PC Minutes 8th January 2013


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Abbotts Hall Farm, Great Wigborough at 7.30pm on Tuesday 8th January 2013.

Present: John Walker, Jane Banks, Charles Dymond, Nicky Ellis (chair), Jinny Gale, Phil Gladwin, Netty Knill-Jones, Lynne Simmons, Terry Sutton, Andrew Ellis, Kevin Bentley, 2 Police Officers and 12 members of the public

Apologies for absence: None

Minutes of the last meeting were agreed by all and signed by the chairman

Borough and County Councillors: Flooding areas at Salcott have been inspected along with the CBC Land Drainage Technician during the particularly wet weather recently. There were noticeable improvements from work having been carried out but matters could be improved more if land owners carried out further requested works.  Thanks will be given to a certain Salcott resident for his ditch clearance work which is very much appreciated.

Pot holes have been mended but with many the repairs have come out again all too soon but will be dealt with yet again in time.  More resurfacing has been requested and with a better job than has been seen on the roads of late.

ECC is not increasing their part of the Council Tax and even though their funds have been significantly reduced front line services have not been affected.

The collapsed edge on St Ives Hill has been repaired and Copt Hall Lane will be chased up for a similar problem.

The new grant system from CBC was clarified in order for us to make a positive decision.

Public-Have Your Say: The consultation for the speed reduction proposals along Mersea Road in Peldon was enquired about and will be looked into. Also enquiries were made about the proposed bus shelter for Church Road/Malting Road which will be followed up by requesting a date when we can expect this to take place.

Declarations of Interest: None

Planning Application 122083 (details below) was brought forward on the agenda for which a full discussion took place with presentations and comments from the applicant, his agent, neighbours, other Salcott residents and a Borough Councillor speaking for and against this proposal.  The Parish Council discussed this further later on in the meeting and all that was said earlier with emails and letters sent to us previously were carefully considered  in order for us to put together our comments to be sent to CBC Planning Dept.

1. Police from both Tiptree and Mersea gave reports of no crimes in our villages but would urge people to be vigilant as there are cases of household oil theft at present.  Also they will carry out speed gun visits if they are told of a particularly bad place and time.  Speed gun training for those that put their names forward is taking place.  A vase had been stolen from Salcott Church.

2. Playgrounds and Playing Fields – the Community Service work on Moss Hay has been suspended due to the village hall being occupied with panto rehearsals as the toilets etc are required for this work party. Work will resume again in February for which we are very grateful and delighted with all their efforts so far.  The playgrounds are in good order given the very poor weather we’ve been having.

3. Zone Wardens and Highway Rangers – nothing to report

4. Precept/Grant 2013/14 following further discussion and consideration Phil proposed, Jinny seconded and all agreed to apply for the same money as last year despite the fact it will be a modest increase of £2.31 average per band D property but this being a direct result of the withdrawal of most of the Revenue Grant by CBC.  We have and will continue to try and make savings wherever possible but insurance, maintenance of our playgrounds, grass cutting etc are a constant commitment for us.

5. Abberton Reservoir Expansion Liaison Group Meeting – the poor weather had stopped work but habitat work will start soon. The main part of the project is still on course to finish at August 2013.
    Abberton Reservoir Community Fund – there had been one application this time for helping with the cost of a length of footpath in Layer de la Haye from the works entrance to the crossroads.

6. Flooding – as above at Borough Councillors plus a land owner along St Ives Hill has been approached for ditch clearance to alleviate a problem there.

7. Broadband update report – there is a question of planning permission being a problem that will hopefully be resolved soon.

8. Website and Five Parishes Show – our website could be of more use to the Five Parishes Show and we would like to treat everyone the same with regard to any possible charges.  Our new parish councillor who will be co-opted at our next meeting has already expressed knowledge of website maintenance so we will approach him on the matter.

9. Actions and Reminders List – updated

    Planning Applications:

    122083 Proposal: Demolition of existing bungalow and erection of 2 no. two and a half storey semi-detached dwellings at Old Barn Burrows, The Bungalow, The Street, Salcott



    St Mary the Virgin, Peldon – mag entries for the year



    R S Pullen – clerk’s fee for Jan



    Salcott Village Hall – hall hire x 6



    David J Kingaby – running of website



    Tollesbury (St Mary’s) PCC – mag entries for the year



    T Simmons – Salcott play insp x 2


    The next meeting will be held at Peldon Village Hall on Tues 12th February 2013 at 7.30pm.



    PC Agenda 8th January 2013


    Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

    A meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council will be held at Abbotts Hall Farm, Great Wigborough at 7.30pm on Tuesday 8th January 2013.

    Apologies for absence:

    Minutes of the last meeting:

    Borough Councillors:

    Public-Have Your Say:

    Declarations of Interest:

    Items for Discussion

    1. Police

    • Report of crimes in our villages
    • Decision required: Any problems or crimes we should report?

    2. Playgrounds and Playing Fields

    • Reports from both playgrounds and fields and update on work completed and outstanding
    • Progress on work carried out by the Community Service working party
    • Decision required: Is there anything that needs addressing?

    3. Zone Wardens and Highway Rangers

    • Discuss any jobs that either could tackle for us and some already in the pipeline

    4. Precept/Grant 2013/14

    • Further discuss the above with information received
    • Decision required: Having the relevant information from CBC and using our updated finance sheet, confirm our precept/grant requirements.

    5. Abberton Community Fund

    • To update on applications accepted and any new ones submitted

    6. Flooding

    • Update on bad spots and progress from ECC Highways, CBC etc. 
    • Thanks to good resident
    • Decision required: Any further action that can be taken?

    7. Broadband update report

    8. Website and Five Parishes Show

    • Do we think 5 Parishes could utilise our website more?
    • Decision required: If so should we ask for a contribution towards costs?

    9. Actions and Reminders List

    • Update


    • EALC County Update Nov/Dec 2012 and  courses

    Planning Applications:

    122083 Proposal: Demolition of existing bungalow and erection of 2 no. two and a half storey semi-detached dwellings at Old Barn Burrows, The Bungalow, The Street, Salcott


    101695St Mary the Virgin, Peldon – mag entries for the year£150.00
    101696R S Pullen – clerk’s fee for Jan£353.00
    101697Salcott Village Hall – hall hire x 6£180.00

    The next meeting will be held at Peldon Village Hall on Tues 12th February 2013 at 7.30pm.



    PC Agenda 11th December 2012


    Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

    A meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council will be held at Salcott Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 11th Dec 2012.

    Apologies for absence: Jane Banks

    Minutes of the last meeting:

    Borough Councillors:

    Public-Have Your Say:

    Declarations of Interest:

    Items for Discussion

    1.  Police

    • Report of crimes in our villages
    • Decision required: Any problems or crimes we should report?

    2.  Playgrounds and Playing Fields

    • Reports from both playgrounds and fields and update on work completed and outstanding
    • Progress on work carried out by the Community Service working party
    • Decision required: Is there anything that needs addressing?

    3.  Zone Wardens and Highway Rangers

    • Discuss any jobs that either could tackle for us and some already in the pipeline

    4.  Precept/Grant 2013/14

    • Consider our budget in order to sustain our present standard for maintenance of  playgrounds, noticeboards, bus shelters etc, grass & hedge cutting, insurance, training, hall hire, magazine entries, office requirements, etc.
    • Decision required: If we have the relevant information from CBC and using our updated finance sheet make a tentative decision to be finalised at the Jan meeting.

    5.  Abberton Community Fund

    • To update on applications accepted and any new ones

    6.  Wigboroughs Village Hall

    • Update on proceedings so far

    7.  Broadband update report

    8.  Virley Councillor Vacancy

    • Any new interest following our leaflet drop?

    9.  Parish Transportation Meeting

    • Report from meeting if attended

    10.  Fireworks Display

    • To inform that there will not be one next year

    11.  Actions and Reminders List

    • Update including progress following complaint about footpaths in and around Peldon


    • EALC County Update Nov 2012 and  courses
    • CBC Emergency Response Assistance Template

    Planning Decisions:

    121768 Proposal: Swimming pool, pool equipment building, garden shed, greenhouse, potting shed, 3 chicken coops and 2 horse field shelters at Fourways Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott – Permission Granted

    120580 & 121070 for roof and porch at 2 Fourreleet Cottages, Salcott have both now received planning approval.


    101690 Suffolk Acre Services – annual insurance                                                      £1,030.78

    101691 S L C C – annual subscription                                                                        £100.00

    101692 R S Pullen – clerk’s fee for December                                                             £353.53

    The next meeting will be held at Abbotts Hall Farm, Great Wigborough on Tues 8th January 2013 at 7.30pm.



    PC Minutes 11th December 2012


    Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

    Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Salcott Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 11th December 2012.

    Present: Charles Dymond, Jinny Gale, Nicky Ellis (chair), Phil Gladwin, Lynne Simmons, John Walker and 2 members of the public.

    Apologies for absence: Jane Banks, Netty Knill-Jones, Kevin Bentley, Andrew Ellis

    Minutes of the last meeting were agreed by all and signed by the chairman

    Borough Councillors: The requested ‘No through Road’ signs at top end of Salcott Street have been given the go-ahead and will erected in the next year. The missing Salcott-cum-Virley sign and chevrons on Colchester Road will be chased up again.

    Public-Have Your Say: None

    Declarations of Interest: None

    1. Police – no report and no crimes to our knowledge other than that the two posts on the green near Peldon Church have been burnt.

    2. Playgrounds and Playing Fields are in good order with weeding being needed fairly constantly.  More work has been carried out at Peldon by the Community Service working party for which we are very grateful.  They will be doing yet more work at Peldon and some at Great Wigborough.  Thanks were expressed to Charles for efficiently liaising with this team. 

    3. Zone Wardens and Highway Rangers will both be asked to help with the matter of the road subsiding into the verge along St Ives Hill.

    4. Precept/Grant 2013/14 – was discussed at length and it was agreed that we will require approximately the same money next year as this to sustain our present standard of maintenance etc. but a final decision will be made when we receive the formal notification from CBC as to what their grant contribution will be.

    5. Abberton Reservoir Liaison Group, Community Fund and proposed Footpath – the grand opening of the dam took place. There are 3 applications for the Community Fund to be discussed at the meeting tomorrow evening and for these this parish council gives Phil a mandate, as always, to vote as he feels appropriate at the meeting having been given and considered all the facts. The footpath meeting was attended by 2 parish councillors and a detailed map of this proposed footpath was presented to us for information and discussion. An open event and questionnaire will probably follow in the spring.

    6. Wigboroughs Village Hall will have to be taken down and the site sold. Expert advice is being sought to establish and achieve the maximum value. The proceeds will be for the benefit of the Great and Little Wigborough community and ideas for this are being sought and considered. 

    7. Broadband – the funding from the Reservoir Community Funds is to be in 3 stage payments as opposed to 5 which will be confirmed at the meeting tomorrow evening.

    8. Virley Councillor Vacancy – a leaflet has been produced but the circulation of it may not need to take place as we have an interested resident from Salcott.

    9. Fireworks Display – it was decided after much consideration to give this event a year’s break as it attracts too many people from too far a distance making it a massive amount of work but probably reinstating it next year at Moss Hay again.

    10. Actions and Reminders List – updated including noting our contact with the Public Rights of Way Officer for Colchester and Tendring who will be looking into all the footpaths in and around Peldon that were reported to us as being impassable.

    Planning Decisions:

    121768 Proposal: Swimming pool, pool equipment building, garden shed, greenhouse, potting shed, 3 chicken coops and 2 horse field shelters at Fourways Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott – Permission Granted

    120580 & 121070 for roof and porch at 2 Fourreleet Cottages, Salcott have both now received planning approval. 

    The next meeting will be held at Abbotts Hall Farm, Great Wigborough on Tues 8th January 2013 at 7.30pm.



    PC Minutes 13th November 2012


    Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

    Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Peldon Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 13th Nov 2012.

    Present: Charles Dymond, Jinny Gail, John Walker, Nicky Ellis (chair), Phil Gladwin, Lynne Simmons, Netty Knill-Jones, Andrew Ellis, 1 Police Officer and 6 members of public

    Apologies for absence: Jane Banks, Kevin Bentley

    Minutes of the last meeting were agreed by all and signed by the chairman

    Borough Councillors: They have received a complaint about lack of passing places along School Lane in Great Wigborough which will be looked into with ECC Highways.  They have also received requests for ‘No Through Road’ signage at the crossroads end of The Street at Salcott which will also be brought to the attention of ECC Highways along with the other signs that are still missing.  Simon High, CBC Land Drainage, has produced a map of critical areas for receiving or having received attention with regard to flooding.

    Public-Have Your Say: Moving the bus stop at Church Road/ Malting Road was enquired about and we have had recent notification that new funding is available so ECC will hopefully get this project moving again in the not too distant future.  The large puddle there also needs addressing.  St Ives gets flooded easily now as the culvert there needs attention so letters will be written to land owners.  Various footpaths in and around Peldon are blocked or have been ploughed so that they are not useable which will be brought to the attention of the appropriate people.  Overhanging trees at Moss Hay footpath will be looked at for appropriate remedial work.

    Declarations of Interest: None

    1. Police there had been some fairly minor traffic accidents and one theft of a wallet left in an insecure office.   
    2. Playgrounds and Playing Fields – Salcott goal post need straightening and this will be carried out in the spring as the ground is too wet now.  The rubber clippings have now been installed and provide an excellent surface for the Salcott playground. 
      Weeding needs to be carried out at Peldon playground which will be addressed.
      The Community Service has made a very good start on clearance work at Moss Hay with more to follow.  
    3. Zone Wardens and Highway Rangers – Zone Wardens will be thanked for the clearance work carried out at Peldon around The Glebe and The Plough.  We have asked the Highways Rangers if they can tackle road surface issues at Copt Hall Lane, Little Wigborough. 
    4. Meetings for 2013 – Phil proposed, Jinny seconded and all agreed that we should, for the forthcoming year, hold a third of our parish council meetings at the new meeting rooms at Essex Wildlife Trust, Abbotts Hall Farm at Great Wigborough starting with the January meeting if this is convenient with them.  The rate for us is very favourable.
    5. Borough Councillor Funds for community projects – this being available for Wigboroughs and/or Salcott and Virley, but we have no suitable new projects at present as maintenance would inevitably follow and therefore feel that other villages may use the money for things they require.
    6. Gold Magazine Edition – sadly, due to our finances being cut this coming year, Phil proposed, Lynne seconded and all agreed that we would not sponsor a Gold Edition Magazine next year for our annual reports.  It is not a statutory requirement but never-the-less we will ensure that these reports are on our website and the noticeboards and we would request that more join our email service where these reports will be sent out automatically.  Please contact the clerk if you wish to receive this emailing service.   
    7. Broadband – this new high speed service that John has been working on so diligently is to be launched in January 2013 if all goes to plan.
    8. Cul-de-sac signs for Salcott – ‘No Through Road’ signage will be requested from ECC Highways.  There is already a red T sign but is evidently not obvious enough. 
    9. Virley Councillor Vacancy – a leaflet to drop in all eligible houses (Wigboroughs, Salcott and Virley) is being produced including an invitation to our December or January meeting.
    10. Parish Transportation Meeting – was not attended
    11. Fireworks Display – took place very successfully and thanks are given to all those who helped at some point or another.  Huge thanks are given to Robert and Liz Davidson for the use of their land, their help with parking, etc and much more.
    12. Actions and Reminders List – updated

    Planning Decisions:

    121245 Proposal: To erect shed measuring about 2.4M x 3M x 2M high at peak of roof in the garden to the south of the house. To be installed on supports driven into the ground. No concrete base at Priests House, Church Road, Peldon – Permission Granted

    121561 Proposal: Dependant relative annexe to main dwelling comprising bedroom, bathroom and sitting room, all attached to main dwelling at rear at Beckton House Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott – Permission Granted


    101684 EALC – Chairman’s Day 2 Course


    101685 Eastern Waste Disposal – rubber clippings for Salcott


    101686 R S Pullen – clerk’s fee for November


    101687 R S Pullen – clerk’s expenses (paper, ink,  phone, car, etc)


    101688 Keith Banks – grass cut on Moss Hay


    101689 Terry Simmons – 1 play insp, dealing with bark and rubber, gravel boards


    The next meeting will be held at Salcott Village Hall on Tues 11th Dec 2012 at 7.30pm.



    PC Agenda 13th November 2012


    Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

    A meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council will be held at Peldon Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 13th Nov 2012.

    Apologies for absence:

    Minutes of the last meeting:

    Borough Councillors:

    Public-Have Your Say:

    Declarations of Interest:

    Items for Discussion

    1. Police

      • Report of crimes in our villages
      • Decision required: Any problems or crimes we should report?

      2. Playgrounds and Playing Fields

        • Reports from both playgrounds and fields and update on work completed and outstanding
        • Progress on work carried out by the Community Service working party
        • Decision required: Is there anything that needs addressing?

        3. Zone Wardens and Highway Rangers

          • Discuss any jobs that either could tackle for us and some already in the pipeline

          4. Meetings for 2013

            • With the addition of Abbotts Hall Farm meeting room:-
            • Decision required: Where shall we hold each meeting for the forthcoming year?

            5. Borough Councillor funds for community projects

              • Discuss ideas for a possible small project for Wigboroughs and/or Salcott & Virley, (Peldon having been successful with their basketball area).

              6. Gold Magazine Edition

                • Discuss alternative options for our annual report circulation
                • Decision required: Are we going to do as usual or our own pamphlet?

                7. Broadband update report
                8. Cul-de-sac signs for Salcott

                  • Consider request for signage along at the top of Salcott (crossroads) to alert drivers that The Street is a cul-de-sac and dead end.

                  9. Virley Councillor Vacancy

                    • Discuss draft leaflet and delivery

                    10. Parish Transportation Meeting

                      • Report from Colchester meeting if attended

                      11. Fireworks Display Report
                      12. Actions and Reminders List – update


                        • EALC County Update Oct 2012 and  courses
                        • ECC Public Notice on 40mph speed limit

                        Planning Decisions:

                        121245 Proposal: To erect shed measuring about 2.4M x 3M x 2M high at peak of roof in the garden to the south of the house. To be installed on supports driven into the ground. No concrete base at Priests House, Church Road, Peldon – Permission Granted

                        121561 Proposal: Dependant relative annexe to main dwelling comprising bedroom, bathroom and sitting room, all attached to main dwelling at rear at Beckton House Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott – Permission Granted


                        • 101684

                        EALC – Chairman’s Day 2 Course


                        • 101685

                        Eastern Waste Disposal – rubber clippings for Salcott


                        • 101686

                        R S Pullen – clerk’s fee for November


                        • 101687

                        R S Pullen – clerk’s expenses (paper, ink,  phone, car, etc)


                        The next meeting will be held at Salcott Village Hall on Tues 11th Dec 2012 at 7.30pm.


                        PC Minutes 9th October 2012


                        Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

                        Draft minutes for the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Salcott Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 9th Oct 2012.

                        Present: Lynne Simmons, Netty Knill-Jones, Jinny Gale, Phil Gladwin, Nicky Ellis (chair), Jane Banks, Charles Dymond, John Walker, Andrew Ellis, Carys Handley (Zone Warden) and one member of the public

                        Apologies for absence: Kevin Bentley

                        Minutes of the last meeting were agreed by all and signed by the chairman

                        Borough Councillors: Andrew has arranged that the Zone Warden Supervisor would attend a meeting of our choice to answer our queries about their role if we so wished.

                        Certain matters are being chased up with ECC Highways, a missing road sign, flood management issues and letters written to residents with regard to this matter at Salcott. Also a letter has been written to Highways about our issues with regard to road resurfacing and associated signage.

                        Public-Have Your Say: None

                        Declarations of Interest: None  

                        1. Police – no report of crimes that we are aware of but the message, as always, is to be alert for suspicious behaviour and particularly theft of heating oil now that the weather has turned colder.

                        2. Playgrounds and Playing Fields – both playgrounds are in need of a bit of weeding but this will be dealt with shortly as the project of bark topping up at Peldon and the rubber clipping being delivered to Salcott will be carried out in the next week or so. Thanks were given to Charles for planting grass seed on the surrounding area of the basketball pad to make good.  Thanks were also expressed to Colchester Borough Council and Peldon Borough Councillor Terry Sutton for their generous donation towards the new basketball pad.  Thanks also to ECC Big Society Fund for the grant for the majority of this project.

                        3. Zone Wardens and Revenue Cuts – Carys Handley explained that they do not intend to duplicate matters that we already have in hand but can operate as a quick response team with matters such as dog fouling, graffiti, fly tipping, etc.  We asked for them to carry out litter picking along our roadsides where hedge cutting has revealed quite a lot of rubbish.  After discussion it was decided to email the Zone Warden boss, Cassandra to ask for their job description so that we can be sure of exactly what they are able to tackle.  It would seem that much to our disappointment on losing our CBC Revenue Grant contribution which we have tried in vain to retain the Zone Wardens are here to stay so we must use them to our benefit.

                        4. Code of Conduct – most of our parish councillors have now filled in the necessary form.  Andrew Weavers, CBC Monitoring Officer will be consulted for confirmation.

                        5. Abberton Reservoir Footpath Committee Meeting – thanks were given to two of our parish councillors for attending this meeting.  It transpired that the map of the land and proposed footpath that had been drawn up was inaccurate in several places so will be corrected.  Work is still going on to acquire land necessary for the completion of a footpath round the whole of the reservoir. Ducks require an exclusion zone of 200 yards or a high hedge if the path cannot be of the correct distance away. 

                        6. Gold Magazine Edition – further discussion on cost will take place following a request to the treasurer for magazine finances.  Jinny had carried out a questionnaire from email participants and drawn up a comprehensive results sheet on feedback which was very useful and we thanked her for this excellent piece of work. It was agreed that this is still a very good way of getting our annual report to everyone in all the villages.

                        7. Broadband – John was thanked again for all his sterling work on this very complicated and involved project. Abberton and Langenhoe have at last put in their application to join us for funding from the reservoir money which will probably be paid out in stages as work progresses. A booklet will be acquired from County Broadband for all the parish councillors for a better understanding of this project which will hopefully enable us to answer questions from inquiring public.

                        8. Virley Councillor Vacancy – having received no interest at all we will draw up a leaflet explaining the role of a parish councillor that will be delivered to all the houses in Salcott and Virley in a hope of attracting people.

                          Actions and Reminders List – updated

                          Planning Applications:

                          121768 Proposal: swimming pool, pool equipment building, garden shed, greenhouse, potting shed, 3 chicken coops and 2 horse field shelters at Fourways, Barnhall Road, Salcott

                          Planning Decisions:

                          120845 Proposal: Creation of gateway off Wigborough Road to provide safer access for agricultural vehicles at Sampton Wick, Wigborough Road, Peldon – Permission Granted

                          120916 & 120917 (Listed Building) Proposal: Erection of 2 storey side extension. Minor internal remodelling; lowering of section of ground floor at Sampton Wick, Wigborough Road, Peldon – Permission & Consent Granted

                          121251 Proposal: Replacement of a derelict conservatory with a 2 storey side extension at Haxells Farm, Haxells Farm Cottage, Peldon Road, Peldon – Permission Granted


                          101678 EALC – Chairman’s Day 1 Course


                          101679 Keith Banks – Moss Hay grass cuts x 4


                          101680 R S Pullen – clerk’s fee for October


                          101681 St Mary the Virgin, Peldon – Gold mag entry


                          101682 Peldon Village Hall – hire


                          101683 T Simmons – play insp


                          The next meeting will be held at Peldon Village Hall on Tues 13th Nov 2012 at 7.30pm.



                          PC Agenda 9th October 2012

                          WINSTRED HUNDRED PARISH COUNCIL

                          Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

                           A meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council will be held at Salcott Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 9th Oct 2012.

                          Apologies for absence:

                          Minutes of the last meeting:

                          Borough Councillors:

                          Public-Have Your Say:

                          Declarations of Interest:

                          Items for Discussion

                          1. Police

                            • Report of crimes in our villages 
                            • Decision required: Any problems or crimes we should report? 

                            2. Playgrounds and Playing Fields

                              • Reports from both playgrounds and fields and update on work outstanding particularly bark/rubber clippings for Salcott
                              • Progress of grass planting surrounding basketball pad at Peldon
                              • Decision Required: Is there anything that needs addressing?

                              3. Zone Wardens and Revenue Cuts

                                • Discuss their role, funding and any way in which they may be of assistance to us

                                4. Code of Conduct

                                  • To ensure everyone has filled in the necessary form  

                                  5. Abberton Reservoir Footpath Committee Meeting Report

                                    • Attended by two parish councillors as our representatives on this committee

                                    6. Gold Magazine Edition

                                      • Discuss alternative options for our annual report circulation
                                      • Compare prices for any such options

                                      7. Broadband and Website

                                        • Thorough recap for those slow to grasp the project plus anything new

                                        8. Virley Councillor Vacancy

                                          • Update on any interest if at all and what should we do now?

                                          9. Actions and Reminders List – update


                                            • EALC County Update Sept 2012 and  courses
                                            • ECC Invitation to Parish Transport Meetings (Tues 23rd Oct for Colchester)

                                            Planning Decisions:

                                            120845 Proposal: Creation of gateway off Wigborough Road to provide safer access for agricultural vehicles at Sampton Wick, Wigborough Road, Peldon – Permission Granted

                                            120916 & 120917 (Listed Building) Proposal: Erection of 2 storey side extension. Minor internal remodelling; lowering of section of ground floor at Sampton Wick, Wigborough Road, Peldon – Permission & Consent Granted

                                            121251 Proposal: Replacement of a derelict conservatory with a 2 storey side extension at Haxells Farm, Haxells Farm Cottage, Peldon Road, Peldon – Permission Granted


                                            101678 EALC – Chairman’s Day 1 Course£65.00
                                            101679 Keith Banks – Moss Hay grass cuts x 4£160.00
                                            101672 R S Pullen  –  clerk’s fee for October£353.53

                                            The next meeting will be held at Peldon Village Hall on Tues 13th Nov 2012 at 7.30pm.



                                            PC Minutes 11th September 2012

                                            WINSTRED HUNDRED PARISH COUNCIL

                                            Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

                                            Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Peldon Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 11th Sept 2012.

                                            Present: John Walker, Lynne Simmons, Jinny Gale, Phil Gladwin, Nicky Ellis (chair), Jane Banks, Charles Dymond, Andrew Ellis, 1 Police Officer and 4 members of the public

                                            Apologies for absence: Kevin Bentley, Netty Knill-Jones

                                            Minutes of the last meeting: with the alteration at item 3. Code of Conduct, at the end should read ‘one Parish Councillor on the Complaints Panel who should have a vote’, was agreed by all and signed by the chairman

                                            Borough Councillors: The online complaints procedure for ECC Highways is not being dealt with satisfactorily in many cases. County Councillor Kevin Bentley has party to a hot line for complaints so please phone or email the clerk with problems to be passed on. It was brought to Andrew’s attention for investigation that holes in the roads are not always being filled before resurfacing takes place and loose chippings following resurfacing are being wasted. Also the temporary signs for loose chippings are being left too long after the job has been finished and get knocked into the road causing obstructions.

                                            Andrew will ask the head of Zone Wardens for a meeting with us to explain their roles within our community. Also we would like to know the cost from CBC of the Zone Wardens particularly as our precept/grant is being cut.

                                            The missing Salcott-cum-Virley sign from along Colchester Road will be followed up and also CBC Simon High will be contacted for an update on drainage problems in Salcott and the poor state of the road in Salcott and bridge and road on Mill Lane in Virley.

                                            Public-Have Your Say: Concern was expressed about speeding along Lower Road, Peldon. Training for speed gun use will hopefully be taking place shortly.  There was a suggestion for the triangle of grass area at the beginning of Peldon coming from Wigboroughs to be improved but this, unfortunately, is out of our hands as it is privately owned.

                                            Declarations of Interest: None

                                            1. Police – A house in The Glebe, Peldon had been burgled but there was no sign of forced entry. The Police urge people to make sure windows and doors are not left unlocked. No other crimes were reported.  The Police do use their speed gun periodically in order to help in reducing speeding through our villages.
                                            2. Playgrounds and Playing Fields – Both playgrounds are in good order with minor jobs outstanding. The replacement chain tails have been fitted to the swings at Salcott. The bark removal will hopefully take place in the very near future in readiness for the rubber clippings. There had been a number of complaints about the grass being too long on Salcott meadow and the roadside hedge in need of a trim. This was explained that these jobs were carried out when it became possible after a spell of wet weather. The contractor has made a good job of the new basketball pad on Moss Hay for which we have obtained grants.  Charles will sow grass seed on the surrounding area to make good.  Children have asked for a net for the ring but unfortunately we have found in the past that nets are quickly broken by children swinging on them or rot too easily.
                                            3. Code of Conduct – Some had completed the Registerable Interests Form but others still need to do this.  No one wished to be nominated for the Standards Board that takes on the onerous task of judging other parish councillors where there has been complaints received by CBC about them.
                                            4. Great Wigborough illuminated 30 mph sign – no additional ones are available at present and moving the one in Wigborough will be considered but funds are short for this type of work so it will be sometime before anything happens if at all.
                                            5. Gold Magazine Edition – we may need to make changes as to how we get our annual report to everyone due to costs, and so requirements and alternatives will be explored.
                                            6. Broadband and Website – update from John to whom we again expressed our thanks for his tireless efforts on this broadband project.
                                            7. Finances – to acknowledge completion of the approved external audit.
                                            8. Abberton Reservoir Community Funds – we agreed on a mandate for Phil to vote for Abberton & Langenhoe’s application to join the broadband scheme, vote also for the expansion of A & L Village Hall following an improved application. The resident in Layer de la Haye who were inconvenienced and out of pocket for being unable to move on their arranged date because their driveway was blocked by reservoir vehicles, for this Phil was mandated to vote for this application if the evidence supported the claim.
                                            9. Actions and Reminders List – updated


                                            121251 Proposal: Replacement of a derelict conservatory with a 2 storey side extension at Haxells Farm, Haxells Farm Cottage, Peldon Road, Peldon

                                            121245 Proposal: To erect a shed measuring about 2.4M x 3M x 2M high at peak of roof, in the garden to the south of the house. To be installed on supports driven into the ground. No concrete base. At Priests House, Church Road, Peldon

                                            121561 Proposal: Dependant relative annexe to main dwelling comprising bedroom, bathroom and sitting room. All attached to main dwelling at rear at Beckton House Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott

                                            Planning Decisions:

                                            120074 Proposal: Replacement dwelling and garage following demolition of existing dwelling at Thornfleet, Church Road, Peldon – Permission Granted

                                            120580 Proposal: Variation of condition 3 of planning permission 102366 to allow for amended ridge height of extension due to design fault on approved scheme at 2 Fourreleet Cottages, Whitehouse Hill, Salcott – Permission Granted

                                            121007 Proposal: Listed building application for demolition of derelict conservatory and replacement with 2 storey side extension at Haxells Farm, Peldon Road – Consent Granted

                                            121047 & 121043 Proposal: Part conversion of existing outbuildings to provide home office, WC, kitchen and storage areas at Seaborough House, Peldon Road, Great Wigborough – Permission and Consent Granted

                                            121120 Proposal: Infill extension to create new bedroom – in part replacing demolished extension at Fourways, Barnhall Road, Salcott – Permission Refused

                                            121099 Proposal: Replacement 3 bedroom dwelling and detached car port – Ref: COL/1397/81 at Ransomes, Wigborough Road, Peldon – Permission Granted

                                            121070 Proposal: Variation of condition 2 of 102366 – to build porch with pitched gable roof as opposed to approval lean to roof (retrospective) at 2 Fourreleet Cottages, Whitehouse Hill, Salcott – Permission Granted

                                            121258 Proposal: Extension to provide structural support to existing dwelling and additional dependant relative accommodation (resubmission of 110912) at Lovedowns Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott – Permission Refused

                                            Appeal against CBC’s Decision: Proposal: Replacement front garden wall and improved vehicle access to residential area frontage only (resubmission of 111830) at Beckton House Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott


                                            101671 Keith Banks – Moss Hay grass cuts x 4                                                            £160.00

                                            101672 R S Pullen  –  clerk’s fee for August and September                                         £707.06

                                            101673 David J Moore – new basketball pad at Moss Hay                                          £3,595.20

                                            101674 Peldon Village Hall – hire x 2                                                                         £160.00

                                            101675 Audit Commission – annual external audit                                                       £162.00

                                            101676 T Simmons – 2 x play insp, 7 x grass cuts, cut hedge, fit swing parts                 £381.00

                                            101677 B & S Chains –  swing parts                                                                            £53.88

                                            The next meeting will be held at Salcott Village Hall on Tues 9th Oct 2012 at 7.30pm.


                                            PC Agenda 11th September 2012

                                            WINSTRED HUNDRED PARISH COUNCIL

                                            Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

                                            A meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council will be held at Peldon Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 11th September 2012.

                                            Apologies for absence:
                                            Minutes of the last meeting:
                                            Borough Councillors:
                                            Public-Have Your Say:
                                            Declarations of Interest:

                                            Items for Discussion

                                            1.  Police

                                            •    Report of crimes in our villages
                                            •    Decision required: Any problems or crimes we should report?

                                            2.  Playgrounds and playing fields
                                            •    Reports from both playgrounds and fields and update on work outstanding including fitting of swing tails and bark/rubber clippings for Salcott
                                            •    Following complaints discuss Salcott work including cutting the meadow grass and hedge cutting
                                            •    Report on basketball pad at Peldon
                                            •    Decision Required: Do we wish to change the way we operate re complaints

                                            3.  Code of Conduct
                                            •    To make sure everyone has filled in the necessary form 
                                            •     Decision required: Does anyone wish to be nominated for the Standards Board?

                                            4.  Great Wigborough illuminated 30 mph sign
                                            • Update on our request to move this sign and for an additional one at Peldon

                                            5.  Gold Magazine Edition
                                            • Discuss what happened this year and any new ideas for next

                                            6.  Broadband and Website
                                            • Update
                                            7.  Finances
                                            •    To acknowledge completion of the external audit
                                            8.  Actions and Reminders List
                                            • Update

                                            • EALC County Update July and August 2012, EALC- AGM on 27th Sept 3pm, courses
                                            • Priti Patel with contact details
                                            • Autism Anglia Summer Newsletter
                                            • ECC Sustainable Drainage Systems Design and Adoption Guide
                                            • Thank you for the donation from Salcott Church
                                            • ECC Notification of forthcoming consultation – Statement of Community Involvement www.essex.gov.uk/SCl
                                            • ECC Highways notification of proposed 40mph speed limit
                                            121251 Proposal: Replacement of a derelict conservatory with a 2 storey side extension at Haxells Farm, Haxells Farm Cottage, Peldon Road, Peldon
                                            121245 Proposal: To erect a shed measuring about 2.4M x 3M x 2M high at peak of roof, in the garden to the south of the house. To be installed on supports driven into the ground. No concrete base. At Priests House, Church Road, Peldon
                                            121561 Proposal: Dependant relative annexe to main dwelling comprising bedroom, bathroom and sitting room. All attached to main dwelling at rear at Beckton House Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott

                                            Notice of Planning Decisions:
                                            120074 Proposal: Replacement dwelling and garage following demolition of existing dwelling at Thornfleet, Church Road, Peldon – Permission Granted
                                            120580 Proposal: Variation of condition 3 of planning permission 102366 to allow for amended ridge height of extension due to design fault on approved scheme at 2 Fourreleet Cottages, Whitehouse Hill, Salcott – Permission Granted
                                            121007 Proposal: Listed building application for demolition of derelict conservatory and replacement with 2 storey side extension at Haxells Farm, Peldon Road – Consent Granted
                                            121047 & 121043 Proposal: Part conversion of existing outbuildings to provide home office, WC, kitchen and storage areas at Seaborough House, Peldon Road, Great Wigborough – Permission and Consent Granted
                                            121120 Proposal: Infill extension to create new bedroom – in part replacing demolished extension at Fourways, Barnhall Road, Salcott – Permission Refused
                                            121099 Proposal: Replacement 3 bedroom dwelling and detached car port – Ref: COL/1397/81 at Ransomes, Wigborough Road, Peldon – Permission Granted

                                            101671 Keith Banks – Moss Hay grass cuts x 4£160.00
                                            101672 R S Pullen – clerk’s fee for August and September£707.06

                                            The next meeting will be held at Salcott Village Hall on Tues 9th October 2012 at 7.30pm
