PC Minutes 10th July 2018


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Peldon and Wigboroughs Community Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 10th July 2018.

Present: John Walker, Clare Lauwerys, Phil Gladwin (chair), Jinny Gale, Robert Kean, Zone Warden, Andrew Ellis, and five members of the public for PC vacancy interviews

Apologies for absence: Robert Davidson, Kevin Bentley

Minutes of the last meetings were agreed by all and signed by the chairman

Zone Warden Report: Thanks were expressed to Tim for the Zone’s team of continuing work in our villages and yet again the rubble dumped at Pete Tye Common car park will be removed soon. A CCTV camera is being considered. They attend the Abberton and Langenhoe Village Hall on the first Wednesday of the month from 9am to 11am for collection of garden sacks obtainable with vouchers, clear bags and food boxes. (black sacks are the only refuse item residents have to buy themselves).

County and Borough Councillor Reports: Localism is being discussed for some parish councils where for a trial period they would receive funds from Essex County Council and initiate and pay for their own works by approved contractors for local jobs such as repairing pot holes, replacing missing signage, etc.

Parts of the CBC Draft Local Plan have been deemed unacceptable by the Inspectors and currently there are 3 options to resolve the matter which are now being considered.

Public-Have Your Say: None

Declarations of Interest: None

  1. Parish Council Vacancies: 5 applicants were present for 4 vacancies (3 for Salcott and Virley and 1 for Peldon) and interviews were carried out separately and a fair points system took place for the decisions. The chosen applicants will be informed tomorrow.
  2. Playgrounds and Playing Fields: Reports for both play areas will be forthcoming. The Community Working Group have carried out a number of good clearance jobs for us, mainly in Peldon this month.
  3. Communications including Website: A working party has been set up to discuss what is considered the way forward in these modern times of social media and a meeting will be arranged hopefully to take place during the holiday period.
  4. Salcott Grass Cutting: Having received complaints about how and when the grass on Salcott meadow is cut quotations and estimates have been received from several alterative contractors which were discussed and are being considered. A decision will be made shortly.
  5. Solar Light and Plaque: The light is in situ and wording for the plaque has been agreed so will be made and erected in due course.
  6. Requests for raised curbs at Salcott and Peldon bus stops: It was agreed for the parish council to request these from ECC and the cracked pavement will be taken up by our Borough Councillor.
  7. Peldon and Wigboroughs Community Hall: The Wigboroughs’ Charity and the new combined one are coming to the final stages of completion to enable funds from the Wigboroughs to be transferred to the new hall funds. Robert proposed, Clare seconded and all agreed to give Phil the parish council’s backing and support for representation on this new committee which will be required in due course.
  8. Canvass 2018: A request from CBC to carry out the job of canvassing for people to be on the electoral register who are not at present was discussed and it was decided that it is a very responsible position and not one we would wish to put anybody’s name forward for.
  9. Colchester Community Policing Team: Suggestions for the police to come to village coffee mornings and our parish council meetings now and again and the occasional driving slowly round the villages was suggested having received a request for communication ideas from them.
  10. Actions and Reminder List – updated and to include that the PC gives its backing to a resident who will pursue fibre as an alternative for broadband. The resiting of the old VR post box at Great Wigborough has been chased up for information and time scale on the work to be carried out. The verge cutting company will be contacted.


  • Reply from First Essex Buses to say they will take our request for morning and evening inclusion into consideration when next reviewing their timetables

Planning Decisions:

172517 & 172518: Proposal: To include work to convert a barn from ancillary domestic use to a two bedroomed annexe with a new detached car port following demolition of a lean-to car port. The works include the demolition and rebuilding of the south wall at Harvey’s Farm, Wigborough Road, Peldon – Approve conditional
181416 Proposal: Extensions to dwelling (revision to approved scheme 171283) at Willowbank, The Street, Salcott


101975 Anglia Inspection Services – annual playgrounds insp£234.00
101976 Peldon Village Hall – hire£20.00
101977 Colchester Association of Local Councils – subs£35.00
101978 R Pullen Electrical – bus shelter solar light£546.38
101979 R S Pullen – Clerk’s salary for June plus back pay£465.55
101980 Mr T Newman – playground inspections x 4£120.00
101981 Colchester Borough Council – elections£248.00
101982 R S Pullen – July salary


The next meeting will be on Tuesday 11th September 2018 at 7.30pm at Salcott Village Hall


PC Agenda 10th July 2018


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

A meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council will be held at Peldon and Wigboroughs Community Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 10th July 2018 to which the Councillors are summoned to attend.

Apologies for absence:

Minutes of the last meeting:

Zone Warden Report:

County and Borough Councillor Reports:

Public-Have Your Say:

Declarations of Interest:

Items for Discussion

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