Peldon Village Hall – annual report

Home made sausage rollsThe annual report and accounts of the Peldon Village Hall management committee are now online to review on the Peldon Village Hall webpage.  Reviewing the year the committee’s chairman, Keith Banks, considers the progress made towards building of a new Village Hall as well as the huge amount of work needed going forward to turn it into a reality.  He gives thanks to volunteers perhaps the most notable being 79-year-old Ethel Miller who, whilst standing down from the committee, still intends volunteering as a cleaner and regular provider of home made cheese straws and sausage rolls.  Yum!


Colchester Customer Survey – be heard

cbc-survey-jul11Colchester Borough Council has launched a Customer Service Survey to understand why residents access Council Services in the way that they do. From 11th July the Council begun to gather customer feedback to ensure it is providing the right services at the right location. Customers visiting the Customer Service Centre, High Street will be asked to take the opportunity to have their say, by participating in the survey and shaping the future delivery of Council services. The Customer Service Survey asks:

  • Why customers prefer to visit their office rather than use the phone or email and
  • Where they have travelled from and what mode of travel they use when they come into town to visit CBC.
  • Whether they would prefer to access Council Services within their local community from locations such as library or Parish Council premises.

Cllr Beverley Oxford, Portfolio Holder for Customers, said: “The Council is committed to providing excellent customer service to residents and the business community, and wants to future proof its services so that we can ensure we are providing customer service in a format and location that meets our customers changing needs. “Residents’ views are very important in helping us to shape the future of Council services. Complete our customer survey and communicate your priorities and needs to the Council.”  

Customers can also complete the survey online at until 2 September 2011. Following the 2 September we will collate and consider responses as part of the first stage of the Council’s customer services consultation. 



PAWS – July Search & Rescue Report


37 members and 4 visitors attended our June meeting when Matt Cloke, Chairman of Essex Search and Rescue, came along to tell us all about this worthwhile charity. He explained that it was run by a highly trained and experienced group of volunteers who came from all sorts of backgrounds and work alongside the police to help search for high risk and vulnerable people that go missing in Essex and the surrounding area.   We were surprised to hear that every year this is some 5,000-6,000 people.  They receive no public funding but manage on donations, street collections, grants and the lottery.  Their most recent involvement was with the Steven Reis case in June this year, a local Rowhedge man, which involved 500 man hours over 6 days covering some 375 acres of land but resulting tragically in his body being found by a member of the public.  Matt was very obviously passionate about his work and was very interesting to listen to.

Our next meeting is at 7.30pm on July 26th when we will be having our annual Social Night. This year’s theme is “Great Britain Evening” and we will be having music and singing provided by Helen Abbey and her accompaniment and suitable refreshments.  There will also be a prize for the best hat!  Membership is full but visitors are very Welcome, at a cost of £5.00 for July’s evening, by contacting any of the following committee members.

If you would like any further information about P.A.W.S. please ring any of us on any of the following numbers. Alice 01206 735510, Jane 01206 735004, Julia 01206 735053 or Sue 01206 735212.



The 79th 5 Parishes Show 2011

Sponsored by es-water
Sunday, 7th August 11.00 a.m -5.00 p.m
(By kind permission of the Commander Defence Training Estate East)
Attractions include:
  • 5-parishes-iconsMedieval Combat Display team
  • Tall Guy (Country & Western)
  • Colchester Birds of Prey
  • Suffolk Kite Flyers
  • Colchester Model Flying Club
  • Tendring Dog Agility Display Team
  • Annie’s Fantasies
  • Suffolk Punches
  • Carriage Display
  • East Anglian Fighting Vehicles
  • Colchester History Alive
  • Horse Show
  • Exemption Dog Show
  • Go Karts
  • Mega Slide
  • Archery
  • Licensed Bar
  • Lazer Shooting
  • Horticultural Marquee (Entries on Saturday, 6th August)
  • Food Stalls
  • Over 60 Stalls and Side Shows


5-parishes-mapMain show schedules available as PDF download (print 2-sided on A4 to make A5 booklet) or from:
  • Sally Abbott –Tel : 01206 735931
Horse show schedules from: 
  • Linda May –Tel: 01206 735552

Dog show contact

  • Jinny Gale – 01206 735846




PAWS – June Waifs & Strays Report

jane_maylon46 members and 6 visitors attended our May meeting when Jane Maylon (right in the photo) told us all about “Adopting an Attitude”.  It was a most intriguing title and most of us had guessed incorrectly when Jane proceeded to tell us all about her Adoption in the mid 50’s, at the tender age of just 6 weeks from the “Waifs and Strays” now known as “The Childrens Society.”  She talked about the change in attitude to adoption relaying many amusing stories along the way.  She also told us how she had tracked down her birth Mother in Canada, and having written to her for several years, finally meeting her.  It was a very uplifting experience and Jane was a delight to listen to.

Our next meeting is at 7.30pm on June 28th when Matt Cloke will tell us all about “Search and Rescue.”  We will also be having a silent auction of new and nearly new items.  Membership again is full but visitors are very welcome at a cost of £3.50.



PAWS – May Beeb Report

brian curtois44 members and 3 visitors attended our April meeting when Brian Curtois told us all about his “30 years with the BBC.”  Brian started his early career as a Reporter with a small newspaper in Hornchurch before progressing onto the Ilford Recorder.  He then moved to Nottingham before returning to London as part of the Press Agency. He covered a number of major events including the Great Train Robbery and the wedding of Peter Sellers to Britt Ekland. On his first attempt at joining the BBC he got a rejection letter but one year later his second attempt to be offered the post of General News Reporter. For 3 years he covered the Middle East and then Northern Ireland. Over the years he has interviewed numerous people including Ian Paisley, Margaret Thatcher, Mohammad Ali and Bruce Forsythe to name but a few and worked with people like Alan Freeman and Terry Wogan on Late Night Extra and David Dimbleby when working as the Political Correspondent at Westminister. He saw lots of changes over the years with the change from radio to television and relayed several amusing stories.   Another very enjoyable evening.

Our next meeting is at 7.30pm on June 28th when Matt Cloke will tell us all about “Search and Rescue.” We will also be having a silent auction of new and nearly new items.  Membership again is full but visitors are very welcome at a cost of £3.50.

If you would like any further information about P.A.W.S. please ring any of us on any of the following numbers. Alice 01206 735510, Jane 01206 735004, Julia 01206 735053 or Sue 01206 735212.


Peldon May Festival 2011

Riotous Assembly - Folk Opera of 19th Century riots
Riotous Assembly – Folk Opera of 19th Century riots
Don’t miss 3 days of events at the Peldon May Festival. 

Kicking it off in the Plough on Friday 27th ay at 7:30 will be Folk music in the garden, provided by Elaine Barker, Bill, Gwendal Moele and Shanty Clere. The usual Friday pub food will be available or why not try your hand at Boules  before Sunday’s competition. 

Between 11am and 5pm on the Saturday there is a day of family fun with the Church Tower Open, Flower Festival, Art and Photographic Exhibition, Craft Stalls, Owl Display, Dog Training, Punch and Judy, Bouncy Castle, Gardeners Question Time, Beer Tent, Ploughmans Lunches and Cream Teas with entrance just £2 or £1 for children. 

Sunday kicks off with a Pet Service in the church at 9:30 followed between 10am and 4pm with the Church Tower Open, Flower Festival and Art and Photographic Exhibitions in the Church, Open Gardens with Treasure Hunt and Scarecrow Competition, Light Lunches, Cream Teas and the Boules Competition.

The festival is rounded off nicely with a Festival Concert in the Church by the popular Hadleigh group ‘Riotous Assembly’. A tale of the Essex riots 1790-1820, depicted in a contemporary folk song setting, followed by an end of Festival reception. Tickets £10 to include refreshments.  More details from Bill Tamblyn 01206 735770. 


PC Minutes 12th April 2011


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Salcott Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 12th April 2011.

Present: Les Lapwood, Jane Banks, Charles Dymond, Lynne Simmons, Jinny Gale, Phil Gladwin, Nicky Ellis, John Walker, Kevin Bentley, John Jowers and 2 members of public

Apologies for absence: Netty Knill-Jones, Andrew Ellis

Minutes of the last meeting were agreed by all and signed by the chairman

Borough Councillors: Flytipping is a serious problem at present and CBC is working hard to clear up dumped rubbish quickly and also investigate the perpetrators so that they can be prosecuted.  Pete Tye Common is constantly being targeted by offenders and had got quite untidy all over the car park.  The Parish Council would like to express their thanks to the Tamblyns for making an extremely good job of clearing up all the loose bits and pieces that had been left from endless dumping and collecting.

More applications for Abberton Reservoir Community Fund should be submitted and the procedure for processing applications will be improved. It is felt that Peldon Village Hall should get a decent amount of the funds as it has and will be in the future used for communicating to the public on matters relating to the reservoir works.

The government has allocated a large sum of money for getting all the pot holes mended. In this area the materials used have now been improved and in general and where possible all the pot holes in one road are mended together.

County Councillors: The Localism Bill will probably be passed in November which will bring certain responsibilities back to community level, planning being one them. More training from CBC for parish councillors will be required. The levy on building houses will help to ensure the infrastructure is in place for new developments.

The Big Society Fund is available for rapid response for urgent needs projects.  ECC has saved a large amount of money from backroom jobs rather than shutting libraries, etc.

Community Asset Transfer will release money to give back more to rural villages.

Public-Have Your Say: None

Declarations of Interest: None

  1. Affordable Housing – one or two discrepancies were found in the RCCE Survey Report that have since been corrected.  At our workshop the level of response was looked at closely and enough people did have their say to process the results and arrive at a stage for a decision.  With a relatively good return of surveys at 28% there was not an overwhelming for or against affordable housing.  Therefore Phil proposed, Charles seconded and all agreed that there hasn’t been proved an adequate need for affordable housing in our villages at this time.  But the parish council would hope to look at the matter in 5 year’s time.  We will inform RCCE of our decision and thank them for their time and effort on this. 
  2. Individual roles for individual Parish Councillors – some parish councillors already take on certain roles particularly with meeting attendance and this will continue with others taking turns on occasions.  Keeping an eye on the playgrounds will be taken on by two parish councillors, setting up of the halls for our meetings will be shared by all and the wide subject of communications will need more time to consider properly.  Our finances and budgeting will be more closely looked at in these times of cut backs and our Emergency Plan will be brought up to date and then passed on to one or two parish councillors to keep updated and attend the CBC meetings. Organizing training is another subject that can be the responsibility of one parish councillor.
  3. Abberton Reservoir Liaison Meeting – was attended by two parish councillors this time.  Work has been delayed due to bad weather but has now resumed including work on the B1026, ballast and clay extraction and pipe work. Thanks to our chairman for completing the very complicated application process we have been awarded a grant from the Community Fund to help improve the Parish Council website as this is one way of communicating to the public on the reservoir works.
  4. Land outside the Peldon Church – following an enquiry on ownership and registering this land so that the Church could lay pipe work underground, a letter has been sent to the Church Warden to explain our position on this and a phone call of thanks followed.  The ownership of this land is not established and therefore it cannot be registered.
  5. Salcott crossroads bus shelter alterations – the manufacturers who are supplying the timber will be contacted again for a delivery date. 
  6. Dog Fouling on Moss Hay – a great deal of time and effort has taken place so far to try and eliminate this problem.  Paint spraying round messes and visiting to keep a watchful eye has been carried out on numerous occasions. There is some progress but there are some dog owners that are still being irresponsible and inconsiderate.  New signage is being made and will be erected soon. 
  7. Wigboroughs Village Hall – a grant has been obtained from ECC for this project and a small sum from CBC for the use of the car park for the election. The Parish Council can now be reimbursed for the money it has spent so far. Work can now carry on with this project, to form a management committee and then establish the people’s opinions as what should happen to this dilapidated building.
  8. Actions and Reminders – updated



110058 Proposal: Erection of 5 houses with garages at former Peldon Garage site

110076 Proposal: Demolition of existing village hall and erection of new at Peldon

110554 Proposal: Rear facing dormer over converted garage to form dressing room at The Anchorage, Lower Road, Peldon

110534 Proposal: Construction of a 40m x 20m equestrian ménage for domestic use in field to rear of 2 Sherwins Cottages at 2 Sherwins Cottages, Abbots Wick Road, Great Wigborough


Planning Decisions:

102622 Proposal: Certificate of lawful use for existing use of land as private garden at Beckton House Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott has been granted

110185 Proposal: Erection of 50cm freesat dish on chimney facing east, top to be less than 60cm above ridge of roof at Sampton Wick, Wigborough Road, Peldon – Permission Refused

110220 Proposal: 2 storey side and rear extension at Wayside Cottage, Colchester Road, Virley – Permission Granted

110232 Proposal: Reinstatement of previous solid floor construction across ground floor at Moor Farm, Colchester Road, Peldon – Consent given

110105 Proposal: Garage extension at Hall Barn, Peldon Road, Peldon – Permission Granted



101597 – CALC – annual subs                                                                                     £35.00

101598 – EALC & NALC – annual subs                                                                        £277.45

101599 – B J Gooding – play insp x 3                                                                           £90.00

101600 – R S Pullen – office use, heat, light, etc.                                                        £250.00

101601 – R S Pullen – clerk’s fee for April                                                                   £353.53

101602 – R S Pullen – clerk’s expenses, paper, ink, travel, etc                                       £160.87

101603 – Anglia Inspection Services Ltd. – Playgrounds annual inspection                       £186.00

101604 – T Simmons – play insp x 2, grass cut                                                         £100.00

The next meeting will be held at Peldon Village Hall on Tues 10th May 2011 at 7.30pm and will be the Parish Assembly and AGM.


PAWS – April Wig Report

paws-wigs-20110442 members, in a variety of wigs and waistcoats, attended our AGM in March when we appointed a new President, Gen Fretwell, from the re-elected committee. Gen takes over from Julia Dymond who had a very “enjoyable year” despite her original misgivings. Once the business side of the evening, which included reports from both the President and Treasurer, had been conducted, we then had a lovely supper of shepherd’s pie followed by a choice of sumptuous deserts made by various members of our very talented committee.  The evening was rounded off with a Quiz.

Our next meeting is at 7.30pm on May 24th when Jane Malyon is going to talk to us about “Adopting an Attitude.”  Membership again is full but visitors are very welcome at a cost of £3.50.

If you would like any further information about P.A.W.S. please ring any of us on any of the following numbers. Alice 01206 735510, Jane 01206 735004, Julia 01206 735053 or Sue 01206 735212.


Peldon Metal Thefts

Partially stolen road sign
Read more by clicking link on left
There has been an increase in metal thefts in the area recently including a number of recorded incidents in the Peldon area. Local police encourage everyone to take appropriate security measures.  They would also be grateful if any sightings of suspicious persons and vehicles (index numbers if possible) can be passed to the local neighbourhood policing team.

A little web research quickly shows that metal thieves are not only targetting obvious sources such as roof leading and copper lightning rods, but also less obvious sources such as telephone cables, road signs and bus shelters.  The picture shows a partially stolen road sign near Writtle – the report it comes from is worth a read.

Please call the Mersea police mobile 07966 197 265 or 0300 333 4444 non emergency with any information or concerns.


