The Wigboroughs Village Hall Management Committee have been making progress on what should be done with the old village hall. To read about the options they are considering and exciting new opportunities they present, read the latest update from their chairman on this website here.
The committee has decided to place a short regular commentary of its activities in the public domain (notice boards, Village Newsletter and Parish Council website) so that the residents know what is happening. Following the 2011 questionnaire and the 2012 AGM the Committee is looking at a number of possible projects which might provide for the community of the Wigboroughs benefits equivalent to those originally made available when the old School was purchased for use as a Village Hall and a Trust was set up.
A structural survey has established that the old building is past repair. Raising the money to build, equip and maintain a replacement Village Hall which would be financially viable is beyond the reach of our small community. At the 2012 AGM an agreement in principle was reached that when the time is right the School Lane site will be sold and the proceeds used to provide alternative benefits for the local community. This can only happen with Charity Commission approval and with the continued agreement of the residents when more detailed plans are available.
In preparation for that time we are currently talking to professionals who will guide us through the process of maximising the return from the site by selling it with outline planning permission.
Of the various projects suggested for re-investment of the proceeds we are talking to the Church about the possibility of using the nave of St Stephen’s Church as a virtual Village Hall and there will be similar parallel conversations about potentially using facilities at Abbotts Hall Nature Reserve and/or Peldon Village Hall. Another project under investigation is the purchase of land within the Wigboroughs to provide a village green area and a recreational area for children and young people.
A detailed business plan must be produced for each of these projects and any more which are suggested. Plans will show the set-up and ongoing costs, the likely usage and income, the legal relationship with any partners or associates and arrangements to protect the legacy resource. Full details will then be submitted for approval by the Charity Commission who will want to see that the terms and objectives of the original Trust Deed have been complied with as far as is possible. Surviving projects will then be presented to residents who have the casting vote in which project or projects are progressed.
The Friends of St Mary’s, Peldon, are hosting a (free entry) traditional Christmas Bazaar on Saturday 8th December. Doors open at 11am and will be open until 3pm offering:
Craft stalls
Cake stall
Book Stall
Lucky dip
Seasonal Refreshments and
Children’s Christmas Cards
All proceeds go to the Friends of St Mary’s Peldon.
“History Through Beers Brewed in Essex” is the title of a talk being given by the Rev Keith Lovell in aid of the Friends of St Mary’s, Peldon.
Having just tried to count the number of modern breweries in Essex and failing dismally after running out of fingers & toes with many more still tripping off my tongue this should be a fascinating talk. Be nice if there are some clues for modern brewers to try some new flavours.
Roman River Music produces an annual festival along the idyllic Roman River Valley on the borders of Essex and Suffolk in the UK, and runs a schools programme in Colchester. Featuring 55 World Class Musicians, 32 composers, 14 concerts and a World premiere, this looks to be the musical highlight of the year. Tickets range from £2.50 for the family concerts to £22.50 for the best seats at the large-scale events.
The 2012 Festival runs between 29th September and 7th October – book soon – tickets are running out!
Wigborough Traditional Meats’ latest ‘occasional’ newsletter has now been released and updates on construction projects, problems with prices of pork, Sailor the cow’s abscess and sheep-shearing.
The schedules for the Horse & Dog shows at the 80th 5 Parishes Show are now available to download in PDF format. Please visit the 5 Parishes webpage here.
Les MierablesOn Saturday 14th July, the Friends of St Mary’s hosted an evening of French entertainment in celebration of Bastille Day, and what a wonderful evening it turned out to be! The event was not widely advertised, yet by 7.15pm the church, which had been set up in French café style, was full to bursting and still more people were arriving.
Organised and led by the amazing Bill Tamblyn, guests from Quire and Breton singer, Gwendal Moële, accompanied by Paul Riley on guitar, wowed the audience with a repertoire of French and French-inspired music and songs. The programme was interspersed with French poetry and some French rounds for audience participation, and it didn’t seem to matter whether you had a good knowledge of French or not, everyone joined in the fun.
At the interval, a selection of French cheeses and wine were served, before the evening proceeded with a number of solo pieces, each exquisitely performed, by members of the Peldon Players. As a finale, a medley of numbers from Les Misérables was performed by the ensemble, with chorus from the audience. To end this glorious evening, everyone stood up to sing, with great gusto, La Marseillaise.