Colchester’s Archaeological Heritage

Poster for Peldon History LectureThe Friends of St Mary’s, Peldon will be presenting the first in the 2013 series of Peldon History Lectures on Wednesday 13th March, 7.30pm in the church. Entitled ‘Asset or Liability – Colchester’s Archaeological Heritage’, this talk by Mark Davies promises an interesting insight into Colchester’s Roman history and how this might be preserved in the future.

Following on from the talk, the Colchester Archaeological Society will present their recent findings from excavations at St Mary’s.

Tickets £8.00, including a glass of wine, available from Bill Tamblyn 01206 735770 or on the door. All proceeds to the Friends of St Mary’s Peldon.


PAWS February – Carnival in Venice

John Wrigley & Sue Copeland
John Wrigley and Sue Copeland

carnival mask from venice

At their February meeting PAWS were entertained by John Wrigley and his slide show of Carnival Time in Venice.  John bought along his extensive collection of slides showing the many sites of the city together with various people in costumes and masks. The origins of Carnival go back to 1162 and the word itself means “Farewell, Meat.”  As lent (which begins on Ash Wednesday) obliged people to fast, it was an excuse for a party that echoed pagan festivities prior to fasting.  After a Republican uprising, a tradition of slaughtering a bull and pigs in the Piazza San Marco, to commemorate the victory, begun around Shrove Tuesday.  The celebration gradually grew and the introduction of masks began in 1268.

PAWS’ next get together is on the 26th March and as it’s their AGM it is a closed meeting.  As well as the routine business they will have a “Flapper Theme” and a light supper.


PAWS January – wealth through cloth trade

paws-1301-simon-gallupOur January meeting on the 8th saw a large turn out when 41 members and 4 visitors came  along to hear Simon Gallup tell us about the Histories of Lavenham and Dedham.  Simon is  one of 8 guides for Lavenham and he explained with the use of slides that due to the cloth trade the Stour Valley had been one of the wealthiest places in the United Kingdom 500 years ago.  During 1480-1530 there was a large building spree of houses, churches and coaching inns but also there was a rapid decline in its wealth due to trade decreases, the 100 year war, huge taxes on the cloth trade etc.  Today there are approximately 300 listed buildings in Lavenham which have lasted through the centuries.  Simon finished the evening with a question and answer session.

Our next get together is on the 26th February when our speaker is John Wrigley and his topic is “Carnival time in Venice.” Membership is currently full but visitors are welcome at a cost of £3.50.

Details of all our meetings and speakers can be found on the diary on the home page of the Winstred 100 website. If you would like any further information about P.A.W.S. please ring any of the following committee members: Alice Holmes 01206 735510, Jane Banks 01206 735004 or Jane Anderson 01206 735505.



Friends make it a pint

pewter-pot“History Through Beers Brewed in Essex” is the title of a talk being given by the Rev Keith Lovell in aid of the Friends of St Mary’s, Peldon.  

Having just tried to count the number of modern breweries in Essex and failing dismally after running out of fingers & toes with many more still tripping off my tongue this should be a fascinating talk.  Be nice if there are some clues for modern brewers to try some new flavours.
