 2 storey side extension and garden room extension. Minor internal remodeling; lowering of section of ground floor at Sampton Wick, Wigborough Road, Peldon
                    121007 Proposal: Listed building application for demolition of derelict conservatory and replacement with 2 storey side extension at Haxells Farm, Peldon Road, Peldon
                    121043 Proposal: Part conversion of existing outbuildings to provide home office, WC, kitchen and storage areas at Seaborough House, Peldon Road, Great Wigborough

                    Notice of Planning Decisions:

                    120533 Proposal: Demolition of existing dwelling. Proposed four bedroom dwelling and detached garage at Rolls Farm, Peldon Road, Peldon – Permission Granted
                    120507 Proposal: Replacement front garden wall and improved access to residential area frontage only. Resubmission of 111830 at Beckton House Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott – Permission Refused
                    120496 Proposal: Listed building application for extension of eaves storage floor 1.2m and restoration of original interior dividing wall to remove safety hazard. Original and reclaimed material will be used to match existing beams, floor and walls at Priests House, Church Road, Peldon – Consent Granted

                    The Planning Inspectorate Appeal decision
                    Appeal ref: APP/A1530/A/11/2163764 against CBC’s decision for refusal of application for agricultural building to store hay crop produced by the farm at Beckton House Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott – Appeal dismissed


                    101664 – Peldon PCC – upkeep of churchyard donation£200.00
                    101665 – Great & Little Wigborough PCC – upkeep of churchyards donation£400.00
                    101666 – Salcott PCC – upkeep of churchyard donation£200.00
                    101667 – R S Pullen – clerk’s fee for June£353.53
                    101668 – T Simmons – 2.5 grass cuts and 1 play insp£130.00


                    The next meeting will be held at Salcott Village Hall on Tues 10th July 2012 at 7.30pm

                    The Parish Council still has a vacancy to fill for a Salcott cum Virley councillor.  Anyone interested should apply to the clerk at 01206 735367.


                    PC Agenda 8th June 2012


                    Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

                    A meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council will be held at Peldon Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 12th June 2012.

                    Apologies for absence:
                    Minutes of the last meeting:
                    Borough Councillors:
                    Public-Have Your Say:
                    Declarations of Interest:

                    Items for Discussion

                    1.  Police

                    Report of crimes in our villages
                    Decision required: Any problems or crimes we should report?
                    2.  Playgrounds
                    Reports on both playgrounds and fields including annual inspection
                    Update on Moss Hay basket ball pad, grant, quotes, etc.
                    Discuss suggestion for Terry Hedger to maintain Moss Hay footpath, ditches, etc.
                    1st decision required: Are we in favour of the above suggestion and on what terms?
                    3.  Broadband/Website update
                    Any new developments
                    Decision required: Is there anything we can do at this stage?
                    4.  Wigboroughs Village Hall Management Committee Representatives
                    Nominations for the two representatives from the parish council to be agreed
                    Decision required: Are we happy for Jinny and Phil to continue if they so wish?
                    5.  Abberton Reservoir Liaison Group and Rights of Way Committee
                    Any topics for the forthcoming liaison meeting that needs the PC’s approval
                    First R of W meeting to be Thurs 6th Sept 12 at 6.30pm at Layer treatment works
                    Decision required: Who will be our representative on this committee and is the above date and time convenient
                    6.  Finances
                    To agree out financial sheet for external audit and express our thanks to Steve Copeland for carrying out the internal audit at no cost to the parish council
                    Decision required: Are we happy with the new appointed external audit firm, Littlejohn for years 2012/2013 to 2016/2017?
                    7.  Complaint to CBC about the Parish Councillors
                    •    To note that the CBC Allegations Sub-Committee of the Standards Committee decided that no action should be taken on the allegations against the Councillors against whom the complaint by Mr Bevan had been made.
                    8.  Standards after the Localism Act 2011.
                    • •    To note that the new Code of Conduct will come in to force on 1 July 2012.
                    • •    To note NALC template for parish councils.
                    9.  Actions and Reminders update

                    •    ECC Making the Links June 2012
                    •    The Playing Fields Spring 2012
                    •    EALC County Update May 2012, courses
                    •    Request from Salcott Church for a larger donation
                    120858 Proposal: Remove one defective bow window to existing kitchen and replace with new timber window and to remove all black paint/stain etc. from existing internal exposed oak beams, joists and studs via a gentle chemical free hot water vapour process at New Hall, Copt Hall Lane, Little Wigborough
                    120860 Proposal: Listed building consent for above
                    120845 Proposal: Creation of gateway off Wigborough Road to provide safer access for agricultural vehicles at Sampton Wick, Wigborough Road, Peldon
                    120917 Proposal: Listed building application for erection of 2 storey side extension and garden room extension. Minor internal remodeling; lowering of section of ground floor at Sampton Wick, Wigborough Road, Peldon
                    Notice of Planning Decisions:
                    120533 Proposal: Demolition of existing dwelling. Proposed four bedroom dwelling and detached garage at Rolls Farm, Peldon Road, Peldon – Permission Granted
                    120507 Proposal: Replacement front garden wall and improved access to residential area frontage only. Resubmission of 111830 at Beckton House Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott – Permission Refused
                    120496 Proposal: Listed building application for extension of eaves storage floor 1.2m and restoration of original interior dividing wall to remove safety hazard. Original and reclaimed material will be used to match existing beams, floor and walls at Priests House, Church Road, Peldon – Consent Granted

                    101664 – Peldon PCC – upkeep of churchyard donation                                           £200.00
                    101665 – Great & Little Wigborough PCC – upkeep of churchyards donation              £400.00
                    101666 – Salcott PCC – upkeep of churchyard donation                                           £200.00
                    101667 – R S Pullen – clerk’s fee for June                                                              £353.53

                    The next meeting will be held at Salcott Village Hall on Tues 10th July 2012 at 7.30pm


                    PC Minutes 8th May 2012

                    Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council
                    Held at Salcott Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 8th May 2012.

                    Present: Netty Knill-Jones, John Walker, Lynne Simmons, Phil Gladwin, Jinny Gale, Nicky Ellis, Jane Banks, Charles Dymond, Kevin Bentley, I Police Officer, Carys Handley (CBC Zone Warden), and 2 members of the public.

                    Apologies for absence: Andrew Ellis

                    The Annual Parish Assembly

                    The chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

                    County Councillor: Kevin Bentley explained that County Hall has, in line with government policy, cut spending significantly but that further cuts were necessary. Their aim is not to cut services but reduce wherever possible.  They plan for commissioning and out-sourcing of certain services and staff will be trained to implement this efficiently.  ECC has some 18,000 miles of roads to look after, so this alone is a huge task.

                    Borough Councillor: Kevin reported that pot holes on our roads are being dealt with systematically but that the recent very dry weather and now this very wet weather has made repaired pot holes bad again and new ones appear rapidly. A more efficient job is being carried out with usually just one visit from someone who will actually do the repair and then and by sealing around the edges of a repair.
                    There is still outstanding work to be carried out by a land owner in Salcott to improve flooding there although this recent bout of rain caused floods all across the county.  The pipe work fitted in the last few years at Salcott crossroads appeared not to cope very well and will be reported back.
                    Road signage that has been missing for some time is on the list of out standing work and will be done eventually but priority is always given to emergency work.
                    A request from a resident for better signage to inform of Salcott Street being a dead-end will be looked into.
                    A grant source was suggested for repair work needed to the basket ball pad on Moss Hay at Peldon.  This will be followed up.
                    The salt box in St Stephen’s Lane will be looked into for adding to the refill list.

                    Police: No crimes of late reported.  During the year there have been some burglaries from homes, outbuildings and cars.  Speed guns have been used on our roads and this will continue from time to time.

                    CBC Zone Warden: Carys explained the role and aims of the team who cover problems such as litter, graffiti, dog fouling and any other anti-social matter. They are always out and about and work closely with other bodies such as schools and the police.  They will tackle and try their best to resolve any issues.  We have asked for help with certain parking problems we have at present. The mobile number to reach them is 07507 665866.

                    Minutes of the last meeting were agreed and signed by the chairman

                    Parish Council AGM

                    Phil proposed, Jinny seconded and all agreed for Nicky to take over as Chairman for the next two years.  John proposed, Nicky seconded and all agreed for Jane to be Vice-Chairman for the next two years.  Jinny proposed, Nicky seconded and all agreed for Sue to be the Financial and Responsible Officer again.  We have a vacancy for a parish councillor for the ward of Virley (anyone living within 3 miles of Virley can apply) contact the clerk if interested on 01206 735367.
                    Nicky expressed enormous thanks to Jinny for her huge contribution to the parish council in many ways.  Jinny has proved to be a fair and dedicated leader, offering constant support whenever needed or requested and has moved the parish council forward with its performance.  Everyone agreed totally with a round of applause.

                    Chairman’s Report – the main points were read out and the full version will be in the Gold Edition of the magazine that will go to every door in our villages as in previous years.
                    Financial Report was also mentioned in brief as the internal auditor was still in the process of completing the work.  The full financial accounts will be in the Gold Edition.

                    Public-Have Your Say: The bus stop for the Visitor Centre on the new stretch of road alongside the reservoir was thought to be in a very dangerous position.  This will be brought up at the next Reservoir Liaison Meeting.

                    Declarations of Interest: Nicky for planning application 120749 at Sampton Wick.

                    1.    Playgrounds annual inspection report was discussed and considered to contain a couple of discrepancies in it that will be investigated. Any outstanding jobs will be addressed.  James Faulkner from Peldon has very kindly offered to take a trailer to Salcott for Terry to fill with the old bark which he will then bring back to Peldon for Moss Hay play area.  Charles has made a temporary repair to the Basket ball pad at Moss Hay.  Specification and quotes will be sort for a proper repair job to be done when the weather is much drier.

                    2.    Gold Edition Magazine is going to plan for the July edition and the cover will be much the same as last year.

                    3.    Abbotts Hall/Essex Wildlife Trust – new meeting room will be finished within the year and it was thought that we would hold parish council meetings there in rotation with Peldon and Salcott village halls depending on cost and availability.

                    4.    Broadband update – permission for an aerial on Peldon Church tower has been given by the PCC. A team of enthusiasts will be formed in preparation of rolling this important project out and also liaise with Abberton and Langenhoe.  County Broadband will pay for social aspects and promotion.  CBC will look after things for 5 years with agreement from Sue Jackson and then pass over to us.  It was requested that all monies connected with this will be kept separately from parish council funds.

                    5.    Churchyards Donations – Phil proposed, Jinny seconded and all agreed to donate the same amount as usual to the 4 churchyards but to write saying that unfortunately, due to the withdrawal of the grant from CBC, we may not be able to give the same level of funding next year.

                    6.   Salcott Jubilee Celebrations – on the matter of their request for a donation it was agreed to write saying that unfortunately, due to rising expenses and with keeping the same level of services, and also not increasing our precept this year, we feel that we are sadly not in a position to donate to this event.

                    7.   Actions and Reminders List – updated

                    Planning Applications:
                    120749 Proposal: Certificate of Lawfulness for existing use of outbuilding as residential and alterations at Sampson Wick, Wigborough Road, Peldon

                    Appeal Decision:
                    APP/A1530/D/12/2170062 – The appeal against the decision of Colchester Borough Council to refuse this application is dismissed. 
                    Ref: 111662 Proposal: Extension to dwelling to provide additional accommodation at Fourways, Barnhall Road, Salcott


                    101659 – R S Pullen – clerk’s fee for May£353.53
                    101660 – Anglia Inspection Services Ltd£192.00
                    101661 – T. Simmons – play insp£30.00
                    101662 – Dawn Harris – VDS expenses£370.00
                    101663 – A E Simmons Ltd. – printing, etc. VDS£1,534.00

                    The next meeting will be on Tues 12th June 2012 at 7.30pm at Peldon Village Hall


                    PC Agenda 8th May 2012


                    Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

                    A meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council will be held at Salcott Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 8th May 2012 which will be:

                    The Annual Parish Assembly

                    Electors and Organisations are invited and can contribute to this meeting.

                    Addresses from any of the following may take place: County Councillors, Borough Councillors, Police and any other body or organisation.

                    Parish Council AGM

                    Election of Chairman, Vice Chairman, Financial and Responsible Officer, co-option or resignation of Parish Councillors and signing of all necessary declarations.

                    Apologies for absence:

                    Minutes of the last meeting

                    Chairman’s Report and Financial Report and approval for external audit

                    Public-Have Your Say:

                    Declarations of Interest:

                    Items for Discussion

                    1. Police

                      • Report of crimes in our villages
                      • Decision required: Are there any crimes we should report?

                      2. CBC Zone Warden Presentation

                        • Carys Handley explains their aims

                        3. Playgrounds

                          • Reports on both play areas and fields including Annual Inspection Report findings and update on work necessary for delivery of rubber clippings for Salcott

                          4. Gold Edition Magazine

                            • Recap on details: cover, inclusions, etc

                            5. Abbotts Hall/Essex Wildlife Trust

                              • Report from meeting attended

                              6. Broadband update

                                • Any new developments

                                7. Churchyards Donations

                                  • Decision required: Should we make the same donations this year as usual?

                                  8. Salcott Jubilee Celebrations

                                    • Decision required: Following their request should we give them any money for this event?

                                    9. Actions and Reminders List update


                                      • ECC Making the Links May 2012
                                      • EALC County Update April 2012 and courses

                                      Planning Applications:

                                      120749 Proposal: Certificate of Lawfulness fro existing use of outbuilding as residential and alterations at Sampson Wick, Wigborough Road, Peldon

                                      Appeal Decision:

                                      APP/A1530/D/12/2170062 – The appeal against the decision of Colchester Borough Council to refuse this application is dismissed.  Ref: 111662 Proposal: Extension to dwelling to provide additional accommodation at Fourways, Barnhall Road, Salcott


                                      101659 – R S Pullen – clerk’s fee for May                                                                £353.53

                                      101660 – Anglia Inspection Services Ltd                                                                  £192.00

                                      The next meeting will be on Tues 12th June 2012 at 7.30pm at Peldon Village Hall


                                      PC Minutes 10th April 2012

                                      WINSTRED HUNDRED PARISH COUNCIL

                                      Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

                                      Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Peldon Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 10th April 2012.

                                      Present: Jane Banks, John Walker, Nicky Ellis, Phil Gladwin, Lynne Simmons, Netty Knill Jones and 3 members of the public

                                      Apologies for absence: Kevin Bentley, Andrew Ellis, Charles Dymond, Jinny Gale

                                      Minutes of the last meeting were agreed by all and signed by the vice chairman with the alteration at 6. Broadband update to say ‘It was agreed by all to give Phil a mandate to vote for this at the meeting and John Walker to represent us’ in our bid……..

                                      Borough Councillors: Simon High, from CBC Street and Leisure Services, is making good progress with organizing ditch clearance in Great Wigborough and hopefully will pursue residents in Salcott for similar work to be carried out in order to assist with potential flooding issues.

                                      Public-Have Your Say: None

                                      Declarations of Interest: None

                                      1. Police – no reports of crimes to our knowledge.

                                      2. Gold Edition Magazine – cost will be the same as last year, John will organize the cover as before and as usual it will be delivered to all the houses in our five villages by various willing volunteers. This edition will include the Chairman’s and the year’s financial reports.

                                      3. Playgrounds and fields – any outstanding work in the playgrounds will be carried out shortly.  Volunteers will be asked to assist in collecting the old bark from Salcott play area and take to Peldon. Following that the rubber clipping can be arranged for Salcott.  Volunteers will also be sort to help clear the ditch on Moss Hay, overgrown shrubbery will be cut back in the autumn and the basket ball area assessed for safety, repairs and obtaining a grant. There has been dog fouling again on Moss Hay.  This is dangerous to children’s health and very unpleasant for all so please pick up your dog’s mess.  We will report to the dog warden any culprits we hear of.

                                      4. Website update – progress is being made.

                                      5. Abberton Reservoir Expansion, Community Funds & Rights of Way – if all goes to plan the new road will be opened on Saturday. For the time being the old road from Layer Church will be used for access to the Visitor Centre. The water level in the reservoir will take a couple of years to adjust and be established.  Our well presented application for funding has been accepted and funds granted (see Broadband below).  Footpaths have yet to be sorted as that cannot be done until nearing completion of the main works. John offered to be our representative on the Rights of Way Committee when formed.

                                      6. Broadband update – we have received confirmation that funding is available from the 106 Reservoir agreement to create hi-speed internet wireless network in the Winstred 100, the network will include Layer Breton.  This will give our villages internet speed equivalent to the UK’s largest cities and access to ‘urban’ style online facilities including TV, films, video links, free phone calls etc. This gift is a unique opportunity, most rural areas in the UK will not ever in the foreseeable future benefit from this kind of facility.

                                      7. CBC Emergency Planning Meeting – was attended and their main objective is forming lists of appropriate people to be of use in an emergency.  Our updated plan when finished will be sent to CBC for advice and or approval.

                                      8. Flooding matters update – as above in Borough Councillors

                                      9. Standing Orders – Phil proposed, Jane seconded and all agreed for the small change in the wording in our Standing Orders be adopted.  This accommodates for a situation where the chair cannot be found for one reason or another from our usual order of rotation of the villages.

                                      10. Actions and Reminders List – updated

                                      11. Complaint to CBC about the Parish Councillors – It was noted that Mr Bevan has lodged a formal complaint with CBC about all the members of the Parish Council.  The complaint is related to planning issues.  The Parish Council does not believe that there is any substance in the complaint but will, of course, co-operate fully with the relevant authorities who will investigate it.

                                      12. Salcott crossroads bus shelter – many thanks were given to Terry Simmons for doing such a splendid job of modifying this bus shelter to make it more weather-proof for users.  We hope to put a photo of the finished result on the website.

                                        Planning Applications:

                                        120507 Proposal: Replacement front garden wall and improved vehicular access to residential area frontage only. Resubmission of 111830 at Beckton House Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott

                                        120496 Proposal: Listed building application for extension of eaves storage floor 1.2m and restoration of original interior dividing wall to remove safety hazard. Original and reclaimed material will be used to match existing beams, floor and walls at Priests House, Church, Peldon

                                        120533 Proposal: Demolition of existing dwelling. Proposed four bedroom dwelling and detached garage at Rolls Farm, Peldon Road, Peldon

                                        120580 Proposal: Variation of condition 3 of planning permission 102366 to allow for amended ridge height of extension due to design fault on approved scheme at 2 Fourreleet Cottages, Whitehouse Hill, Salcott

                                        Planning Decisions:

                                        120170 Proposal: Installation of photovoltaic solar panels on land to rear of farm buildings at Sherwins Farm, Abbots Wick Lane, Great Wigborough – Permission Granted

                                        120215 Proposal: Retrospective application for a change of use of land from agricultural to domestic garden. Bringing fenced border in line with other properties at land adjacent to Magpies and Hepzibah, Church Road, Peldon – Permission Granted

                                        120242 Proposal: 1st floor extension to rear over existing g/floor flat roof. Extension to side using same ground floor area with first floor above to existing rear build line. Ground floor extension to front for new entrance hall. Resubmission of 112023 at The Briars, Peldon Road, Peldon – Permission Granted


                                        101653 – R S Pullen – use of office, heat, light, etc.                                                 £250.00

                                        101654 – R S Pullen – clerk’s fee for April                                                                £353.53

                                        101655 – EALC and NALC – annual subs                                                                  £288.79

                                        101656 – CALC – annual subs                                                                                  £35.00

                                        101657 – Peldon Village Hall – hire                                                                           £80.00

                                        101658 – T Simmons – play insp, grass cut, weeding, bus shelter alterations                £725.00

                                        The next meeting will be held at Salcott Village Hall on Tues 8th May 2012 at 7.30pm and will be the Annual Parish Meeting and AGM


                                        PC Agenda 10th April 2012

                                        WINSTRED HUNDRED PARISH COUNCIL

                                        Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

                                        A meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council will be held at Peldon Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 10th April 2012.

                                        Apologies for absence

                                        Minutes of the last meeting

                                        Borough Councillors

                                        Public-Have Your Say

                                        Declarations of Interest

                                        Items for Discussion

                                        1.         Police

                                        ·         Report of crimes in our villages

                                        ·         Decision required: Are there any crimes we should report? 

                                        2.         Gold Edition Magazine

                                        ·         Consider cost, cover, sponsorship, etc.

                                        ·         Decision required: Who will liaise with the editor?

                                        3.         Playgrounds

                                        ·         Reports on both play areas and fields including update on delivery of rubber clippings for Salcott

                                        4.         Website update

                                        ·         Decision required: Are we ready to take over the running of this?

                                        5.         Abberton Reservoir Expansion, Community Funds & Rights of Way

                                        ·         Reports from meetings attended

                                        ·         Decision required: Do we wish to nominate a representative for the R of W Group?

                                        ·         Decision required: Is there anything else we need to act on?

                                        6.         Broadband update

                                        ·         Decision required: Is there any more we can do at this stage?

                                        7.         CBC Emergency Planning Meeting

                                        ·         Report from those who attended

                                        8.         Flooding matters update

                                        ·         Reports of any works being carried out following CBC letters

                                        9.         Standing Orders

                                        ·         Discuss changes needed to accommodate village rotation as necessary

                                        10.     Actions and Reminders List update


                                        ·         ECC Making the Links April 2012

                                        ·         EALC County Update March 2012 and courses

                                        ·         Autism Anglia Newsletter Spring 2012

                                        Planning Applications:

                                        120507 Proposal: Replacement front garden wall and improved vehicular access to residential area frontage only. Resubmission of 111830 at Beckton House Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott

                                        120496 Proposal: Listed building application for extension of eaves storage floor 1.2m and restoration of original interior dividing wall to remove safety hazard. Original and reclaimed material will be used to match existing beams, floor and walls at Priests House, Church, Peldon

                                        120533 Proposal: Demolition of existing dwelling. Proposed four bedroom dwelling and detached garage at Rolls Farm, Peldon Road, Peldon

                                        120580 Proposal: Variation of condition 3 of planning permission 102366 to allow for amended ridge height of extension due to design fault on approved scheme at 2 Fourreleet Cottages, Whitehouse Hill, Salcott

                                        Planning Decisions:

                                        120170 Proposal: Installation of photovoltaic solar panels on land to rear of farm buildings at Sherwins Farm, Abbots Wick Lane, Great Wigborough – Permission Granted

                                        120215 Proposal: Retrospective application for a change of use of land from agricultural to domestic garden. Bringing fenced border in line with other properties at land adjacent to Magpies and Hepzibah, Church Road, Peldon – Permission Granted

                                        120242 Proposal: 1st floor extension to rear over existing g/floor flat roof. Extension to side using same ground floor area with first floor above to existing rear build line. Ground floor extension to front for new entrance hall. Resubmission of 112023 at The Briars, Peldon Road, Peldon – Permission Granted


                                        101653 – R S Pullen – use of office, heat, light, etc.                                                 £250.00

                                        101654 – R S Pullen – clerk’s fee for April                                                               £353.53

                                        101655 – EALC and NALC – annual subs                                                                 £288.79

                                        101656 – CALC – annual subs                                                                                £35.00

                                        The next meeting will be held at Salcott Village Hall on Tues 8th May 2012 at 7.30pm and will be the Annual Parish Meeting and AGM

                                        PC Agenda 10th April 2012


                                        Agenda for Winstred Hundred Parish Council (serving Peldon, the Wigboroughs and Salcott-cum-Virley) meeting on 10th April 2012

                                        parish council, winstred hundred, agenda, april 2012, peldon, wigborough, salcott, virley

                                        WINSTRED HUNDRED PARISH COUNCIL

                                        Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

                                        A meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council will be held at Peldon Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 10th April 2012.

                                        Apologies for absence

                                        Minutes of the last meeting

                                        Borough Councillors

                                        Public-Have Your Say

                                        Declarations of Interest

                                        Items for Discussion

                                        1.         Police

                                        ?  Report of crimes in our villages

                                        ?  Decision required: Are there any crimes we should report? 

                                        2.         Gold Edition Magazine

                                        ?  Consider cost, cover, sponsorship, etc.

                                        ?  Decision required: Who will liaise with the editor?

                                        3.         Playgrounds

                                        ?  Reports on both play areas and fields including update on delivery of rubber clippings for Salcott

                                        4.         Website update

                                        ?  Decision required: Are we ready to take over the running of this?

                                        5.         Abberton Reservoir Expansion, Community Funds & Rights of Way

                                        ?  Reports from meetings attended

                                        ?  Decision required: Do we wish to nominate a representative for the R of W Group?

                                        ?  Decision required: Is there anything else we need to act on?

                                        6.         Broadband update

                                        ?  Decision required: Is there any more we can do at this stage?

                                        7.         CBC Emergency Planning Meeting

                                        • Report from those who attended

                                        8.         Flooding matters update

                                        • Reports of any works being carried out following CBC letters

                                        9.         Standing Orders

                                        • Discuss changes needed to accommodate village rotation as necessary

                                        10.     Actions and Reminders List update


                                        • ECC Making the Links April 2012
                                        • EALC County Update March 2012 and courses
                                        • Autism Anglia Newsletter Spring 2012

                                        Planning Applications:

                                        120507 Proposal: Replacement front garden wall and improved vehicular access to residential area frontage only. Resubmission of 111830 at Beckton House Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott

                                        120496 Proposal: Listed building application for extension of eaves storage floor 1.2m and restoration of original interior dividing wall to remove safety hazard. Original and reclaimed material will be used to match existing beams, floor and walls at Priests House, Church, Peldon

                                        120533 Proposal: Demolition of existing dwelling. Proposed four bedroom dwelling and detached garage at Rolls Farm, Peldon Road, Peldon

                                        120580 Proposal: Variation of condition 3 of planning permission 102366 to allow for amended ridge height of extension due to design fault on approved scheme at 2 Fourreleet Cottages, Whitehouse Hill, Salcott

                                        Planning Decisions:

                                        120170 Proposal: Installation of photovoltaic solar panels on land to rear of farm buildings at Sherwins Farm, Abbots Wick Lane, Great Wigborough – Permission Granted

                                        120215 Proposal: Retrospective application for a change of use of land from agricultural to domestic garden. Bringing fenced border in line with other properties at land adjacent to Magpies and Hepzibah, Church Road, Peldon – Permission Granted

                                        120242 Proposal: 1st floor extension to rear over existing g/floor flat roof. Extension to side using same ground floor area with first floor above to existing rear build line. Ground floor extension to front for new entrance hall. Resubmission of 112023 at The Briars, Peldon Road, Peldon – Permission Granted


                                        101653 – R S Pullen – use of office, heat, light, etc.                                                 £250.00

                                        101654 – R S Pullen – clerk’s fee for April                                                               £353.53

                                        101655 – EALC and NALC – annual subs                                                                £288.79

                                        101656 – CALC – annual subs                                                                                     £35.00

                                        The next meeting will be held at Salcott Village Hall on Tues 8th May 2012 at 7.30pm and will be the Annual Parish Meeting and AGM
