PC Agenda 8th December 2015


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

A meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council will be held at Salcott Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 8th December 2015

Apologies for absence: Bob Holmes, Nicky Ellis, John Walker, Robert Davidson,

Minutes of the last meeting

Zone Wardens Report

Borough and County Councillors

Public-Have Your Say

Declarations of Interest

Items for Discussion

1.   Neighbourhood Watch

  • To note any interest in setting up a scheme in any of our villages following the request for coordinators?
  • Decision required: Should we take this any further at this time and if so how?

2.   Playgrounds and Playing Fields

  • Reports on both play areas and fields
  • Any work completed or ongoing including Community Group work on Moss Hay
  • Decision required: Is there anything that needs immediate attention?

3.   Salcott Flooding

  • To note any recent correspondence on the matter
  • To note our letter sent to all authoritative personnel at CBC expressing our concerns and requests to be considered in the new CBC Local Plan
  • Decision required: What further action can the PC take at this time?

4.   Total Transport Project/FutureGov

  • Improving transport availability and communication
  • Decision required: Should we engage with them and possibly invite someone to a meeting to discuss our residents travel needs? 

5.   Bus Timetable Changes/Transportation Meeting Representative

  • Discuss lack of notification and changes to Peldon bus service
  • Note our current representative for attendance to meetings
  • Decision required: What action should we take other than attend meetings?

6.   Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities

  • Discuss the new legislation requirements and how we will address them
  •  Decision required: Agree on what is appropriate for us in order to comply fully.

7.   Actions and Reminders List – update


  • Bradwell Local Community Liaison Council (LCLC) Meetings- Bob will be our representative and attend meetings next year enabling the PC to keep abreast of the situation and our residents informed.

Planning Decisions:

152170 Proposal: Living room and bedroom extension at Fourways Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott
152121 Proposal: Outline application for a proposed 3 bedroom dwelling at site adjacent Peartree Cottage, Rose Lane, Salcott – Approve conditional


101855 Business Services at CAS Ltd. – Insurance£1,102.31
101856 R S Pullen – December salary£375.65
101857 Society of Local Council Clerks – annual subs£69.87

The next meeting will be on Tues 12th January 2016 at 7.30pm at Abbotts Hall Farm, Great Wigborough


PAWS December – Clarice House

42 of us descended on Clarice House Colchester on a wet and windy night for our annual Christmas meal. The setting was very elegant in this lovely old house and James and his staff made us very welcome. There was lots of laughter and chat, with everyone enjoying the chance to relax and talk to other members. The meal was really good with a few minor niggles, but nothing that spoilt our enjoyment. There were two quiz’s with lots of banter as to who had the correct answer and then everyone had a silly present from the lucky dip. All agreed that we had a super evening. Those members who could not attend missed a treat but, hopefully, enjoyed spending their £10 M&S voucher!

Our next get together is January 27th when we welcome back our speaker John Lilley “The Storyteller”. Membership is closed but visitors are welcome at a cost of £5.00 which includes refreshments.

Details of all our meetings and speakers can be found on the diary of the home page of the Winstred 100 website. If you would like further information about P.A.W.S please ring one of the following committee members: Alice Holmes 01206 735510, Jane Banks 01206 735004 or Jane Anderson 01206 735505.


PC Minutes 9th December 2014


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Abbotts Hall Farm, Great Wigborough at 7.30pm on Tuesday 9th December 2014

Present: Charles Dymond (chair), John Walker, Jinny Gail, Phil Gladwin, Nicky Ellis, Rob Surface, Andrew Ellis, Robert Davidson and 3 members of the public

Apologies for absence: Bob Holmes, Lynne Simmons, Netty Knill-Jones, Kevin Bentley

Minutes of the last meeting were agreed by all and signed by the chairman

Police Report – None received other than the weekly report for the whole of Colchester.  The CALC meeting was attended by this and many other disgruntled parish councils where there was a police representative to explain the reasons for withdrawal of attending parish council meetings which, they say, is mainly due to funding cuts and they informed of the new-format meetings held every 8 weeks in 5 various locations around Colchester for the public to attend and express their concerns. Attendance numbers to these meetings will be monitored to establish their worth.

Zone Wardens Reports – None received

Borough and County Councillors – The drain cover has been fixed and the ‘No Through Road’ sign is scheduled for repositioning both at Salcott crossroads, and the missing village sign approaching Salcott from D’Arcy has been identified at last and will be reinstated in due course.

A bad patch of repair work along Mersea Road in Peldon will be reported for improvements.  Other ditch and hedge matters in Peldon and a hedge in Great Wigborough were discussed and further action will be taken.

Certain enforcement issues in all the villages will be followed up.

Public-Have Your Say – Enquiries were made for any update on the investigation of speed reduction methods for Lower Road, Peldon which will be followed up.  The rubber strips for monitoring speed were suggested as a start to establish the severity of the problem.

Declarations of Interest – None 

1.   Playgrounds and Playing Fields – at Peldon the old bark is in the process of being removed for us by the Community Team in preparation for the rubber to be installed and the signs for the new equipment are being made. We have now taken delivery of new flat swing seats which will be fitted shortly; also further hedge and ditch work will be addressed. At Salcott the new baby swing seat has been fitted and the deteriorating condition of the basketball pad has been noted for probable repair work in the spring/summer. 

2.   Peldon Hall Houses Hedge – a site visit had taken place and more questions arose as to how this should be tackled so a site meeting will be arranged with Peldon councillors for possible solutions and residents will be invited to attend. 

3.   Peldon Bus Stops/Shelter/Curbs – a site meeting with ECC Passenger Transportation Officer had taken place and he took on board all our suggestions and requirements to make these bus stops more user-friendly and it is thought that funding will be available. A specification will be drawn up for improvements needed to the brick built shelter to put the work out for tender. Suggested lighting at the bus stops was not thought to be appropriate in this rural village.   

4.   Abberton Reservoir Rights of Way – a consultation event will take place in Peldon Village Hall on Wednesday 4th February 2015 for two drop-in sessions 4 – 6 pm and 7 – 9 pm for a short presentation, fill in a questionnaire and ask any questions, refreshments will be provided. 

5.   Broadband – Salcott launch event will now be in the spring as winter months are possibly not suitable for some residents.

6.   Actions and Reminders List – updated including that Salcott telephone box is now added to the parish council insurance policy for a replacement value of £2,000 at a cost of £21.78 per annum.

Planning Applications
146240 Proposal: Listed building application for installation of secondary double glazing to 7 no. windows at Sleyes, Church Road, Peldon
146351 Proposal: Erection of detached two and a half storey dwelling with all habitable accommodation at first and second floor levels at Salcott Cottages, The Street, Salcott
Planning Decisions
145967 Proposal: Alteration to rear roof over existing projection forming gable and additional floor nursery/bedroom at Fourways, Barnhall Road, SalcottApprove conditional
146055 Proposal: Rear extension at Hillside Cottage, Colchester Road, Great WigboroughApprove conditional


101802 Mrs E Davidson – Moss Hay grass cuts x 8£360.00
101803 B & S Chains – cradle swing and bolts£130.33
101804 Business Services at CAS Ltd – annual insurance£1,056.97
101805 R S Pullen – December salary£367.57
101806 Sutcliffe Play – swing seats, chains & shackles£273.82
101807 Tollesbury (St Mary’s) PCC – mag entries£55.00
101808 T Simmons – play insp.£30.00


The next meeting will be on Tues 13th Jan 2015 at 7.30pm at Peldon Village Hall

Abberton Reservoir Rights of Way

There will be a consultation event in Peldon Village Hall on Wednesday 4th February 2015 for two drop-in sessions 4 – 6 pm and 7 – 9 pm for a short presentation, fill in a questionnaire and ask any questions, refreshments will be provided. All are welcome to attend.


PC Minutes 10th December 2013


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Peldon Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 10th December 2013.

Present: Netty Knill-Jones, Lynne Simmons, Phil Gladwin, Nicky Ellis (chair), Jane Banks, Jinny Gale, Charles Dymond, Andy Beharrell, John Walker and 5 members of public

Apologies for absence: Andrew Ellis, Kevin Bentley

Minutes of the last meeting were agreed by all and signed by the chairman

Police Report: None given

Borough and County Councillors: ECC are now in the process of setting the budget for the next financial year which will be voted on by all the County Councillors at their meeting in February.  Grant allocations from government will be greatly reduced so ECC will have to make decisions about the services it provides but many of these such as highways maintenance, social care and waste disposal are statutory duties that it must provide. Public consultations will be carried out on other services for residents’ views.

All salt bins owned by ECC will be filled for the start of winter, which must be used sparingly on the highways and is not for use on resident’s properties. Residents can keep up to speed with gritting lorries online at www.essex.gov.uk/highways . Other winter related advice is available at www.essex.gov.uk/winter .

Public-Have Your Say: There are some impassable and overgrown footpaths in our villages, some that farmers should reinstate after ploughing, and we can do our best to report accordingly if we hear about them. Disappointingly there will not be a footpath around the whole of the reservoir and high hedges will be grown along much of the footpath obscuring the view as nesting birds etc take priority.

The bus stops in Malting Road are difficult for users stepping down from the bus and will be reported to ECC with photo evidence. The footpath finish/edge along the front of the new houses in Malting Road can be a problem for users and so the Zone Wardens will be contacted for help with a possible solution.

Declarations of Interest: None

1.  CBC Zone Wardens – as above and nothing to report from them  

2.  Broadband update – the signal is now live, the launch event will take place in Peldon Village Hall on Sat 8th February 2014 and by the end of February it is expected that all the CAPS (Community Access Points) will be in place.  

3.  Playgrounds and Playing Fields – several quotations for the two new pieces of equipment on Moss Hay were obtained and so Phil proposed, Nicky seconded and all agreed for Wicksteed as the preferred supplier as they offer sound, substantial equipment with a  good guarantee that CBC are known to use. A grant form has been submitted for some of the funding which will be chased up for its receipt and likelihood of success. Following our information leaflet delivered to all Peldon households on the proposed new pieces of equipment we have not received any queries. As the weather is now unsuitable for installation the company will be contacted to ensure the price quoted will be held but we will hopefully be able to make the order soon. 

4.  Precept 2014/15 – following information from CBC on precept/grant for the next financial year consideration will be given to the matter until the January meeting when we will have to agree our course of action.  

5.  Abberton Reservoir Community Fund –2 applications were submitted, VAT for the already agreed car park at St Stephens Church, Great Wigborough which the parish council supports and the resubmitted application for improvements to Abberton and Langenhoe Cricket Club. 

6.  Actions and Reminders List – updated and also to mention that Great Wigborough phone box has now been removed and we have received the agreed amount of £300 for its sale (the PC bought it for £1 from BT).

Planning Applications:
132269Proposal: Conservatory and garden room/orangery at Fourways Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott
132753Proposal: Surfacing car park with grass reinforcement Truckpave and associated work at St Stephens Church, Great Wigborough
Appeal Decisions:
131878Proposal: First floor side extension and replacement sunroom, new garage and side entrance as previously approved under COL/120533 at Rolls Farm, Peldon RoadApprove Conditional
132070Proposal: Erection of an out building containing a swimming pool, gym and home cinema (new application following the refusal of 131315) at Hall Barn, Peldon Road, PeldonRefuse Permission


101745R S Pullen – salary for Dec<£381.82
101746SLCC – subs£68.00

The next meeting will be on Tues 14th January 2014 at 7.30pm at Salcott Village Hall


PC Minutes 11th December 2012


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Salcott Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 11th December 2012.

Present: Charles Dymond, Jinny Gale, Nicky Ellis (chair), Phil Gladwin, Lynne Simmons, John Walker and 2 members of the public.

Apologies for absence: Jane Banks, Netty Knill-Jones, Kevin Bentley, Andrew Ellis

Minutes of the last meeting were agreed by all and signed by the chairman

Borough Councillors: The requested ‘No through Road’ signs at top end of Salcott Street have been given the go-ahead and will erected in the next year. The missing Salcott-cum-Virley sign and chevrons on Colchester Road will be chased up again.

Public-Have Your Say: None

Declarations of Interest: None

1. Police – no report and no crimes to our knowledge other than that the two posts on the green near Peldon Church have been burnt.

2. Playgrounds and Playing Fields are in good order with weeding being needed fairly constantly.  More work has been carried out at Peldon by the Community Service working party for which we are very grateful.  They will be doing yet more work at Peldon and some at Great Wigborough.  Thanks were expressed to Charles for efficiently liaising with this team. 

3. Zone Wardens and Highway Rangers will both be asked to help with the matter of the road subsiding into the verge along St Ives Hill.

4. Precept/Grant 2013/14 – was discussed at length and it was agreed that we will require approximately the same money next year as this to sustain our present standard of maintenance etc. but a final decision will be made when we receive the formal notification from CBC as to what their grant contribution will be.

5. Abberton Reservoir Liaison Group, Community Fund and proposed Footpath – the grand opening of the dam took place. There are 3 applications for the Community Fund to be discussed at the meeting tomorrow evening and for these this parish council gives Phil a mandate, as always, to vote as he feels appropriate at the meeting having been given and considered all the facts. The footpath meeting was attended by 2 parish councillors and a detailed map of this proposed footpath was presented to us for information and discussion. An open event and questionnaire will probably follow in the spring.

6. Wigboroughs Village Hall will have to be taken down and the site sold. Expert advice is being sought to establish and achieve the maximum value. The proceeds will be for the benefit of the Great and Little Wigborough community and ideas for this are being sought and considered. 

7. Broadband – the funding from the Reservoir Community Funds is to be in 3 stage payments as opposed to 5 which will be confirmed at the meeting tomorrow evening.

8. Virley Councillor Vacancy – a leaflet has been produced but the circulation of it may not need to take place as we have an interested resident from Salcott.

9. Fireworks Display – it was decided after much consideration to give this event a year’s break as it attracts too many people from too far a distance making it a massive amount of work but probably reinstating it next year at Moss Hay again.

10. Actions and Reminders List – updated including noting our contact with the Public Rights of Way Officer for Colchester and Tendring who will be looking into all the footpaths in and around Peldon that were reported to us as being impassable.

Planning Decisions:

121768 Proposal: Swimming pool, pool equipment building, garden shed, greenhouse, potting shed, 3 chicken coops and 2 horse field shelters at Fourways Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott – Permission Granted

120580 & 121070 for roof and porch at 2 Fourreleet Cottages, Salcott have both now received planning approval. 

The next meeting will be held at Abbotts Hall Farm, Great Wigborough on Tues 8th January 2013 at 7.30pm.



PC Minutes 13th December 2011


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Peldon Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 13th December 2011.

Present: Nicky Ellis, Charles Dymond, Jane Banks, Phil Gladwin, Jinny Gale, Netty Knill-Jones, Lynne Simmons, John Walker and 4 members of the public

Apologies for absence: Kevin Bentley, Andrew Ellis

Minutes of the last meeting were agreed by all and signed by the chairman

Borough Councillors: The really poor state of School Lane, Great Wigborough has been reported to ECC Highways and their complaint of the use of passing places for bird-watching along there is being chased up.  Empty salt bins, one in Church Lane, Great Wigborough and two in The Street, Salcott have been reported and are being chased up.

Public-Have Your Say: The concrete footpath sign for Moss Hay in Church Road is leaning badly.  This had been reported and will be chased up for reinstatement.  A site meeting will take place to sort out the rubble in the ditch problem in the same area.

Declarations of Interest: None

  1. Playgrounds – inspection reports for both sites were read out noting a couple of jobs to be carried out in the near future.The rubber clippings for Salcott will be ordered.
  2. Salcott Meadow/Creek – it was agreed for this decision on the request for fencing round the creek would take place next month when the meeting is held at Salcott and also when the RoSPA Water Report has been circulated to interested parties as the other reports have been.  Meanwhile we will be organizing the erection of Water Hazard signs at the entrances of the meadow.
  3. Police – no reports of crime in our villages to our knowledge.
  4. Chairmanship and Vice for the next 2 year period from May – Nicky Ellis will be chairman and vice-chairman is to be decided in the next few months.  The wording in our Constitution may need to be altered to accommodate a change in our pattern routine due to people not wishing to or not being able to take up these challenging roles.
  5. Broadband Update – John provided an update based on the paper circulated at the last meeting.  It was agreed that the chances of getting a grant would be improved if adjoining parishes could be recruited.  Phil felt that this might be welcome in respect of Layer Breton and John undertook to speak with Chris de Courcy-Bower to explore the perception that Abberton and Langenhoe were not impressed with County Broadband and to see whether there was likely to be any interest in working with Winstred Hundred.
  6. Precept/Grant for 2012/2013 –was discussed at length taking into account all necessary spending for this forthcoming year.  A more detailed financial report will be circulated for a decision at the next meeting.  CBC’s interpretation of a Band D property on the precept/grant form will be sort.
  7. CALC meeting – was attended by two of our councillors and a report was given.  The working party had met with Councillor Dopson to discuss the withdrawal of the CBC grant but had appeared not to have made any progress in changing her mind on this matter.
  8. Affordable Housing Enabler meeting – took place at the RCCE offices with two of our councillors to explore ways in which we could receive a better response from any future housing needs surveys we carry out.  A more friendly approach was suggested and we will possibly carrying out another survey in 3 years time.
  9. Actions and Reminders List including Website progress – our list was updated and John has made a good start for taking over the website.


    112135 Proposal: Two storey extension to provide additional kitchen and wc in study space at ground floor also incorporating a utility room. First floor additional bedroom at 9 Sharlands Row, The Street, Salcott

    Notice of Planning Decisions:

    111662 Proposal: Extension to dwelling to provide additional accommodation at Fourways Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott – Permission Refused

    111830 Proposal: Front garden wall and improved existing access to residential frontage only at Beckton House Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott – Permission Refused

    111972 Proposal: Demolition of existing single storey extension, erection of two conservatory style extensions to the rear of the property with single storey cloakroom between and detached double garage to the front of the property at The Farmhouse, Abbots Wick Lane, Great Wigborough – Permission Granted

    Appeal: APP/A1530/A/11/2163764NWF against refusal of planning permission by CBC at Beckton House Farm for proposed agricultural building to store hay crop produced by the farm.

    Appeal: APP/A1530/D/11/2164288 against refusal of planning permission by CBC at Beckton House Farm for proposed extensions and alterations to existing dwelling.

    Appeal Decision: APP/A1530/A/11/2154584 against planning conditions imposed by CBC at Fourways Farm – Appeal Dismissed


    101635 – SLCC – annual subs                                                                         £97.00

    101636 – Mr B J Gooding – play insp and repairs to goal post on Moss Hay            £89.72

    101637 – Tollesbury (St Mary’s) PCC – mag entries                                            £55.00

    101638 – R S Pullen – clerk’s fee for December                                                £353.53

    101639 – T Hedger – trim of Salcott meadow roadside hedge                            £40.00

    101640 – T Simmons – play insp x 2                                                                £60.00

    The next meeting will be held at Salcott Village Hall on Tues 10th January 2012 at 7.30pm


    PC Minutes 14th December 2010


    Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

    Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Salcott Village Hall at 7.30pm.on Tuesday 14th December 2010.

    Present: Jane Banks, Les Lapwood, Netty Knill Jones, Jinny Gale, Phil Gladwin, Charles Dymond, Nicky Ellis and 3 members of the public

    Apologies for absence: John Walker, Lynne Simmons, Kevin Bentley, Andrew Ellis

    Minutes of the last meeting were agreed by all and signed by the chairman

    Borough Councillor: Salt bins are not being filled as a matter of course as this could prove very costly as people are more often using too much. A very small amount is needed to make a surface not slippery.  Keeping the main highways open is ECC Highways first priority.

    The lighting on a property in Peldon is being looked into as it has caused concern from other residents.

    Public – Have Your Say – A booklet from the Environment Agency explains that any work on the Salcott creek banks must be approved by the Environment Agency before being carried out. Those who carry out unauthorised work will be prosecuted. This booklet will be obtained and delivered to the properties that back on to the creek for their guidance.  As flooding is such an issue in Salcott this is a very important matter.

    Protruding hedges onto the highway is also an issue in Salcott Street. Certain residents will be written to requesting that they trim their hedges and tree branches back from over the road.

    Declarations of Interest – None

    1. Bus stop at Malting Road, Peldon – the request to move this stop just a few yards along the road for all round convenience was agreed by all.  ECC Highways have no problem with this and will inform First Bus Company for us.  Paving slabs will be laid at the new position, incurring the only cost and notices will be displayed to inform passengers.
    2. RCCE course – Influencing Decisions in Your Local Area – was attended. The ideas have been suggested before and it is felt that taking on council work would only lead to dissatisfaction by all.
    3. 2011 Emergency Planning event – a simulated training event as opposed to the usual meeting form was the chosen option and the date that suits most will be forwarded to CBC shortly.
    4. Minerals Development Document Preferred Approach – Public Consultation – notices will be displayed but it was considered that attendance by the parish council was unnecessary.
    5. Sustainable Communities Act – no action by us was thought necessary.
    6. Precept/Grant – we have confirmation now that the grant part of the council tax we receive from CBC will be halved next year, therefore it is likely that we will  need to put up the parish precept part to compensate for this or we will be in a poor position to carry out our normal duties expected of us such as grass cutting, maintaining the play areas, trimming hedges, etc. The decision will be made at the next meeting giving the councillors more time to consider this important issue.
    7. Water for Peldon Church – the land in question for fencing off and laying pipe work does not belong to the parish council therefore we will response in that vain leaving it entirely up to the PCC.
    8. Parish Online and Planning on the Map – have good points and not so good points. Efficiency of Broadband in our homes plays a major part as to the ease of use of Parish Online which is mostly about detailed maps of a chosen area.  This will be looked into further before we make any decisions about signing up for it.
    9. Essex Police – the future of NAPs meetings – one or other of us will attend these meetings in the future as they are now being held in the evenings and at various village halls to try and accommodate everyone. Forthcoming meeting dates will be circulated.
    10. Reservoir Community Fund Application – the online application form and the system dealing with the applications has been poor but our application is now being processed.
      Reservoir expansion work on the causeway has been delayed due to the weather and has now been postponed until after Christmas.  More of the footpath from the Layer Fox to the Church has been completed.
    11. Refuse collections, gritting, salt boxes – the salt box we adopted to be situated at the turning point in Salcott Street has been delivered but is now empty.  See above in Borough Councillors’ section.  Refuse collection has not been disrupted due to the weather so far.
    12. Parish Council Chairmanship – Phil proposed, Nicky seconded and all agreed for Jinny to be chairman for another year which will be noted in our constitution at our annual meeting as this is a slight change from our normal order.
    13. Playgrounds – the monthly inspection reports and works required will be dealt with and followed up by appointed parish councillors to ensure that we are following the insurance company’s guidelines.
    14. Painting of Salcott play equipment – on establishing that the correct paint will be used and at least two coats Phil proposed, Nicky seconded and all agreed for us to accept the cheaper quote for painting Salcott play equipment.
    15. Rolling Actions and Reminders List – duly updated


    102273 Proposal: Retrospective application for the change of use from agricultural use to B8 storage, comprising of; (a) the continued use for storage of ten former shipping containers that are physically attached to the land; (b) the siting and use for storage of a further four former shipping containers that are free-standing; and (c) the continued use of one part of the application site as an outside storage area used in connection with a business that deals with reclaimed building materials at Pantile Farm, Peldon Road, Abberton

    102282 Proposal: Internal and external alterations to roof, forming new bedroom (no.5) and new games room at John Jones House, Autism Anglia, Church Road, Peldon

    102366 Proposal: Double storey side extension and front porch (resubmission of application 091543) at 2 Fourreleet Cottages, Whitehouse Hill, Salcott

    102322 Proposal: Application for prior notification of agricultural development for a proposed building to store crop to maintain good condition for resale at Beckton House Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott


    101579  Suffolk Acre Services – Parish Council annual insurance                          £1468.92

    101580  J & N Bradshaw & Son – repairs to Moss Hay goal posts                          £293.75

    101581  R S Pullen  –  clerk’s fee for December                                                  £353.53

    101582  SLCC  –  annual subscription                                                                  £95.00

    101583  Tollesbury  (St. Mary’s) PCC  –  mag entry                                               £55.00

    101584  T Simmons  –  play insp                                                                        £30.00

    The next meeting will be at Peldon Village Hall (Committee Room) on Tuesday 11th January 2011 at 7.30pm.


    PC Minutes 8th December 2009


    Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

    Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Peldon Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 8th December 2009.

    Present: Frances Fergus, Robert Davidson, Jane Banks, Jinny Gale, Phil Gladwin, Sam Knill Jones, Kevin Bradshaw, Lynne Simmons, Andrew Ellis, 2 Police, 5 public

    Apologies for absence: Nicky Ellis

    Minutes of the last meeting were agreed and signed by the chairman

    Police: We have more police covering our area, 4 based at Tiptree, one of which covers the Wigboroughs and Salcott and Virley, 4 at West Mersea, several CPOs and Sgt Drake in overall charge.  In recent months there has been several road traffic accidents, several burglaries, some minor thefts and vehicle break ins.  The Police have offered to help us, using the appropriate devices, in our on going campaign with speeding through our villages.

    Borough Councillors: The latest planning application from Bellwood was deferred by CBC Planning Committee as several issues need more investigation and it will probably be heard again by CBC in a month’s time.

    Essex and Suffolk Water have held two public information sessions about Abberton Reservoir expansion on Sat 5th Dec from 10am to 4pm at Layer de la Haye village hall and Wed 9th Dec from 4 to 8pm at Peldon village hall.  Our water rates will not be increased because of the expansion unlike some areas who are billed by Essex and Suffolk Water.

    CBC are consulting people about further recycling, food waste being the main addition.

    Public-Have Your Say: no comments other than on items to be discussed later in the meeting.

    Declarations of Interest: Jinny and Phil on item 3. Lynne on item 7.

    1. Planning issues – Bellwood discussed earlier and Bluebells in Great Wigborough  gateway on to Maldon Road for agricultural use only, CBC’s role, etc. was explained.
    2. Affordable Housing – Phil proposed, Sam seconded, 5 agreed, 3 abstained, that we should take the next step forward and ask RCCE (Rural Community Council of Essex) to attend our next meeting with regard to a questionnaire to establish if there is, in fact, a need. We will co-ordinate this with out VDS (Village Design Statement) that we are preparing at present.
    3. Five Parishes Show – the parish council insurance cannot include this event for several reasons. Also it was agreed that sponsorship would not be appropriate for the parish council and would set a precedent for all shows and events.
    4. Red pay phone boxes – Lynne proposed, Kevin seconded and 4 agreed for us to register an interest in adopting our red telephone boxes, although we accept that the pay service be removed through lack of use.  But more questions will be asked on the matter.
    5. New Dog Control Orders – we responded by saying that we would like the new control orders of no dogs allowed to apply to our two play areas.
    6. Abberton Liaison Group as above plus the contractor will probably be Carrillion
    7. Play areas – Jinny proposed, Phil seconded and all agreed to pay our two men £30 a month to carry out inspection and maintenance of the play areas. A formal contract will be drawn up to clarify what is required each month which will hopefully be signed and agreed by both. A new see-saw can be obtained in the money we have already been granted for the Peldon play area and so that and the other parts needed plus labour have been ordered from the manufacturers of the equipment. Some fence posts at the Salcott play area need replacing and Terry will try and acquire them from a local generous source or report back with prices from suppliers.  As yet we only have one quotation for the work needed to repair the Peldon basket ball pad. Others will be sort and if obtained in time an application for this will be submitted for the next grant scheme.
    8. Sparklers event went very well this year although attendance was considerably down.
    9. Budget preparation – up to date finances have been distributed for consideration of our next year’s precept which will be decided at the next meeting.  Possible costs of next year’s elections will also be taken into account.
    10. Parish Grant/CIF Scheme 2009/10 – apart from the possible basket ball pad no other applications have been put forward.
    11. Rolling Actions and Reminders List – some items have been dealt with, some have yet to be dealt with and others added.

    Notice of Planning Decisions:

    091002 Proposal: Change of use and minor alteration to barn to form granny annexe and ancillary leisure space at Abbots Wick Farm, Great Wigborough – Permission Granted

    091264 Proposal: Listed building application for refurbishment/re-cladding of existing barn, insertion of new glazed screens and doors and construction of new shower room. Stripping of existing roof coverings and re-covering with clay plain tiles at Moulsham Manor, Great Wigborough – Consent Granted

    091285 Proposal: New conservatory at Strood Cottage, The Strood, Peldon – Permission Refused

    Planning Appeal:

    FUL/MAL/09/00486 Proposal: Change of use of land to form Showmen’s quarters at Restawyle, Barnhall Road, Tolleshunt Knights.

    Appeal against the decision by Maldon District Council to refuse this application will be heard on 15th December 09 at 10am at The Council Offices, Princes Street, Maldon and is expected to last 2 days.


    101512  R S Pullen  –  clerk’s fee for Dec and back pay for rise from April 09             £381.61

    101513  R S Pullen  –  metal post from Autopa for Moss Hay                                  £108.56

    101514  Suffolk Acre Services Ltd.  –   new annual insurance                               £1468.92

    101515  SLCC  –  annual subscription                                                                   £95.00

    101516  Tollesbury (St Mary’s) PCC  –  magazine entry                                           £55.00

    101517  Salcott Village Hall  –  hire for 2008                                                        £180.00

    101518  T Hedger  –  Peldon Church green cut                                                     £40.00

    101519  T Simmons  –  play area inspection                                                          £25.00

    The next meeting will be at Salcott Village Hall on Tues 12th January 2010 at 7.30pm

    Related: To find reliable professionals who can ensure your home’s safety check out Environmental Pest Control Inc.


    PC Minutes 9th December 2008


    Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

    Minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Salcott Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 9th December 2008.

    Present: Lynne Simmons, Kevin Bradshaw, Phil Gladwin, Robert Davidson, Jane Banks, Nicky Ellis, Sam Knill Jones, Andrew Ellis and 2 members of the public.

    Apologies for absence: Jinny Gale, Frances Fergus, Kevin Bentley

    Minutes of the last meeting were agreed and signed by the chairman with the alteration of one word from ‘monitory’ to ‘monetary’.

    Borough Councillors: Our new Borough Councillor for Birch and Winstree, Andrew Ellis, was given a warm welcome.  Who replied with thanks and that he would do his utmost to serve us well and try to be as good a Borough Councillor as Peter Crowe had been.

    The Appeal Hearing with regard to the refusal of the Bellwood application held in the Town Hall in Feb 09 will be attended by Kevin Bentley.

    There is to be a liaison meeting with Essex & Suffolk Water and parish councils to discuss the community funds stemmed from the Abberton Reservoir expansion application.

    Gritting of icy roads has been an issue and Barnhall Road in particular is a problem that will be taken up again.

    Public – Have Your Say – more on the lack of gritting and the constant flow of water down Barnhall Road.

    Declarations of Interest – None.

    1. Bellwood – appeal hearing in Feb 09 – we will ask CBC if attendance would be appropriate and if it would assist in enforcing the decision of refusal.
    2. Abberton Reservoir – Nicky proposed, Kevin seconded and all agreed for Phil to be our spokesperson in the Abberton Reservoir Liaison Group.
    3. Peldon Hall Frontage – Mersea Homes are to be contacted with regard to the pavement cracks. The ditch will be strimmed now and again by us and any blockage investigated. Letters are to be written to householders about the frontage.
    4. Communications Committee – rescheduled to next month
    5. Villages Appraisal – a meeting has been held by the Action Group and a questionnaire is being devised and costing to be summarized for January’s meeting when our precept is discussed and has to be decided for the next financial year.
    6. The Way we Work – rescheduled to next month
    7. Grants obtained and applied for – £12,000 has been obtained from CBC Town and Parish Grant Scheme for Peldon play equipment. More grants have and will be applied for.
    8. Grant obtained – A grant of £1,500 has been obtained from ECC for improvements to Moss Hay footpath which will be dealt with when the weather is dryer.


    081888 amended description of proposal: Approval of the details of the layout, scale, appearance, access and landscaping of the site at Peldon Old Rectory, Church Road

    Notice of Planning Decision:

    081761 Proposal: Change of use and conversion of first floor storage space to existing outbuilding to a home office with toilet and washing facilities at New Hall Farm, Copt Lane, Little Wigborough – Permission Granted

    081763 Listed Building application as above – consent granted

    081792 Listed Building application for two storey side extension at Horn Farm, The Street, Salcott  –  Consent Granted

    071709 Proposal: Use of agricultural land as Trout Farm and monitoring temporary accommodation at Bellwood, Colchester Road, Great Wigborough. Appeal of refusal of planning permission will have a informal hearing at the Town Hall on 3rd Feb 09.

    081593 Proposal: Formal change of use of agricultural land adjacent to Rose Farm, Colchester Road, Peldon. An appeal has been lodged against CBC with the Planning Inspectorate.

    Appeal Decision:

    080443 Proposal: Erection of a one and a half storey side extension, living room and bedroom at Fourways Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott. The Inspectorate has dismissed the appeal against the refusal by CBC for this application.


    101443  R S Pullen – clerk’s fee for Dec new rate + back pay from April                         £415.82

    101444  Audit Commission – audit                                                                            £158.63

    101445  SLCC – annul subs                                                                                       £94.00

    101446  A Moore – play insp.                                                                                    £25.00

    101447  Tollesbury St. Mary’s PCC – mag entry                                                            £50.00

    101448  T Hedger – cutting of Peldon Church green                                                  £180.00

    101449  T Simmons – play insp.                                                                                 £25.00

    The next meeting will be at Peldon Village Hall on Tuesday 13th Jan 09 at 7.30pm.
