PAWS April – Child’s Play to radio host

Rachel Sloane
Our speaker for April was Rachel Sloane, a well-known radio presenter for Radio Suffolk.

Rachel started her working career as a nursery nurse on a children’s ward in Ipswich and was then asked by Radio Orwell to do a weekly feature on children.  For the next 4 years she did a 15-minute slot called ‘Childs Play’.  She was so successful at this that she was then asked to present a two-hour programme in the early morning, which dealt with current affairs and involved phone-in spots.  The phone calls were vetted by a team of telephonists, who then advise as to who should be put through to the live programme.  Inevitably some people who phone in are abusive or just boring, so Rachel quickly learnt how to terminate the call.  After 9 years with Radio Orwell, Rachel joined BBC Radio Suffolk and presented ‘Talk About’, which was a magazine programme, and later ‘Public Eye’, which was a consumer programme.  After 23 years as a radio presenter and producer she set up her own company with the help of her retired policeman husband, called Rachel Sloane Partnerships Ltd.  The company trains people in public speaking, hosts conferences and provides keynote speakers for various events.

During her career Rachel has interviewed a variety of people and groups and has had some very funny and embarrassing moments, and has occasionally had to ad lib to save inappropriate language and behaviour on live programmes.  She now steps in to host the morning programme on Radio Suffolk when she is not helping on cruises or organising events.

Rachel stayed to talk to members in the refreshment break.

Our next get together is on 27th May when P. Parker will be our speaker with the subject of “Wheelchair to Windsurfer”.  Currently membership is full but visitors are very welcome at the cost of £3.50 which includes refreshments.

Details of all our meetings and speakers can be found on the diary of the home page of this website.  If you would like further information about P.A.W.S please ring one of the following committee members: Alice Holmes 01206 735510, Jane Banks 01206 735004 or Jane Anderson 01206 735505.




PC Minutes 8th April 2014


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Salcott Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 8th April 2014

Present: Lynne Simmons, Phil Gladwin, Nicky Ellis (chair), Jinny Gale, Charles Dymond, Andy Beharrell, Netty Knill-Jones, Andrew Ellis, John Jowers, 1 Zone Warden, 1 Police Officer and 8 members of the public

Apologies for absence: John Walker, Kevin Bentley

Minutes of the last meeting were agreed by all and signed by the chairman

Police Report: There were several incidents this last month including theft from a vehicle, a trailer theft, a car accident and a burglary in Colchester Road, Great Wigborough. Please report anyone looking suspicious at the time and also be vigilant and lock up securely when going out.

Zone Wardens Report: They are prosecuting culprits of dog fouling from other local areas and will from our villages if caught.  Missing road signs will be reported again.

Borough Councillors: Simon High, CBC Highways and Drainage Technician, has made another site visit to Salcott to assess the situation where a pipe has been installed to help alleviate the potential flooding problems.

CBC Conservation Team has been consulted with regard to the proposed Solar Park.

S106 monies available for Salcott from developments have been allocated to the village hall for improvements to the kitchen area.

County Councillor: More money has been allocated for flooding issues, attention to Barnhall Road is being brought up and potholes are being attended to more vigorously. Minerals and Waste Plans are receiving attention. The Police and Crime Panel will not receive increased funding so PCSOs will be relied on. Missing finger posts and white lines will be chased up.

Public-Have Your Say: The superfast broadband has been installed in a house in Great Wigborough and the residents expressed their thanks to the Parish Council which will be passed on to John for his major part in organising the project. However, the installation had not been as smooth as they would have liked and a Peldon resident who has also subscribed to the new system mentioned that his broadband speed was quite variable at times. See below in the broadband report (Item 2).

Jinny was also thanked for her brilliant parish council email service informing residents of certain matters of interest.

The ditch along Maldon Road, Great Wigborough has recently been dug out and it was noted that this is an extremely poor job with regard to natural flow of water.

It was mentioned that there had been inaccuracies on the Solar Park with correspondence on the proposed application with regard to the positioning of the actual solar panels.

Declarations of Interest: None

1. Parish Councillor Vacancies – we have one for Virley and one for Peldon for which we have received interest; although anyone can apply for any of the wards (Peldon, Gt & Lt Wig, Salcott and Virley).  In May Charles will be chairman and Lynne the vice chairman for a two year period.
2. Broadband update – John sent a report that was read out on how the project is progressing with more CAPs being installed and customers signing up. There have been a few network problems which the engineers are busily trying to sort out.
3. Playgrounds and Playing Fields – the annual inspection will take place in the next week or so. There are a couple of minor matters on the Salcott equipment that will be addressed shortly.

4. Peldon Garage Site Houses – the Parish Council will write to CBC Planning Dept. to express our dissatisfaction about the height of the houses which we did mention when we were first consulted and also an apology for any errors made would not go amiss.

5. Abberton Reservoir Community Fund, Rights of Way Meeting – the reservoir work is now finished and the water level is at 19 metres and will be increased to 20.3 metres next year; monitors are in place to look at bunds and money allocated for education is yet to be decided.  The footpath is a major project that required a qualified manager to see it through; this position is yet to be filled.  The Community Fund is all but spent with the last few projects getting the go-ahead. 

6. Actions and Reminders List updated

Planning Applications:
142473Proposal: Listed building application for removal of internal door between bar and conservatory, removal of internal door between kitchen and passage, removal of internal ‘Essex’ cupboard and addition of ‘Peldon Rose’ sign to front elevation at the Peldon Rose
142947Proposal: Replacement dwelling, resubmission of 131529 at Hill Farm, School Lane, Great Wigborough
143677Proposal: Erection of single storey rear conservatory extension at Ashleigh, Lower Road, Peldon


Proposal: Erection of detached granny annexe and extension to existing storage building at Homeview, Mersea Road, Peldon
Planning Decisions:
140346Proposal: Erection of glazed link between approved outbuilding and existing dwelling at Hall Barn, Peldon Road, Peldon    Approve


101760 R S Pullen – salary for April£367.57
101761 R S Pullenoffice expenses (heat, light, etc)£250.00
101762 Peldon Village Hall – hire£80.00
101763 EALC & NALC – subs£284.08
101764 T Simmons – 3 x play insp and 2 x grass cuts£180.00

The next meeting will be on Tues 13th May 2014 at 7.30pm at Abbotts Hall Farm, Great Wigborough which will also be the Annual Parish Meeting


PAWS March – AGM or WW2?

angela clarke prizewinnerpam foakes outgoing presidentww2 memberslandgirl lorraine

Fifty members in an array of WW2 outfits attended the AGM in March.

The formal part of the evening was attended to first with the President’s Report being read by Pam Foakes, our outgoing President, she reminded us of some of the speakers and entertainment we had had over the last year and thanked the committee for their hard work and then Jane Anderson gave a very comprehensive report on the club’s accounts.

The current Committee were re-elected together with Sue Copeland  (a previous committee member who had been persuaded to re-join) as Sheila Gray was stepping down. Gen Frewell was voted in as President for the current year with Julia Dymond agreeing to be Vice-President.  Pam was presented with a bouquet of flowers for all her hard work over her year and Sheila’s were delivered to her the following day.

Everyone then tucked into a Fish and Chip Supper and this was followed by a fun quiz which was won by Sue Copeland, Caroline Hendrickx, Diana King and Carolyn Richardson.  The prize for the best dressed went to Angela Clarke.

The next get together is on 22nd April when R. Sloane will be the speaker with the subject of “From Babies to Broadcasting”. Currently membership is full but visitors are very welcome at the cost of £3.50 which includes refreshments.

Details of all our meetings and speakers can be found on the diary of the home page of the Winstred 100 website. If you would like further information about P.A.W.S please ring one of the following committee members: Alice Holmes 01206 735510, Jane Banks 01206 735004 or Jane Anderson 01206 735505.


PC Minutes 11th March 2014


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Peldon Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 11th March 2014

Present: Andy Beharrell, John Walker, Jinny Gale, Charles Dymond (chair), Phil Gladwin, Lynne Simmons, Netty Knill-Jones, Andrew Ellis, Beverley McClean (CBC Coast and Countryside Planner), 1 Police Officer and 4 members of the public

Apologies for absence: Nicky Ellis, Kevin Bentley

Minutes of the last meeting were agreed by all and signed by the chairman

Police Report: There had been a burglary in Great Wigborough, several different types of incidents have occurred in all our villages, sheds and outbuildings continue to be targeted for theft in the area and churches are also being targeted for theft and damage.  Speed Watch has operated a couple of times in Peldon. Inappropriate parking at the corner of Mill Lane and The Street at Salcott was reported and will be forwarded to Tiptree Police for investigation.

Borough Councillor: More consultations need to be carried out with various bodies before the proposed Solar Park application can even be submitted and we will be notified of any further developments or meetings with regard to this.

The houses being built on the old garage site in Peldon are not as people would have anticipated because the street scene that was submitted with the application was not drawn to scale and therefore misleading. The site has been checked by CBC Enforcement Dept. and the houses are being built to the correct measurements as per permission granted.  However, the builder has been instructed to make some other adjustments to comply with the plans.

In future any S106 monies arising from house building will need to be specifically allocated before the developers are requested to pay.

A suggestion for altering the signage at Salcott crossroads was given to correct the recently installed sign and to help reduce the number of signs as there are several there.

Public-Have Your Say: A resident from Abbots Wick Lane in Great Wigborough expressed further her disapproval of the proposed Solar Park stressing the potential upset, it would cause to wildlife in general and particularly to local bird life.  Her comments were noted for any future developments on this matter.

Some of the hedges along the roadside on Colchester Road from Salcott crossroads to the Kings Head are overgrown and damaging to farm vehicles and therefore need trimming back. Land owners will be contacted requested this action.

It was noted that a land owner in Salcott has dug out a trench in a field entrance as requested in a bid to relieve flooding in the area and other home owners in the vicinity have been requested again to dig out their ditches. The Environment Agency has visited Salcott to assess any visible problems for themselves. We will write to them with a suggestion to help alleviate possible problems from high tides combined with water run-off.

A statement was read out from the Wigboroughs Village Hall Management Committee which will be entered in full in the April edition of the Peldon and Wigboroughs Parish News magazine.

Declarations of Interest – None

1.   Neighbourhood Planning – Beverley McClean explained in detail when there is the need for a Neighbourhood Plan; this is often when the District or Borough Council does not have a Local Plan which Colchester does and also when housing developments are desired which our surveys proved they are not. It was therefore felt that our Village Design Statement and Parish Plan is sufficient for us at this time. CBC are just about to begin the process of compiling a new Local Plan and a Marine Plan will follow.  

2.   Broadband event in Peldon Village Hall went well and many signed up and more recorded an interest in signing up in the near future.

3.   Playgrounds and Playing Fields are in good order and Cory Environmental Trust has sent the signed grant contract so Wicksteed will be contacted to arrange a date for installing the new equipment.

4.   Salcott Telephone Box – Phil proposed, Charles seconded and all agreed for Terry to make, paint and fit a new door frame, following the vandalism, for £250.  S106 monies will be investigated for the cost of possibly lighting this box and the corner in general with a solar powered lamp which would be quite expensive.

5.   Abberton Reservoir Community Fund – applications have been submitted again from Abberton Cricket Club and Great Wigborough Church car park plus a new one from Abberton Church for improvements to the car park which the parish council is in favour of. The parish council therefore gives Phil a mandate to vote as he sees fit with the documentation produced but adding that new signage could be placed in order to avoid parking in other unsuitable places.

6.   Our Emergency Plan has been looked at for possible updates and additions and this will be completed in due course.

7.   Actions and Reminders List updated and Peldon planting volunteer group will be contacted to discuss ECC’s reply with regard to a Licence to Plant.

Planning Applications:

142142 Proposal: Two new dormer windows to existing dwelling at Green Farm, The Street, Salcott

142129 Proposal: Kitchen extension at 2 Brick Cottages, Peldon Road, Little Wigborough

142455 Proposal: Small building to house Biomass environmentally friendly renewable fuel boilers at Fourways Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott

142510 Proposal: Replacement of 3 no. windows and one front door at New Hall, Copt Hall Lane, Little Wigborough

142511 Listed Building application as above at New Hall


The next meeting will be on Tues 8th April 2014 at 7.30pm at Salcott Village Hall


PC Minutes 11th February 2014


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Abbotts Hall Farm, Great Wigborough at 7.30pm on Tuesday 11th February 2014.

Present: Nicky Ellis (chair), Lynne Simmons, Netty Knill-Jones, Charles Dymond, Andy Beharrell, Phil Gladwin, John Walker, Jinny Gale, Andrew Ellis, Kevin Bentley, Zone Warden and 8 members of the public.

Apologies for absence: Jane Banks has retired so we all signed a card to wish her well and thank her for her valued contribution to the Parish Council for many years.

Minutes of the last meeting were agreed by all and signed by the chairman

Police Report: None received

Borough Councillor: Andrew had attended a meeting on the proposed Solar Park and is now waiting for a response from a CBC Planning Officer.  Changes to the existing plan would have to be made with regard to positioning and height. But if at all detrimental to the area then it will not be acceptable. Parish Councillors will attend the consultation event in Birch Village Hall on 11th March.

County Councillor: ECC held their budget meeting and there is to be a freeze on Council Tax again.  One of the biggest costs is Adult Social Care, followed by schools, learning and physical disabilities, highways, flooding and apprenticeships. Illegal parking, particularly near schools, is being targeted and speed checks are being carried out in our villages.

Public-Have Your Say: Maritime assets were spoken about and lack of policing the waters.

Residents from Abbots Wick Lane spoke against the proposed Solar Park expressing the need to preserve the beautiful countryside as it is at present.

Two Peldon residents came to ask our thoughts on planters with bulbs and flowers to be put out by volunteers to make the village more appealing. The parish council thinks this is a wonderful idea but we have asked Kevin to check if this is in order as ECC own the land for the proposed first lot of pots.

Two CBC officers, one a Land Drainage Technician, have met with a parish councillor to discuss flooding issues that are long standing in Salcott. Hopefully a meeting with the Environment Agency will follow. Blocked drains and gullies are the main cause of the problems.

We will write to Progressive Homes to request that they reinstate the verge opposite the new building on the old garage site in Lower Road, Peldon.

Permission for Saltmarsh 75 Event to finish at Salcott meadow as per last year was agreed.

The ‘no through road’ sign at the Salcott crossroads has been erected up on top of a high pole, this will be looked into.

Declarations of Interest: Phil and Jinny on planning application 132631 as they are on the Wigborough Village Hall Management Committee.

1.  CBC Zone Wardens – fly tipping at Pete Tye car park and School Lane will be dealt with. Also rubbish in a ditch at Malting Road will be cleared. Dog fouling and dogs in the play area at Moss Hay will be monitored.  

2.  Broadband update: Some are already connected to this super-fast broadband and hopefully more will sign on for it soon. The launch event is this coming Saturday at Peldon Village Hall where people can come with or without their own devices to get an experience of the new system.

3.  Playgrounds and Playing Fields – a grant from Cory Environmental Trust has been secured to part fund the two new pieces of equipment for Moss Hay which will be installed as soon as the weather permits. A mother with child and dog was seen in the play area on Moss Hay, dogs are not allowed in this area for obvious reasons.  There has also been dog fouling again on Moss Hay which is a fineable offence and will be dealt with accordingly if the offending dog owners are spotted.

4.  Salcott Telephone Box – has been vandalized and the door frame needs replacing, quotes for this will be sought and also English Heritage contacted for any interest on the matter. Discussion on lighting or repositioning so that the box can be insured in future will follow.  

5.  Abberton Reservoir Community Fund, Rights of Way Meeting – there has been no meetings to attend.  

6.  Neighbourhood/Local Plans – we are seeking advice from CBC Spatial Planning Team as to whether we should carry out a Neighbourhood Plan bearing in mind that we have completed a Village Design Statement and Parish Plan just a year or so ago.

7.  Clerk’s salary – it was unanimously agreed to increase the clerk’s salary by one Spinal Column Point from March 2014.

8.  Actions and Reminders List updated

Planning Applications:

132753 Proposal: Resurfacing car park with grass reinforcement Truckpave and associated work at St Stephens Church, Great Wigborough

132631 Proposal: Demolition of existing village hall and erection of 2 no. 3 bedroom dwellings at Great Wigborough Village Hall

140346 Proposal: Erection of a glazed link between approved outbuilding and existing dwelling at Hall Barn, Peldon Road, Peldon

140475 Proposal: Two storey side extension and single storey rear extension at Honeysuckle Cottage, Maldon Road, Great Wigborough



101756David J Kingaby – website£253.20
101757R S Pullen – salary for Feb£357.07
101578Mr B Gooding – play insp x 8£240.00

The next meeting will be on Tues 11th March 2014 at 7.30pm at Peldon Village Hall


PC Minutes 14th January 2014


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Salcott Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 14th January 2014

Present: Netty Knill-Jones, Lynne Simmons, Phil Gladwin, Nicky Ellis (chair), Charles Dymond, Andy Beharrell, Andrew Ellis, John Jowers and 3 members of the public.

Apologies for absence: John Walker, Jane Banks, Jinny Gale, Kevin Bentley, Police, Zone Warden

Minutes of the last meeting were agreed by all and signed by the chairman

Police Report: was received and read out stating that there were no crimes in Little Wigborough and Salcott and Virley, one road accident in Great Wigborough (no one injured), and at Peldon there was a road accident near The Strood (no one injured) and a burglary at a property near The Strood where a number of items were stolen and a messy search of all rooms took place.

County Councillor: Peldon has received more funding from the ECC Community Initiative Fund for the new village hall project.  There will be a 40mph speed limit along Mersea Road in Peldon and a small section of Colchester Road leading up to The Strood. Also there will be lights in the middle of The Strood crossing to enable viewing high tides at night more easily.  There is another £15 million for repairing potholes and more money for Rural Funds.

Borough Councillor: Information was given on the proposed Solar Park in our area to assist us with our return comments.

Public-Have Your Say: To thank us for our efforts in gaining the speed reductions in Peldon.

Declarations of Interest: None

1. CBC Zone Wardens – nothing to report. 
2. Broadband update – the latest summary of events was noted.  The launch day in Peldon Village Hall will take place on Saturday 15th February from 10am to 5pm.   A leaflet will go out to all households a fortnight before.

3. Playgrounds and Playing Fields – all in good order as far as is possible with the recent weather.  We are waiting to hear the result of our grant application for the 2 pieces of play equipment for Moss Hay for which the supplier is holding the price for us and will erect as soon as we request when the weather has improved.

4. Precept 2014/2015 – having discussed at length our present financial situation and expected forthcoming spending requirements Phil proposed, Andy seconded and all agreed except one abstention for us to request a precept/grant slightly less than last year, absorbing the reduction from CBC’s grant cut.  Also Phil proposed, Charles seconded and all agreed to honour Terry’s request for £5 more per grass cut.

5. Abberton Reservoir Community Fund, Rights of Way Meeting: 11,800 hedge plants are being put in around the reservoir site and volunteers for this are requested, if anyone is interested please contact Jo Wray on 01206 738172. The costings for Great Wigborough Church car park application for funds has to be explained further, also a business plan for Abberton Cricket Club application has been requested.

6. Elections May 2014 – we know of one Peldon Parish Councillor who will be standing down in May, therefore there will be a vacancy if anyone is interested please contact the chairman or clerk for more information.

7. Actions and Reminders List updated including, as requested ECC Highways have agreed to put in steps for easier access to the new bus shelters in Malting Road, Peldon.

    Planning Applications:

    132403 Proposal: Erection of one and a half storey dwelling with attached single storey utility and garage (resubmission of 130420) at Salcot Cottages, The Street, Salcott

    Planning Decisions:

    132137 Application for variation of Condition 10 following grant of planning permission F/COL/01/1140 at Gable Lodge, Malting Road, Peldon – Approve Conditional

    132269 Proposal: Conservatory and garden room/orangery at Fourways Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott – Approve Conditional

    Appeal Decisions:

    APP/A1530/D/13/2207055 Against CBC’s refusal of application for erection of an outbuilding containing swimming pool, gym and home cinema at Hall Barn, Peldon Road, Peldon, ref 131315 – Appeal Allowed – Permission Granted


    101747R S Pullen – salary for Jan£357.07
    101748St Mary the Virgin, Peldon – magazine entry£150.00
    101749Tollesbury (St Mary’s) PCC – magazine entry£55.00
    101750Information Commissioner’s Office – Data Protection£35.00
    101751Business Services at CAS – Insurance£1,071.85
    101752R S Pullen – clerk’s expenses£225.92
    101753Peldon Village Hall – hire£80.00
    101754T Simmons – play insp x 2£60.00
    101755Salcott Village Hall – hire£90.00

    The next meeting will be on Tues 11th February 2013 at 7.30pm at Abbotts Hall Farm, Great Wigborough

    There has been more dog fouling on Moss Hay which is extremely inconsiderate of the offending dog owners and fines can and will be implemented.
