Notice of Election May 2024

Election for Marks Tey & Layer Ward and the Police Fire and Crime Commissioner for May 2024

In the forthcoming elections on Thursday 2nd May City Council and Police, Fire & Crime Commissioner places will be fought.  You can read all the details, how to nominate, timescales etc… in the documents below.

Don’t forget that you will need approved photo ID to vote on 2nd May.



Winstred 100 PC Agenda 12th April 2022


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

A meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council will be held at Peldon and Wigboroughs Community Hall (meeting room) on Tuesday 12th April 2022 at 7.30pm to which the Councillors are summoned to attend.

Everyone attending this meeting is required to wear a mask.  Whilst we appreciate that this is not a legal requirement at this time, as we have vulnerable people amongst us, it is a common courtesy for their safety.

Apologies for absence:
To confirm minutes of the March meeting:
County and Borough Councillor Reports:
Public-Have Your Say:
Declarations of Interest:

Items for Discussion

1. Playgrounds and Playing Fields

Continue reading “Winstred 100 PC Agenda 12th April 2022”

Notice of Council Elections – 5th April 2022


Election of Councillors for Borough & Parish Councils

One Councillor is to be elected for the Marks Tey & Layer Borough Ward and 4 for Peldon, 2 for the Wigboroughs and 1 each for Salcott & Virley.

Information you need, with deadlines, for those wanting to:

  • register to vote,
  • apply to become a candidate, or
  • arrange postal or proxy votes,

…in the Elections taking place on 5th April 2022:

Continue reading “Notice of Council Elections – 5th April 2022”

Results of Parish Elections

At the election on 27th May 2010 six candidates stood for election to four places representing the ward of Peldon.   There was a huge turnout of 31% and 146 people voted. The successful candidates were:

  • Jane Banks,
  • Charles Dymond,
  • Nicky Ellis and
  • John Walker.

Our congratulations to them and commiserations and thanks to Frances Fergus and Robert Kean.

Uncontested elections on 6th May 2010 for Salcott, Virley and the Wigboroughs returned Lynne Simmons, Phil Gladwin and Jinny Gale to office.

Vacancies still exist for councillors at Virley and Salcott.
