Essex Police & DogLost

Essex Police & DogLost

Essex Police, in collaboration with DogLost are running a campaign to help reunite dogs with their owners however, preventing their loss in the first place is a better outcome all around and so they also offer the following advice:

  • Don’t tie your dog up outside a shop.
  • Don’t leave your dog alone in the car.
  • Make sure your dog has been micro chipped (from April 2016, your dog MUST be chipped).
  • Your dog should always wear a collar and ID tag with your name and address on it.  Avoid putting your dogs name on the disc.
  • Take clear photographs of your dog from various angles, and update them regularly.  Make a note of any distinguishing features.
  • Vary your times of walks and routes; some dogs are actually targeted and snatched during walks.
  • Fit a bell to your garden gate so you hear if anyone opens it.
  • Keep your dog in view in the garden, don’t leave them unsupervised.

If the worst happens and you have a lost or stolen dog:

  • Report stolen dogs to the police as soon as possible by calling 101.
  • Register your lost or stolen dog free of charge with or call 0844 800 3220 and access their help page for advice.
  • Contact your local dog warden.

Free Dog Chipping


Free Dog Chipping

The Safer Colchester Partnership are offering free dog chipping in the Colchester Exhibition Unit which will be located at School Road Green Space, Monkwick, CO2 8NN on 26th may between 9:30am and 2pm.

Local wardens will either chip them then and there or, if it isn’t convenient, issue you with a voucher to be used at a later date (booking an appointment for a warden to visit). If your dog hasn’t been chipped it makes sense to follow well know dog trainer Cesar Millan’s advice, especially when the chipping is free:

I think it’s so much safer than other forms of identification. If your dog gets lost, he might lose his collar and tags; if your dog is stolen, the thief might remove his collar and tags. With a microchip, you can help people who find your dog find you and if someone else says it’s their dog, you can prove the dog is yours.
They make some neat stuff that works with your dog’s microchip, too. Like a pet door that recognizes your dog’s chip and lets him into the house (but not the raccoon that comes by later). The microchip won’t track your dog though. Your dog has to be taken somewhere to be scanned.

… not that we need to worry about too many racoons in Colchester.

As well as chipping, there will also be an ‘advice surgery’ on dog’s behaviour, so come along and talk about him if your terrier is a terror.
