PC Minutes 9th March 2010


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Salcott Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 9th March 2010.

Present: Sam Knill Jones, Kevin Bradshaw, Lynne Simmons, Phil Gladwin, Jinny Gale, Nicky Ellis, Jane Banks, Frances Fergus, Andrew Ellis, John Jowers and 12 members of the public

Apologies for absence: Kevin Bentley, Robert Davidson

Minutes of the last meeting: with the alterations of (Borough Councillors’ section) Helping Businesses Scheme should be Banking on Essex and ‘12 post offices have been reopened’ should be 10 and ‘it is hoped to reach 36’ should be 30, were agreed and signed by the chairman

Borough Councillors: Potholes are being attended to but this will take time as there are so many that need attention.

Flooding is a major issue, especially after the heavy rainfall we had a week or so ago. Mill Lane in Virley was completely cut off until the water subsided.  A sit down meeting is to be arranged with Borough Councillors, Parish Councillors, ECC Highways Department and hopefully the Portfolio Holder for Highways and Transportation to talk in depth of all the problems associated with flooding at Salcott in several areas. Properly qualified people are needed to decide on what action needs to be taken as small fixes here and there can just direct the problem to another area.  It is hoped that solutions can not only be agreed upon but implemented in the foreseeable future. In the mean time signage would seem appropriate at the Salcott crossroads when the water is of any significant depth. This will be looked into.

Earth moving equipment will be coming to the reservoir site in the near future.

County Councillor: The water table is high and the ground cannot absorb all the rain that we are getting now. Ditches need to be maintained and the practice of concreting over ditches and paving front gardens is being discouraged.

In future Highways Engineers are to be members of the Planning Committee and so will be there helping make the decisions rather than being consulted as outside experts.

Pubs are closing at an alarming rate and with the closure of post offices, shops etc. the rural communities are struggling.

Rural broadband trials are taking place to increase decent coverage.

Essex has the lowest council tax increase keeping it below inflation rate of pensions.

More houses are needed and brown field sites will run out in this area.

Public – Have Your Say: Concerns about the flooding in Salcott was expressed by many.  Suggestions were made about ways to improve matters which will be taken on board when the meeting organised by the Borough Councillors takes place. It was explained that the Environmental Agency has been consulted and met by the parish council without a solution being made.  The parish council has also met, many times, with CBC and ECC officers to try and resolve this ongoing problem.  Certain measures have been carried out to date but obviously not sufficient and hopefully the forthcoming meeting will go much further to a conclusion if, in fact, one is possible.

The Salcott crossroads bus shelter is not adequate for protection in any kind of bad weather. ECC Highways had a great deal to do with the site and style of the bus shelter  but we will look into this to see if anything can be done about it.

Declarations of Interest: Phil and Jinny with regard to items 7 & 8.

Items for Discussion

  1. CALC meeting on March 15th will be attended, but nobody felt able to give more time to nominate themselves for the Grant Decisions and Standards Board panels.
  2. Parish Council elections – new people are encouraged to apply as new blood is always a good idea. If our parish council places are contested and an election is needed it will be later on in May if the general election is definitely on May 6th.
  3. Flooding discussed earlier.  Also we have organised a Water Awareness Session on 27th April at 7.30pm to be held in Salcott Village Hall. This will be held by CBC Emergency Planning Officer and it is to explain ways in which all property owners can help themselves in dealing with floods etc. Everyone is encouraged and welcome to attend.
  4. Peldon Festival – the Mayor will be attending to open the festival and it is hoped that our revamped play area on Moss Hay can also be opened that day subject to certain works having been carried out in time.  The footpath work and removal of metal rubbish will be followed up.
  5. BTCV work on Moss Hay – 28th and 31st March. Gate and village hall will be opened for this work.
  6. Playgrounds – new parts have been fitted at Moss Hay playground.  More work is needed which is being dealt with.
  7. Salcott phone box – Lynne proposed, Frances seconded and a majority agreed for us to adopt Salcott telephone box situated at the end of Mill Lane.  Adoption of the Great Wigborough box was discussed further having received an inquiry for buying it from us if we decide to adopt it. Suggestions were that any profit made could possibly be included in Wigborough Village Hall funds.
  8. Wigborough Village Hall – a meeting will take place to talk about a way forward with this project as most of the people who had expressed an interest have replied to the letter explaining matters further.
  9. Village Design Statement – smaller groups are assembling different sections of this increasing complicated project.  Initially we were told that this can take two or three years to complete which we can understand why now.
  10. Youths on bikes around Peldon on the pavement and Moss Hay was reported to us as a nuisance which we then reported to the Police, who for such instances, can be reached on 07966 197265. Also we have a number for the Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) hotline 01206 505860.
  11. Affordable Housing – a questionnaire and letter will be delivered to everyone in our villages but not for a couple of months as the RCCE Housing Enabler is busy for the time being.
  12. Communications Committee – met for an IT presentation from which those attended learnt a great deal. Our website is up and running www.winstred100.org but it is very early days yet, some things need correcting and others added but with enormous thanks to Jinny for liaising with our website designer we have made a good start. Local groups may wish to add events, etc. so please do contact us if this is the case.  Next month we will discuss how to go about our Annual Report for this last year.


091446 Proposal: Repairs and improvements at Moor Farm, Colchester Road, Peldon

100161 Proposal: Removal of condition 2 of planning permission 072151 at HOS Plant Ltd. St Ives Farm, Peldon

Notice of Planning Decisions:

100059 Proposal: Removal of existing flat roof to garage, increase in eaves height and replacement with new pitched roof to match adjacent at Marshlands, The Street, Salcott  –  Permission Granted

091655 Proposal: Single storey oak framed orangery extension and replacement of existing windows to north elevation at New Hall Farm, Copt Hall Lane, Little Wigborough,  –  Permission Refused.

091659 as above for listed building application  –  Consent Refused

Certificate of Lawful Use or Development for existing use of agricultural land as domestic garden and amenity area for the benefit of domestic dwelling at Greenways, Abbots Wick Lane, Great Wigborough


090342 Against refusal of planning permission for proposal of application for temporary use of mobile home as monitoring accommodation for free range chicken unit, siting 3 mobile chicken house, erection of tractor shelter, brood and feed shed at Bellwood, Colchester Road Great Wigborough  DTLR Appeal Ref: A1530/A/10/2120721


101528 RCCE – Community Led Planning Support for our VDS                                        £115.00

101529 Lappset – leg and metal foot for play equipment                                               £118.68

101530 R S Pullen – clerk’s fee for March                                                                     £353.53

101531 T Simmons – play area inspection for Salcott                                                       £30.00

101532 David Allen – IT training and presentation                                                          £60.00

The next meeting will be held at Peldon Village Hall on Tues April 13th 2010 at 7.30pm.


PC Minutes 9th February 2010


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Peldon Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 9th February 2010.

Present: Frances Fergus, Jane Banks, Nicky Ellis, Robert Davidson, Jinny Gale, Phil Gladwin, Lynne Simmons, Kevin Bradshaw, Sam Knill Jones, Kevin Bentley and 3 public

Apologies for absence: Andrew Ellis

Minutes of the last meeting were agreed and signed by the chairman

Borough Councillors: Peter Martin is the new leader of the County Council. The forthcoming budget has been decided and our council tax is to rise by 1.9% which works out to 38p a week per household.

Bad pot holes have been attended to quickly after being reported, less urgent ones are placed on a list and will be dealt with in due course.  Owing to the bad weather there are many.

There is a new pilot scheme in this area beginning in April offering 5 to 19 year olds half price bus fares.

Helping Businesses Scheme is working well with lending money to help with cash flow for small businesses.

Apprenticeship Scheme is also working well to help train young people in certain skills getting them ready for work.

So far 12 post offices have been reopened and this figure is hoped to reach 36 in 3 years time.

More trees are to be taken down along Layer Road with the reservoir expansion scheme.

Certain planning matters will be chased up and looked into.

Public-Have Your Say: None

Declarations of Interest: None

Police Report: To assist us with our campaign on speeding through our villages the Police will be using speed guns in the near future.

  1. Affordable Housing – Phil proposed, Nicky seconded and all agreed to go ahead with a needs assessment survey/questionnaire working with the Rural Community Council of Essex who will analyse the survey and establish the need for each of our villages individually.  The covering letter will be jointly from RCCE and the parish council.
  2. VDS questionnaire summary is being separated into the different villages and all comments included.  The VDS will also include a brief history of each village which certain residents from each village are working on for us now.
  3. Salcott red phone boxes – costs have been found and more are needed such as insurance.  A survey will be carried out in Salcott and Virley to ask if people want to keep the phone box as the actual telephone will be removed. Suggestions for use if adopted by the parish council will also be asked.
  4. Wigborough Village Hall – a letter will be sent out to all those that showed an interest, in the required time, in being involved in the future of the village hall.
  5. Emergency Planning Meeting – water awareness was the main topic which covered matters such as areas prone to flooding, excess of water anywhere and available DIY gear for householders in dealing with the problem.  It was decided that it would be a good idea for CBC Emergency Planning Officer, Paul Walker to give a presentation in Salcott Village Hall that will be advertised well beforehand.
  6. Play areas – Peldon equipment repairs have been carried out and a new see-saw installed.  The playground is open for use but the bark is churned up and muddy from the work being carried out and this will be addressed when the ground has dried out.
  7. Basket ball pad quotations have been obtained.  It will be fairly expensive for a good job, therefore we will wait to hear if we are successful with a grant application before making any decisions.
  8. Rolling Actions and Reminders List – updated.
    BTCV are coming on 28th and 31st March to carry out the clearance work on Moss Hay.  Everybody is welcome to join in and should contact the clerk with names to ensure enough tools and refreshments are brought along by BTCV.
    Elections for our Parish Council are in May this year and if anybody is interested in becoming a Parish Councillor they should look for details on the notice boards at the end of March.


100059 Proposal: Removal of existing flat roof to garage, increase in eaves height and replacement with new pitched roof to match adjacent at Marshlands, The Street, Salcott

100063 Proposal: Agricultural building to house livestock pens and feed hay-straw winter storage occasional livestock use at Beckton House Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott

Notice of Planning Decisions:-

091543 Proposal: Two storey side extension at Fourreleet Cottages, Whitehouse Hill, Salcott – Permission Refused


101524  R S Pullen  –  clerk’s fee for February                                                               £353.53

101525  Lappset  –  Peldon play equipment repairs and new see-saw                             £4410.96

101526  Salcott Village Hall  –  hire                                                                              £150.00

101527  T Simmons  –  play area inspection                                                                   £30.00

The next meeting will be held at Salcott Village Hall on Tues 9th March 2010 at 7.30pm.

Our Parish Councillors are up for election this year and anyone interested in becoming a Parish Councillor should look for details on the notice boards at the end of March.

BTCV is carrying out clearance work on Moss Hay on 28th and 31st March and anyone can join in. To ensure there are enough tools and refreshments please phone the clerk with names.


PC Minutes 12th January 2010


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Salcott Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 12th January 2010.

Present: Kevin Bradshaw, Lynne Simmons, Robert Davidson, Phil Gladwin, Jinny Gale, Nicky Ellis, Jane Banks, Frances Fergus, Kevin Bentley, Moira Groborz, Rural Housing Enabler and 6 members of the public

Apologies for absence: Sam Knill Jones

Minutes of the last meeting were agreed and signed by the chairman

Borough Councillors: Some salt bins had not been filled up when they should have but this was soon rectified.  Gritting has been carried out efficiently (missing one day) and the majority of the main roads in Essex have been kept open. Barnhall Road continues to be omitted from the gritting list which will be pursued yet again. For safety reasons for the bin men the waste collection in parts of our area was missed once.

We now have a Roving Street Warden to address matters such as graffiti, fly tipping etc. but he does cover a very wide area.

The proposed new nuclear power station at Bradwell should be given careful consideration by us all.

Abberton Reservoir traffic plan seems to be taking shape with liaison meetings with the site project manager.  There will be a complaints helpline for when work begins.

Public-Have Your Say: None

Declarations of Interest: None

Items for Discussion

  1. Affordable Housing Enabler, Moira Groborz answered in-depth questions from the parish council which gave a better understanding of the detail of the process and leaving us with a sample questionnaire to study and consider for a more informed decision at the next meeting.
  2. VDS questionnaire summary is proving more complicated than first thought but will be completed in the near future.
  3. Red phone boxes – Phil proposed, Nicky seconded and all agreed not to adopt the Great Wigborough phone box.  Lynne made a proposal to keep the Salcott box and so will find out more about the electrical or disconnection and maintenance costs for an informed decision at the next meeting.
  4. Wigborough Village Hall – 9 people have expressed an interested in being either a Trustee or Committee Member and will be written to suggesting that all are involved which may mean changing the conditions slightly.
  5. Courier and parish magazine – we had been approached suggesting we put our draft minutes in the Courier at no cost, which is delivered to nearly all Peldon and the Wigboroughs now, instead of in our Parish magazine. But we decided against this wishing to keep supporting our local publication. A summary of the draft minutes may be printed in the Courier as well. We will also keep adding pieces of interest or information in the Parish Magazines when the occasions arise. Salcott remains the same, with our draft minutes entered in the Tollesbury magazine which Salcott residents receive.
  6. CALC have requested a seat on the Planning Sub-Committee but there is no such body. The Planning Committee membership has nothing to do with geography, ie where they live, but are thoroughly trained to know the planning laws and procedures.
  7. Planning Training was attended by councillors who had missed it previously.  It is a very long, interesting and fact filled session. The enforcement section will come at a later date.
  8. Play areas – Peldon repairs are being carried out at present subject to the weather, the fence posts at Salcott are to be replaced in the near future. Quotes for repairing the basket ball pad at Peldon are being acquired.
  9. Budget and Precept for 2010/11 was discussed in detail, Phil proposed, Robert seconded and all agreed to leave our precept/grant for the forthcoming year the same as last year.  CBC’s contribution also remaining the same.
  10. Request for another salt box in Salcott at the far end of The Street was put forward by residents. Lynne proposed, Kevin seconded and all agreed for a request to be made to CBC suggesting that emergency vehicles use this turning area and so a salt box is necessary but failing that the parish council would pay for the box.
  11. Salcott Village sign – is in need of repainting and the post oiled. Lynne proposed, Kevin seconded and all agreed for this to be carried out.
  12. Bradwell – EDF proposed new nuclear power station – there will be a formal consultation period in the summer 2010 after findings for GDA (Generic Design Assessment).
  13. Rolling Actions and Reminders List will be updated for the next meeting.


091543 Proposal: Two storey side extension at 2 Fourreleet Cottages, Whitehouse Hill, Salcott

091655 Proposal: Single storey oak framed orangery extension and replacement of existing windows to north elevation at New Hall Farm, Copt Hall Lane, Little Wigborough

100008 Proposal: Certificate of Lawfulness for existing use of agricultural land as domestic garden and amenity area for the benefit of domestic dwelling at Greenways, Abbots Wick Lane, Great Wigborough


101520  St Mary the Virgin, Peldon  –  parish magazine entry                                       £150.00

101521  R S Pullen  –  clerk’s fee for January                                                             £353.53

101522  Peldon Village Hall  –  hire of hall                                                                  £160.00

101523  T Simmons  –  play area inspection                                                                £30.00

Please note the Police can be contacted for non emergency situations on 07966 197265

The next meeting will be held at Peldon Village Hall on Tuesday 9th Feb 2010 at 7.30pm.


PC Minutes 8th December 2009


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Peldon Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 8th December 2009.

Present: Frances Fergus, Robert Davidson, Jane Banks, Jinny Gale, Phil Gladwin, Sam Knill Jones, Kevin Bradshaw, Lynne Simmons, Andrew Ellis, 2 Police, 5 public

Apologies for absence: Nicky Ellis

Minutes of the last meeting were agreed and signed by the chairman

Police: We have more police covering our area, 4 based at Tiptree, one of which covers the Wigboroughs and Salcott and Virley, 4 at West Mersea, several CPOs and Sgt Drake in overall charge.  In recent months there has been several road traffic accidents, several burglaries, some minor thefts and vehicle break ins.  The Police have offered to help us, using the appropriate devices, in our on going campaign with speeding through our villages.

Borough Councillors: The latest planning application from Bellwood was deferred by CBC Planning Committee as several issues need more investigation and it will probably be heard again by CBC in a month’s time.

Essex and Suffolk Water have held two public information sessions about Abberton Reservoir expansion on Sat 5th Dec from 10am to 4pm at Layer de la Haye village hall and Wed 9th Dec from 4 to 8pm at Peldon village hall.  Our water rates will not be increased because of the expansion unlike some areas who are billed by Essex and Suffolk Water.

CBC are consulting people about further recycling, food waste being the main addition.

Public-Have Your Say: no comments other than on items to be discussed later in the meeting.

Declarations of Interest: Jinny and Phil on item 3. Lynne on item 7.

  1. Planning issues – Bellwood discussed earlier and Bluebells in Great Wigborough  gateway on to Maldon Road for agricultural use only, CBC’s role, etc. was explained.
  2. Affordable Housing – Phil proposed, Sam seconded, 5 agreed, 3 abstained, that we should take the next step forward and ask RCCE (Rural Community Council of Essex) to attend our next meeting with regard to a questionnaire to establish if there is, in fact, a need. We will co-ordinate this with out VDS (Village Design Statement) that we are preparing at present.
  3. Five Parishes Show – the parish council insurance cannot include this event for several reasons. Also it was agreed that sponsorship would not be appropriate for the parish council and would set a precedent for all shows and events.
  4. Red pay phone boxes – Lynne proposed, Kevin seconded and 4 agreed for us to register an interest in adopting our red telephone boxes, although we accept that the pay service be removed through lack of use.  But more questions will be asked on the matter.
  5. New Dog Control Orders – we responded by saying that we would like the new control orders of no dogs allowed to apply to our two play areas.
  6. Abberton Liaison Group as above plus the contractor will probably be Carrillion
  7. Play areas – Jinny proposed, Phil seconded and all agreed to pay our two men £30 a month to carry out inspection and maintenance of the play areas. A formal contract will be drawn up to clarify what is required each month which will hopefully be signed and agreed by both. A new see-saw can be obtained in the money we have already been granted for the Peldon play area and so that and the other parts needed plus labour have been ordered from the manufacturers of the equipment. Some fence posts at the Salcott play area need replacing and Terry will try and acquire them from a local generous source or report back with prices from suppliers.  As yet we only have one quotation for the work needed to repair the Peldon basket ball pad. Others will be sort and if obtained in time an application for this will be submitted for the next grant scheme.
  8. Sparklers event went very well this year although attendance was considerably down.
  9. Budget preparation – up to date finances have been distributed for consideration of our next year’s precept which will be decided at the next meeting.  Possible costs of next year’s elections will also be taken into account.
  10. Parish Grant/CIF Scheme 2009/10 – apart from the possible basket ball pad no other applications have been put forward.
  11. Rolling Actions and Reminders List – some items have been dealt with, some have yet to be dealt with and others added.

Notice of Planning Decisions:

091002 Proposal: Change of use and minor alteration to barn to form granny annexe and ancillary leisure space at Abbots Wick Farm, Great Wigborough – Permission Granted

091264 Proposal: Listed building application for refurbishment/re-cladding of existing barn, insertion of new glazed screens and doors and construction of new shower room. Stripping of existing roof coverings and re-covering with clay plain tiles at Moulsham Manor, Great Wigborough – Consent Granted

091285 Proposal: New conservatory at Strood Cottage, The Strood, Peldon – Permission Refused

Planning Appeal:

FUL/MAL/09/00486 Proposal: Change of use of land to form Showmen’s quarters at Restawyle, Barnhall Road, Tolleshunt Knights.

Appeal against the decision by Maldon District Council to refuse this application will be heard on 15th December 09 at 10am at The Council Offices, Princes Street, Maldon and is expected to last 2 days.


101512  R S Pullen  –  clerk’s fee for Dec and back pay for rise from April 09             £381.61

101513  R S Pullen  –  metal post from Autopa for Moss Hay                                  £108.56

101514  Suffolk Acre Services Ltd.  –   new annual insurance                               £1468.92

101515  SLCC  –  annual subscription                                                                   £95.00

101516  Tollesbury (St Mary’s) PCC  –  magazine entry                                           £55.00

101517  Salcott Village Hall  –  hire for 2008                                                        £180.00

101518  T Hedger  –  Peldon Church green cut                                                     £40.00

101519  T Simmons  –  play area inspection                                                          £25.00

The next meeting will be at Salcott Village Hall on Tues 12th January 2010 at 7.30pm

Related: To find reliable professionals who can ensure your home’s safety check out Environmental Pest Control Inc.


PC Minutes 10th November 2009

Winstred Hundred Parish Council

Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Salcott Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 10th November 2009.

Present: Kevin Bradshaw, Sam Knill Jones, Lynne Simmons, Phil Gladwin, Jinny Gale, Jane Banks, Nicky Ellis, Frances Fergus, Kevin Bentley and 5 members of the public.

Apologies for absence: Robert Davidson

Minutes of the last meeting were agreed and signed by the chairman

Borough Councillors: A meeting was held to discuss our response to the latest planning application for Bellwood which has now been submitted.  CBC Legal Department are against prosecution so will be questioned on the matter.

A pipe under the road in Salcott that could be causing problems has been there for approx 25 years so it is probably too long to insist on any alterations to it. The people who put this in have been written to and approached by the parish council for discussion.

Gritting of Barnhall Hall Road for this winter will be requested yet again and discussed with Tolleshunt Knights Parish Council.

Abberton Reservoir Liaison meeting to discuss the Transport Plan has been cancelled as ECC Highways would not attend on a Saturday. Near-by parish councils will have a meeting on this matter on 25th November 09.  The contractor has not been named as yet but work is due to start in January. Suggestions for spending the fund money that will be available from the start of the work need to be put forward. The setting up and running costs of our impending website, where reports about the reservoir work will be, is an ideal project for these funds.

Public- Have Your Say: Some people thought that the roadside hedge cutting at Bellwood has made the corner more dangerous.  Mill Lane curb sweeping seems to have been missed the last time and will be looked into.

Declarations of Interest: Phil & Kevin with item 3, Phil & Jinny with item 7, Nicky with item 8.

  1. Our annual insurance – Phil proposed, Nicky seconded and all agreed to change our insurance policy from Zurich to Zurich via Suffolk Acre. Phil proposed, Frances seconded and all agreed to commit to a 5 year period to reduce the cost even more.
  2. Affordable Housing – we will use the results of our questionnaire for the VDS at next month’s meeting to help us decide how to proceed with this matter.
  3. Moss Hay footpath – having received quotations, Nicky proposed, Frances seconded and all agreed to use Hill Farm Landscapes for this work. An appropriate pole was agreed on and will be ordered. The footpath next to Hosplant has been inspected by ECC and is clear but the bridge along it will receive attention in due course.
  4. BCTV – Phil proposed, Nicky seconded and all agreed for 2 days work on Moss Hay. Thanks go to Rob Pullen and Andrew Ellis for carrying some work with fallen branches that BCTV would not include in their work. Removal of metal rubbish will be requested.
  5. Playground equipment – Phil proposed, Nicky seconded and all agreed to carry out the necessary repairs, including a new see-saw (if included in the grant), as parts for the old one are not now available. Barry’s quote for a monthly maintenance will be discussed next month.  Quotations for a new basket ball pad at Peldon are forthcoming.
  6. New Parish Grant/CIF Scheme 2009/10 – both village halls can apply and we will submit an application for the basket ball pad and see-saw if not in last year’s grant.
  7. Five Parishes Show – sponsorship request will be discussed at the next meeting, possibly in the form of an advert for our new website. Insurance request for inclusion within the parish council policy will be explored.
  8. Communications Committee – our website is progressing well and should soon be up and running.  Further computer training will be sort for the committee members using someone known by us to be good.
  9. The Way We Work – changes to Peldon planning responses process will be made to simplify matters. A Rolling Action List will be put on the agenda last item each month.

10.  Clerk’s Salary – Phil proposed, Nicky seconded and all agreed for the clerk’s salary to increase at the rate agreed annually by the National Association of Local Clerks for SCP 22 back dated from April 09.  Lynne proposed, Jane seconded and all agreed for an increase to SCP 23 when the clerk has undergone training and is carrying out the some of the updating of our website.

11.  CALC –   was attended  and handouts on presentations were obtained.

12.  Flooding at Salcott was discussed earlier.  Flooding at Wigborough is being dealt with.

13.  Planning issues – Bellwood was discussed earlier and we have heard from CBC Planning Enforcement with regard to Bluebells newly opened entrance on to Maldon Road.


091362 Proposal: Demolition of existing single garage and extension to existing chalet bungalow to provide and extra bedroom and living space. 2 storey side extension at Rowans, Church Rd. Peldon

Notice of Planning Decisions:

Proposal: Rear extension to existing property, demolish existing utility and dining area to side elevation (east) , also garage and out building to west side of property. Demolish 2 no. garages and re-build double car port at Waterways, Mersea Road,  Peldon – Permission Granted


101508  R S Pullen  –  clerk’s expenses (petrol, paper, ink, postage, etc.)                               £165.80

101509  R S Pullen  –  clerk’s fee for November                                                                   £350.02

101510  Peldon Village Hall  –  hire                                                                                       £80.00

101511  T Simmons  –  play area insp.                                                                                  £25.00


The next meeting will be held at Peldon Village Hall on Tues 8th December 09 at 7.30pm


PC Minutes 13th October 2009


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Peldon Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 13th October 2009.

Present: Nicky Ellis, Phil Gladwin, Jinny Gale, Jane Banks, Frances Fergus, Lynne Simmons, Robert Davidson, Kevin Bradshaw, Kevin Bentley, Moira Groborz from Rural Community Council of Essex and 9 members of the public

Apologies for absence: Sam Knill Jones

Minutes of the last meeting were agreed and signed by the chairman

Borough Councillors: Bellwood resident has now signed the agreement which gives him 42 days from the date of a failed appeal if lodged by him on the refusal of the last planning application made.

Abberton Reservoir Liaison Group met and everything is going to plan so far.  A Traffic Management Plan has yet to be devised and is very important for all the local villages.

The spending of the £150,000 that will be available for projects to affected areas by the expansion and works involved will be decided by a designated committee but kept by CBC.

County Councillor: £400,000 has been lent to small businesses to help them through this recession. Quite a number of previously closed post offices are being reopened.  Apprenticeships for 16 year olds are being supported and encouraged.

Public-Have Your Say: Moss Hay was mentioned but was to be discussed later in the meeting.  Certain areas of poor road surfacing and Peldon play area gate will be dealt with. Parking opposite The Old Rectory in Peldon has been noted and will be monitored for when the builders have finished the work there.  Flooding at Salcott crossroads was brought up again but we explained that appropriate correspondence has been sent and we can do no more at present.

Declarations of Interest: None

Items for Discussion

  1. Rural Housing presentation on affordable housing was given explaining the need for this type of housing, shared ownership details and the procedure etc.  The right to buy at a later date is not an option. There are a number of criteria to decide who is top of the list to have one of these houses but the first stage for us would be to establish a local need. Questions and answers followed.  The site put forward by Colne Valley Housing Association is on the old garage site in Peldon behind the houses that already have planning permission but are not built as yet.
  2. Hall Barn, Mersea Road, Peldon planning application was explained by the new owners.  Many surveys have been carried out including one for bats which concluded that there are no bats actually living in the property to be demolished and bat boxes will be put on the site.  The house itself is in a fairly poor state of repair and was probably not built in the design one might associate with this type of property.
  3. The Way We Work – emails between parish councillors are not secret so partners seeing them is not a problem.  Loose ends to tie up from previous meetings needs to be done. The condition of the footpath next to Hosplant in St Ives Road, Peldon will be looked into, curb side sweeping list will be circulated, overhanging growth at Kings Head corner has been dealt with.  Natural England will be contacted with regard to the bats in St Ives woodland and we have written to ask for proper control when the next phase of thinning in this wood is done. We have been assured that the trees to receive attention will be marked.
  4. Abberton Expansion Reservoir Liaison Group meeting report as above.  Abbotts Hall meeting was attended.  The roadside ditch as been sorted.  Grant applications have been lost which is money that would have paid for the community centre. the
  5. CALC (Colchester Association of Local Councils) meeting – we requested that training courses be given locally as the majority are at Great Dunmow where EALC (Essex Association of Local Councils) have their offices.
  6. CBC Draft Equality Scheme – a response from us was deemed unnecessary as there is little change with this.
  7. Moss Hay footpath – quotes are to be chased up, pole to be postponed to next meeting and new or repairs to the goalposts was discussed and it was decided that repairing would be adequate.
  8. BTCV meeting at Moss Hay took place with their representative to discuss suitable works to be carried out that would improve the perimeter with regard to brambles etc.  There is metal and rubber rubbish to be removed and a couple of dead trees to be felled and then BTCV will bring a work party along, probably in February, to tackle this job.  Local people can join the work party but must say before so that insurance can be updated.  We requested that Sparklers have an out of season bonfire to burn any garden rubbish that is on the field now and then we will request that near by home owners do not use the field for their garden rubbish in future.
  9. Peldon play equipment – we have received conformation that we can use grant money for repair work so will agree an amount at the next meeting. The play area will remain closed until the work has been done.  We now have a replacement monthly inspection person.  The basket ball area has had minor repair work to it but needs more attention.
  10. Decision on our insurance will be made next month when everyone has had a chance to look at the facts and figures properly.
  11. Wigborough Village Hall – notice for residents has been devised, printing and distribution to all Wigborough residents will follow shortly.  This is to ask for volunteers to become trustees.
  12. Bellwood – as above, also the over zealous hedge cutting will be looked into.


091143 Proposal: Rear extension to existing property , demolish existing utility and dining area to side elevation (east), also garage and out building to west side of property. Demolish 2 no. garages and re-build double carport at Waterways, Mersea Road, Peldon

091240 Proposal: Replacement dwelling at Hall Barn, Peldon Road, Abberton

091264 Proposal: Listed building application for refurbishment/re-cladding of existing barn, insertion of new glazed screens and doors and construction of new shower room. Stripping of existing roof coverings and re-covering with clay plain tiles at Moulsham Manor, St Stephens Lane, Great Wigborough

091285  Proposal: New conservatory at Strood Cottage, The Strood, Peldon

091245  Proposal: Conservation woodland and meadow with support facilities at Bellwood, Colchester Road, Great Wigborough

Notice of Planning Decisions:

091076 Proposal: Removal of condition 2 of 081888 at Peldon Old Rectory, Church Road, Peldon – Permission Granted

Planning Appeal:

FUL/MAL/09/00486  Change of use of land to form showman’s quarters at Restawyle, Barnhall Road, Tolleshunt Knights


101504 Terry Hedger – Salcott meadow roadside hedge trim                                    £25.00

101505  R S Pullen  –  clerk’s fee for October 09                                                    £350.02

101506  Keith Banks  –  4 x grass cuts at Moss Hay                                                 £160.00

101507  T Simmons  –  grass cut, play insp. field and play area gates mended            £264.52

The next meeting will be at Salcott Village Hall on Tues 10th November 09 at 7.30pm.


PC Minutes 8th September 2009

Winstred Hundred Parish Council

Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Salcott Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 8th September 2009.

Present: Frances Fergus, Jane Banks, Nicky Ellis, Jinny Gale, Phil Gladwin, Lynne Simmons, Sam Knill Jones, Kevin Bradshaw, Andrew Ellis, John Jowers, Steve Copeland and 5 members of public

Apologies for absence: None

Minutes of the last meeting were agreed and signed by the chairman

Borough Councillors: Bellwood – the applicant must sign the agreement this week or enforcement will begin but he can appeal.  The roadside hedge there has been devastated and the CBC Tree Officer will be contacted, although we understand permission was given for some work to be done.

County Councillor: The Regional Assembly and the Regional Development Agency have been abolished and so strategic planning will be regrouped.  When infrastructure is improved it leaves the way open for more houses to be built.  The Shoreline Management Plan now gives farmers the right to maintain their own boundaries. Improvement will be made from the launch of the Rural Commission, for example more dwellings will be able to obtain broadband. Affordable Social Housing is a priority within the Local Development Framework, houses for local people and possibly with shared ownership schemes.

Public – Have Your Say: Salcott Village Hall has had some refurbishment work done with more to come from grants and fund raising events. ECC Highways will be contacted with regard to an uneven piece of pavement and CBC with regard to curb side sweeping.  We will address the overgrowth at the Kings Head corner.

Rubbish in the hedge and ditch at Moss Hay was discussed also the hedge needs a good trim and we will address the problems, booking BTCV for some of the work. A footpath from the St Ives Farm side of St Ives Road was requested to be improved.

Flooding at Salcott crossroads was again an issue and will be discussed in Item 6.

The hedge on the roadside at Salcott meadow needs trimming again and will be done. The two gates at Salcott for the field itself and the play area are both faulty and do not close, this will also be done.

Declarations of Interest: None

Items for Discussion

  1. Great Wigborough Village Hall – has held in trust from 1954 for the people of the Wigboroughs with the Charities Commission. There were 4 original trustees who have all since died.  Therefore 4 new trustees should be found and also 7 people for a management committee.  Disposal of the hall can take place, with the maximum possible obtained from the sale and with a vote from all the people in the Wigs and the proceeds there of for use in obtaining something that will be of benefit to all in the Wigs.
  2. Salcott meadow – marquee for party – request has now been withdrawn but was discussed for any future request.  There are many considerations that would need to be met and probably resolved.
  3. Our insurance – with a view to a changed policy – a new broker has been found that will probably give us cheaper insurance even though it is still with Zurich and will be investigated further.
  4. Peldon play equipment update – the broken springy horse seat has been replaced, we are waiting for a price for rotten legs and have obtained an extensive report on other things that need attention. The tarmac of the basket ball area is badly cracked and so Phil proposed, Sam seconded and all agreed for us to ask Terry Simmons to do the job as soon as possible. We have received a very generous offer in helping us to purchase new goalposts but there was a suggestion of a bigger piece of equipment with a kicking wall, goalpost, cricket area, etc. all in one. This will be looked into.
  5. Moss Hay footpath progress & pole/gate – we have sent a written specification to the two people that sent us quotes as clarification of the job required was needed.  We are waiting for their replies. A discussion took place as to whether a gate or locking pole might be appropriate.  The pole will be investigated for cost and availability.
  6. Salcott crossroads flooding – ECC Highways has carried out work that was deemed necessary, CBC has written to landowners to carry out work at their properties with ditches etc. but one landowner has failed to do the requested work and this will be followed up.
  7. Planning Training Session – as excellent session was attended by 6 of us at the Town Hall and the councillors who did not go are encouraged to attend a session at a later date.
  8. St. Ives Wood – the next stage of clearance is due and concerns were expressed for the wildlife and also for the work to be done more considerately than last time with both the amount of cutting and with regard to safety.  The parish council will write to CBC Tree Department to make these points.
  9. Speed Gun – Layer de la Haye has it at present. We will endeavour to obtain it and find the time to use it as the trained people have been occupied with other work in the villages.
  10. Village Design Statement – the questionnaires are being evaluated which is a very long and arduous task and we are grateful for the people involved in this.
  11. CALC membership Nicky proposed, Jane seconded and all agreed to continue with our membership as it is felt that we need to be involved or we miss out on important matters.
  12. Bellwood – as above and Tolleshunt Knights – Barnhall Road application has been refused by Maldon District Council.
  13. Correspondence was received by us from RCCE about a possible site in Peldon for a small scheme of affordable housing for local people.  We will therefore request a presentation from RCCE Rural Housing Enabler at our next meeting.


090978  Proposal: Two storey rear extension at Bucklands, Copt Hall Lane, Little Wigborough

091076  Proposal: Removal of condition 2 of 081888 at Peldon Old Rectory

Notice of Planning Decisions:

090342 Proposal: Application for temporary use of mobile home as monitoring accommodation for free range chicken unit, siting of 3 mobile chicken houses, erection of tractor shelter, brood and feed shed at Bellwood, Colchester Road, Great Wigborough  –  Permission Refused


101499  Audit Commission  –  external annual audit                                                                 £155.25

101500  Lappset UK Ltd.  –  springy horse seat                                                                         £46.00

101501  R S Pullen  –  clerk’s fee for August & September                                                        £700.04

101502  CALC  –  annual subs                                                                                                 £35.00

101503  T Simmons  –  4 x cuts Salcott meadow, 2 x play insp.                                                 £210.00

The next meeting will be at Peldon Village Hall on Tuesday 13th October 09 at 7.30pm.

The Parish Council wish to request that all householders put their refuse out on the correct day of the week paying particular attention to the fact that when there is a bank holiday all refuse is collected a day later than normal.  Bags are easily torn open by animals leaving an objectionable mess.


PC Minutes 14th July 2009


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Peldon Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 14th July 2009.

Present: Kevin Bradshaw, Robert Davidson, Lynne Simmons, Phil Gladwin, Jinny Gale, Nicky Ellis, Frances Fergus, Kevin Bentley and 2 members of the public

Apologies for absence: Jane Banks

Minutes of the last meeting were agreed and signed by the chairman

Borough Councillors: Bellwood’s last application will soon be determined and if refused we are advised that a notice to leave in 28 days will be served followed by prosecution.

The Abberton Reservoir Liaison Group has met and a transport plan has yet to be drawn up, also the proposed educational area needs to be discussed. All compulsory purchase orders have been served and a group for determining the grant money will be formed.

Some pot holes in Salcott Street have yet to be filled and this will be followed up, also the fact that documents from CBC are now coming to us that are only on line and rather big to download.

Public-Have Your Say – a request was made for work promised by ECC to be chased up with regard to flooding at Salcott crossroads and the clerk will do this.

Declarations of Interest – none.

  1. Archie’s retirement – enormous thanks and a presentation were given to Archie for all his good work over many years.  No one, as yet, has come forward to help fill the gap.
  2. CALC (Colchester Association of Local Councils) meeting was attended. A quote from Aon Insurance will be sought, access to National Association of Local Councils website will be obtained and our views on hospital car parking will be expressed to CALC to take forward. CBC are conducting a review of footpaths at present.  It was felt that we should continue to be members.
  3. Freedom of Information – course was attended and proved to be informative. If we have it, ie. information, correspondence, etc. it should be included. Certain documents should be kept for different lengths of time. Our Communication Committee will sort things out accordingly and come back to a parish council meeting at a later date.
  4. Standing Orders – Phil proposed, Nicky seconded and all agreed to accept as written the small amendments made to ours and presented to us previously.
  5. The Way We Work – due to cheques being temporarily mislaid it was agree all monies paid out should be from the clerk to the recipient directly.
  6. RCCE – Nicky proposed, Robert seconded and all agreed to continue with our membership at a cost of £55.  It is proving to be invaluable with regard to our completion of a Village Design Statement.
  7. Quotations re Moss Hay footpath renovation need to be written out explaining the job exactly.  These will be requested and a decision will be made in August as this work needs to be carried out during the summer months.
  8. Planning Training – 6 places have been booked for us to attend a session in the Town Hall in August.
  9. Wigborough Village Hall – deferred to next month.
  10. Abbotts Hall meeting – not attended.
  11. Abberton Reservoir Liaison Group meeting – as above.
  12. VDS – evaluation of questionnaires is being processed.
  13. Playgrounds – new equipment for Peldon was again discussed and the VDS questionnaire results will hopefully tell us how much use this play area gets as a new alternative quote was still quite a lot of money.  The multiplay piece of equipment needs attention sooner rather than later and will be done when a new maintenance man can be found. We will write to Cory Environmental Trust to ask if we can still have the grant awarded to us even with a much smaller scheme as other funding is not materialising.
  14. Salcott crossroads accident was discussed and as this is an ECC Highways matter we will write to John Jowers to take it up.  We have many times before asked for speed reducing measures here but they have always been turned down. The clerk will write to Mrs Whybrow explaining this. Refer to the website of The Clark Law Office for more information on the legal services they offer and hire an experienced attorney to fight for accidental damages that you have suffered.


101490  St Mary the Virgin Peldon  –  extra copies of  gold edition mag                     £100.00

101491  CBC  –  VDS questionnaire freepost envelopes                                             £47.76

101492  Keith Banks  –  4 x grass cuts at Moss Hay                                                 £160.00

101493  Archie Moore  –  play insp and maintenance                                                 £35.00

101494  R S Pullen  –  clerk’s fee for July                                                               £350.02

101495  Peldon Village Hall  –  hire                                                                          £94.00

101496  T Hedger  –  trimming of Salcott meadow roadside hedge                             £45.00

101497  T Simmons  –  2 x grass cuts of Salcott meadow and play insp                      £105.00

101498  RCCE  –  annual subs                                                                                 £55.00

The next meeting will be at Salcott Village Hall on Tues 8th September 09 at 7.30pm.


PC Minutes 9th June 2009


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Salcott Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 9th June 2009.

Present: Kevin Bradshaw, Lynne Simmons, Phil Gladwin, Jinny Gale, Frances Fergus, Jane Banks, Nicky Ellis, Sam Knill Jones, Kevin Bentley, John Jowers and 3 public

Apologies for absence: Robert Davidson

Minutes of the last meeting were agreed and signed by the chairman

Borough and County Councillors: The CBC Tree Policy is being revised. The last planning application for Bellwood is being considered. The Tour Cycle of Britain is coming to Colchester on June 18th, and the roads will be closed early that day.

The Shoreline Management Plan is being revised covering planning powers out to sea, who can take which oysters and passing the seawall maintenance to farmers and also making the seawall more accessible to all but, therefore, it is hoped that the farmers would be compensated.  The government have suggested our area could take even more new housing which John is completely opposed to.  72% of our county is rural and we need to try and prevent more post offices and high street banks, etc being closed in our villages.

We congratulated Kevin and John on winning their elections.

Public – Have Your Say: Flooding in Salcott Street and at the crossroads is still a problem when there is heavy rain. Pipe work and ditches seem to be causing the problem. ECC Highways will be contacted again for a site meeting to discuss what needs to be done

Declaration of Interest: There were none

  1. Financial Report 08/09 – was proposed by Phil, seconded by Nicky and all agreed to approve them.  Our thanks go to Steve Copeland, yet again, for internally auditing them for us.
  2. Standing Orders – due to illness this is postponed till next month.
  3. Playgrounds including new equipment for Peldon – weeds in the play areas have been sprayed off.  The work deemed necessary in the annual inspection reports is being addressed.  The proposed new play equipment for Peldon was discussed at length and the quote we had been pursuing with CBC’s advice was thought to be too expensive and elaborate for the few children we are catering for, although we will try and identify the number of children who use this play area. Phil proposed, Frances seconded and all agreed to get other quotes for a smaller scale project.  Another source of funding will be looked into.
  4. Moss Hay footpath – we have two quotes for resurfacing etc. but these need to be clarified as to what exactly they are quoting for before we proceed.
  5. Planning Process Review – we are waiting for dates from CBC for planning courses for us to attend. Nicky proposed, Sam seconded and all agreed that in future each parish will write one unified reply that will then be agreed by all the parish councillors for a response that considers planning laws only. Large applications will be discussed by all. This will be returned electronically if possible.  If a parish councillor disagrees with the majority he or she is, of course, entitled to write in independently, not from the parish council. A trial period was requested and so we will reassess our progress in a few months.
  6. Abberton Reservoir Meeting – took place with Sue Jackson from CBC Planning Dept. to discuss the 106 agreement and how this can be applied to this application. Any money will be used for projects in areas where there has been immediate affect from this expansion.
  7. Wigborough Village Hall – has been boarded up for safety reasons.  The Charities Commission, who keeps control of this hall for the people of Wigborough, has been contacted about nominating new trustees and we are waiting for their reply.
  8. Archie’s retirement – we would like to express enormous thanks to Archie for doing so much, so well and for so long for us.  We will miss him. We will advertise for replacements.
  9. Gold Edition of Parish Magazine – we have put our annual report which includes the financial report and councillor contact details in the May edition of the Peldon and Wigs Parish Magazine and it will be delivered to every household in our villages including Salcott and Virley.  There was an omission with the front cover in not mentioning the latter villages and that the parish council had sponsored the extra pages and we apologies for this error.

Notice of Planning Decisions:

090357 Replace existing internal glazed door and side panels with timber-framed glazed double doors at Cobb Cottage, The Street, Salcott – Consent Granted


101477  Carolyn O’Keeffe – prize winner in VDS questionnaire draw                           £100.00

101478  EALC – Freedom of Information course                                                        £34.00

101479  R S Pullen – clerk’s fee for June                                                                £350.02

101480  ECC – Salcott salt box                                                                             £350.00

101481  Nathalie Champion – prize winner in VDS questionnaire draw                          £50.00

101482  A Moore – play insp. and repairs                                                                 £50.00

101483  Salcott PCC – churchyard upkeep                                                             £200.00

101484  Gt & Lt Wigborough – churchyards upkeep                                                £400.00

101485  Peldon PCC – churchyard upkeep                                                             £200.00

101486  Mrs N Ellis – refreshments for VDS meetings                                                £13.16

101487  Craig Stacey – VDS questionnaire prize winner                                             £25.00

101488  Rachel Lee – VDS questionnaire prize winner                                               £50.00

101489  T Simmons – boarding up Gt Wig village hall, 2 grass cuts, 1 play insp            £365.00

The next meeting will be at Peldon Village Hall on Tuesday 14th July 09 at 7.30pm

The Parish Council is looking for a person to carry out monthly playground checks at Peldon and also we would like to have a list of names for small maintenance type jobs that we can call on for bids as and when the jobs materialise. This is paid work and our insurance covers people whilst doing the work.  If anyone is interested please contact the clerk Sue Pullen 01206 735367 or any parish councillor.


Annual Parish Assembly Minutes 12th May 2009


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Peldon Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 12th May 2009

The Annual Parish Assembly

The chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Present: Sam Knill Jones, Kevin Bradshaw, Phil Gladwin, Robert Davidson, Jinny Gale, Nicky Ellis, Jane Banks, Frances Fergus, Lynne Simmons, Kevin Bentley and 7 members of the public.

Apologies for absence: None

The public were invited to speak on any matter they wished.

The Chairman’s Report was read out beginning with expressing our sadness at losing Peter Crowe and welcoming Andrew Ellis.  The Gold Edition of the Parish News will be again, delivered to every household in all the villages in our parish and will give a full version of the chairman’s report and a financial report that is now being internally audited.  Thanks were given to all those people that have had an input into the day to day running of our proceedings; the clerk, Steve Copeland for internal auditing, our handy men, Borough Councillors, County Councillor and the public who have attended our meetings or assisted us in any way.  The parish council has made a number of achievements this year.  We have reduced our council tax and increased our insurance public liability.  The Communications Committee has commissioned a website, provided an email service of general local information, has also dealt with other important matters such as revising our Emergency Plan and Freedom of Information Act policy.  A Village Design Statement is in progress and certain long standing issues have been resolved, the resurfacing and signage of this main road perhaps being the most important. We have made responses to consultations, particularly the Local Development Framework, and attended many meetings on various matters.  Planning applications have been dealt with, Abberton Reservoir expansion being the largest and most time consuming.  The parish council has obtained two additional dog bins, one at Little Wigborough and one at Salcott, an additional salt bin at Salcott, helped with the Salcott field gate widening and the recent flooding problems and obtained grants for play equipment at Peldon.

Kevin Bentley expressed his thanks to us all. He also spoke of his sadness at losing a good friend and colleague in Peter Crowe but that Andrew Ellis was proving to be an equally valuable partner. He also spoke of the achievements we have made together such as the main road improvements, certain requests with regard to the Abberton Reservoir Expansion application and the hard work involved in trying to resolve the Bellwood situation which is still on going.  Kevin will also make a request to the police again to attend our meetings occasionally.

Parish Council AGM

Phil proposed, Robert seconded and all agreed for Jinny to be in Chairman for the next two years.  Jinny then thanked Robert for being chairman for the last two years bringing to the meetings his wide knowledge of our patch and the wider area in and around Colchester.  She hoped with our the ‘Way We Work’ initiative we will become a more efficient parish council giving us greater job satisfaction, therefore enabling us to have fun along the way and encourage our existing parish councillors or any new ones that join in the future.

Phil proposed, Robert seconded and all agreed for Nicky to be Vice Chairman for the next two years.

Phil proposed, Robert seconded and all agreed for Sue, the clerk, to be the Financial and Responsible Officer for the next two years.

Jinny and Nicky signed our Declaration of Acceptance of Office book.  The chairman’s medal was handed to Jinny from Robert.

Minutes of the last meeting were agreed and signed by the chairman with an alteration of  cheque numbers which should be as follows: 101469 EALC for annual subscription – £262.51 and 101470 Terry Simmons for play area inspection and repairs plus 2 grass cuts – £140.40.

Borough Councillors: There is a meeting at Peldon on Wed 13th May for the parish and borough councillors of the Reservoir Liaison Group to hear Sue Jackson from CBC Planning Department explain about 106 agreements and how this can be used with regard to this application.  106 agreements are about money that can be obtained and used for closely connected projects.

The situation at Bellwood is being closely monitored and the Chief Executive will be approached if necessary.

ECC Highways will be requested to resurface The Street at Salcott.

Public – Have Your Say: Benches on Moss Hay have been installed and Kevin Bradshaw was thanked for making them. We had previously obtained a grant for these.

We were asked to speak more clearly as sometimes the public found it hard to hear all that was said which we will endeavour to do.

Items for Discussion

  1. Village Design Statement – completed questionnaires are still coming back and will be expertly evaluated. So far we have had approximately 33% of the adult and 17% of the children’s ones returned.  The prize draw will be at the May Festival with the use of a tombola kindly leant to us by a Salcott resident. Also the May Festival photo competition will, hopefully provide us with photos for the VDS.
  2. Peldon Church Green – Phil proposed, Jane seconded and all agreed for Terry Hedger to cut this grass for us for another year.
  3. Flooding at Salcott – the meeting with Environment Agency was attended by  Environment Agency Officers, parish councillors and land owners. The EA have no actual responsibility with regard to homes flooding other than to inform people.  A contour map of the area has been requested and other matters will be looked into by them. ECC Highways are responsible for roads and pipe work and land owners and householders are responsible for ditches who ECC will contact where necessary. A full report of the meeting has been made.
  4. Improving Moss Hay – rubbish has been cleared and more is to be done. A certain householder will be asked to remove an offending pile. A suggestion of wild flower planting was put forward.
  5. Play grounds annual inspection has been completed and copies of the required maintenance jobs have been given to our two inspection and repair men.
  6. Grant obtained of £15,000 from Cory Environmental Trust for a Highland Structure piece of equipment if funding is obtained for the whole project for new equipment and surfacing.  Robert will investigate further funding. Although new equipment is expensive the old is in a poor state of repair due to the wood rotting and it was considered that it would be a constant drain of resources in the not too distant future.  Next month we will consider a breakdown of the costs of new equipment and reassess how to go forward with this.
    A grant was obtained a while ago to improve the footpath on Moss Hay. Now is the right time for this job and so a quote has been obtained and more will be sort with hopefully the chance to dig out the adjacent ditch at the same time.
  7. Planning Process Review – training with the help of CBC is being looked into and we will report back on the matter next month.
  8. Changes to Standing Orders – owing to the quantity of other work this is deferred to next month.
  9. Old Village Hall, Great Wigborough will be boarded up by us, Phil proposed, Jinny seconded and all agreed, although this hall and land is not owned by the parish council. The Charities Commission own the hall for the people of Wigborough.  All the original trustees are thought to be now dead so we will possibly, in time, be seeking new trustees.  The car park appears to have an abandoned car in it, ownership of which will be investigated for further action.  Also, the car park is used generally as a car park which will be a problem when the portacabin arrives for voting at the forthcoming election.

Planning Notice:

080194 Proposal: Construction of new Wormingford Pumping Station (WPS). New pipeline from WPS to Abberton Reservoir. Expansion of Abberton Reservoir works to B1026. The application includes an Environmental Statement.

Location: Land from Wormingford to Abberton including Abberton Reservoir, Abberton Reservoir scheme, Peldon Road, Abberton, Colchester.

This application has been approved. Details can be viewed on the Council’s website or at their offices between 08.30-17.30 Monday to Friday.

090322 Proposal: Extensions and alterations at Beckton House Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott  –  Permission Granted


101471 A Moore – play area inspection                                                                       £25.00

101472 R S Pullen – clerk’s fee for May + back dated increase                                      £350.40

101473 Peldon Village Hall – hire                                                                               £90.00

101474 Anglia Inspection Services – playgrounds annual inspection                               £155.00

101475 J & N Bradshaw – 4 benches for Moss Hay                                                     £552.00

101476 T Simmons – play area insp. and 2 x grass cuts                                               £105.00

The next meeting will be held at Salcott Village Hall on Tuesday 9th June 2009 at 7.30
