Peldon Great Wigborough Little Wigborough Salcott Virley
Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Peldon Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 14th July 2015
Present: John Walker, Nicky Ellis, Bob Holmes, Jinny Gale, Lynne Simmons, Phil Gladwin, Liz Davidson, Rob Surface, Netty Knill-Jones, Robert Davidson, Andrew Ellis and 5 members of the public
Apologies for absence: Kevin Bentley
Minutes of the last meeting were agreed by all and signed by the chairman
Zone Wardens Report – None received
Borough Councillors: Attempts will be made to repair and replace missing road and village signage with the help of CBC personnel as we are unable to get any action from ECC. Abberton and Langenhoe are replacing their play equipment and surfacing so the old is available and will be viewed by us for possible interest. A Casualty Reduction Team Officer is willing to attend a future meeting of ours which will be arranged. A CBC Planning Officer will also visit in due course to listen to the parish council’s views on the Local Plan and proposed sites.
Public-Have Your Say: The installation of speed survey strips was discussed at length and a request had been made for all three roads in Peldon, Lower, Church and St Ives to receive this speed assessment measure and enquiries will be made to this end. A request for litter picking bag hoops was repeated and will be chased up. ECC Highways will be contacted for an overgrown verge in Peldon.
Declarations of Interest – None
1. Playgrounds and Playing Fields: Work at Moss Hay is on-going, the growth along the footpath has been cut back and quotes to resurface the footpath are being sought for which grants will be investigated for funding. The new zip wire will be tightened. Extra playground maintenance courses were considered not to be necessary.
2. Emergency Plan: Progress has been made and hopefully this will be completed for our next meeting.
3. Standing Orders and Code of Conduct: Up to date versions will be looked at from appropriate bodies with a view to adding our specific requirements.
4. Small Project Ideas: Peldon Borough Councillor fund could possibly be used to help fund Moss Hay footpath. Ideas for Salcott and the Wigs will be gathered.
5. Grass cutting: The cutting of the small area of grass in front of Peldon Church has become an issue therefore a rota of volunteers will be sought and our insurance looked into. The loose rubber on Moss Hay has been a problem for cutting the grass but Liz has managed a brilliant job for which we thanked her. The grass at Salcott meadow will be cut for the two events we have had requests for.
6. Operation of Speed Watch: No one further has come forward showing an interest in training to carry out this operation. We will answer an email we received about this.
7. Neighbourhood Watch Schemes: Having received a small interest enquires will be made as to the possibility of a scheme in this neighbourhood.
8. Salcott Flooding: Having now heard back from Environmental Agency with several emails including photos of ditches etc and their view on matters at their suggestion a meeting, to include Andrew will be arranged, at their offices to discuss matters further and inform them of what we consider to be their misinformation, a summary of the situation so far will be sent to Priti Patel.
9. Abberton Reservoir Rights of Way: There had not been a meeting of this committee since last month but a site meeting at Lodge Lane, Peldon is to be arranged.
10. Actions and Reminders List – updated and taking note that we have not received a full answer to our letter to the Police Crime Commissioner for Essex about local crimes as yet and that the matter of crime will be brought up by our representative attending the Essex Rural Strategy Consultation Event later this month. Also we will make enquiries about the suitability of a clothes bank requested by Air Ambulance to help with funding the operation which is hugely expensive.
Planning Applications: | |
151462 | Proposal: Cart lodge at The Anchorage, Lower Road, Peldon |
Planning Decisions: | |
150726 (and 150727 Listed Building application) | Proposal: Demolition of existing greenhouse and construction of a single storey residential annexe at East Anglian Farm Rides, Moor Farm, Colchester Road, Peldon – Approve conditional |
150927 | Proposal: Two dormer windows to first floor to improve internal daylight/ventilation bedroom environment at Fourways Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott – Approve Conditional |
150866 | Proposal: Construction of a new B2 industrial building at Hosplant Ltd. Unit 1, St Ives Farm, St Ives Road, Peldon – Approve conditional |
15111 | Proposal: Alteration of existing garage outbuildings to form 2 bed dwelling at Bucklands, Copt Hall Lane, Little Wigborough – Refuse |
101836 | Peldon PCC – churchyard upkeep | £200.00 |
101837 | Salcott PCC – churchyard upkeep | £200.00 |
101838 | Great and Little Wigboroughs PCC – churchyards upkeep | £400.00 |
101839 | R S Pullen – July salary | £375.65 |
101840 | Peldon Village Hall – hire | £80.00 |
101841 | PKF Littlejohn LPP – external audit | £240.00 |
101842 | T Simmons – play insp, 2 x cuts, Salcott hedge, Moss Hay footpath | £170.00 |
The next meeting will be on Tues 8th Sept 2015 at 7.30pm at Salcott Village Hall