Jackie Manning with Chris South who spoke about basic garden design.
PAWS June – Basic Garden Design
Our recent meeting in June was well attended by 43 members and a number of visitors, when we welcomed back Chris South, to give us a talk on “Basic Garden Design”.
Pauline Baker & President Pam Foakes37 members and 5 visitors came along to our September meeting to hear Pauline Baker speak on the subject of “Frock Horror – Things do go wrong!”
Pauline grew up loving the history of costumes and after a dress designing course in the late 60’s got her first job at Covent Garden making costumes for the Ballet. She had to watch the rehearsals for the performances and was lucky enough to watch Nureyev and Fonteyn rehearsing for a performance. Her next job was in television, when it was still black and white, in Dixon of Dock Green, this was followed by Pride & Prejudice. After having a break to bring up a family she then went freelance. The first call came for her to work on The Lost Secret, all fifteen episodes. Each costume had to meet with the Director’s approval which sometimes proved difficult as each had their own idea of what the costumes should look like! More films followed with the dressing of a chimp in one. Lots of calls came from the Theatre. She enjoyed working with Peter Bowles, Anna Massey, Michael Gambon and a host of others. One aspect of the job she particularly enjoyed was breaking outfits down, and stressing the costumes to age etc. She had many memories of close shaves with outfits in Harold Pinter plays. She loved her three months on the Isle of Lewis for one production. She was also thrilled to be asked to design and dress puppets and had a lot of fun choosing all the bits and pieces to work with from a stall at Kingston market. Her last job in television was with The Bill, which was very hectic with three episodes a week and design done on a very strict budget. It was great to design all the robes used in the court scenes and ever changing uniforms. Another great evening and a lovely lady to boot.
Our next get together is on 22nd October when David Vroobel is going to tell us about “The Magic & Beauty of Diamonds and other stones.” Visitors are welcome at the cost of £3.50.
Details of all our meetings and speakers can be found on the diary on the home page of the Winstred 100 website. If you would like any further information about P.A.W.S. please ring any of the following committee members: Alice Holmes 01206 735510, Jane Banks 01206 735004 or Jane Anderson 01206 735505.