There was no meeting in August but we did have an organised visit to the Packing Shed on Sunday 13th August. At 2pm 10 members and 4 guests boarded a small launch to the Packing Shed off West Mersea pier. It was a Continue reading “PAWS August – At The Packing Shed”
The Essex County Council (B1025 Colchester Road/The Strood, West Mersea & Mersea Road, Peldon) (40mph Speed Limit) Order 2014
Notice is hereby given that the Essex County Council has made the above Order under Sections 84(1) and (2) and Part III to Schedule 9 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.
Effect of the order: To introduce a 40MPH speed limit on that length of B1025 Colchester Road/The Strood, West Mersea & Mersea Road, Peldon in the Borough of Colchester as specified (The roads are currently derestricted):
B1025 Colchester Road/The Strood, West Mersea
From a point approximately 60 metres north west of its junction with Mersea Road (northern arm of Bennett island) in a generally south easterly direction, for a distance of approximately 265 metres.
Mersea Road, Peldon
From its junction with B1025 Colchester Road (both arms of the Bennett island) in a generally north westerly direction, for a distance of approximately 1070 metres.
Date of operation: The Order will come into operation on 31 March 2014.
Further details: A copy of the Order and plans may be examined during normal office hours at County Hall, Chelmsford CM1 1LX.
Application to the high court: Anyone who wishes to question the validity of the Order of any provision contained in it on the grounds that it is not within the powers conferred by the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 or on the grounds that any requirement of the Act, or any instrument made under it, has not been complied with in relation to the Order, may within six weeks from the date of the making of the Order apply to the High Court for this purpose.
Dougal Urquhart with hedgehogOur meeting at the end of November attracted 9 visitors and most of the members. The speaker was Dougal Urquhart, who has been the Ranger at Cudmore Grove Country Park in East Mersea since 1983. He showed us some wonderful slides of the photographs that he has taken over the years, to illustrate the changes in the wildlife of Mersea Island throughout the year.
He started with the winter visitors like the Woodcock, Snow Bunting, spoonbills and waxwings. There are occasional sightings of harbour porpoises and grey seals as well as the common seals that we see around our coast at this time of year.
In the spring the amphibians start to emerge from hibernation and basking adders can often be seen in sunny spots around the park. There are many butterflies and moths emerging too who can be seen all through the summer months.
Dougal explained about the plan to introduce the red squirrel onto Mersea island, as it is one of the few places that do not have grey squirrel who carry the parapox virus that can be fatal to the red squirrel. He also talked about the many prehistoric animal bones that have been found along the coast line and in the mud of Mersea Island. It was a thoroughly enjoyable evening and I think that we could have happily let him speak for much longer, but our wine and nibbles were waiting!
The January meeting is earlier in the month than usual on 8th January, so that we don’t clash with the Peldon Pantomime. The speaker is Simon Gallup, who will talk about ‘The Different Histories of Lavenham and Dedham’, which sounds really interesting. In fact we have a really diverse line-up of speakers for all the meetings in 2013. Our membership list is currently full, but visitors are very welcome at a cost of £3.50.
Details of all our meetings and speakers can be found in the diary on the home page of the Winstred 100 website. If you would like any further information about PAWS, please contact any of the following: Alice Holmes 01206 735510, Jane Banks 01206 735004 or Jane Anderson 01206 735505.
Peldon Village Hall Management Committee are organising a sponsored walk to raise funds for the new village hall. The walk will be round Mersea Island and take place on Sunday 25th July 2010. The distance is approximately 14 miles. We intend to start at 9am from the footpath near to the Strood. There will be several scheduled stops to take on refreshment and supplies.
So far four members of the Committee have taken up the challenge and we would be happy to welcome as many people as possible to participate. Please call Keith Banks on 735004 for more details and sponsorship forms. If you can’t manage the walk, you are welcome to to sponsor one of the committee.
If you can’t manage the entire 14 miles, join us for part of the walk, even if its just between The Coast and The Victory!! Dogs also welcome.
It’s a great opportunity to get some exercise, enjoy our beautiful countryside, to chat with friends and neighbours and raise some money for a good cause.