Easter Bonnets & AGM
46 PAWS members attended the March meeting which was also their AGM.
As well as the business of the evening, whereby the committee and President were elected, we also enjoyed a “sweet supper” together with a quiz, a chocolate tasting and Easter Bonnet competition.
Two of the existing committee stood down with one new member, Kate Neville, being elected and Sue Copeland was elected President with Pam Foakes as Vice-President for the forthcoming year. Bouquets were presented to Gen Fretwell, the outgoing President and Jane Banks and Julia Dymond as a thank you for all their hard work on the committee over the years.
The winner of the Easter Bonnet was Diane Cornes (photo right). Jean Hedger (photo right) was also presented with a certificate in recognition of all her hard work on the Sales Tables.
Chris Mutch, our speaker, talked to us about the benefits of Magnetic Therapy in a piece of jewellery and did a hefty trade afterwards.