PC Agenda 14th December 2010


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

A meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council will be held at Salcott Village Hall at 7.30pm. on Tuesday 14th December 2010.

Note from the Chairman:

You will note that the agenda looks a little different this time.  Nicky, Sue and I decided to try this expanded format believing that it will help people realise what is expected of them at the meeting and give them a chance to ask questions and round up documents and details before the meeting so that they can come well prepared.  We hope that this will support briefer better-informed discussion.  The format also indicates what decisions need to be made since we are once again hearing rumblings that we too often defer decisions until the following meeting.

Your feedback about the new format is actively solicited as are any further ideas you may have to improve the way our business is conducted.

Apologies for absence:

Minutes of the last meeting

Borough Councillor:

Public – Have Your Say

Declarations of Interest

Items for Discussion

1.   Requested move of bus stop at Malting Road, Peldon

  • ­Report of Clerk’s consultations with ECC and First
  • ­Discussion of practicalities and cost
  • ­Decision required: Do we agree to action the move?

2.   RCCE course – Influencing Decisions in Your Local Area

  • ­Report from Nicky who attended
  • ­Decision required: do we need to take further action?

3.   2011 Emergency Planning event

  • ­Decisions required: Do we want a meeting in the usual form or a simulated training event and on which of the offered dates?

4.   Minerals Development Document Preferred Approach – Public Consultation

  • ­Notice of the consultation will be displayed in the usual places
  • ­Decisions required: Does a member of the Parish Council need to attend and if so who?

5.   Sustainable Communities Act

  • ­Decision required: What action does the Parish Council need to take?

6.   Precept/Grant

  • ­Discussion of strategy in response to the 50% cut in Revenue Grant
  • ­Discussion about possible reduction of costs in 2011, informed by the financial reports distributed
  • ­Decision required: Preliminary decision about 2011 precept request (to be finally agreed in the January meeting)

7.   Water for Peldon Church

  • ­we have been asked to agree to the Peldon PCC fencing in a piece of land looked after by them for many years and also laying a water pipe beneath it
  • ­discussion as to whether the Parish Council has any involvement with this issue
  • ­Decision required: What response do we make to the PCC?

8.   Parish Online and Planning on the Map

  • ­Reports from those who tried it
  • ­Decision required: Do we wish to sign up for this service in future?

9.   Essex Police – the future of NAPs meetings

  • ­Decision required: Should a member of the PC attend the meetings and if so who?

10.  Reservoir Community Fund Application

  • ­the application has been accepted for consideration by the Liaison Committee.
  • ­Latest update if available

11.  Refuse collections, gritting, salt boxes

  • ­general update

12.  Parish Council Chairmanship

  • ­Continuation of a discussion as to whether we should hold to our usual rota for changing the Chairmanship in May 2011 given the reluctance of the Salcott cum Virley Councillors to take their due turn at this time
  • ­Decision required: Who should be Chairman and who should be Vice Chairman from May 2011 and for how long should they hold tenure?

13.  Playgrounds

  • ­The Clerk to report on completion of monthly reports, insurance guidelines and progress on outstanding works

14.  Painting of Salcott play equipment

  • ­Consideration of quotations received from two suppliers, the second being more expensive but specific about the use of special paint and the first cheaper but with no statement as to paint to be used.
  • ­Decision required: Which quotation is to be accepted?

15.  Rolling Actions and Reminders List

  • ­Review and update


1.  ECC Making the Links December 2010 www.essexcc.gov.uk

2.  EALC County Update November 2010

3.  CBC Forward Plan of Key Decisions – 1 December 2010 to 31 March 2010

4.  ECC Bus Passenger News Nov/Dec 2010

5.  Autism Anglia Autumn Newsletter

6   RCCE ‘Oyster’ Autumn 2010

7.  St Helena Hospice ‘Time’ Winter 2010

8.  ECC Data Transparency (which we already do)


102273 Proposal: Retrospective application for the change of use from agricultural use to B8 storage, comprising of; (a) the continued use for storage of ten former shipping containers that are physically attached to the land; (b) the siting and use for storage of a further four former shipping containers that are free-standing; and (c) the continued use of one part of the application site as an outside storage area used in connection with a business that deals with reclaimed building materials at Pantile Farm, Peldon Road, Abberton

102282 Proposal: Internal and external alterations to roof, forming new bedroom (no.5) and new games room at John Jones House, Autism Anglia, Church Road, Peldon

102366 Proposal: Double storey side extension and front porch (resubmission of application 091543) at 2 Fourreleet Cottages, Whitehouse Hill, Salcott


101579  Suffolk Acre Services – Parish Council annual insurance                         £1468.92

101580  J & N Bradshaw & Son – repairs to Moss Hay goal posts                         £293.75

101581  R S Pullen  –  clerk’s fee for December                                                £353.53

101582  SLCC  –  annual subscription                                                                £95.00


*******   There will be Christmas drinks and nibbles at the Peldon Plough immediately after the meeting.  *******
******* We hope to see you there.   *******

The next meeting will be at Peldon Village Hall (Committee Room) on Tuesday 11th January 2011 7.30pm.


PC Agenda 9th November 2010


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

A meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council will be held at Peldon Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 9th November 2010.

Apologies for absence:

Minutes of the last meeting

Borough Councillors:

Public – Have Your Say

Declarations of Interest:

Items for Discussion

  1. Door to door deliveries – who should do what and where
  2. Chairmanship – future order – possible changes required
  3. The Way We Work- including possible allocation of jobs/subjects
  4. Meetings attended – reports – Village Shop & Pub Day, Abberton Reservoir Liaison Group, Essex Wildlife Trust and Clerks’ Forum
  5. Parish Online pilot scheme – further information
  6. Reservoir Community Fund website application
  7. Revenue Grant reduction – implications
  8. New Executive Arrangements Consultation – our response
  9. Flooding enquiry from Nick Humfrey – follow up information
  10. Parking in Salcott progress
  11. Abandoned car in Wigborough Village Hall car park
  12. Peldon Hall Farm – crop spraying and deposit on road
  13. Playgrounds – update and quotations for painting Salcott equipment if obtained
  14. Quotations for improving bus shelter at Salcott crossroads if obtained
  15. Youth sports equipment – suggested source of funding
  16. Sparklers evening – after the event report
  17. Actions and Reminders List



    • CBC Site Allocations and Development Policies
    • NATS no changes or further consultation for the time being
    • CBC Forward Plan of Key Decisions – 1 Nov 10 to 28 Feb 11
    • ECC Making the Links November 2010
    • English Rural Housing Association Annual Report 2010


091245 Proposal: Conservation woodland and meadow with support facilities at Bellwood, Colchester Road, Great Wigborough – Permission Refused

Correspondence from CBC on Hall Barn, Peldon Road, Abberton


101574 Peldon Village Hall – hire                                                                               £90.00

101575 R S Pullen – clerk’s fee for Nov                                                                    £353.53

101576 B Gooding – 2 x play insp + repairs                                                                £63.24

The next meeting will be held at Salcott Village Hall on 14th December 2010 at 7.30pm.


PC Agenda 14th September 2010


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

A meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council will be held at Peldon Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 14th September 2010.

Apologies for absence:

Borough Councillors:

Public-Have Your Say:

Declarations of Interest:

Co-opt and welcome to Nettie

Items for Discussion

  1. Bellwood – up date
  2. Wigboroughs Village Hall – update and next steps
  3. Affordable Housing survey and letter – update and circulation
  4. Salcott vacancy – any interest – what next?
  5. CALC meeting report
  6. Edward Gittins & Assoc. – CBC LDF – responses and possible results
  7. Salcott flooding – update including works carried out
  8. Playgrounds – update
  9. Moss Hay goal posts – old repaired or new ones
  10. Salcott crossroads bus shelter alterations – cost
  11. Individual jobs for individual parish councillors – suggestions
  12. Actions and Reminders list – up dated to follow


  • ECC Changing Essex
  • EALC County Update, courses, AGM 29th Sept Foakes Hall, Great Dunmow
  • NALC Report of the Chief Executive
  • English Rural The Bulletin summer 2010
  • ECC Making the Links September 2010
  • Environment Agency Seawalls Vegetation Clearance
  • No Need for Nuclear
  • Essex Playing Fields Association Newsletter
  • CBC Forward Plan of Key Decisions 1 Aug to 31 Dec 2010
  • Autism Anglia Newsletter Summer
  • ECC Essex Speed Management Strategy

    Planning applications:

    101417 Proposal: Temporary use of mobile home as monitoring accommodation for free range chicken egg unit at Bellwood, Colchester Road, Great Wigborough

    101423 Proposal: Loft conversion, new porch and alterations to attached garage at Longacre, School Lane, Great Wigborough

    101433 Proposal: Demolish existing garages, build single store granny annexe at The Bungalow, Colchester Road, Virley

    101612 Proposal: Replacement house at Grove Bungalow, Maldon Road, Gt Wigborough

    101837 Proposal: Removal of condition 2 of planning permission 072151 restricting the use for overhaul and repair, sale and maintenance of contractors’ plant, sale of associated spare parts and associated offices, all as stated in the application and for no other purpose at St Ives Farm, St Ives Road, Peldon

    Notice of Planning Decisions:

    100854 Proposal: Erection of single storey kitchen extension, insertion of new doors and internal alterations at The Old Rectory, Mill Lane, Virley – Permission Granted

    101423 Proposal: Loft conversion, new porch and alterations to attached garage at Longacre, School Lane, Great Wigborough – Permission Granted

    101372 Proposal: Double storey side extension and front porch at 2 Fourreleet Cottages, Whitehouse Hill, Salcott – Permission Refused


    101563 Colchester Association of Local Councils – annual subs                                  35.00

    101564 Suffolk Acre – insurance for Wigborough Hall                                              60.37

    101565 CBC – election costs                                                                              598.23

    101566 Audit Commission – external audit                                                            158.63

    101567 R S Pullen – clerk’s fee for August and September                                     707.06

    101568 R S Pullen – clerk’s expenses                                                                   240.22

    101569 Barry Gooding – play insp x 3 months                                                         90.00

    The next meeting will be held at 7.30pm on Tues 12th Oct 2010 at Salcott Village Hall


    Results of Parish Elections

    At the election on 27th May 2010 six candidates stood for election to four places representing the ward of Peldon.   There was a huge turnout of 31% and 146 people voted. The successful candidates were:

    • Jane Banks,
    • Charles Dymond,
    • Nicky Ellis and
    • John Walker.

    Our congratulations to them and commiserations and thanks to Frances Fergus and Robert Kean.

    Uncontested elections on 6th May 2010 for Salcott, Virley and the Wigboroughs returned Lynne Simmons, Phil Gladwin and Jinny Gale to office.

    Vacancies still exist for councillors at Virley and Salcott.


    Code of Conduct

    The Winstred Hundred Parish Council follows the model ‘Code of Conduct’ as issued by the ‘Standards Board for England’ under the Local Government Act 2000.  The latest version of this document is in Adobe Acrobat format and can be read or downloaded from this site here.

    The Code addresses the following subject matter:

    General obligations under the Code of Conduct

    • Treating others with respect
    • Complying with equality laws
    • Bullying and intimidation
    • Compromising the impartiality of officers of the authority
    • Disclosing confidential information
    • Preventing access to information
    • Disrepute
    • Using your position improperly
    • The authority’s resources
    • Using resources for proper purposes only
    • Considering advice provided to you and giving reasons

    Personal and prejudicial interests

    Personal interests

    • Interests you must register
    • Interests that are not on your register

    Prejudicial interests

    • What is a prejudicial interest?
    • What to do when you have a prejudicial interest
    • Dispensations

    Special categories of interests

    • Gifts and hospitality
    • Overview and scrutiny committee meetings
    • Executive or cabinet roles
    • Sensitive information