Reservoir News Update

res-update-mar11The Parish Council has been awarded a grant from the project’s Community Fund to help improve the Parish Council website and to incorporate up-to-the-minute Reservoir Development news within it, so keep checking on for more updates as we invest this money.  To find out more about how the project is progressing and how wildlife is being affected, you can download the project’s quarterly newsletter here or read the following précis.

Following a period of bad weather with exceptional snow and rain, the predicetd finish date for the project has been put back a couple of months since some ‘critical path’ tasks were unable to be completed.  Nevertheless, work has now resumed all over the site including the new section of the B1026 and ballast extraction at Rye Farm pit together with clay extraction at Blind Knights borrow pit.  More material is being carted to the main dam, by the Layer/Abberton Road, as this becomes wider and taller.

The temporary off-take pumps will soon be working to pump the water to the treatment works, this will enable the old pump building to be altered so that various vital bits are not underwater when the level goes up.  The causeway on the B1026 will soon have a large hole in it (hopefully not in the lane that the traffic is using) so that the culvert under the road can be strengthened. Soon some of the concrete facing of this causeway will be removed allowing the whole thing to be widened.

The pipeline that will help supply the enlarged reservoir is being put in place very soon.  They are starting at the Layer Church and Wormingford ends simultaneously and, using the wonders of modern mapping, will meet by the A12.

This winter there have been more birds than expected using the reservoir, including a rare Water Rail (RSPB estimate less than 1,400 breeding pairs in the UK).  Others seen include Bewick’s swans, smew, goosander , gadwall, goldeneye, pochard, black-tailed godwit, curlew, lapwing, redshank, snipe, a turnstone, a bearded tit and bittern.



Abberton Reservoir Update



We have some news about future workings from the latest meeting of the Reservoir Liaison Committee.

Work on the B1026 causeway is due to start on 6th September 2010.

Initially a 60m section over the culvert area will be designated as single lane controlled by traffic lights.  This is to dam the culvert on the east side.  The process will then be repeated on the other side and the culvert will be drained and cleaned out.

The next stage is to dig up the carriageway on the west side to enable rebuilding of the culvert which will house the pumps needed to empty the central section of the reservoir.  The culvert is at present too weak for its purpose.  This activity will then be repeated on the east side of the carriageway.

The traffic lights are bound to delay journeys at busy times but they are to be radar assisted to minimise waiting during periods of light traffic.

The good news is that this stage is scheduled to be completed by Christmas.

It is then hoped to re-open both lanes of the carriageway although they will be narrower than before and there will be no footpath on the western side.

At the same time work will be progressing on constructing the road which will form the new causeway to the west of the existing road.

The target for completing this work is June 2011.

Change of working hours

Essex and Suffolk Water have requested, via the Abberton Reservoir Liaison Meeting, a change to agreed working times.  Neither Colchester Borough Council nor any of the Parish Council representatives objected to the request so the following working hours have now been agreed.

Summer Months April – September (BST) Monday to Friday – 07.00 to 19.00 (this is a change from 07:30 to 19:30)

The Borough Council has also agreed that the restriction on construction and delivery traffic driving through the village during school “picking up” and “dropping off” times does not apply during the period of school holidays.

