Interested in half a pig?

Halved pigThey go in on a Monday and are available to collect from noon on Thursday.  Each half pig weighs about 35kg and storage space of 60cm x 40 cm x 20 cm – two shelves should be OK.

Price: £2.90/kg or about £97 / half pig.

You have the choice of how they are cut and bagged. Common choices are:

  • Leg: – joints ( any size ), diced, ham or gammon.
  • Shoulder: – joints, diced, sausages, burgers or collar bacon.
  • Loin: – chops, steaks or joints. Back bacon: smoked or green.
  • Tenderloin: whole 9oz strip.
  • Hand & Belly: – makes approx’ 18 packs of sausages (8 / pack), you choose the flavour. The belly could be left as a strip, made into BBQ ribs or streaky bacon.  The hand may be diced for casseroles.

Sausages and burgers are £1.90 / kg extra. Flavours normally available are: plain, Old English, Cumberland, Pork & Leek, Tomato & Basil, Garlic Chilli and Fennel – be warned theses are hot, Pork & Apricot, Pork & Apple.

Bacon, gammon and ham are £2.30 / kg extra and take 2 weeks.

The bones, liver, kidney and heart are yours if you would like them.

If you have further questions or to place an order please contact:

Kate Gladwin  01206 735 694    
