PAWS January – Life in Spain as a Journalist

PAWS January – Life in Spain as a Journalist

Ian Frewer with members

On 10th January PAWS met in their temporary home at St, Mary’s Church in Peldon.  33 members turned out to hear Ian Frewer talk about his “Life in Spain as a Journalist”. Ian started his talk with a brief History of Spain itself covering such facts as:

  • 1936 saw the last legal burning of a witch in Spain,
  • the expulsion of 150,00 Jews in 1492, and
  • the various invasions over the centuries.

From the mid 80’s he had a holiday home in Spain and in the early 90’s he moved out there permanently. He worked on the Costa Blanca News covering such stories as

  • Tigers in Torrevieja,
  • the bombing of MacDonalds by ETA, and
  • Working Girls to name but a few.

He then joined a local radio with a friend on a live show covering music, local news and interviewing local celebrities. He moved back to the UK about 9 years ago. Ian was a very interesting speaker and we all enjoyed the talk and the refreshments afterwards.

Next Meeting

PAWS next get together is on the 28th February when the speaker will be Alan Bourne.  Alan will talk about “The History of Perry Garden Centre”.  Membership is currently full but visitors are very welcome at a cost of £5.00 which includes refreshments.

Details of all meetings and speakers can be found on the diary of the home page of the Winstred 100 website. If you would like further information about P.A.W.S please ring either of the following committee members: Alice Holmes 01206 735510 or Jane Anderson 01206 735505.



PAWS December – Christmas Meal at the Granary

PAWS December – Christmas Meal at the Granary

Members enjoying the Christmas Meal at the Granary
More members enjoying the Christmas Meal at the Granary

On Tuesday 13th December 2016, 36 members arrived at the Granary Restaurant for the PAWS Christmas meal. There was lots of laughter and chat.  Everyone enjoyed the chance to relax and talk to other members in the festive atmosphere.  The meal was appreciated by everyone, though most were beaten by the quantity.  We all had a present from ‘Santa’s Sack’, which ranged from a Bell from Santa’s Sleigh to flying birds and jumping insects!  After coffee and mince pies it was time to go home, all agreeing that it had been a most enjoyable evening.

Next Meeting & Talk

Our next get together is on the 10th January, 2017 when our speaker will be Ian Frewer.  His subject “My life in Spain as a Journalist”.

Membership is currently full but visitors are very welcome to attend at a cost of £5.00 which includes refreshments.

Contact & More Information

Details of all our meetings and speakers can be found on the diary of the home page of this website.  If you would like further information about P.A.W.S please ring either of the following committee members: Alice Holmes 01206 735510 or Jane Anderson 01206 735505
