Learn a new skill
Abberton Rural Training, a new project offering a programme of short and part time courses starting this Autumn. There are still places available! Based at Layer Water Treatment Works and around the Abberton Reservoir it is a beautiful place to study. Autumn courses include:
- Spinning – Learn how to wash, card & spin natural wools. Each person works on theeir individual spinning wheel giving plenty of hands on practice. This 4 week course has already commenced (see picture) on 16th October.
- Willow weaving – Learn how to make a willow basket, you will leanr a couple of differnt weaves and get ideas for progrsssing with this fun and flexible craft. Runs on Friday November 7th between 10:00 – 4:00 and costs £60 per day.
- Greenwood crafts – Experience working on a green pole lathe to make a dibber and also carving utensils. All equipment provided, suiotable for novices; this is, however, quitr a physical activity. Runs on 7th November between 9:30 – 12:30 or 1:30 – 4:30 for £65, or full day, 9:30 – 4:30 for £120.
- Felt applique – Learn the art of felt applique using felted wool to make a small reverse applique sachet. Learning traditional needlework, all material provided, Runs on Thursday 13th November between 10:00 – 4:00 for just £30.
- Quilting – Learn how to make a 1m square patchjwork quilt – great for keeping warm in the winter, just when you need it. Suitable for beginners. Four week course starting on Friday 14th November between 10:00 – 4:00 for just £25 per week.
- Origami textiles – Using recycled fabrics make origami anipmals to create a piece of art – a decorative item to treasure or even wear in your hair. Two dates for this course, Thursday 20th or 27th NOvember betwen 10:00 – 1:00 for £20.
- Art classes – Adult Club – A 6 week course teaching a selection of watercolour techniques and skills. Excellent renowned local artist John Harrison shows his expertise with excellent teaching. Runs Thursdays 10:30 – 12:00 (ongoing) at £150 for all 6 weeks.
- Art classes – Children’s Club – A 6 week course teaching a selection of watercolour techniques and skills suitable fro children. Run by renowned local artist John Harrison. Runs Thursdays 15:45 – 16:45 (ongoing) at £48 for all 6 weeks.
To book contact Sally on 07753 494459 or email: [email protected] or via our website: www.abbertonruraltraining.org.