Vote For Peldon Village Hall

Artist's Impression of the new hall taken from the latest architectural plans.  Courtesy of Steve Sharpe Graphics
Artist’s Impression of the new hall taken from the latest architectural plans. Courtesy of Steve Sharpe Graphics

Vote For Peldon Village Hall

Voting is now open for “Colchester’s Big Choice”, vote for Peldon Village Hall!

The project to rebuild Peldon Village Hall is one of 12 shortlisted projects that are competing for a share of £200,000 of funding being provided by Colchester Borough Council for community projects in the Borough under its ‘Big Choice’ scheme. Local residents will decide who the winning projects are by voting for their favourites. Voting will be open between Monday 22 February and Friday 4 March, and the winning projects will be announced the following week.

We have pitched for £50,000 of the ‘Big Choice’ funding and, if we are successful, we should then have enough to allow us to start work. But whether or not we’ll succeed depends on how many people vote for our project.

Why Vote for Peldon Village Hall ?

The current hall in Peldon was built in the 1960’s and is a timber-framed, flat roofed building that is gradually deteriorating, despite our best efforts to maintain it. It’s well used by a variety of community groups and private hirers, attracting not just Peldon residents, but people from the surrounding villages and from Mersea. We recognised a few years ago that it needed replacing, not just to allow the current uses to continue, but also to provide the opportunity for new activities which we know that community would welcome. So we’ve drawn up plans for a new, larger building that will be at the heart of our community for the next 100 years.

How do I vote?

There are two ways you can vote for us, online or in person. You can go on-line to the Council’s website and follow the link there. Alternatively, you can visit Colchester library where voting forms will be available. If neither of these methods is convenient, please call Bob Holmes on 01206 735510 and we’ll help you to cast your vote.

Who Can Vote?

Voting is open to anyone who is a resident in the area covered by Colchester Borough Council, whatever their age (including children) and you do not have to be on the electoral register. You will need to confirm your name, address and/or postcode when you vote.


Colchester’s Big Choice – Vote Now!

Peldon Village Hall
Peldon Village Hall is looking for £50,000 towards rebuilding the village hall so they can accommodate larger activities which the community would like to provide.

Peldon Village Hall’s bid for Colchester’s “ Big Choice ” funding needs your support!!!!

Great news! – the project to rebuild Peldon Village Hall is one of 12 shortlisted projects that are competing for a share of £200,000 of funding being provided by Colchester Borough Council to provide funds for community projects in the Borough under its “ Big Choice ” scheme. Colchester residents will decide who the winning projects are by voting for their favourites. Voting will be open between Monday 22 February and Friday 4 March, and the winning projects will be announced the following week.

We have pitched for £50,000 of the funding. If we are successful, this money, together with the money we’ve already raised, should be enough to allow us to start rebuilding our hall (at last!). But whether or not we’ll succeed depends on how many people vote for our project when the voting opens. So it’s really important that we mobilise as much support as we can.

We’re working hard to ensure that our project is promoted widely throughout the Borough. Please support us when voting opens and pass on this message to your friends, relations and anyone else you know who lives in the Borough.

The Council will be promoting the scheme during the next 4 weeks, so look out for it in the local press and on radio. You can see who we’re competing against by visiting where all 12 projects are listed.

I’ll be sending out more information about how to cast your vote before voting opens, but if you’d like to know more about what we’re doing or are able to help us in any way, please get in touch with me on 01206 735510 or

Thanks for your support!

Bob Holmes
Peldon Village Hall Management Committee
