PAWS – October Hoppy Report

Demonstrating traditional hop picking at Hop Festival. Thousands of hop pickers would come to Kent, often from London, and manually pick each hop off its bine.
(The contributor of this photos is Oast House Archive)

About 30 members and visitors attended our October meeting when Barbara Faulkner returned and gave us an extremely interesting talk about hop-picking after the war. It was the only way many East Enders were able to have a holiday. They had to have agreement from the farmer that he would have them back again and they met up with the same people they had been living next door to the previous summer. Strong friendships were formed between neighbouring families. Barbara explained that what she heard as “Horsemen’s Den” was actually Horsmonden. Some families did not have the train fare to get there and had to walk, sleeping in the hedgerows to get there. However, they had a wonderful time and Barbara had several photographs of her own family in the hop fields to show us.

Our next get together is on November 23rd when Brian Carline will be talking to us about “School Experiences”. As usual we meet at 7.30pm in Peldon Village Hall, Church Road, Peldon. Membership is currently closed but visitors are very welcome at a cost of £3.50 and a waiting list is in operation.

If you would like any further information about P.A.W.S. please ring any of us on any of the following numbers. Alice 01206 735510, Jane 01206 735004, Julia 01206 735053 or Sue 01206 735212.

