Summer Events at Beth Chatto Gardens
The Beth Chatto Gardens have recently been in touch with a summer offer:
We’ve come to realise that a lot of the local community have never visited the Beth Chatto Gardens before and so we’re offering free entry to the garden for children under 14, throughout the summer holidays (3 children per paying adult at £6.95), and we’d also like to invite you to a FREE evening of music and art on the 20th September.
It would be lovely to welcome members of your parish to the gardens and if you’d like to sign up for the events newsletter, please do here: http://eepurl.com/bmfHyb.
More events are listed on their website at: http://www.bethchatto.co.uk/events/.
Beth Chatto Gardens are based on the ecological and creative principles of their founder. They aim to provide an inspirational and sustainable, quality experience for all visitors. Education and enjoyment underpin the gardens’ philosophy. They are located at: Elmstead Market Nr Colchester Essex CO7 7DB.
Contacts & links are: